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Name :shelby

Grade / Absent No. : 3b 25

Time Management Post Test

Grade 3 – 4

Part 1 : Multiple Choice.

Instruction : Write the answer on the LINE provided below the choices.
Example :

In Week 1 Material, which superhero does NOT show up ?

a. Superman b. Wolverine

c. Wonder Woman d. Spiderman

Answer : _Wolverine__

1. From the duties mentioned below, which one is the duty of a child ?

a. Submit my assignment on time b. Feed myself

c. Go to online class on time d. Lead class prayer

Answer : __feed myself_

2. Which of the activities that we should put in first when we manage our time ?

a. Playing time b. Gaming time

c. Sleeping time d. Important activities

Answer : __important activities

3. What do you need to have to manage your time ?

a. Light b. Text Book

c. Pen d. Target

Answer : __target_

4. If your GOAL is to have a good score in the lesson, which activity should be IMPORTANT ?

a. Be prepared before lesson b. Drink a lot of coffee

c. Play a lot of game d. Watch a lot of anime

Answer : _be prepared before lesson__

5. What makes an activity URGENT or not ?

a. Starting time b. Time to relax

c. Time to do / finish d. Time to sleep

Answer : ___time to do /finish

6. Why is it best not to have too many urgent activities in one day ?

a. Use too much energy to play b. Use too much energy to read

c. Use too much energy to eat d. Use too much energy to do / finish

Answer : __use too much energy to do/ finish activities_

7. Activities that are not urgent can become urgent if we keep ______ the activities.

a. doing b. delaying

c. studying d. playing

Answer : _delaying
Part 2 : Long Answer.
Instruction : Write the answer on the provided space.

8. Mention 3 IMPORTANT and 3 URGENT activities as a :

a. Child


1 feeding my fish feeding my fish (last nigh)

2 feed my self help my mom take a book now

3 tidy up my toys watering my plant morning

b. Student


1 study by my self study for UT (tommorow)

2 go to classroom online make to do CB (due today)

3 do it task school make a project now ( due today )

9. What do you think is the difference between URGENT and IMPORTANT ?

Answer : ______
Urgent is something activities you must to do
right now
Important is activities you have to do with

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