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FMP CLT s Monthl Ne sletter

At a glance: February

February / 2021 / Issue 2

The month of February has been filled with anticipation and excitement at FMP
CLT. As we have filed paperwork to become a 501(c)(3), pending approval
UPDATES from the North Carolina Secretary of State, we anticipate launching many new
Ma ch Mon hl Ca ee Foc :
ventures in the coming months. Gaining 501(c)(3) status will allow us to secure
Plastic Surgery funding, via sponsorships and donations, to successfully bring more resources to
the table for our members and supporters to utilize.
Planning of Ma ch Premier Event is Coming up on March 20th, is our Premier Quarterly Event, which will consist of
Almost Complete six speakers in coordination with our monthly career posts: General Surgery,
March 20th, 3 - 6 PM
Pediatric Surgery, and Plastic Surgery. For further information related to our
upcoming event, visit the events tab located on our website. More information
Highlights: General Surgery,
about the event will be posted on our Instagram in the coming weeks.
Pediatric Surgery, and Plastic


Complete this form to sign up for our
event. We will send out a follow-up
email shortly.
Overview of Pediatric Surgery
FMP CLT eekl ca ee po ha e co e ed he ed ca ion, aining, and da -
to-day life of a typical pediatric surgeon. Pediatric surgeons go through
medical school, residency, and sub-specialize before going into practice via
fellowship. Customarily, they operate on young children or babies. They can fix
any complications that arise, using a variety of techniques suitable for surgery
on younger patients.

As we transition into the topic of Plastic Surgery for March, our Design team has
put forth a proposal to change the design of all future posts to a more elegant
and contemporary style. Effective as of Tuesday, March 2, 2021, all posts on
FMP CLT In ag am page ill follo an pda ed de ign lang age o c ea e a
more contemporary and eye-catching appeal.

Blog Highlights
FMP CLT official blog ha
covered various news in
medicine this month; starting with
coffee intake correlating with a
lower risk of prostate cancer to
the immune response of multiple
sclerosis potentially being
restored through fatty acids.

O e he pa mon h , FMP CLT

weekly blogs have included
research on subjects such as
various proteins, diseases,
treatments, etc.

As we have progressed in
various ventures over the past
few months, we have found the
Official Blog to be worth
reconsidering. Having
considered all factors, we have
collectively decided to end the
composition of the Official Blog,
effective March 4, 2021.

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