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cooper and schindler, tull and hawkins brm, dont refer cr kothari
Definition of research:

 4th party logistics service providers in India??



Implementation of plans and Mobilisation of resources in a optimum manner to undertake an

operational implementation of our research

Communication: Make the beneficial findings available to the people

Every research is scientific research

However under laboratory conditions all vars are under control which is not true with mgmt.

Mgmt research si always application oriented , not so in Scientific research.

Bsns research is time bound not so with sc research

Mgmt. research is subject to subjective interpretation

Check Points for mgmt. research:

Q1. Is sufficient time available before making managerial decision? (Time constraint)

Q2. Is the info Lready on hand, inadequate fr making the decision?

Q3. Is the decision considerably strategic or tactical in nature?

Q4. Does the value of research information exceeds the cost of conducting the research? (Cost
benefit analysis)

The ans if negative for any one then no research

What Is research question: whys whats and hows of the peoblem: breaking the problem into sub
We need to follow a problem research hierarchy


Problem formulation is a very importatn step , Problem well defined means problem half solved.

Defining problem:

1. symptom detection

2. Analysis of the situation -->Exploratory research ( optional)

3. Problem definition--------->Exploratory research ( optional)

4, Statement of Research objectives

Based on the objctives that we formulate we define the scope of the research

if as a researcher we are not aware of the topic and we explore the topic for our own knowledge it is
not exploratory research

Fourth party logistics provider is an exaple of exploratory research.

Only defining the problem in terms of its symptoms is is not the right way to define the problem

e.g. a swimmming club operating from 25 yrs is facing decline in usage. if we define the problem in
this sense how do we define the problem.

we know the symptom then we will conduct situation analysis (profile of members, analysis of
environment such as competitors)

we need to do a internal and external analysis in a acomprehensive manner


1. Situations or symptoms are recurring -- it is easier to define the problem as it is predictable

e.g airline is using yield base pricing

2. Change in situation is dormant, suppressed, sporadic --- it is difficult to define the problem

3. Change in situation is dramatic ---- easier to define the problem, when the consequences are
manifest it is difficult to trace backk the caueses

4. isolated symptoms vs scattered symptoms : isolated will be easy scattered will be difficult

e.g if evry symptom can be traced to an isolated area or department e.g production then it is
if they cannot be traced to a single department it is a a scattered syptom situation and definition of
problem is difficult.

Process ofdefining problem:

1. Discussion with the deciosion maker: concrete comprehensive and critical discussion:

This discussion must be governed by the 7 Cs of communication:

a) communication

b) cooperation

c) confidence -- requires the backing of knowledge

d) candour -- frankness

e) closenesss

f) continuity -- give continuous reports to build work ethic and trust with superiors

g) creativity -- observation is very important. Creativity is not bounded by resources

2. Interview industry expert

3. Secondary data analysis

4. Go for Qualitative research

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