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Binding is a type of spellwork that restrains someone/something from doing something.

can be done on a person, an entity, or even something emotional/mental. Binding is considered
protective magic, as it is usually performed in order to prevent the subject from causing harm.
Handfasting is also considered binding.

Binding can be both creative and destructive, as it can be done to restrain a person from doing a
specific action and it can be done to bind two things together.

Unbindings can be performed to reverse the effects of the spell, and usually involve the physical
destruction of spell materials.

The concept of binding has been around for centuries, and was even practiced by the Ancient
Greeks. In medieval times, curses were performed by binding spiritual energy into objects.
Binding was also used to keep spirits from wandering out of their resting places.

Binding can be done in a variety of ways, including:

● Wrapping string around a photograph of the person while reciting an incantation
● The use of poppets
● The use of runes
● Spells worked into a food or drink

Some form of protection is usually suggested when performing a binding.

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