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Chapter 5: Ratio and Proportion

Lesson 1

Lesson Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

 Visualize the ratio of 2 given numbers (M5NS- llh-122);

 Express ratio using either the colon(:) or fraction (M5NS- llh-123);
 Define and illustrate the meaning of ratio and proportion using concrete or pictorial
models M6NS- llb-131); and
 Solve problems involving ratio.

Lesson Opener
Jay bought 3 ballpens and 5 pencils in a bookstore. What is the ratio of the number of ballpens
to the number of pencils?

Let’s Focus Take Note

The ratio of ballpens to pencils is 3:5. It is read as “3 to 5”.  Ratio is the comparison
of two quantities.
Ratio can be expressed in 3 ways.

Form Symbol
Word Form 3 to 5
Colon Form 3:5
Fraction Form 3
The ratio of cups to saucers is 3:2.
The ratio of saucers to cup is 2:3.
The ratio of cups to the total number of objects is 3:5.
What conclusion can you formulate from these statements?

Let’s Do These
Find the ratio of the following.
1. number of male to number of female students in class
2. number of blue pens to number of black pens in your pencil case
3. number of chairs to number of tables in the classroom
4. number of books to number of notebooks in your bag
5. number of laptops to number of learners in your class

Let’s Wrap Up

 Ratio is the comparison of two quantities.

 It can be written in three ways: word form, colon form or fraction form.
 It is always expressed in simplest form.

Let’s Solve
A. Find the ratio of the following based on the illustrations.
1. basketball to volleyball =_______ : ________
Volleyball to basketball = _______ : _______
Basketball to the total number of balls = ________ :__________
Volleyball to the to total number of balls = ________ : ________
2. black button to white button = __________ : _________
White button to black button = ________ :___________
Black button to the total number of buttons = _________:_________
White button to the total number of buttons = ________ : _________

3. bottle to can = __________:___________

Can to bottle = __________ : ____________
Bottle to the total number of objects = _________: __________
Can to the total number of objects = ____________: _____________

4. socks to shoes = ______:____________

Shoes to socks =________ : ___________
Socks to the total number of things = __________:____________
Shoes to the total number of things = ___________:____________
5. ice cream to candies = ____________:____________
Candies to ice cream = ___________:______________
Ice cream to the total numbers of sweets = _________:____________
Candles to the total numbers of sweets =___________:____________

B. Express as ratio. Write your answer in 3 ways.

Word Form Colon Form Fractional Form

1. 2 hours to 30
2. 3 months to 1 year
3. 500 ml to 5L
4. 12 m to 600 cm
5. 10 000 g to 4 kg

C. Solve
1. A fruit stand has 52 fruits. 36 are papayas and the rest are pineapples. What is the ratio of
pineapples to papayas?

2. In an 800-meter relay, the first two runners cover 150 meters and 125 meters respectively.
Find ratio of the total distance travellers by the first two runners to the total distance covered
by the last two runners.

3. ABC Central Elementary School consists of 48 female teachers out of 60 teachers. What is
the ratio of male to female teachers?

4. What is the ratio of 42 days to 2 weeks?

5. The perimeter of a triangle is 68 meters. If it’s length measures 20 meters, find the ratio of
it’s width to it’s length.

Let’s Reflect

After learning this lesson, reflect on how can be learned by your future pupils in a more
effective, creative and meaningful way. Discuss your answer.

1. Motivational Activity. I will use

2. Teaching Strategy. I will employ use ____________________________________

3. Mode of Assessment. I will administer

Let’s Create
Show your complete solution.
Kyla, Andrea and Carla have some coins in their purses. The ratio of the number of coins Kyla
has to the number of coins Andrea has is 2:1. The ratio of the number of coins Andrea has to
the number of coins Carla has is 2:3. Find the ratio of the number of coins Carla has to the
number of coins Kyla has.

Chapter 5: Ratio and Proportion

Lesson 2
Equivalent and Simplest Form of Ratios

Lesson Outcomes

At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

 Identify and white equivalent ratios (M5NS-lli-124);

 Express ratios in their simplest forms( M5NS-lli-125);
 Find the missing term in a pair of equivalent ratios (M5NS-lli-126); and
 Solve problems involving equivalent and simplest form of ratio.

Lesson Opener

Maureen has 4 books and 8 notebooks in her bag.

The ratio of
Books to notebooks
Is 4:8.
Let’s Focus

The ratio of
Books to notebooks
Notebooks is 2:4

Books the ratio of

Books to notebooks
Is 1:2.

The ratio to notebooks is 1:2.

4:8, 2:4 and 1:2 are equivalent ratios. 1:2 is written in the simplest form.

Let’s Do These
Write the ratio of the given objects. Then, give an equivalent ratio by illustration using the given

Let’s Wrap Up

 Equivalent ratios are ratios that are in proportion. They formed by multiplying or
dividing all their terms by he same number.
 A ratio is in its simplest form if the common factor of all its terms is 1. It is obtained by
dividing the terms by their GCF.

Let’s Solve
A. Express in simplest form.
1. 9:12 = _____________ 6. 3:10 = _______________
2. 21:14 = ____________ 7. 15:8 = ______________
3. 10:6 = ______________ 8. 20:50 = ______________
4. 36:24 = ____________ 9. 4:21 = _______________
5. 5:15 = ______________ 10. 25:15 = _____________
B. Give at least 3 equivalent ratios to each of the following.
1. 1:5 = ________________________________________________________________
2. 9:6 = ________________________________________________________________
3. 7:3 = ________________________________________________________________
4. 8:12 = _______________________________________________________________
5. 2:6 = _________________________________________________________________
C. Find the missing term in the proportion.
1.2:3 = ____:9 6. ____:7 = 20:35
2. ____:8 = 15:24 7. 28:49 = ____:7
3. 36:45 = 4:____ 8. 105:____ = 7:5
4. 60:____ = 5:6 9. 3:21 = 9:____
5. 4:9 = ____:117 10. ____:207 = 8:9
D Find the missing term to make the given ratios equivalent.
E. Solve the following problems.
1. Two numbers are in ratio of 2:5. If their sum is 105, find the bigger number.
2. There are 36 learners in a grade 4 class. If 14 of them are boys, what is the ratio of girls to
3. A rope is cut into 2 parts in a ratio of 7:4. If the longer piece is 35 meters long, how long is the
shorter piece?
4. The savings of Kyle and Peter are in a ratio 6:7. If the difference between their savings is
P327, how much is their total savings?
5. There are 56 hens and chicks in Lola Nating’s farm. The ratio of hens to chicks is 1:7. If hen
and 10 chicks were transferred to a nearby farm, what is the new ratio of chicks to hens?

Let’s Reflect

After learning this lesson, reflect on how can be learned by your future pupils in
a more effective, creative and meaningful way. Discuss your answer.

1. Motivational Activity. I will use


2. Teaching Strategy. I will employ use


3. Mode of Assessment. I will administer


Let’s Create
Daniel mixes 3 ounces of red paint and 4 ounces of yellow paint to obtain his desired shade of
orange. Kyla mixes 8 ounces of red paint and 6 ounces of yellow paints to obtain her desired
shade of orange. Did Daniel and Kyla obtain the same shade of orange? Prove you answer.

Chapter 5: Ratio and Proportion

Lesson 3
Kinds of Proportion

Lesson Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, you should be able to:

 Find the missing term in a proportion (direct, inverse, and partitive); and
 Solve problems involving direct proportion, partitive proportion, and inverse proportion
in different contexts such us distance, rate, and time using appropriate strategies and
tools (M6NS-llc-134).

Lesson Opener
A recipe calls for 3 cups of milk for every cups of flour. How many cups of milk are needed for
the same recipe which has 20 cups of flour?

Let’s Focus
Take Note
Direct Proportion
 In a direct proportion as
Every 3 cups of milk requires 5 cups of flour can be illustrated as one value increases, the
follows. other value also
increases. Likewise, as
one value decreases,
the other value also
If there 20 cups of flour, there will be 12 cups of milk.
Alternative solution:

3 N
= 5N = 60 (Divide 60 by 5)
5 20

N = 12

Partitive proportion

Three siblings, Adrin, Benjie and Cherry, will divide P1000 in the ratio of 2:3:5
respectively. How much will Cherry get?

Adrin Take Note

 Parttive Proportion
Benjie is used if a whole is
divided into two or
Cherry more unequal parts.

10 units = P1 000
1 unit = P100
5 units = P 100 x 5 = P 500
Therefore, Cherry will receive P500.
Alternative Solution:
2 + 3 + 5 = 10
P1000 ÷ 10 = P100
P100 X 5 = P500
Inverse Proportion
It took 20 minutes for three pipes to fill a pool. How long will it take 4 pieces to fill the same

No. of Pipes Time

3 20
4 N

3 N
  =   Take Note
4 20
4N = 60  In an inverse proportion, an
increase in one quantity
N = 15 results to a decrease in
another quantity.

Therefore, it will take 15 minutes for 4 pipes to fill the pool.

Let’s Do These
List as many situations as you can in real life wherein direct and inverse proportions are

Let’s Wrap Up

 Two quantities are in direct proportion if an increase/decrease in one quantity results to

increase/decrease in another quantity.
 Partitive proportion is used if a whole is divided into two or more unequal parts.
 In an inverse proportion, as the value of one quantity increases, the other decreases.

Let’s solve
A. Identify the following as direct proportion.
1. The number of people and time needed to finish the work
2. The number of pens bought and amount of money
3. The size of a place on the map and its actual size
4. The number of days by which food can last to a specific number of people
5. The length and width of a rectangle given an area
B. Complete the table. Then, write an equation to show the relationship among the given.
1. The table shows the number of oranges bought for a specified amount of money.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Amount P12.50 P25.00

2. The table shows the time and speed of the car given the same distance travelled.

Time (h) 2 3 4 5 6 7
Speed 90 60

3. The table shows the amount of fruit powder in grams and the amount of water in liters in a

Water (L) 1 2 3 4 5 6
Powder 25 50

4. The table shows the number of shelves used to store identical books.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number 48 96
of books

5. The table shows the number of days the food last and the number of ducks fed.

Day 1 2 3 4 5 6
Number 60 30
of Ducks

C. Answer briefly.
1. If 2 apples cost P19.00, how much do 5 apples cost?
2. If 10 men can finish a work in 3 days, in how many days can 5 men finish the same work?
3. If 1 liter of gasoline can cover 9 kilometers, how many kilometres can 4 liters of gasoline
4. If 3 pencils cost P22.50, how much do 10 pencils cost?
5. If the food for 6b cats can last for 3 days, how many days can the food last for 9 cats?

D. Solve the following problems. Show your complete solution.

1. Marbles are shared among three friends, Bernard, Joven and Kathryn in a ratio of 3:4:5. If
Joven received 60 marbles, how many marbles ere there at the same start?
2. Five (5) men can finish a job in 20 days. In how many days can 15 men finish the same job?
3. A square has the same perimeter as of the rectangle. The ratio between the length and width
of the rectangle is 2:3. If one side of the square measures 15 cm, find the length of the
4. There are 40 pupils inside the classroom. Two fifths of them boys. If 4 boys and 6 girls leave
the room to practice badminton, what is the new ratio of girls to boys inside the classroom?
5. A dozen avocados costs P80 pesos. How much will 2 dozens avocados costs?
6. Pritsie cut a ribbon into 4 parts in a ratio of 1:2:3:4. If the longest part of the ribbon measures
32 cm, what is the original length of the ribbon?
7. A tank of oil can be emptied in 16 minutes if 1 outlet valve is fully opened. How long it will
take to empty the tank if 4 outlet valve are fully opened?
8. The ratio of the number of chicken eggs to the number of ducks eggs to the number of quail
eggs in a farm was 6:4:5. Half of the chicken eggs and quail eggs were sold. Find the new
ratio of the remaining eggs in the same order.
9. Three (3) workers can build a wall in 12 hours. How long will it take to build the same wall if
the number of workers is doubled?
10. There were some mangoes and guavas in the basket. If 12 mangoes were given away, the
ratio of the number of mangoes to the number of guavas would be 15:7. What is the ratio of
the original number of mangoes to the number of guavas?

Let’s Reflect

After learning this lesson, reflect on how can be learned by your future pupils in a more
effective, creative and meaningful way. Discuss your answer.
1. Motivational Activity. I will use

2. Teaching Strategy. I will employ use ____________________________________


3. Mode of Assessment. I will administer


Let’s Create
Share to the class the perfect proportion of the ingredients of your favourite dessert.

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