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Botanical Name: Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek'

Common name: Green Velvet Alocasia, Alocasia Frydek

Description: The Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’ is native to subtropical Asia and Australia. This
plant appreciates a bright and humid environment in the home or office. Its velvet dark green
leaves are shaped like an arrowhead with highly defined silvery green veins. Regular waterings,
plenty of light, and added humidity such as misting will keep your Alocasia looking its best.


Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata Prain

Common name: mother-in-law’s tongue, snake plant

Description: Sansevieria trifasciata is a succulent plant with stout creeping rhizomes. The
mother in laws tongue (also known as snake plant) is a flowering species which is primarily
grown for its slick sword like long leaves. This is a slow growing plant that anyone can grow
because of its low and high sun light tolerance and ease of watering.


Botanical Name: Maranta leuconeura

Common Name: Maranta or prayer plant

Description: The Maranta leuconeura species has some of the most strikingly beautiful,
decorative leaves in the plant kingdom. The popular tricolor variety has deep green, velvety
leaves with yellow splotches down the midrib and arching red veins traveling to the leaf
margins. A well-grown Maranta should have full, six-inch-long leaves rising from a short center
stem and draping down.


Botanical Name: Aglaonema commutatum

Common Name: Chinese evergreen

Description: The Chinese evergreen is the common name used for a collection of plants from
the Aglaonema genus - which tend to tolerate low light conditions very well. These slow
growing plant varieties includes, plain green, speckled, blotched and variegated types. One of
the most popular and sought after is the silver queen which has leaves covered in silver mainly
with some small green patches.


Botanical Name: Aglaonema Costatum

Common Name: Snow White Aglaonema

Description: It is adorable with its colorful Bright White and Dark Green Foliage. This plant has
air purifying capacity. The aglaonema is easy to care for; therefore, this plant becomes a
favourite choice of many. This plant can be maintained even in the lower light levels. It’s
gorgeous on desks or tabletops, as well as coffee tables and side tables in dens, living rooms,
and bedrooms. Aglaonema Snow White is one of the most used interior landscape plants.
Lower light levels are often a problem for a home or office environment, Aglaonema plants can
survive well on this difficult situation.


Botanical Name: Xanthosoma sagittifolium

Common Name: Mickey Mouse Plant, Mouse Cup and Pocket Plant

Description: Bluish-green arrowhead-shaped leaves with wide irregular areas splashed with
cream and white.Very unique as the tips of the leaves can be fused into a cup, sporting a long


Botanical Name: Alocasia Amazonica

Common Name: African Mask, Amazon Elephant's Ear

Description: Alocasia amazonica has leaves that are dark green with contrasting white or pale
green veins, with a shape similar to an elephant’s ear. It features leathery, wavy-edged,
arrowhead-shaped, dark bronze-green leaves (to 16” long) with conspicuous, contrasting, thick
white to silvery-green main veins. In terms of nursery sales, this hybrid is commonly available
as a houseplant.


Botanical Name: Anthurium plowmanii

Common Name: Wave of Love

Description: A wonderful, drought tolerant plant with long green leaves with slightly rippled or
wavy edges. A fantastic pot plant or feature plant as well as an under-story filler in between
larger trees and shrubs. It prefers tropical or subtropical climates, or warm protected positions
in temperate climate.

Botanical Name: Aglaonema Red Siam Aura

Common Name: Aglaonema 'Siam Aurora'

Description: This lovely houseplant has lance-shaped leaves edged and veined in rich red.
Aglaonema Red Siam Aura is an extremely easy to grow houseplant. The green leaves are
elegantly flushed with red markings. These plants can tolerate low light conditions and periods
of draught -if you tend to forget to water your plants, this one is for you!


Botanical Name: Aglaonema sp. Doña Carmen

Common Name: Doña Carmen

Description: A wonderful tropical houseplant grown as luck-bringing ornamental plants. Its

green leaves are speckled with cream blotches and its veins tinged pink. This plant is low
maintenance and ideal as a house plant or office plant. Aglaonemas are slow growing,
attractive, and make excellent foliage plants.


Botanical Name: Alocasia Reginula

Common Name: Black Velvet/Jewel Alocasia

Description: Alocasia Reginula also known as Black Velvet or Jewel Alocasia is a relatively small
Alocasia with big, lush, almost black leaves and contrasting, silver veins. The leaves of Alocasia
Reginula look velvet-like but are a little rough to touch. This Alocasia grows only up to 30-40cm
tall. Its small stature and exotic foliage make it an excellent foreground focal piece.

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