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Topic 7: Lesson 2 - Uniform circular Motion

I. Uniform Circular Motion

Uniform circular motion is a movement of a body, a particle or an

Uniform circular motion is a movement of a body, a particle or an object at a constant

speed along the circumference of a circle in a repetitive manner. Let’s analyze the figures

What can you say about the illustrations? Excellent, both figures show uniform circular
motion. Figure A, shows a small object tied on the upper end of the string in which its mass (m)
is twirled around in Horizontal circle of radius (r). Thus, to keep the object from moving farther
from the center, another object is being tied on the lower end of the string. On the other hand,
Figure B shows the different positions of an object in a full circle rotation. It is very evident in this
figure that the object is moving at a uniform speed but in different velocity. This means that the
magnitude of the object is constant but its direction is always changing. Do you know that it
makes a complete 3600 change in direction every time it makes one revolution? Yes, it is
because one complete revolution is equal to 3600.

But how can we measure the velocity of an object moving in a uniform circular motion?
Since we are dealing with circular motion, we will make use of radian. – The unit of angular
measurement. It is the angle subtended by an arc of the circle which has a length equal to the
radius. It is mathematically represented as:
Where: Illustrating it we have:
θ = angle in radius
s = arc length
r = radius
When an object moves around the circle, it covers the entire circumference of the equal
to 2π r. Thus, the total angle subtended is

2 πr
θ= =2 π
r radians

Where: 2π radian = 360
1 radian = 57.3

But what about the time interval in completing the distance of 2π r? In measuring the
time of one complete revolution we will make use of the term period which is represented by
the Greek symbol ( τ ).

Therefore velocity is measured using the equation:

2 πr

You could also measure time in terms of frequency – the number of revolutions
completed per unit time.

Thus, giving us another equation of velocity which is:

v =2 π rf
But if the frequency of rotation is f revolutions per second, the angular velocity is equal
w=2 πf radian per second

Analyzing the equations v =2 π rf and w=2 πf , we can conclude that:

v =rw since w=2 πf

But what’s the difference between v and w? v, stands for the linear velocity or the
tangential velocity of a body, particle or object moving in a circular path while w is the angular
velocity, let’s go back to Fig. B.
Here you can see that on each point of the particle has the same angular velocity but not
every point has the same linear velocity.

I had mentioned in the earlier part of the discussion that uniform circular motion has a
constant speed but don’t have constant velocity. If we talk about changing velocity we also refer
to acceleration because acceleration is simply change in velocity per unit time.

Therefore linear acceleration is given by:

ā = Δτ
While angular acceleration is determined by:

α = Δτ

Remember that angular velocity ( ω ) is always expressed in radians per unit time.
While linear velocity is expressed in meters per unit time only if it is in meters. For a clearer
understanding about this topic, let’s consider sample problems below.


As mentioned, uniform circular motion has linear and angular acceleration but what is
the direction of its acceleration? Try to do the simple activity below:

Try this…

Get a string about 18 inch long, 2 pieces small stone and a straw 10 inch
long. Tie a stone on the other end of the string then let the other end of
the string to pass through the straw. After this, tie another stone on the
other end of the straw as illustrated on the left. Twirl the string circularly;
make sure that it won’t hit you and any of your classmates.

What did you observe about the acceleration of the stone? Where it is directed? That’s
right! The acceleration is directed inward/toward the center. This is called Centripetal
Acceleration which has a constant magnitude equal to the square of the velocity divided by the
radius of rotation mathematically it is represented by the equation r

According to Newton’s second law of motion, this acceleration is subtended to the force
that acts in the same direction. This is the force that you feel by your fingers when you twirl the
stone. This force is called centripetal force. From Newton’s third law which states that “in every
action the there is an equal reaction’, the corresponding force of this inward centripetal force is
the force which is directed away from the center known as Centrifugal Force.

There are three situations wherein these forces are present, these are:
A. Motion along the horizontal circle:
Centripetal force is give by the equation:

F c=mac

F c=m
Fc = centripetal / centrifugal force
m = mass
ac = centripetal acceleration
v = velocity
r = radius

B. Motion at the top of the circle

a. When the object is at the highest point of the circle the tension and objects weight are
directed downward. Thus:

F c=m
T top +Wt=m
But: wt = mg

T top +mg=m

To get the tension we will transpose mg to the right giving us the equation:
T top =m −mg
b. If the string broke, we can still determine the velocity of the object at the highest point of
a circle using:

T top =m −mg
0=m −mg
v 2 =rg
v =√ rg

C. Motion at the bottom of the circle.

When the object is the bottom the tension is greater than the weight of the body. So:

F c=m
T bottom −wt =m
again: wt = mg

T bottom −wt =m
Transposing mg to the right side of the equation we will get:

T bottom =m +mg

III. Banked Curves

The force that caused centripetal acceleration can be the force of friction. It is the
friction between the road and the tires that enables vehicles to travel in a circular path on a flat
road. Friction is represented by a symbol μ , substituting this into an equation we will get:
F =m
r but: F=μn=μ mg
Thus: 2
μ mg=m
Therefore: rg
If the force that cause centripetal acceleration disappeared, the object will not continue
to move in its circular path; rather, it will move along a straight-line path tangent to the circle.

As the car in the figure above travels faster and faster as it curved on a circular flat road,
its centripetal acceleration increases so as the friction force needed to cause this acceleration.
But when the radius of curve is small, then the necessary centripetal force is larger, thus the
frictional force may not be enough. If this will happen, the car may skid off the road.

To prevent this from happening, roadways are banked rather of being built with flat
curves. Banking the roadway toward the center of the circular path produces an element of the
normal force exerted by the road on the car which is also directed inward. This element also
combines with the friction force thus allowing the car to turns around a curve path with a high
speed in a banked curve than in an unbanked curve. You can visibly observe banking roadways
at high speed race tracks, in bicycle tracks in velodromes and in the bobsled tracks.

If in the roadways the one responsible for keeping the vehicles from traveling on the
circular path is friction, for the satellite in a circular orbit around the earth it is the gravity that
plays the most important role. Gravity is the one who makes the earth to go around on its orbit.

For your better understanding, let’s consider an example. Suppose you are driving a car
with a friend. When your car takes the sharp left turn onto the curve ramp, your friend slides to
the right across the seat and hits the door. At this point, the door of your car exerted a force to
your friend that keeps her/him from being ejected from your car. Why do you think your friend
moves toward the door of your car, as you take the turn? This happens simply because there is
not enough frictional force present to keep your friend to travel along the circular path.
Activity 1
Analyze each problem before solving them. Show your entire solution.

1. Convert the following:

a. 35 rpm to radian /sec
b. 12 radians to degrees
c. 35 revolutions to radian

2. An electric blade rotates at a frequency of 950 rev per min. What is its angular velocity in
radian per sec? How about its linear velocity if its radius is 25 ft?

3. A spinning wheel moves from rest to an angular velocity of 0.345 rev/s in 45 s. What is
its angular acceleration in radian per second squared.

4. What is the linear velocity of a yoyo 23 cm in diameter that rotates at 39 rev/min?

Activity 2

Solve the following problems be able to show your entire solution.

1. A cord 3 m long is used to twirl a 5 kg stone in a vertical circle at a uniform velocity of

9m/s. What is the tension on the cord if:
a. The stone is at the top of the circle?
b. The stone is at the bottom of the circle?

2. A centripetal force of 12 N is used to keep a 3 kg top from moving at the horizontal circle
with a radius of 4 m. Find the top’s velocity.

3. A 15 kg boomerang is moving uniformly at 10 m/s in a horizontal circle with a radius of 5

m. How much centripetal force is needed to keep the boomerang from moving at this

4. A propeller weighs 25 kg moves uniformly in a circle with a radius of 12 m at the rate of

16 rps. Find:
a. The force needed when the propeller is moving along the horizontal path of the
b. If the propeller is attached on a string, what is the tension on the string if it is at
the top? How about when it is at the bottom?
c.If the string breaks, what will be the velocity of the propeller?

Activity 3
Solve the following, show your entire solution.
1. To prevent a car from sliding, what minimum frictional force is required for it to take a turn
on a 75 m radius curve at 110 km/hr?
2. If the coefficient of friction between the tires and the roads is 0.95 and the radius in which
the automobile turn is 25 m, what is its velocity?
3. A track takes a sharp turn at 125 m/s. What is the radius of the curve path if its coefficient
of friction is 0.377?

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