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`NAME: _________________________________ RATING: ________________________

GROUP NO. ____________________________ DATE: ________________________



As they exist in nature, most bacteria are colorless, transparent, and difficult to see.
Therefore, various staining methods have been devised to enable scientists to examine
bacteria. In preparation for staining, the bacteria are smeared onto a glass microscope
slide (resulting in what is known as a “smear”), air-dried, and then “fixed”.

The two most common methods of fixation are heat fixation and methanol fixation. Heat
fixation is usually accomplished by passing the smear through a Bunsen burner flame. If
not performed properly, excess heat can distort the morphology of the cells. Methanol
fixation, which is accomplished by flooding the smear with absolute methanol for 30
seconds, is a more satisfactory fixation technique. In general, fixation serves three
purposes: 1. It kills the organisms. 2. It preserves their morphology (shape). 3. It
anchors the smear to the slide. Specific stains and staining techniques are used to
observe bacterial cell morphology (e.g., size, shape, morphologic arrangement,
composition of cell wall, capsules,
flagella, endospores).

At the end of the activity the student would be able to
1. learn the various staining methods to examine bacteria.

MATERIALS: Microbiology book and e-book

PROCEDURE: Answer the following research questions.


1. Draw and label the simple bacterial staining technique.

2. Define the different staining procedure.
a. Simple staining
b. Structural staining
c. Differential staining
3. Give the purposes of the following staining technique.
a. Staining with methylene blue
b. Capsule stains
c. Flagella stains
d. Endospore stains
e. Gram stain
f. Acid-fast stain


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