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Trends, Networks and

Critical Thinking in the

21st Century

Quarter 2 – Module 3 - 7
Democratic Intervention

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Module 3
Democratic Intervention

What I Need to Know

This module demonstrates an understanding of the meaning and dimensions of

democracy. The democratic practices that people preferred will be identified and the
importance of participation in democracy will be explained thoroughly. Among the models
of democracy, participatory and representative will be differentiated. Democratic
interventions will be assessed and formulate a viable alternative to undemocratic

How does democracy work? This overreaching question might be lingering in your
mind and wonder how people and government exercise democracy. Through this module
the current state of democracy in the Philippines will be analyzed. As well as examining
the possible effects of democratic and undemocratic practices related to factors such as
gender biases, poverty, political marginalization, racial inequality, cultural domination,
crisis of representation and politics of recognition.

This module will help you looks into the nature of democracy, democratic practices
and interventions.
This module has five (5) lessons:
 Lesson 1- Democratic Practices
 Lesson 2- The Importance of Participation in Democracy
 Lesson 3- Participatory Versus Representative Democracy
 Lesson 4- Democratic Interventions Prevailing in Political and Social
 Lesson 5- Viable Alternatives to Undemocratic practices

Learning Objectives
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Identify preferred democratic practices.
2. Explain the importance of participation in democracy. (HUMSS_MC T12-IId-f-1)
3. Differentiate participatory from representative democracy.

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4. Assess democratic interventions prevailing in political and social institutions.
5. Formulate a viable alternative to undemocratic practices.

General Instructions

To achieve the competencies of this module, complete the following:

1. Understand and follow the instructions carefully.
2. Accomplish the pre-test to identify your preparedness about the lessons in this
3. Refer your answers to the given answer key.
4. Read each lesson and do activities provided for you.
5. Demonstrate the activities to guide you in comprehending the lessons.
6. Take the self-test after each lesson to assess your understanding of the topics.
7. Answer the post-test to measure how much you have gained from the

What I know
Directions: Read and understand each item and choose the letter of the correct answer.
Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.

1. The activity of choosing someone or something in an election.

A. Franchise C. Selection
B. Suffrage D. Voting

2. It defines 'minority' as 'a group of people who share some characteristic by birth that
makes their group smaller than some other groups in a society and may cause
others to treat them unfairly.'
A. Special protection program C. Equality
B. Human Rights D. Special protection for minorities in the society

3. The right to vote in political elections.

A. Suffrage C. Disagreement
B. Attestation D. Ballot

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4. A class of rights that protect individuals' freedom from infringement by
governments, social organizations, and private individuals.
A. Civil and political rights C. Fundamental rights
B. Solidarity rights D. Human rights

5. Is a form of government in which the people have the authority to choose their
governing legislation.
A. Revolutionary C. Monarchy
B. Democracy D. Federalism
6. Prejudice against people of a particular gender.
A. Equity C. Gender Bias
B. Stereotype D. Gender Identity
7. It generally refer to traditional political families or the practices by these political
families of monopolizing political power and public offices.
A. Political Dynasty C. Political Misconduct
B. Political Marginalization D. Political Families

8. A model of democracy that allow people decide on policy initiatives directly.

A. Representative C. Direct
B. Free Press D. Civil Society

9. A model of democracy founded on the principle of elected officials representing a

group of people, as opposed to direct democracy.

A. Participatory C. Revolutionary
B. Representative D. Federal

10. The state of being extremely poor.

A. Poverty C. Famish
B. Hunger D. Deprivation

TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
_________ 11. In a democracy, people collectively exercise equal rights to participate in
decision-making processes.
_________12. In a participatory model of democracy, only a few members have the
opportunity to raise an issue, provide possible solutions to the problem,
and take part in the crafting of the final decision.
________ 13. Representative democracy is founded on the principle of elected officials.

________14. Participatory democracy is also known as direct democracy.

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________15. In participatory democracy citizen need somebody to represent them
instead of voting directly on the issues.

________16. In representative democracy elected officials will make decisions for the
people and propose laws.

________17.The advantage of representative democracy is people can choose experts

to make and carry out decisions for them.

________18. In a democracy, the civil and political rights of a citizen can be taken away
from him or her due to his or her race, morals, or way of life.

________19. Freedom of movement, assembly, association, expression, and

information are examples of civil and political rights.

________20. Real concept of democracy is not merely based on statistics or statistical


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Democratic Practices
Learning Concept
Don’t you know that the term democracy originates from a Greek words demos
(people) and kratos (rule) which means ruled by the people. The people under democracy
exercise a genuine control over the government and have equal rights to participate in
the decision-making processes. It protects individual liberties such as the right to free
speech, privacy and even the right to remain silent in a police interrogation. And since
democracy is a type of government in which people are vested with supreme power then
we all can enjoy a fair and free elections and seek to control who will hold a position.
Thus, the assurance of political equality in which citizens preferences and interests are
equally considered and safeguarded by the state
There are several democratic practices that people preferred such as civil rights or
our freedom of speech, religion, right to vote, and public education. Another democratic
practice preferred by people is a respectable and bias-free mass media and equality
before the law.

Before we discuss the identified democratic practices preferred by people let us

first answer the following activity.

What’s New
Learning Activity: My Democracy Concept Mapping
Complete the concept map below.
What is Democracy?

Definition of Democracy

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Characteristic Concept Example

1. Civil Rights
Have you ever asked yourself what could you possible enjoy as a Filipino citizen?
Well, we have the freedom of speech but never go anything lewd or obscene as well as
not to provokes violence or disorder. That freedom limits us to create seditious messages
and present danger to anyone.
Another civil right we obviously enjoy is the freedom of religion wherein our
preference for a religion cannot be endorsed by the state or anyone else. We can freely
choose a religion we wanted to embrace and practice.
An individual’s privilege and duty to vote should not be taken for granted since the
choice of majority will rule our country. Thus, the caption “vote wisely” should be practiced
seriously. Lastly, we are privileged to access a quality and public education at all levels.
2. Respectable and Bias-free Mass Media
For sure we all have our favorite channel to watch for news and current events but how
reliable are they? Do they fairly represent all groups? This might be a relevant question
to consider as when a station becomes bias with their reporting people will loss their trust
like what happened last presidential election where advertisement of a presidential
candidate was refused by a certain network to show or broadcast because they favor
other candidates.
Media can influence our thoughts, manners, and even the way we live in the society
because they are some people who believes in any information without assuring if it a
fact or merely a speculation. Thus, a respectable and bias-free mass media is a thing
Filipino should enjoy since it is part of their civil right.
3. Equality before the law
All persons are equal in the eye of the law regardless of status, wealth or power just like how
the statue of Lady Justice wearing blindfold. Aside from the blindfold the statue also carries a
balance scale which means that it is going to weigh the evidence presented to the court and
it should look and compare each side as justice is done. And the sword which is unsheathed
is a symbol that justice is transparent and not an implement of fear.

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A right to a fair trial is a visible practice in the Philippines thus the court presumed innocent
until the contrary is proved beyond reasonable doubt or proven guilty.

Learning Activity: Democratic Practices in the Philippines

The learners should be able to identify some preferred practices in the Philippines.

Topic: What are examples of democratic practices in the Philippines?

of democratic
practices in the

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Learning Activity: Name the Lady of Justice symbol
Identify the symbols asked in each item. Choose an answer below.


______________ A symbol which represent the obligation of the law to weigh the
evidence presented to the court.

______________ A symbol that represent the enforcement of justice and protection of

the law or defense.

______________ A symbol that represents the objectivity of the law that it doesn’t let
outside factors, such as politics, wealth or fame, influence its decisions.

What’s More

Exit ticket:
After gaining knowledge about democracy and identifies the practices preferred by
citizen lets test your comprehension and reasoning on the present pandemic by
answering the question that follows. What is the relationship between Covid – 19 and
the level of democracy? Will the related deaths decrease as the level of democracy
increases? Why

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2 The Essence of Participation in

in Democracy

Learning Concept

Now that you have gained background about Democracy that it is a people ‘vote,
individual rights are protected, laws to protect and majority rule. It’s time for you to
discover about the importance of participation in democracy. They say that citizens
make the future of the country, but how can citizen do something useful or contribute to
the development of the country? Participation plays a vital role in order to achieve
success for example participation in poverty reduction and participations from a human
rights perspective.

We are driven to live in better conditions so it is our individual duty to do

everything to achieve it. By actively participating in democracy private individual will be
provided with opportunity to influence public decisions and be a part of democratic
decision-making process.

“While democracy is the process whereby the people collectively decide on the
priorities and policies of public life, human rights are the individual guarantees that the
state is set to uphold and respect– and that make participation in democratic governance

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Participatory Democracy in Practice Observation and Reflection Writing
In your entire being you have experience to vote in various elections like election
on a classroom and election on student government officers. Have you observed how
participatory democracy is practiced during elections? Describe and discuss the
importance and impact of participation in this election.

LESSON Participatory Versus
Representative Democracy

Learning Concept
We already gain knowledge about the importance of participation
democracy so now we will deepen your understanding by differentiating participatory and
representative democracy. Participatory government is also known as direct democracy
where all people vote on all decisions. They don’t need somebody to represent them but
rather vote on issues directly. The only advantage of participatory democracy is that
people have all the power. The disadvantages are uninformed people vote on issues and
it will only work in small groups.

In representative democracy, people vote an elected official like congressman to vote on

issues for them. This elect official will make decisions for the people and propose laws.

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The only advantage of this representative democracy is people can choose experts to
make and carry out decisions for them. The disadvantage is that we can never guarantee
that the official we elected or leader will represent people’s interest.

Learning Activity: Representative or Participatory?

The learner will identify the following illustration as representative or
participatory democracy.

People Representative Laws - ___________________

People Laws - ____________________

Democratic Interventions
4 Prevailing in political and
Social Institutions

Learning Concept
When applying for a government vacant position, the
responsible agency will announce the vacancy to the public and accept
qualified applicants and evaluate them all fairly with no personal interest
of a favored applicant to place in the position. This is an example of
democratic social interventions. The same persons or families were being
tapped as vacancies arose should no longer be practiced to achieve
democracy in the social institution.

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Political dynasty is rampant in the Philippines it happens when an
elected government official is succeeded by a member of his household up
to the first degree of consanguinity or affinity and when several members
of the family occupies various positions in the government. This make it
unfair to a new aspiring politician or talents to penetrate and in effect it
will decrease the level of political participation among the populace.
As citizens, to practice democracy we should give fair chance to all
political candidates and not be persuade patronizing political dynasty.

What’s New
Learning Activity: Photo Analysis
Looking at the photo below, what can you say about political dynasty and how
will it affects our democracy?

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Viable Alternative to
5 Undemocratic Practices

Learning Concept
Undemocratic practices are very evident in everywhere just like gender
biases, poverty, political marginalization, racial inequality, cultural domination,
crisis of representation and politics of recognition. The biggest challenge is how to
stop it and make it right by formulating a viable alternative.
Gender bias occur when there is unequal treatment on men and women
because of their gender. In order to eliminate gender biases, we should prohibit
gender discrimination, learn awareness and acceptance.
Poverty is the state of being extremely poor. Some families remain poor due
to lack of opportunities, education and skills. To achieve social equity the Philippine
government, launch a special program like the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino
Program to eradicate poverty. Part of the condition of the program is to provide
family development sessions to the grantees and this is very helpful since front
liners of the program are educating parents at home.
Political Marginalization is an effect of political exclusions that prevents or
limits the enjoyment of certain rights. Just like how women are less likely to win a
position in an election due to prejudice. So, we should give fair chance to everyone
regardless of gender.
Racial Inequality is defined as disparity in opportunity and treatment that
occurs as a result of someone’s race. An example of racial inequality is Asian
students are more likely to receive a scholarship from an Asian non-profit
organization than a non-Asian student.

Cultural domination is defined as cultural practice that is dominant within a

particular political, social or economic entity, in which multiple cultures are present.

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What’s New
Learning Activity: Photo Analysis

Looking at the photo below, how will you apply the democratic principle in
resolving gender inequality.

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Module 5
Information Communication Technology
What I Need to Know
Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered as an important
part of the development of the modern world. It started with the invention of first modern
postal system, to the invention of the telephone, and of course the first computers. The
Age of Industrial Revolution which begun in the 18 th century has produced numerous
inventions and advances that made agricultural societies became more industrialized and
urban. ICT saw gigantic progress during this period like the invention of better printing
methods, the telegraph cables, and later on the telephone. But the novelty of ICT during
the Age of Industrial Revolution was the actual invention of technology that made
countries and continents connected that have never been possible before.
To date, ICT shape access to people. The existence of computers, mobile phones
and the internet are not only ground-breaking actual inventions but an exceptional
accessibility to a lot of people. It is even produced cheaper to be accessible to average
worker so it means anyone who needs it can simply have it nowadays. Various services
and applications are also associated with ICT just like the in-demand video conferencing
of business meetings and distance learning like online classes.
This module discusses the different dimensions of ICT, which takes into
consideration the benefits it brings to the society and challenges it poses. One interesting
development which will be explore as we go along with the lesson is the role played by
ICT in facilitating social relationships and even organizing political movements. It may
have started long ago during Industrial Revolution but sure enough it reaches in the global
scale definitely belongs to the 21st century.

This module has five (5) lessons:

 Lesson 1 - Dimensions of Technology
 Lesson 2 - Benefits of Technology
 Lesson 3 - Weakest Link in a System using Strategic and Intuitive Thinking
 Lesson 4 - How ICT can Facilitate Social Relationships and Political

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 Lesson 5 - Creative Interventions to Improve Human Life using ICT

Learning Objectives

After undergoing through this module, you are likely to:

1. Identify the dimensions of technology that are enabling and inhibiting.

2. Discuss the benefits of technology.
3. Explain the weakest link in a system using strategic and intuitive thinking.
4. Explain how information communication technology can facilitate social
relationships and political movements.
5. Propose a creative intervention to improve human life using ICT.

General Instructions

To achieve the competencies of this module, complete the following:

1. Understand and follow the instructions carefully.
2. Accomplish the pre-test to identify your preparedness about the lessons in this
3. Refer your answers to the given answer key.
4. Read each lesson and do activities provided for you.
5. Demonstrate the activities to guide you in comprehending the lessons.
6. Take the self-test after each lesson to assess your understanding of the topics.
7. Answer the post-test to measure how much you have gained from the topics.

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What I know

A. Fill up the A-B-C Chart. Write on the A-column what you know about the topic and
on the B-column what you want to know about the topic. At the end of the lesson, fill up
the C-column with what you have learned after all the class discussions and activities.

ICT and economic
ICT and classroom
ICT and social

B. True or False. Write T if the statement is true and F it is false.

__________ 1. The growth in the ICT industry resulted in the expansion of the world
economy as well.
__________ 2. The Philippines went against the tide and experienced a downward
trend in the use of ICT in its industries.
__________ 3. ICT is able to create jobs directly from within its industry and in the other
industries that it service.
__________ 4. Businesses gains from ICT by bringing more efficiency in the
manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of their goods and services.
__________ 5. Cloud computing was brought about because of the problems of limited
storage, corruption of files, expensive cost of computation, and application hosting.
__________ 6. There is an equal distribution of ICT in both the urban and rural setting.
__________ 7. Teledensity in developed countries are increasing, but in developing
countries, it is decreasing.
__________ 8. Mobile phones have overtaken the use of landlines or permanent fixture
telephones as primary communication device.
__________ 9. ICT is confined to the technological, academic, and business sectors
and can be considered apolitical.
_________ 10. Industries under the ICT sector fulfill and/or enable the processing,
communication, transmission, and display of information using electric means.

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1 Dimensions of Technology

Learning Concept

In this section, we will discuss the nature of Information and Communication

Technology (ICT), identify its dimensions and contributions. Have you ever asked yourself
what ICT means and how does it contribute to the development of our country?
Information and Communication Technology usually abbreviated as ICT, refer to the
diverse set of technological tools such as smartphone, computer, radio, television,
network hardware and software, satellite systems and the various services and
applications related with them, such as video conferencing and distant learning and
other resources used to transmit, store, create, share or exchange information.
ICT’s far-reaching implication is not just in business but also in the delivery of social
services. The World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), which took place in
Geneva in 2003 and Tunis in 2005, was the first major United Nations event dedicated to
improve people’s quality of life and for them to reach their fullest potential within the larger
framework of sustainable development and human rights with the use of ICT. ICT is built
in four dimensions - namely computing, communications, content, and human capacity.

1. Computing

It is any activity that uses computers to manage, process, and communicate

information. It includes development of both hardware and software. Computing is a
critical, integral component of modern industrial technology. (

1.1 Transition to Broadband

In telecommunications, broadband is wide bandwidth data transmission
which transports multiple signals and traffic types. The medium can be coaxial
cable, optical fiber, radio or twisted pair. (

Broadband have been described as high-speed internet access and since

it offers high-quality connectivity it allows uninterrupted video streaming and

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computerized stock trading which made business transaction effortless. Thus,
infrastructure development must continue in order to achieve the national goals
related to ICT.

1.2 Cloud computing and the cloud economy

Cloud computing is another innovation in the field of technology as it

addresses problems like limited storage, corruption of files, expensive cost of
computation, and application hosting by connecting a large pool of systems,
whether public or private, in order to provide an infrastructure for computation, data
and file storage. So, when you store your photos online instead of on your own
personal computer terminal, a webmail, a social networking site, or an online

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business application then you are using cloud computing. This way users wont
encounter problems where to store their files.

Cloud providers offers services that fall under three categories: software as
a service, platform as a service, and infrastructure as a service. Software as a service
provides Internet-based applications that are hosted on a cloud and these services can
be get by the customer without paying huge sums for servers and software licenses.
Providers will similarly benefit with lower cost since they only need a single application to
maintain and hosted. Examples of software as a service cloud computing models are and Google Docs. Platform as a service allows the end users to develop,
build, design and test applications using platform provided by the cloud infrastructure.
Examples of platform as a service cloud computing models are Azure Services and
Google App Engine Platform. Lastly, infrastructure as a service computing model
provides basic storage and computing capabilities using servers, networking equipment,
storage systems, and the like. Since it is a pay-per-use model then customer have to use
his own software on the infrastructure. Examples are GoGrid and Amazon Web Services.

1.3 Datafication, data management, and big data analysis

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Datafication is the term used to describe an organizational trend to the process of putting
together all the tools and technology needed to transform a business into a data driven
Datafication is important in ensuring that business organizations and other similar
establishments have total control over the storage, extraction, and manipulation of data
and other information.
Business organizations felt on data and extracted knowledge and information to perform
necessary transactions and operations.

Data management is the implementation of policies and procedures that provides the
guidelines for data control. It is concern with the life cycle of data, from creation to
retirement, and the progression of data from within each stage of the cycle. With data
management duplication can be avoided while synchronizing data across different
system. It also provides access to accurate data when and where it is needed yet ensuring
free flow of information and communication.

Big data analysis describes the gathering and analysis of large-scale data sets for
administrative or commercial purposes,

1.4 Smart systems

Today’s world having computer or mobile phone that keeps you connected is not
enough because the system that rubs them has to be “smart” thus this pave to the
upgrade of your gadgets as smart phones, smart TV, and smart cars are now possible.
This system monitors, communicates, measures, analyzes, and acts varying levels of
smart systems. It may also collect data, process them and present the information to a
human operator who acts based on the information. An example of this are smart
television or connected television which is essentially internet connected.

2. Communication

Can you imagine how people could live without communications? Life could be lonely for
someone working abroad being far from loved ones. But this is no longer a problem with
the presence of technology. One can call in a blink of an eye using our smart phone
through messenger, skype or video call to get connected and ease the loneliness of
missing home. One of the most dramatic changes that takes place in the field of
communication is probably the rapid spread of mobile telephony. With this people are
allowed to communicate instantaneously at a distance no matter where they are as long
as there is an existing network that services the area. Mobile devices are extremely
portable that it can fit in your hand and have become the primary mode of internet access
for many users not only in developed, but also in developing countries.

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Other trends that have emerged since 2010 are:

a. Mobile phones is digital device that can serve the function of a radio, a camera, an
alarm clock, a video player, a flashlight, an audio, a calendar and so much more. So, it
performs multiple functions aside from its primary purpose as telephone.

b. The spread of 3G connections and available Wi-Fi connections have increased the use
of internet access through mobile phones, making it possible to access one’s e-mail
address, do online banking, and video chat using a handled device.

c. The price of mobile handsets and mobile phone usage has been falling. Unlike before
where mobile phone is considered a luxury at present you can afford to have one because
it is cheapest now than it has ever been.

d. The rampant availability and use of smart phones has led to the creation of new mobile
applications or what we called “apps” that allows mobile devices to substitute for personal
e. Tablet computers have also emerged with built-in functions of personal computers in
portable devices. It also designed to be continuously online and use cloud services. Like
smart phones, the use of tablet computers has increased following its adoption of
government and international agencies, which sees it as an important development tool.

So, can you appreciate the comfort you experience now a days compared to the
ancient time where people live without technology? At home you can used your computer
for doing research works, projects and preparing assignment. For communication
purposes you can get in touch with your loved ones abroad, classmates and friends
through video call or messenger with your smartphone using internet.

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Learning Activity: Photo Analysis

With your analyzation on the photo below, how do you think technology helps mobile
companies in this era?


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3. Content
The relevance of ICT is tied to its ability to be integrated into the
delivery of traditional services like education, business, and employment.
And its meaningful usage is carried out if it is applied to specific
development goals like literacy, poverty reduction, and sustainable

4. Human Capacity

It is important to acquire all the necessary skills and knowledge

related to ICT in order to understand, participate actively in, and benefit
fully from ICT. Improving human capacity means ICT in education and
training at all levels of society including distance learning.

Learning Activity: Connected or Disconnected?

Choose whether the following devices or applications connect or
disconnect people from each other. Explain your answer.

1. Messenger
2. Facebook
3. Play Station
4. Tablet computers

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5. Drones
6. Smart TV

7. Mobile Games

8. Digital Cameras

9. Pokemon Go

10. Instagram


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2 Benefits of Technology


Learning Concept
There are countless benefits of technology it does not only provide
jobs to millions of people around the world but for stimulation of
innovation and business expansion. New and more advance ethnologies
are needed for the continuous competitiveness of business and an
indispensable tool for industry leaders to stay on top.

1. Direct job creation

The ICT industry continues to be one of the largest sources of
employment. From the core ICT group, the greatest number of
establishments are found in ICT enabled services, broadcast media, and
computer hardware, while the ones that employs the utmost number of
workers are IT-BPM, electronics and semiconductors, and computer
hardware firms.

2. Emergence of new services and industries

The emergence of ICT paved the way for public services to gain
greater accessibility by using online channels and mobile phones. ICT has
also led to the creation of a completely new sector, which is the app
industry. Study shows that Facebook app alone has created more than
182,000 jobs in 2011, and that the aggregate value of the Facebook app
economy exceeds USD 12 billion.

3. Transformation of the workforce

ICT has pushed the boundaries of the work place structure just how
online classes done. If you want to teach online abroad no need for you to

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go abroad like China and Japan but stay at the comfort of your home and
technology will handle it. Being employed nowadays does not have to mean
that you have to be physically present in the actual company or
establishment. Filipinos are so smart to sell and advertise products online
using Facebook that they no longer need a physical store to display. Selling
products nowadays is accessible.

4. Business innovation
ICT provides all the needed tools for business expansion and innovation. Social
networking sites have proven themselves as effective and powerful marketing tools such
as Facebook, online store like Shoppe and Lazada. Filipinos are so smart to sell and
advertise products online using Facebook that they no longer need a physical store to
display. Selling products nowadays is accessible.

Learning Activity: Technology in the Classroom

Video Viweing. There may still be some apprehensions in the use of

technology in the classroom but for the most part, there is acceptance that
technology plays a vital role in improving learning inside the classroom.
These videos shows different perspectives on how technology can be
utilized effectively as opposed to being an impediment to student learning.

1. The Future of Education (Learning and Teaching)

(Presented by Pocket Media)
2. Technology in Education: A Future Classroom
(presented by Nemroff Pictures)
3. 5 Technologies that will Change Classroom education
(Presented by AJ+) I

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LESSON Weakest Link in a System

3 using Strategic and Intuitive


Learning Concept
While the potential benefits of ICT are abundant, some challenges
still need to be addressed in order to maximize the full gains from investing
in this technology.
As to date, personal computers are still prohibitively expensive for
many. This is the reason why shared access through community centers
and cybercafes is still practiced. Complementary technologies that are
non-PC devices like mobile phones should be made into a viable option.
Mobile telephony has improved worldwide but it still remains
expensive, limited, unreliable in rural areas, remote island, and poor at
providing data connection.
In several cases, content is not meaningful or locally relevant to the
end users. The system today tends to make the consumers passive
recipient of information instead of creators and producers of local
information. In addition, rich content required multimedia, which, in turn,
requires a consistent and reliable broadband connectivity.
Computer literacy remains a challenge. This means that users need
to be aware, literate, and innovative to maximize the full gains from ICT.
Just as reading and mathematical literacy are considered as priorities and
necessities by both the state and society, the same should be true for ICT.
ICT is a language of its own. People are empowered if they can master this

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What’s New
Learning Activity: See Saw Battle
List at list three positive and three negative effects of the proliferation of the use of ICT in Society. How
do you balance the use of ICT to minimize its negative effects?

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LESSON ICT to Facilitate Social

4 Relationships and Political


Learning Concept

Technology has become an integral part of people’s lives and it has

changed the way we think, communicate and plan events with friends.
However, with the expansion of the internet and communication and the
creations of e-mails and social networks such as Tweeter , Facebook,
and Instagram social relationships took their first steps towards a
completely new era. The development of both software and hardware
makes communication much easier.

ICT facilitate social relationship as it makes people closer. We can instantly

text or call using our phone and with the presence of social media people can
easily update themselves with the latest trends and get connected with friends and
loved ones.

Technologies such as radio, the Internet and the mobile phone provides a
variety of illustrations of their uses and applications in social struggles, large and
small for political movements. Politicians takes so much advantage on technology
as it helps them build their image by broadcasting their platforms and achievement
to gain popularity from people.

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Learning Activity: Photo Analysis

Analyzed the photo below and explain how technology makes people


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Intervention to Improve
5 Human Life using ICT


Learning Concept
Technology has help human race tremendously but with the
countless positivity it brings it could still destroy human and relationship
if used wrongly and excessively. A growing up child if allowed to excessively
used mobile for entertainment then technology will likely destroy that child
for it could possibly lead to mobile addiction and loses interest at school.
So, used of technology among children should be regulated and guided by

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Learning Activity: Photo Analysis

What do you think the photo below illustrate? What intervention you could
possibly come up to save human relationship with the presence of technology?


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What I have learned

 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) refers to technologies that

provide access to information through telecommunications. It is similar to
Information Technology (IT), but focuses primarily on communication
 Computing is any activity that uses computers to manage, process, and
communicate information. It includes development of both hardware and software.
 Broadband is the most used form of Internet access because of its high access
speeds; it is offered in four different forms, DSL (or Digital Subscriber Line), also
fiber-optic, cable, and satellite.
 Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources,
especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management
by the user.
 Datafication is a collective tools, technologies and processes used to transform an
organization to a data-driven enterprise.
 Data Management comprises all disciplines related to managing data as a valuable
 Big Data Analysis describes the gathering and analysis of large-scale data sets for
administrative or commercial purposes.
 Smart systems incorporate functions of sensing, actuation, and control in order to
describe and analyze a situation, and make decisions based on the available data
in a predictive or adaptive manner, thereby performing smart actions.
 Communication the imparting or exchanging of information or news.

1. Assessment

I. Essay: Answer the following question.

1. How does Information and Communications Technology (ICT) contribute to national



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2. How do the four dimensions of ICT bring about better delivery of social services in
both the urban and rural setting?

3. How would you assess the impact of technology to society? Explain your answer by
giving examples.
4. How does ICT act as catalyst to political and social changes?
5. How does ICT affect the country’s economy?

II Performance Task

Write a position paper that explains your idea about the roles, benefits, and ill-
effects of ICT to Philippines politics, economy, society, and culture. Give clear examples
to back-up your arguments.

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