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Energy Lab Worksheet

Part 1: Rube Goldberg Interactive

Use the interactive version of a Rube Goldberg machine in the lesson. Fix the device so the flow of
energy is not interrupted, and the window shade can be closed.

Give three examples, from the lab, where potential energy was converted to kinetic energy.

1. The slingshot ball had potential energy when it shot it was converted into kinetic energy.
2. The 5 lbs weight was a potential energy, until the rope was cut, this made the 5 lbs weight
become kinetic energy.
3. The bucket was a potential energy, till the books landed in it causing it to fall, this became
kinetic energy.

Describe the five adjustments you made to the Rube Goldberg device in order to keep the flow of
energy going.

1. Changed the angle of the shelf where the red rubber ball lands.
2. Attached the end of the rope tied to the 5 lbs weight to the shelf.
3. Put the fulcrum/seesaw holding the ball so that the ball is on the ground.
4. Loaded the sling shot with the silver ball
5. Connected the bucket to the rope attached to the blind

What was a constraint (a limitation or a condition) in this version?

1. The bucket has to be light enough not to pull apart the knot.
2. The materials must come from the home.
3. The experiment is done inside the house.

Part 2: Design your own Rube Goldberg Device

Now that you’ve seen and used the virtual option, it’s time to design your own!

You should design, test, and redesign your device. It’s ok to test and redesign more than once if you
need to!

Consider what constraints your project will have (example: you may limit your types of materials, the
number of steps you plan to include, or the space it will take up).

Also think about what energy conversions will happen. You will need to show a minimum of five energy
conversions (example: potential to kinetic).

Option 1 Draw It:

From the diagram

1. Picture 1: pumping the air rifle turns it from mechanical potential energy to elastic potential
energy and when the BB is shot it has kinetic energy.
2. Picture 2 Part A and B:
3. Part A the ball sitting on the shelf has gravitational potential energy when its hit by the BB it has
gravitational kinetic energy.
4. Part B the ball falling on the trampoline has gravitational kinetic energy until it hits the bottom
of trampoline to where it changes to elastic potential energy and when it flies up it has elastic
kinetic energy.
5. Picture 3: Ball drops through the funnel with gravitational kinetic energy when it hits the switch.
6. Picture 4: when the ball hits the switch, it converts from electrical potential energy to electrical
kinetic energy.
7. Picture 5: when the heat lamp turns on it converts from electrical kinetic energy to radiant
kinetic energy which melts the ice.
8. Picture 6 and 7
9. As the ice melts the spring converts from elastic potential energy to elastic kinetic energy which
pushes the rod down onto the propane tank switch.
10. Picture 8: Once the rod pushes down on the switch of the propane tank the propane converts
from chemical potential energy to chemical kinetic which lights the fuse of the fire cracker.
11. Picture 9: the fire work has chemical potential energy but when it is lit it has chemical kinetic

Draw a device and explain how it will work with a written description of energy conversions on this
worksheet. You can draw the device freehand and scan or photograph the drawing for submission to
your instructor. You may also use a program on your computer to create your device.

Option 2 Build It:

If you would like to build your device, you do not need to include a drawing; however, you will still need
to provide a written description of the energy conversions (potential-kinetic) that take place in your
device. If you build your device, you will need to turn in a video clip or photograph of the device with the
written description of energy conversions on this worksheet.

Rube Goldberg Design:

In this section, include a drawing, video clip, or image of the device.


In this section, include a clear written description and explanation of the work the device is designed to
complete. Be sure to include descriptions of how the device works and properly label the energy

Discuss how having constraints affected your design.

The constraints affected my design because it was harder to work on outside.

Explain one way you redesigned your device after testing it.

I did not redesign it because I didn’t actually make it.

Part 3: Energy Conversions

Record your data in the chart and include at least 5 potential-kinetic energy conversions shown in the
device construction.

Example Item Description of potential-kinetic energy conversion

Example Book The book had potential energy when it was on the table. Then as the book fell
off the table, it was in motion and had kinetic energy.

1 when the air was compressed it was mechanical potential energy and when it was shot it was
mechanical kinetic energy.

2 the ball on the platform is potential but when is shot with the air rifle it becomes kinetic

3 the spring is potential when it is being pulled down and it becomes kinetic when the spring
come up.

4 The propane tank is potential but when it lights its kinetic.

5 the firework because it has potential energy when its just sitting there but when it is lit it flies
through the air and has kinetic energy.

Part 4: Analysis Questions

Consider the device you created.

Is energy exchanged between your system (the device) and its surroundings?

Yes, the energy is exchanged between my system and its surroundings because it is an open system.

Is matter exchanged between your system (the device) and its surroundings?

Yes, matter is exchanged between my system and its surroundings because it is an open system.

Is it an open, closed, or isolated system? Explain.

It is an open system because it is outside.

What is the law of conservation of energy?

The law of conservation of energy is a law of science that states that energy cannot be created or
destroyed, but only changed from one form into another or transferred from one object to another.

Describe two examples of how the law of conservation of energy is demonstrated in the device you

The rod because it is being pushed down because of gravity.

The trampoline when the ball bounces off of it.

In the lesson a thermos is presented as an example of an isolated energy system. How could you change
the thermos into an open energy system?

You could take off the top of the thermos and let out energy but the same amount of energy will go back
in so it will be an open system.

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