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1. Interview from Nanda Eko Cahyo Saputra (10511800000074)

a. Name : Mrs Ami Faudzijah
Status : Lecturer of Electro Engineering UII, Jogjakarta
Date : 17th March 2019

1. How is the contribution of Islam in the development of world

If seen from the history of the development of Islam in the world,
Islam triumphed in the trade sector, for example, the scholars
spread Islam through trade.
2. In what sector does Islam prevail?
It is universally recognized that resources are scarce compared
with the claims on them. However, it is also simultaneously
recognized by practically all civilizations that the well-being
of all human beings needs to be ensured. Given the scarcity of
resources, the well-being of all may remain an unrealized dream if
the scarce resources are not utilized efficiently and equitably. For
this purpose, every society needs to develop an effective strategy,
which is consciously or unconsciously conditioned by its
worldview. If the worldview is flawed, the strategy may not be able
to help the society actualize the well-being of all. Prevailing
worldviews may be classified for the sake of ease into two board
theoretical constructs secular and materialist, and spiritual and
3. Does the field of Islamic education contribute to the development of
world civilization? Explain the example
If I think Islam requires more technology that will be used by all people in
the world in the future. Science can also be an example of algebraic theory
4. In your opinion, does Islam have a role in the development of world
civilization? Mention the example
If seen from the history of the development of Islam in the world,
Islam triumphed in the trade sector, for example, the scholars
spread Islam through trade.
5. In your opinion, will the development of Islam in the future be
influential ?, considering this increasingly modern era of
globalization, which does not rule out the possibility of other
religions also developing
Generally, religion is a “system of beliefs and practices.” More
specifically, the word comes from the Latin “religare” which means
“to bind together again that which was once bound but has since
been torn apart or broken.”Indeed, with the globalization of
economics and politics, individuals feel insecure “as the life they
once led is being contested and changed at the same time.”Hence,
“in order for a person to maintain a sense of psychological well-
being and avoid existential anxiety,” individuals turn to scripture
stories and teachings that provide a vision about how they can be
bound to a “meaningful world,” a world that is quickly changing
b. Name: Belladiena Azmi
Status : collage student of Kumamoto University, Japan
Date : 17th April 2019
c. Name: Mrs Pramonowati
Status : Lecturer of UISI
Date : 21st April 2019
2. Interview from Mochamad amin purwandana (10511800000069)
a. Name : Mr Alera Victor
Status : Lecturer of Electro Engineering UII, Jogjakarta
Date : 22nd April 2019
3. Interview from Elga Destraviana Sari (10411800000065)
a. Name : Mr Respati Rendra
Status : Student of Waseda University, Japan
Date : 23rd April 2019
b. Name : Miss Dias
Status : collage student of Airlangga University
Date : 23rd April 2019

Waalaikumsalam jawabannya sebisanya ya krna saya masih belum paham

tentang islam
1.islam can be guidance in human’s life like biology science and politics and
the others
2.every medicine there’s always fasting in the process
3.yes, in islam studying has created many great people who can be public
figure like ustadz abdul somad who get study abroad in kairo islam has big impact in the world
5. not as big as islamic wanted
6. a thing that have a good impact in trading or create something that every
human need in this world
7.hasnt developed
8 humanity
9.yes. because every aspect in this life came from al qur’an. if the islamic
people can create something that help world develop, that’s one of many
ways that islamic can be number one in this world and beat every religion in
this world

4. Interview from Meilaillatul Rohmah (10511800000001)

a. Name : Faizatun Nadia
Status : Collage student of imam nafi'i Morocco
Date : 17th April 2019
1) is on progressing. Many sides are filled with Muslims today, and Islam is
more visible than before. Military forces such as those held by Turkey, the
Hafiz Qur'an stretches everywhere, and crimes against crimes now Muslims
have begun to dare to face each other, many who sincerely struggle in Islam
today, in my opinion
2.) Not yet, has just succeeded in the stage of understanding change, for
example, Islam in Indonesia has become stronger with each other,
increasingly spurred in change ... reflecting Islam in a country with a large
Muslim population
3.) Of course, from ancient times, there were many discoveries from scholars
of the great Islamic scholars, experts in all fields.
4.) Reviewing the work of our scholars, developing education in accordance
with what our scholars first developed. Because the truth is true, do not mix it
with non-Islamic education, because after so many centuries it has been
discovered that there is a lot of education that runs away from Islamic law,
such as conventional bang, health with rapid medical treatment, the wrong
way to do it, it is detrimental man, and that has been blamed on Islam from
the beginning of Islam exists, only this is the wisdom of life by deviating
from several laws now that we can see that the effect is losses for all humans.
5.) Very large, its contribution from the time of the cleric. Until now it was
the result of scholars.for example we now wear academic gown while on
graduation party. It is an academic symbol of Muslim Muslim women named
Fatimah Al Fihri, the founder of the world's first university, alqarawiyyin in
6.) The strategy is to make a seminar seminar on the rise of Muslims, for
many Islamic nuances, for these entrepreneurs to rely more on Islamic law.
Turn on all lines of Islam, it does not mean denying non-Muslims, so I am
here the Islam that holds, it seems that Islam can protect many differences
7.) Islam here both is still thick with Islam first, still keeping Islam first, only
because the leader is not too Islamic so his state here is not too Islamic but the
fanatic of his community is very Islamic. Prayers for the congregation for
Adam here often. Where are the prayers in congregation, This is what makes
me salute. Murotal is spread everywhere, with taxi drivers turning on
8.) Actually this goes back to religious politics, the spirit of the strategy of the
destruction of the world begins with politics of competing in religion. So the
growth of Islam is not respected by other religious groups, so chaos, tensions
with each other will defeat each other will occur. But that is our duty as
caliphs on earth, upholding the truth. Not a silent sweep in error.
9.) Certain,. Islam will win and continue to win, never lose, just be closed
Because other people are closing all their victories .. Now, it seems that Islam
in Indonesia is getting stronger, in Turkey, the military's more fearful, in
Europe flocked to Islam, this is a sign that Islam will return as always,
triumphant as it used to be. All we have to do is study each of its
developments. Reviewing one one, helping and contributing, from all angles,
don't need big ones starting from the small ones.
b. Name : Aprilia
Status : Collage student of Brawijaya University
Date : 17th April 2019
1.) Islam is one of religion which love peacefulness. If syariat Islam is applied on
social life in the world, so peacefulness which carry a prosperity in the world life will
2.) in sector communication and technology.
3.) yes, there are many developing of technology in school which have base islamic or
usually we call pesantren
4.) Islam need the members of islamic community which they loyal on syariat islam.
5.) contribution Islam is very many, If has measure from presentation is 70%
6.) defense strategy and safety strategy is good choice for contribution of
islamic on the world life.
7.) in Indonesian, islam is a majority. so we can conclusion development
islam in Indonesian is very quick
8.) There are many impact from development islam, such us in education,
defense and safety, and economics
9.) while the members of islamic community always give knowledge
about islam and appropriate base on syariat, so on the next time islam is
very influential for world life.
5. Interview from Sania Salsabila (10611800000036)
a. Name : Nasha
Status : Collage student of UNAIR
Date : 14th April 2019
1. 1. There is a rapid development in the field of science, such
as medicine, astronomy, philosophy and another.
2. Glorious Islam in the sector of science and technology. At that
time Islam contributed various literature that would later be
used by western nations to be studied

Yes, for example, the

establishment of various madrassas for Muslim youth and the
translation of books
4. Unity among fellow Muslims is strengthened, so that not many
groups can contribute to the development of the world
5. The role of Islam is very large, he donated various scientific
books which were then translated into various languages and
used by European scientists as a reference for science
6. The right strategy is to run a life based on the knowledge of
al-quran and al-hadith as guidelines. An example is developing
science without forgetting religious morals
7. The development has been very rapid, but more and more streams
are less clear in Islam in Indonesia
8. Science, art, government systems, architecture
9. It is possible that Islamic civilization will develop again if
Muslims want to fight to restore the glory of Islam.

b.Name : Nur Liyana

Status : Collage student of Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Date : 21st April 2019
1. According to my knowledge, the contribution of Islam in the
development of world civilization is very much
2. Examples of the contribution of Islam are in the science of
reckoning, the science of medicine which gave birth to many
Berjaya doctors and scientists.
3. Yes, Islam gave birth to many prominent doctors and scientists.
4. More contributions are needed from Muslims to contribute to the
development of world civilization.
5. The role of Islam is very large, as I said above.
6. Uniting various groups, so they can contribute more
7. The development of Islam in my country is good. It's just that
there should be more contributions from young people in Islam
because now it looks crowded liberals
8. Islam brings morality and morality. This brings to human
9. Yes, if Muslims want to act.

6. Interview from Ryan Anindya (10411800000039)

a. Name : Amalia Fitria
Status : Collage student of Brawijaya University
Date : 16th April 2019
1. Salah satu yang saya ketahui konstribusi islam dalam pengembangan dunia
cukup besar. Meskipun hanya di beberapa wilayah tertentu
2. Setahu saya islam jaya dalam sektor ekonomi di bidang perdagangan
3. Mungkin saja iya. Karna saya pernah membaca artikel seperti teori atau
hukum hukum. Salah satunya ada yang dari islam. Untuk contoh spesifiknya
saya tidak tahu
4. Menurut saya sejauh ini islam sudah memberikan konstribusi dalam
peradaban dunia, jadi mungkin tidak diperlukan apa apa lagi. Menurut saya
islam memiliki peran dalam perkembangan peradaban dunia
5. Cukup besar, hampir sangat besar
6. Menurut saya sejauh konstribusi islam sudah cukup baik
8. Dampak nya sangat banyak. Beberapa orang nasrani buktinya mulai masuk
ke dalam islam. Dan orang mulai tidak melihat sebelah mata terhadap islam.
Dengan banyak nya berita berita buruk tentang islam. Seseorang yg pintar
makin ingin mencaritahu kebenarannya. Dan dengan kebenaran islam yang
baik. Saat ini mulai banyak juga orang yang peduli terhadap islam
9. Menurut saya bisa saja agama islam berpengaruh, karena meskipun
berkembangnya globalisasi masyarakat jadi lebih mudah mengenal agama

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