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Module 4

Light and Architectural

Lighting Systems

Engr. Gerard Ang

School of EECE

• Illumination or Illuminance (E) – it is the intensity of light

per unit area. It is measured by the normal luminous flux
per unit area received by it.

𝚽 E = illumination
𝑬= Φ = luminous flux
A = area of the surface being illuminated
System of Luminous Area
Illumination (E)
Units Flux (Φ) (A)
lumen/m2 = lux (lx) or
MKS lumen m2
CGS lumen cm2 lumen/cm2 = Phot (ph)
English lumen ft2
= Foot-candle (fc)

1 footcandle = 10.76 lux

1 phot = 10,000 lux
1. Light – it is the energy radiated in the form of waves which
produces the sensation of vision to the eyes. It may be natural
light from sun or the artificial light from the means created by
human beings.
2. Visible light – is that part of electromagnetic radiation spectrum
capable of exciting the retina and ultimately producing a visual
3. Brightness – it is the intensity of sensation resulting from
viewing light sources and backgrounds.
4. Color – it is defined as the quality of visual sensation which is
associated with the spectral distribution of light. Visible light can
have length between 4000 Å to 7500 Å.
5. Glare – it is a strong steady dazzling light.
5. Reflection Factor or Coefficient of Reflection or Reflectance
(p) – it is given by the ratio of luminous flux reflected from a
small area of a surface to the total flux incident upon it. It
depends upon the characteristics and the color of the
surroundings, i.e. walls and ceilings, etc.

𝒓𝒆𝒇𝒍𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
𝒑= 𝒑+𝜶=𝟏
𝒊𝒏𝒄𝒊𝒅𝒆𝒏𝒕 𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕

Where: α = absorptance of the surface

 Note:
It is always less than 1. Its value is zero for ideal “black body”
and unity for perfect reflector.
6. Transmittance (T) of an Illuminated Diffuse Reflecting
Surface – it is defined as the ratio of the total luminous flux
transmitted to it to the total flux incident on it.
7. Absorptance (α) – it is the ratio of the light absorbed versus the
light striking the surface.
8. Coefficient of utilization or utilization factor (η) – it is the
ratio of the lumens actually received by a particular surface to
the total lumens emitted by the luminous source.

Φreceived = total lumens received by the working plane
Φemitted = total lumens emitted by the light source
• Factors affecting utilization factor:
 Kind of lighting system
 Type and mounting height of the fittings
 Color of surface and surrounding
 Shape and size of the room

• The utilization factor varies from:

 0.10 to 0.40 for indirect lighting system
 0.40 to 0.60 for direct lighting system
9. Maintenance Factor (MF) – it is the factor related to the
cleanliness of the lamp including the room, replacement of lamp
after recommended life, etc.

𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒏 𝒆𝒗𝒆𝒓𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒊𝒔 𝒏𝒆𝒘

𝑴𝑭 =
𝑰𝒍𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒖𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏

• Factors affecting maintenance factor:

 Dust, dirt, etc.
 Blacking of filament (light emitted decreases)

• The maintenance factor varies from:

 0.60 to 0.80
10. Depreciation Factor (DF) – it is the reciprocal of
maintenance factor. Its value is more than unity.

𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒂𝒍 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔

𝑫𝑭 =
𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒅𝒍𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒐𝒏 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒍𝒂𝒏𝒆


Where: LLD = lamp lumen depreciation factor

LDD = luminaire dirt depreciation factor
RSDD = room surface dirt depreciation factor
LBO = lamp burnout (only for 2 or more luminaires)
The expression for gross lumens required taking into
consideration the utilization and maintenance factors

𝜼 × 𝑴𝑭

E = illumination
A = area of the working plane to be illuminated
MF= maintenance factor
η = utilization factor
11. Specific Output or Light Efficiency or Efficacy – it is the ratio
of the luminous flux to the power intake. Its unit is lumens/watt
𝒍𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒔 𝒐𝒖𝒕𝒑𝒖𝒕
𝑬𝒇𝒇𝒊𝒄𝒂𝒄𝒚 =
𝒘𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒆 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒆𝒅

Average efficacy of various types of lamps:

Type of Lamp Lumens per watt
Fluorescent lamp 50 – 80
Incandescent lamp 14 – 20
Mercury lamp 40 – 70
Metal halide lamp 60 – 80
Sodium lamp 90 – 100
Tungsten halogen lamp 16 – 20
Sample Problems
1. A room 8 m × 12 m is lighted by 15 lamps to a fairly uniform
illumination of 100 lux. Calculate the utilization coefficient of the
room given that the output of each lamp is 1600 lumens.


𝜙𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 = 15 1600 = 24,000 𝑙𝑚

𝜙𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 = 𝐸 × 𝐴 = 100 (8 × 12) = 9.600 𝑙𝑚

𝛷𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑒𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑑 9,600
𝜂= = = 𝟎. 𝟒 = 𝟒𝟎%
𝛷𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑒𝑑 24,000
Sample Problems
2. The illumination in a drawing office 30 m × 10 m is to have a
value of 250 lux and is to be provided by a number of 300-W
filament lamps. If the coefficient of utilization = 0.4 and the
maintenance factor = 0.9, determine the number of lamps
required. The luminous efficiency of each lamp is 14 lm/W.

𝐸×𝐴 250(30 × 10)
𝛷𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = = = 208,333.33 𝑙𝑚
𝜂 × 𝑀𝐹 0.4 × 0.9

𝛷𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑝 = 300 × 14 = 4,200 𝑙𝑚

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑠 = = 49.60 = 𝟓𝟎 𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒔
Sample Problems
3. A football pitch 120 m × 60 m is to be illuminated for night play by
similar banks of equal 1000 W lamps supported on twelve towers
which are distributed around the ground to provide approximately
uniform illumination of the pitch. Assuming that 40% of the total light
emitted reaches the playing pitch and that an illumination of 1000 lux is
necessary for television purposes, calculate the number of lamps on
each tower. The overall efficiency of the lamp is to be taken as 30
lm/W. Assume unity maintenance factor.

𝐸×𝐴 1,000(120 × 60)
𝛷𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = = = 18 × 106 𝑙𝑚
𝜂 × 𝑀𝐹 0.4 × 1
18 × 106
𝛷𝑡𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 = = 1.5 × 106 𝑙𝑚
𝛷𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑝 = 1,000 × 30 = 30,000 𝑙𝑚
1.5 × 106
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑎𝑚𝑝𝑠 = = 𝟓𝟎 𝒍𝒂𝒎𝒑𝒔/𝒕𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓
Sample Problems
4. Design a suitable lighting scheme for a factory 120 m × 40 m
with a height of 7 m. Illumination required is 60 lux. State the
number fittings to be used for 40 W fluorescent tubes giving 45
lm/W. Depreciation factor = 1.2 ; utilization factor = 0.5. Twin
tube fittings are to employed.
𝐸×𝐴 60(120 × 40)
𝛷𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = = = 691,200 𝑙𝑚
𝜂 × 𝑀𝐹 1
0.5 ×
𝛷𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒 = 40 × 45 = 1,800 𝑙𝑚
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑡𝑢𝑏𝑒𝑠 = = 𝟑𝟖𝟒 𝒕𝒖𝒃𝒆𝒔
If twin tube fittings are employed,
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 = = 𝟏𝟗𝟐 𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
Sample Problems
9. A school classroom, 7 m × 10 m × 4 m high is to be illuminated
to 135 lux on the working plane. If the coefficient of utilization is
0.45 and the sources give 13 lumens per watt, determine the
total wattage required, assuming a maintenance factor of 0.8.
Determine also the number of fittings required. Sketch roughly
the lighting plan of the room, showing suitable positions for
fitting. Use light fitting of 200 W.
𝐸×𝐴 135(7 × 10)
𝛷𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 = = = 26,250 𝑙𝑚
𝜂 × 𝑀𝐹 0.45 × 0.8
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 = = 𝟐, 𝟎𝟏𝟗. 𝟐𝟑 𝑾
𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠 𝑟𝑒𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 = = 𝟏𝟎 𝒇𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔
Lighting Systems
1. Characteristics of Good Illumination
The following are the characteristics of a good illumination:
• The light source should not strike the eyes of the worker.
• The type and size of the lamp should be correct.
• Location of light sources should be proper.
• Reflecting equipment should be suitable.

2. Advantages of Correct Illumination:

• Factory production increases
• Accidents decrease
• Wastage of jobs decreases

3. Advantages of a Well Design Lighting Scheme

• Adequate illumination
• Avoidance of glare and hard shadows
• Sufficient uniform distribution of light all over the workplace
Lighting Systems
4. Factors affecting illumination
• Brightness
• Contrast. It is the difference in brightness between an object
and its background.
• Glare. There are two types of glare: (a) direct glare and (b)
indirect glare
• Diffuseness

5. Artificial Sources of Light
Different methods of producing light by electrical means are
the following:
• By temperature incandescence
• By establishing an electric arc between two carbon
• By electric discharge
Lighting Systems
Kinds of Lighting System
• Direct Lighting. In this type of lighting most of the light falls directly to
the surface or the spot which is required to be illuminated. In this
system, about 90% of the total light energy falls on the object.

• Indirect Lighting. In this case light does not reach the surface directly
but it is being reflected or say, indirectly illuminated. The lamps are
either placed behind a cornice or in suspended opaque bowls. In this
case about 90% of light energy falls to the ceiling and then it comes to
the object. There is an opaque reflector below the lamp. This type of
lighting is used for decoration purposes in cinema, dancing halls, etc.

• Semi-direct lighting. This system utilizes luminaires which send most

of the light downwards directly on the working plane but a considerable
amount reaches the ceilings and walls also.
Lighting Systems
• Semi-Indirect Lighting. This lighting system lies between the direct and
indirect lighting wherein the light is partially received by diffuse reflection
and partly direct from the source. In this system about 60 to 90% light-
upward and remaining downwards. This type of lighting is mostly used for
decoration purposes.
• General Diffusing System. In this lighting system, luminaires are
employed which have almost equal light distribution downwards and
• Lighting systems can be further classified in terms of the following:
• Percentage of light that falls downward towards the work plane
• Percentage of light towards the walls and ceilings

Type of Lighting system % downward % upward

Direct 90 10
Semi-direct 60 40
General diffuse 50 50
Semi-indirect 40 60
Indirect 10 90
Lighting Systems

• Specular Reflection – it is a type of reflection when a total

reflection of an incident light does not occur but a small portion of
it is absorbed by the reflecting surface and an image of the
source is formed.

• Diffuse Reflection – it is a type of reflection where the incident

light is scattered or diffused in all directions hence no image of
the source is formed.

• Perfect Diffuser – it is one that scatters light uniformly in all

directions. A white blotting paper is the nearest approach to a
perfect diffuser.
Objectives of Good Lighting Design
For a good lighting design, the following have to be met:

1. In accordance with Code requirements and architecture and

interior design
2. Looks good
3. Provide the proper amount of light in every room
4. Be built and constructed within budget
5. Environmentally responsible and efficient
6. Produce good color
7. Achieve the desired moods of each space
8. Proper control of the lights
9. Facilitates daily functions and tasks such as eating, working
10. Enhance comfort and communication
11. Easy to maintain
Light Source Selection

Two Important Measurement of a Good Light Source:

• Color Rendering Index
• Color Temperature
Color Rendering Index
Color Rendering Index – describes the quality of light on a scale of 0
(horrible) to 100 (perfect). This measurement illustrates the light
source’s ability to render the color of objects correctly.
Color Rendering Index Applications

Minimum Lamp
Noncritical industrial storage, and
< 50
security lighting
Industrial and general illumination
50 – 70
where color is not important
Offices, schools and recreational
70 – 79
spaces where color is not important
Hotels, restaurants, offices, schools,
80 – 89 hospitals, and retail where color quality
is important
Retail and museum/gallery where color
90 – 100
quality is critical
Color Temperature
Color Temperature of a light source – describes whether the light
appears warm, neutral or cool. The term “temperature” refers to the light
emitted from a metal object heated to the point of incandescence. The
higher the temperature, the whiter or cooler the light source appears.
Color Temperature Applications

Color Temperature
(in degrees Kelvin)
< 2500 Bulk industrial and security lighting
Residences, hotels, restaurants,
2700 – 3000 themed environments, and some
commercial office spaces
2950 – 3200 Display lighting in retail and galleries
3500 – 4100 Offices, schools, hospitals, some retail
Special applications where color
5000 – 7500 discrimination is critical; uncommon for
general lighting
Light Source Selection
Other factors to consider:
• Color Consistency and Stability of a light source – refers to how
reliable the light source is when compared with other lamps that are
installed at the same time.
• Dimmability
• Directionality
• Initial Cost
• Efficacy – refers to the energy efficiency of a light source measured in
lumens per watt.
• Operating temperature
• Auxuiliary Equipment – transformer or ballast
• Ambient Temperature
• Life
• Lumen Maintenance – evaluates how much of the light is lose by the
end of the lamp’s life
• Starting time
Light Sources

• Incandescent
• Halogen
• Fluorescent
• Compact Fluorescent
• LED’s
• Fiber Optic Sources
Incandescent Lamps
• Cost is cheaper
• Warm, attractive color
(2600 – 2900 K)
• Color rendering index is
considered to be 100
• Fast starting and small
in size
• Only about 10% of the
input power is converted
to light
• Sensitive to voltage
• Dimmable
• Wide variety
• Life span is short
Types of Incandescent Lamps

• Standard “A” lamps – popular bulb shape. Examples are A-15, A-

19 and A-23.
• Reflector Lamp – these are lamps which contain an internal
reflector coating to direct light in one direction. Lamp designations:
“R” – reflective, “BR” – bulbous reflector, “ER” – ellipsoidal reflector.
Common sizes are R-20, R-30 and R-40.
• Tubular (“T”) lamps – often called showcase lamps. These lamps
were developed for lighting inside showcases. Example is T-10.
• Globe (“G”) lamps – these are decorative lamps often used in
bathroom, sconces, marquee lighting and in decorative fixtures.
Sizes include G-16, G-25, G-30 and G-40.
• Parabolic Aluminized Reflector (“PAR”) lamps – these are lamps
with a parabolic aluminized reflector. Examples are PAR-38, PAR-
56 and PAR-64.
Types of Incandescent Lamps

Standard A Reflector Tubular Globe PAR

lamp lamp lamp lamp lamp
Tungsten Halogen
or Halogen Lamps
Halogen Lamp – is an incandescent
lamp that has a small amount of a
halogen such as iodine or bromine
Characteristics: Halogen PAR 20, PAR 30
• Appealing and PAR 38 lamps
• Crisp warm, attractive color (2800
– 3100 K)
• Color rendering index of 95 - 100
• Dimmable
• Wide variety
• Longer life, slightly more energy
Halogen lamps for
table lamps and chandeliers
Types of Halogen Lamps

• “A”, “BT”, “MB” and “TB” lamps – intended to

replace the standard incandescent “A” lamp.
• “PAR” lamps
• Double-ended “T” lamps – commonly used in flood
lights and torchiers.
• Single-ended “T” lamps – these are screw or
bayonet base halogen lamps used in specialty
architectural and theatrical equipment.
Types of Halogen Lamps

BT lamp Double-ended Single-ended

T lamp T lamp
Low Voltage Halogen Lamps

Small halogen
Characteristics: lamps for task lights,
• Compact, bright lamps sconces, etc.
• A bit more energy efficient
• Excellent reading, work
PAR36 and
and display light sources AR111
• Color Temp: 2900 – 3100K halogen long
• Long life throw
Common Types:
• MR11 and M16 lamps
• Compact T-3 and T-4

Types of Low Voltage Halogen Lamps

MR16 lamp Compact

T3 lamps
Linear Fluorescent Lamps
• For the same light
output, it consumes
lesser energy than
an incandescent
• Pleasant light output
(high efficiency)
• Life span is longer
• Not sensitive to
voltage fluctuations
• Limited to indoor
• Noisy due to ballast
Types of Fluorescent Lamps

• T-8 standard lamps –

standard general lighting
lamps Available lengths are
2’, 3’, 4’ and 8’.
• T-5 standard and high
output lamps – one of the
most energy efficient, good
color light source for general
lighting. Available lengths
are 2’, 3’ 4’ and 5’.
• T-12 standard lamps – old
standard for general lighting.
It is no longer used.
• T-2 miniature lamps –
useful in tight locations.
Compact Fluorescent Lamps
Major Types of
Compact Fluorescent Lamps
1. Screw base – designed to directly replaced incandescent
2. GU-24 base
3. Pin base

Screw base GU-24 base Pin base

Types of Pin Base Lamps
• Standard twin tube – first ones to be widely used. Standard sizes are 5, 7, 9 and 13 watts.
• Standard quad tube – two twin tubes lamps together of a single base. Standard sizes are
10, 13, 18 and 26 watts.
• Standard triple tube or hex lamp – incorporates three twin tubes on one base. Standard
sizes are 18, 26, 32 and 42 watts.
• Long twin tube – are available from 18 to 55 watts at a length of 22.5”.
• Flat Compact Lamps – these lamps are relatively flat. Types of compact lamps: circline
lamps (up to 40 watts), 2D lamps (up to 55 watts) and F lamps (from 18 to 36 watts).

Twin Tube Quad Tube Triple Tube

Long Twin Flat Compact lamps
Recommended Fluorescent
Lamps for Common Use

Desired Lamp Color Lamp Color Designation

• Warm 2700 K • “827”
• Warm 3000 K • “830”or “930”
• Neutral 3500 K • “835”
• Cool 4100 K • “841”
• Cold 5000 K • “850”or “950”

Example: F32T8/830 is a 3000K, 32 watt tubular

fluorescent lamp 8/8”in diameter
Fluorescent Ballast Technology

• Non-dimming electronic
- Quieter
- Instant starting
• Dimming electronic
- Two wire versions now
- Standard 3 wire and 4
wire versions also
High Intensity Discharge Lamps
High-intensity dicharge (HID) lamps generate light by passing an
electric current through a gas containing the vapors of certain
metals. The current produces an arc or discharge of light contained
within a high-temperature, high pressure enclosure called an arc
• High-intensity discharge (HID) lamps are designed to emit a
great deal of light from a compact, long-life light source. They are
most often used for street and parking lot lighting and for large
indoor spaces like gymnasiums and industrial work floors.
Types of HID Lamps:
• Metal Halide Lamps
• Sodium Lamps
• Mercury Vapor Lamps
Metal Halide Lamps
Metal-halide lamp – is an
electric lamp that produces light
by an electric arc through a
gaseous mixture of vaporized
mercury and metal halides
(compounds of metals with
bromine or iodine).
• Produce better coloring effect
among HID lamps
• Life span is shorter compared
to a mercury lamp

Types of Metal Halide Lamps

• PAR lamps
• MR16 lamps
• Singled-ended T lamps
Sodium Lamps
Sodium-vapor lamp – is a gas-discharge
lamp that uses sodium in an excited state
to produce light.
• Small in size
• Life span is longer
• High lumen output
• Does not start instantly but warm-up
period is shorter than that of the
mercury lamp
Types of Sodium Lamps:
• High pressure sodium lamps (HPS)
• Low-pressure sodium lamps (LPS)

• Roads, parking lots, heavy industrial
workplaces, warehouses, security
lighting for HPS
• Security lighting for LPS
Mercury Vapor Lamps

• Mercury-vapor lamp – is a gas

discharge lamp that uses an
electric arc through vaporized
mercury to produce light.
Luminous Flux of
Various Types of Lamps
Lumen efficiency Lumen output
Description of Lamp
per watt at 230 volts
80 watts – 5 ft. warm white 58 4640
Fluorescent lamp 20 watts – 4 ft. warm white 60 2400
20 watts – 2 ft. warm white 45 920
40 watts 10 400
60 watts 12 720
100 watts 13.80 1380
150 watts 14 2100
Incandescent lamp
200 watts 14.75 2950
300 watts 16 4800
500 watts 16.9 8450
1000 watts 19 19000
Luminous Flux of
Various Types of Lamps
Lumen efficiency Lumen output
Description of Lamp
per watt at 230 volts
80 watts 31 2480
Mercury discharge 125 watts 31 3875
lamp 250 watts 35 8750
400 watts 39 15600
45 watts 50 2250
Sodium discharge 60 watts 57 3420
lamp 85 watts 65 5525
140 watts 70 9800
New Technologies

• Fiber optics
LED Lights

• Latest and most exciting

light source yet invented
• Most likely light source of
the future
• Monochromatic
• Very high efficiency
• Very long life
• No radiation
Fiber Optics as Special Effect

• End-emitting fiber
twinkle effects (star fields)
in-water effects (ponds and
water features)
• Side Emitting fiber
Fiber optics
as Display Lighting
• Uses special optical
elements (small
• Each fiber emits a
very small amount
of light
• Maximum bundle is
about 300 cd at 30
• Virtually no UV or IR
• Requires a low
ambient light space
like a fine museum
• Luminaire – is any device that includes a lamp holder and the
means of electrification and support for that device.
• Classification of Luminaires according to the manner by
which light is distributed:
a. Direct luminaires – emit light downward. These include
most type of recessed lightings including downlights and
troffers and surface-mounted luminaires.
b. Indirect luminaires – emit light upward. These may include
many styles of suspended luminaires, sconces, and some
portable lamps.
c. Direct/Indirect luminaire – emit light upward and
downward but not to the side. These include many types of
suspended luminaires as well as some table and floor

d. Diffuse luminaires – emit light in all directions

uniformly. These include most types of bare
lamps, globes, chandeliers, pendants and some
table and floor lamps.
e. Asymmetric luminaires – are usually designed
for specific applications. These may include wall
f. Adjustable luminaires – are generally direct
luminaires that can be adjusted to throw light in
directions other than down. These include track
lights, floodlights and accent lights.
Common LuminaireTypes

• Recessed Downlights
• Adjustable Accent Fixtures
• Wallwashers
• Wall Grazing Fixtures
• Troffers
• Linear Lighting Systems
• Indirect Cove Fixtures
• Task Lights
• Decorative Lighting
• Commercial and industrial Luminaires
Recessed Downlights
Recesses downlights are often
cans or high hats. Most downlights
allow for trims that fit into the
• Used in a wide range of
residential and commercial
applications such as in lobbies,
halls, corridors, stores and other
finished spaces
• Generally inexpensive
• Very popular
• Aesthetically “neutral”
• Good for task lighting
Primary Rating Types of Downlights

• Thermally protected (T) luminaires – are used in most commercial

applications with a dropped ceiling and no nearby insulation.
• Insulated Ceiling (IC) – occur when the luminaire is intended to be
in contact with insulation. IC housings are typically used in homes,
especially in ceilings with attics above.
• Damp location luminaires – can be exposed to moist air but not to
direct water spray or rain. Most downlights are damp rated.
• Wet location fixtures – can be exposed to direct water spray or
rain, including extreme conditions outdoors.
• Spa or shower fixtures – are designed for use in shower stalls and
over spas.
• Emergency fixtures – are equipped with a backup battery so as to
produce light for at least 90 minutes during a power outage
(generally, only compact fluorescent luminaires are so equipped).
Recessed Lighting Fixtures
• The “Housing”
For most residential use,
fixtures are at most about
7” tall for 2 x 8 construction

• The “Trim”
4”, 5”and 6” incandescent
3”, 4”, 5”and 6” low voltage
4”, 5”and 6”compact fluorescent
Standard Housings
Standard Trims

• Downlight
Baffle Cone
• Accent light
Gimball Eyeball
–Pull down
• Wallwash
Pull down
Adjustable Accent Fixtures

Adjustable Accent fixtures – allow light to focus in art, signage

and other interior surfaces and features.
Types of Adjustable Accent fixtures :
• Recessed accent fixtures – appear as downlights but internally
permit horizontal and vertical rotation of the lamp’s light beam.
• Track lighting systems – allow for flexibility in lamp types and
ease of relocation using a single power source.
Track Lighting

• Standard 120 volt track

–Low cost general purpose
–High cost “museum grade”
• Low voltage track
• Low voltage specialty systems
–Two cable systems
–Two rail systems
–Two conductor “bars”, “rods”,
and ribbons
Wallwashers – are any type of asymmetric
luminaire that is intended to flatly light the
wall from the ceiling down to the floor.
Types of Wallwashers:
• Downlight wallwashers – downlights
with a kicker reflector to push up the
• Recessed lensed wallwashers –
resemble downlights but use a cut cone
and angled prismatic lens to spread the
light to a point source.
• Surface and semi-recessed lens and open wallwashers – throw light onto
an adjacent wall using a sophisticated reflector system.
• Linear or continuous recessed wallwasher – at the ceiling, they provide a
continuous line of fixtures parallel with the illuminated wall.
Types of Wallwashers

Recessed lens Surface wallwasher

Downlight wallwasher

Open wallwasher
Linear recessed wallwasher
Types of Wallwashers
Principles of Wallwashing

• Fixtures at least 24” out

from wall and about ¼”
wall height out from wall
• Fixtures apart 1 to 1.5
times the distance from
the wall
• If you don’t need at
least three – you
shouldn’t be
Wall Gazing Fixtures

• Wall Gazing – is a technique that places

the light source very close to the wall
accentuating a textured surface.
• Troffers – are widely used in offices, stores, schools, and other
commercial and institutional facilities for general lighting in work
and sales areas. Troffers are the most common type of
fluorescent luminaire.
• Lensed troffers use a plastic lens to refract light and distribute it
within the desired area below.
• Parabolic troffers use parabolically shaped aluminum or plastic
louvers to shield the lamp for improved visual comfort.
• Recessed indirect troffers are open, and light from fluorescent
lamps is bounced off the interior box of the troffer.
• High efficiency troffers combine the efficiency of a lensed
troffer with the aesthetic quality of the indirect basket troffer.

Lensed troffer
Parabolic troffer

High efficiency troffer

Semi-recessed indirect troffer
Linear Lighting Systems

• Linear lighting systems are fluorescent luminaires having

indirect, semi-indirect, and direct-indirect lighting distribution;
they are designed to illuminate offices and other more finished
spaces. Because the luminaires can be obtained in varying
lengths and assembled into patterns, they are called linear
Indirect Cove Fixtures

• Indirect cove fixtures provide uplighting onto a

ceiling plane.
• Asymmetric fluorescent cove fixtures contain a
reflector that pushes the light out into the space.
• Adjustable LED cove fixtures vary in beam spread,
size and wattage and can be used illuminate a whole
ceiling or simply provide a glow.
• LED “tape” lights are very small profile LED strips
that typically contain a tape backing.
Indirect Cove Fixtures

Asymmetric fluorescent
cove fixtures

LED “tape” lights

Adjustable LED cove fixtures

Task Lights

• Task lights are specially designed to

illuminate a desk area while minimizing
veiling reflections. It can be surface
mounted on walls or ceilings or can be
suspended from ceilings. Flexible in
location, quantity and aiming angles.
• Still used in museums for good reason
• Permits maximum flexibility
• Luminaires equipped easily with
spread lenses and UV filters for
artwork lighting
• Attaches to surface, permits dramatic
lighting in condos
Decorative Lighting

• Decorative Lighting is the jewelry of architecture and, in many building

types, plays a significant role in building style, period, or motif.
• Chandeliers are ornate luminaires generally consisting of many small
incandescent lamps that simulate the effect of candle flames..
• Pendants are also ceiling-hung decorative fixtures. Pendant is used for
hanging luminaires less formal than chandeliers that are used in offices,
restaurants, and many other places.
• Close-to-ceiling luminaires are similar to pendants but mount closely
to the ceiling to allow use in most rooms with conventional ceiling
• Sconces are wall-mounted luminaires and are often decorative.
• Table and floor lamps are portable luminaires
• Torchieres are floor lamps designed specifically for uplighting.
• Vanity lights are used for bath vanity and mirror areas.
Decorative Lighting

Pendant luminaires

Chandelier Sconces

Vanity lights

Table and floor lamps Torchieres

Lighting Controls

• Switch – is a control device that turns lights on and off. The

two most common switches types are toggle and decora
• Timer switch – is a switch that turns lights off automatically
after a certain period.
• Occupational sensors – are automatic switches that turn
lights on when motion is detected and leave them on until
some designated time after the last motion occurs.
• Dimmers – are control devices that vary the light level and
power to lights.
• Daylighting Controls – feature photoelectric sensors that
turn lights off or dim when there is sufficient daylight.
Lighting Controls

Toggle Paddle Wall mounted Ceiling mounted

Switch Switch sensors sensors
Rotary Dimmer

Slide Dimmer
Slide Dimmer Paddle Switch
With Rocker Photoelectric
With Push with Slide
Switch Sensor
Button Switch Dimmer
Lighting Control

Symbols Switches
S single pole switch
S2 or 2S two (2) gang single pole switch
S3 or 3S three (3) gang single pole switch
S3W three-way switch
S4W four-way switch
Lighting Fixtures
Surface Mounted Fixtures

Exposed but remain close

to or flush with the ceiling of
wall. Popular in hallways
and bedrooms. If installed
at wall, it is called a “sconce”
lighting fixture.
Lighting Fixtures
Pendant Fixtures

Suspended by a cord, chain,

cable or other means and are
popular over tables, kitchen
islands and in higher ceiling
Lighting Options
Track Lighting
Can be surface mounted on walls or
ceilings or can be suspended from ceilings.
Flexible in location, quantity and aiming
• Still used in museums for good reason
• Permits maximum flexibility
• Luminaires equipped easily with spread
lenses and UV filters for artwork lighting
• Attaches to surface, permits dramatic
lighting in condos
Lighting Options
Portable Fixtures

Defined typically by their cord

which can be plugged in to any
available electrical outlet. Desk
and bed lights, pole lights fall
into this category.
Accent Lighting Technique

• Should be located at about

30 degrees off vertical
relative to focal point
• Do not get too close to wall
-normally 24” minimum
• Use 30-60-90 triangle to
determine optimum
• Only use lighting systems
capable of hitting above 40
degrees (off vertical) in
special situations.
Accent Lighting
Accent Lighting

• Living room, great room,

family room
• Dining room
• Foyer
• Hallways/prime art
• Art niches
• Master bedroom reading
and art lights
• Powder rooms
The Layered Approach
to Lighting Design
Lighting Layers

• Focal Layer – is typically used to highlight vertical surfaces and

three-dimensional objects including architectural features and
details, artwork, retail displays and signage.
• Task Layer – is use to illuminate specific tasks that are
performed in a space, like reading on a table.
• Daylight layer – uses daylight to reduce artificial lighting.
• Decorative layer – it serves no purpose other than to catch the
eye and to make statements about style or wealth.
• Ambient Layer – provides the background lighting that helps
create the mood of the space.
Focal Lighting Examples
Task Lighting Examples
Daylighting Examples
Decorative Lighting Examples
Ambient Lighting Examples
Layer 1: The Ambient
or General Lighting Layer
• Generally the relative uniform lighting of the space
• Ambient light is soft, diffuse light that fills a room, reduces
shadows and creates a sense of openness and comfort and
tends to establish mood
• Includes uniform downlighting, indirect lighting, (uplighting
and wallwashing) and some special techniques, but can
also be the decorative lighting
• Can also include decorative lighting although these fixtures
are more often meant to look attractive rather than provide
useful light. Wall sconces or chandeliers are most common
• Called “ambient lighting” if lower than task levels
• Called “general lighting” if at task levels 300 to 500 lux (30
to 50 fc) or more
The Ambient Layer
Layer 2: The Task Layer
• Provides additional light to carry out a particular job

• Tends to help create drama

• Generally limited to lighting of the horizontal work

surface at work locations

• Usually produces 500 lux (50 fc) or more within a

small area
Ambient and Task Lighting
Layer 3: The Display or Focal Layer
• Generally limited to accent lighting and similar effects,
primarily through vertical and other non-horizontal
surface illumination
• Tends to create drama, with greater drama the result of
greater contrast between the brightness created by Focal
Lighting and Ambient Lighting.
• Generally vertical and other non-horizontal surface
illumination for items that deserve particular attention,
such as paintings, photographs, flower arrangements, art
pieces or architectural details
• Usually involves key displays of 1000 lux (100 fc) or
Ambient, Task and Focal
Layer 4: Decorative Lighting
• In general, includes the decorative luminaires called for
by the architecture/interior design style, period, motiff

• Decorative luminaires are more often meant to look

attractive rather than provide useful light. Wall sconces
or chandeliers are the most common

• Usually expected to contribute towards the ambient

illumination. In many designs, the decorative lighting is
the ambient lighting

• Usually reduces contrast (drama)

Ambient, Task, Focal
and Decorative Lighting

• Composition
• Chandelier (ambient
and decorative)
• Recessed (task)
• Recessed (focal)
• Sconce (decorative)

• Cove (ambient)
• Recessed (task)
• Undercabinet (task)
• Chandelier (decorative)
• Sconce (decorative)
Composition and Planning
for Change
• Recessed
• Combined
with fixed
Undercabinet Lighting Examples

Cabinet with Polished

Bookcase Countertop
Living Room
Family Room

• Multiple layers
permits multiple
Kitchen (Task Lighting)
Kitchen (Ambient Lighting)
Kitchen (Decorative Lighting)
Dining Room
Bathroom (Task Lighting)

Light the Face

Bathroom (Task Lighting)
Family Room Lighting Layout
Kitchen Lighting Layout
Dining Room Lighting Layout
Bedroom Lighting Layout
Bathroom Lighting Layout
Hallways & Stairways
Lighting Layout
Recommended Levels of Illumination
Occupancy Illumination (lux)
Factories and Workshops
(a) Rough work, e.g., frame assembly of heavy machinery
(b) Medium work, e.g., machine parts, engine assembly, vehicle body assembly
(c) Fine work, e.g., radio and telephone equipment, type-writer and office
machinery assembly
(d) Very fine work, e.g. assembly of very small precision mechanisms,
Power Houses
(a) Boiler house, turbine house, conveyor house, switchgear and transformer
(b) Control rooms
(a) Reception 150
(b) Conference room, general offices, typing rooms 300
(c) Drawing offices 400
Schools and Colleges
(a) Classrooms, lecture halls, workshops, library reading tables, laboratories 300
(b) Sewing rooms, drawing halls, art rooms 150
(c) Common room. stairs 150
Recommended Levels of Illumination
Occupancy Illumination (lux)
(a) Waiting rooms, wars, casualty
(b) Dispensaries, laboratories, operation theaters
Special lighting
(c) Operation table
Hotels and Restaurants
(a) Reception, dining rooms, bedrooms, lounges, stairs 150
(b) Accounts, writing desk, dressing table 300
(a) General areas 300
(b) Stock areas 150
(c) Shop window Special lighting
(a) Living room – general 150
(b) Living room – home work or sustained reading 300
(c) Kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. 150
Recommended Levels of Illumination

Occupancy Illumination (lux)

Storage Places
(a) Loading and unloading 40
(b) General stores 100
(c) Stores of very small items 300
Sport Grounds
(a) Stadium 300
(b) Football field 200
(c) Tennis court 400
Canteens 200
Sample Lighting Calculations

Masters Bedroom with FA of 33.56 m2.

Required Lighting Level: 150 lux x 33.56 m2 = 5,034


Fixtures: 1 x 32 W Circular Fluorescent

7 X 13 W CFL Pin Lights

Total Lumens: 1 x 1,800 lumens + 7 x 800

= 7,400 lumens
Urban Living Trends

• Smaller, higher quality spaces

• Green design
Challenges of Green Design

• Too much emphasis on

compact fluorescent lighting
• Little understanding of lighting
design by utility and energy
efficiency advocates
• Not many good choices of
luminaires embodying green
• Poor design sensitivity in the
green community

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