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Human rights are basic rights that everyone is entitled to.

Which of the following are characteristics of human rights? 
Human rights are inalienable. This means:
they apply to everyone 
they are all equally important 
no one can agree to give up their human rights or have them taken away
they are a birth right to all humans 
Why are human rights important?
they are universal 
They are set out in the UDHR 
ensures that interactions between people, like the government and citizens, respect the dignity
of that person. They determine how we want to live as a community.
they are protected by the Australian Constitution 
The United Nations is an example of:
an intergovernmental organisation 
a regional intergovernmental organisation 
a sovereign state 
a non-government organisation 
The Universal Declaration is an example of:
a bilateral treaty
an multilateral treaty
a formal statement 
international law
a formal statement 
Which of the following is an obstacle to promoting and enforcing human rights?
International Court of Justice 
international law
UN Security Council 
state sovereignty 
Which permanent court prosecutes individuals?
Permanent Court of Arbitration
International Criminal Court 
International Court of Justice
Which of the following (2) are non-legal mechanisms in promoting and enforcing
human rights? 
non-government organisations

Which Australian statutory body is responsible for protecting human rights in
Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
Australian Human Rights Commission
Dietrich v The Queen
the Australian Constitution 
A charter of Rights introduced through the Australian Constitution would mean that
rights could not be overruled by an Act of Parliament.

Which of the following statements best describes the nature of human rights?
they do not really exist
 they are rights that we all have as a result of our humanity
they are rights that have always existed
 they are rights that have been granted in Constitutions
Question 2
1 / 1 pts
Why is universal suffrage significant for human rights?
it has been politically advantageous to promote it
it is viewed as a fundamental right of citizenship  
because it is regarded as morally right
 it allows citizens an opportunity to directly select their leaders
Question 3
0 / 1 pts
The right to self-determination is available to which group?
You Answered
nation states only
Correct Answer
any community seeking independence
it is not available in most countries
an ethnic minority
Question 4
0 / 1 pts
Which of the following best describes the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
it has no legal authority or significant impact on governments
it has full legal authority
You Answered
it is an ideal rather than assertion of any rights
Correct Answer
it has substantial moral authority
Question 5
1 / 1 pts
A national government bans all forms of public protest by an environment group. What is
being denied by the government?
economic, social and cultural rights
civil and political rights
environmental and peace rights
the right to self-determination
Question 6
0 / 1 pts
Which of the following is not a feature of human rights?
You Answered
they are inherent
they are inalienable
they are universal
Correct Answer
they are enforceable
Question 7
1 / 1 pts
What is the main aim of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights?
to protect people from arbitrary use of power by governments
to protect the cultural wellbeing of people
to protect the educational needs of people
to protect people in regards to their basic needs
Question 8
2 / 5 pts
Identify the international document that would apply in each case:
Lin's government refuses to allow him to practice his religion.                             [ Select ]     
["International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights", "Universal Declaration of Human
Rights", "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights"]             
The trade union Pramod belongs to had been banned.  International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights  
Sasha is arrested after she attended a peaceful demonstration.                             [ Select ]        
["Universal Declaration of Human Rights", "International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights", "International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights"]             
Gary is homeless but his government does nothing to help him.  Universal Declaration of
Human Rights
Shafia is denied a place at university because of her ethnic background.  International
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Answer 1:
Correct Answer
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
You Answered
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Answer 2:
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Answer 3:
You Answered
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Correct Answer
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
Answer 4:
Correct Answer
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
You Answered
Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Answer 5:
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Question 9
2 / 2 pts
The right to self-determination by an individual is upheld in UDHR.
Question 10
2 / 5 pts
How is the right to an education protected?
You Answered
Correct Answer
Education Act 1900 (NSW)
Correct Answer
Public Instruction Act (1880)

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