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a) Singular verb = the one that has an '-s' added to it;

ex.: cooks, drinks, has, takes
b) Plural verb = the one that doesn't have an '-s' added to it.
ex.: cook, drink, have, take

1.1) All (of) / a lot of / lots of / plenty of / some (of) / most (of) / fractions take a singular verb if the noun is
ex.: One-third of this article [is] taken up with statistical analysis.
All the information [is] current.
All the luggage is in the bad-bag.
1.2) if the noun is PLURAL, they take a PLURAL verb:
ex.: One-third of the [students] [have] graduate degrees.
All the studies [are] current.
A lot of ~~people~~ [love] dancing.
Some of ~~us~~ [enjoy] watching movies.
Most people [don't like] studying.
All of my classmates are on vacation right now.
2) Each of / every one of / none of / majority (of) / minority take a singular verb:
ex.: None of us [has] the right to complain.
The majority of teenagers [uses] too much slang.
The majority of people [likes] chocolate.
The majority of Brazilians doesn't know how to speak English fluently.
ex.: Everyone [knows] Mr. Jones.
No one [expects] to see her tonight.
Each of the participants [was] willing to be recorded.
Every student [was] required to take an entrance exam.
Everybody hates Chris.

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