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Here are 30 benefits of drinking lemon grass tea regularly. Endeavor to draw
maximal benefits from this for your health and well being of your family and friends.

1. Intake of lemon grass tea reduces feverish condition.

2. Lemon grass tea Helps in the treatment of anxiety, stress and tension.
3. As an antiemetic herb, it prevents nausea and vomiting.
4. Lemon grass tea expels intestinal gas and relieves abdominal cramps.
5. It is an excellent tea that is useful in the treatment of depression .
6. Lemon grass tea is a brain (memory) enhancer.
7. It is of great assistance for ladies experiencing difficult menstruation.
8. Lemon grass tea reduces intestinal irritation.
9. Lemon grass tea prevents cancer; it has anti carcinogenic property.
10. Lemon grass is a key herbal ingredient employed in reducing body odour.
11. Drinking lemon grass tea regularly help to clear lungs and promotes expulsion
of phlegm and mucous. It also soothes the respiratory tracts.
12. Lemon grass tea purifies the blood.
13. You can rely on lemon grass to tone and strengthen your entire digestive
14. Lemon grass tea treats indigestion, heartburn and gastritis.
15. Drink lemon grass tea regularly to improve your nails and skin texture as
well as improve your complexion.
16. Intake of lemon grass tea increases energy level in vital organs of the body
making them to work optimally.
17. Because of its diuretic property, lemon grass helps the kidney to make and
excrete urine.
18. Drinking lemon grass tea regularly helps to Improve vision.
19. Lemon grass is useful in treating muscle spasms.
20. Lemon grass counteracts inflammations in the body.
21. It helps to relieves low back pain.
22. Good for the treatment of ringworm.
23. Lemon grass supports the heart and blood vessels.
24. Lemon grass has a mild astringent effect and could be used in the treatment
of diarrhea.
25. Helps in the treatment of anemia due to iron deficiency.
26. Lemon grass is an antimicrobial herb; it fights harmful germs.
27. Ingesting lemon grass tea regularly improves the functions of the pancreas.
28. As an antioxidant medicinal plant, it counteracts the harmful effects of
free radicals in the body.
29. It is very beneficial to the nervous system and should be a consistent
herbal tea for stroke and other forms of nervous impairment.
30. Lemon grass tea helps in weight management. It has a slimming effect
and helps patients suffering from obesity.

Lemon grass flourishes so well in our land even with little or no care at all. To
that extent, we are indeed grateful to our Creator.

For educational purposes only. Consult your natural healthcare provider for
proper health evaluation and prescription as the case may be.

Ocimum gratissimum Forssk.

Family: Lamiaceae 



1. Febrifuge
2. For abdominal pain
3. Used for rectal prolapse
4. Remedy for menstrual disorders
5. Beneficial to patients suffering from hemorrhoids
6. Anti-flatulent
7. Anthelmintic
8. Hypoglycemic
9. Vulnerary

12.It is a natural anti-inflammatory herb. It combats inflammatory conditions in
the body including bowel inflammation and rheumatoid arthritis.
13.The extract of Ocimum possesses strong anti-fungal properties. Most fungi
infections such as yeast, athlete’s foot, candidiasis etc. can be treated with this
vegetable plant.

14.An essential oil known as Eugenol is found in basil. Eugenol disrupts chemical
processes that lead to tissue inflammation and is also known as a potent pain
killer. Rubbing the bruised leaves of basil on wounds or sore areas helps
relieve pain.

15.Basil is rich in vitamin k which is an important nutrient required for blood


16.Basil is rich in so many antioxidants that keep our bodies safe and healthy.

17.Basil has strong antibacterial and antiviral properties. Using it in preparing

our various local meals could have saved millions from contacting many
infections such as cold, herpes, E. coli etc.

18.The water extract of the leaves is used as a remedy for stomach disorders
including gastroenteritis.

19.In the treatment of diarrhea, basil is rated very high.

Many diabetic patients have reported a marked reduction in their blood glucose
level simply by including generous amount of basil in their diets.

It benefits patients with respiratory disorders such as cough, catarrh and

respiratory allergies.

It contains a good amount of important minerals like iron, potassium,

manganese, copper and magnesium.

Water extract or juice of basil leaves has antispasmodic effect and is utilised in
the treatment and management of convulsion and seizures.

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