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LHS Senior Project Proposal

Senior Capstone

Name: Vesta Longoria

This is also the outline for your paper.

Self-Biography (Bullets are fine!)

My name is Vesta Longoria and I am a senior that is about to graduate highschool. I always
dreamed of graduating high school and going to college, but no one ever told me the struggle
it was to get to where I am today. To be honest even though it was hard to get to where I am
now I’m glad that I went through the struggle because in the end it feels good to work hard to
get to my graduation.

Future Goals

● Graduate Highschool
● Go to college to study for my dream job
● Graduate from college
● Get my dream job
● Buy my first car and house

Route you will take to achieve your future goals (Bullets are Fine!)

The route I wanna take to achieve all my future goals and get my dream job which is aviation

Career Pathway Area of Interest:

The route I wanna take to achieve my future goals is Aircraft Mechanic

Narrowed Career Focus:

Aviation Mechanic

A community/work issue that can be solved with a particular skill set from your career
A community/work issue that can be solved is how to problem solve and creative thinking
because it is a good skill to have.

My potential hands-on will be:

*This will be where you will showcase what you created that addresses a community/work

My potential hands on will be creative thinking and how that can lead to problem solving.

My Name: _____Vesta Longoria_________________________

1. What personal interest do you have in this topic? Why have you chosen this topic for your
Senior Project/Showcase?
The personal interest I have in this topic is because there are a lot of people in my family
that are mechanics and instead of being a mechanic I wanna be the first aviation
mechanic in my family. I chose this topic because ever since I was younger I wanted to
do this as my career choice.
2. What research questions will you seek to answer? What kinds of sources might you look

I don’t have a research question. The kinds of sources that I might look for are the
requirements to do this job, what level of education will be required to enter this field.

3. Who is a person/company (specifically, or in general) with experience or expertise in this

field you might interview? What understanding do you hope to gain from this

To find someone in this field to interview I will go to a trade school or a collage that has
this course. The understanding I hope I gain from this person/company is what it takes to
be an aviation mechanic. For example, how long is the course, what are the requirements
to get my certification.

4. What situations, events, or places could you observe or experience to gain insight into
your topic?

To observe or to gain insight on this topic I could go to a tech school where they show the
actual hands on experience of this career.

5. What challenges might you encounter with your research or project? What assistance or
tools will you need to overcome them?

The challenges that I might encounter with my research project is I might not be able to
cover everything in this field, so the tools I will need is to only pick out main points that
also wrap up the whole project.

6. What other questions or concerns do you have about your Senior Capstone Project at
this time?

I don’t have any questions or concerns about my Senior Capstone Project at this time.

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