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Nama : Ananda Herraztie Rasyendria Putri

NIM : 101911133242

The Implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Program at State-

Owned Enterprise: Case Study at Pindad, Ltd., in Bandung, Indonesia

The purpose of this research is to know and analyze the factors that became a
top priority in the implementation of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) for
production staffs of department of rail and public transportation, industrial machinery
and services division in PT Pindad (Ltd.) Bandung.
As the result of the research, there are 5 factors which ranked from 1 to 5 that
are a top priority in the implementation of the program of Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS). The first one is the illumination setting, this include setting up and use
of light in the workplace. Most of the employees feel that the company has given light
source and adequate lighting in the workplace which is very important for the workers
in doing work and producing. But as the result of field observations and questionnaire
answers, in Division of Industrial Engineering and Services, PT Pindad, there are
some rooms that lack of light source so the room was dark and it can cause a
workplace accidents. Second factor is Physical and mental condition of empleyees.
We have been known that all employees should be stable emotionally, have a high
work motivation so that they can work safely and effectively without an accidents.
From the observations, that the employee in Division of Industrial Engineering and
Services, PT Pindad do not have a high work motivation. It could be seen from
employees that gathered in one table and they were talking to each other rather that
did their job. And some employees still do not know how to use the working facilities
which this can bring the hazards to them. The third factor is the situation of the work
environment. This factor include the preparation and storage of dangerous goods
should be taken into account safety. Despite, based on the field observations, in PT
Pindad, the goods are not neatly arranged and are not in place and seem to
accumulate in corners of the room several factories and warehouses. The result of
questionnaire answers showed that the employees disagree that the company has
provided a comfort workplace. There were lack of space in each of the parts stage in
the manufacture of products.
The fourth factor is air setting. Air regulatory in a workplace should be good
and the temperature must be conditioned settings. A less good temperature would
have made a bad for the employee to do the job. While the result of questionnaire
showed that in Division of Industrial Engineering and Services, PT Pindad, the
employees are disagree that the company has provided facilities of air conditioning in
the workplace and it can be proven that in the work room feels very heat and could
make the employees feel uncomfortable also bring them to hazards or accidents. At
the lowest rank of factors, there is ‘use of work equipment’ factor. Based on the
questionnaire answers result, some employees were agreed that the company has
provided a good condition facility working equipment and suitable to be used.
However, they were disagree that the company has given an instructions of how to
use the equipment rightly. There are also still visible workers that did not equip
themselves with self-protection, it is because they did not know how to use the work
equipment, the employees said that the company has not given particular attention to
this factor.
Fakhri, M. and Pradana, M. (2015). The Implementation of Occupational Health and
Safety (OHS) Program at State-Owned Enterprise: Case Study at Pindad,
Ltd., in Bandung, Indonesia. International Journal of Science and Research
(IJSR), 4(12), 1237 – 1241.

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