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1. Identify your issue and how it operates in your community.

2. Explain your motivation for focusing on this issue.

3. Explain what you already know about this issue and what biases you may have.
4. List the central research question along with subtopic questions that you created with
your group to guide your initial research.
5. Generate a research plan that divides the work evenly among your group.
Over the course of the trimester, we will work in groups to create, execute, and document an
Action Research Project. Working in groups of 3-4 students, you will identify a social justice
issue that fits within the IB Global issues. This issue must affect a community to which you
belong (your school, your neighborhood, your region, your classroom or grade, your sports or
after school group, etc).

You can tackle a larger issue, but you must follow the aphorism of “Think globally, act locally.”
In other words, if you want to tackle a global issue, you must identify how it affects us locally
and how you can have a local impact on the issue. For example, if you want to address the recent
discovery that much of our seafood was caught by slaves in Asia, you might want to pick a local
supermarket or supermarket chain, or even our school cafeteria, to get them to examine their
seafood buying practices to make sure they are slavery free. You don’t have to “fix” the problem,
but you do have to have a measurable impact on the issue with an understanding that small
changes can add up to big impacts when others follow suit.

Lina Ryadi:

Sexual Harassment is an issue that most Moroccan woman struggle with on a daily basis. The
privilege that males have in Morocco allows them to think that it is okay to treat women in a way
that is non consensual and a violation of their rights as well as freedom. A statistic has been
revealed in the beginning of 2021 where 97% of women have been objectified, sexually
harassed, or raped. Being active on a social media platform has opened my eyes to the content
that women upload in order to aid other women to stay safe. This has baffled me as the content
included women going beyond the extent to find ways to feel safe walking around the streets or
when around men. Another reason for me wanting to raise awareness is the Sarah Everard
situation. Men usually justify themselves by stating a woman has been raped due to her clothing
options. But this is not the case and merely a cover. Sarah was fully covered when she was
murdered and raped by a police officer, a man which people trust and are believed to be there
to protect. The government officials had to react to this case as people were demanding
change. Their change consisted of a female lockdown where women had to enter their homes
before nightfall. Once again, men do not take any blame and women are being punished for
something they did not commit. This sends a message to the women to only protect themselves
whereas the male predators are free to lurk around at night for their next victim. The “boys will
be boys” and the “not all men” phrases are part of the problem, they are encouraging boys to
take control of women’s bodies when they did not give them any sort of consent. It is not all men
but it is almost all women as women are being sexually harassed on a daily basis it is a natural
instinct where they feel the sudden urge to protect themselves from any man that walks by. This
situation has led to women all around the world to stand up for their rights and I believe that it is
our duty to fully support them to raise more awareness and create change. Women are entitled
to feel rage as the government officials are silencing women from speaking up which is why
women are redefining the lockdown as they are all uniting to protest in the nightfall. This has
motivated me to find my own solutions in order to help women be safe in Casablanca. My
community is still struggling with raising awareness therefore I will be taking action. Therefore,
my topic is to what extent is sexual harassment prevelant in Casablanca? My subtopics include
the history and background of sexual harassment in Morocco, who is more likely to engage in
such manners, as well as how my community could raise awareness and make a change. My
group and I’s goal in this Action Research Project is to: raise awareness on social platforms,
have digital flyers as well as physical ones around the city, help show apps that help women
feel safe, a short video discussing and raising awareness about this topic, as well as an
interview with a couple of women with different age gap’s experience with sexual harassment.

Sexual harassment is an issue that is prevelnt all around the world which creates gender
aparthied. The fact that most females are afraid or even unable to walk in the streets without
being scared to be raped, harassed or assaulted is a form of inequality as men have the ability
to do so without feeling endangered or being endangered. In Morocco, gender inequality is a
large social issue that affects women and girls all over the country. Here, we females are unable
to go out alone without being harassed and feeling afraid. In a manner, this takes away our
rights and makes us feel confined and limited. In Morocco, women are often called sluts for
wearing ripped jeans. We are subjected to public harassment which we have no power to fight
against legally. Often times, the blame is shifted towards us as men and police officials blame
our choice of clothing, but clothes never scream harass, or rape me. This additionally limits our
choice of clothing which restricts us from expressing yourself through clothes and fashion. As a
female who grew up in Morocco, and has never felt safe walking alone, this matter means a lot
to me as I want to feel safe walking and wearing clothes I am comfortable with around my
country without feeling afraid of being in danger. As I have been subjected to public harassment
by many men, I would like to educate my people on this vital subject as it is never okay to
harass or follow women, let alone minors. I also want women like me to be freed from this form
of gender equality. I would like to bring awareness to this subject and educate our boys and
men that harassment is not something that should be normalized or even common in our
society. We won't ever be equal if we aren't allowed to wear what we want or walk around
without being afraid and exposed to sexual harassment.
1. Harassment is an issue present in the moroccan community. Many women get harassed
and assaulted in the streets. Women don't feel as comfortable going out anymore. This
obstructed an inequality in this country. It all happens when men have a sexual arousal
towards themselves and proceed to touch any sexual part from the females side. This
inequality has to be stopped and controlled by the mens side.
2. My motivation for this is because I've seen many of my friends get harassed for no
reason. I would like for this to be stopped since all of this is unacceptable. I wouldn't
want this to happen to me so why happen to them?
3. I know that people get harassed everyday and I wouldn't want for people to experience

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