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Healthy lifestyle and its importance to

disease prevention. Oral hygiene and the

role of dentist for primary and secondary
prevention of child population
According to WHO experts on human health
depends on 4 factors (graded in order of
1.Promoting a healthy lifestyle.
2.Ecological condition of the environment and
working environment.
3.Genetic characteristics of the individual.
4.Medical Services of population in health care
establishments for outpatient and hospital care.
A healthy lifestyle is a personal health behaviors,
which builds on scientifically based standards and
rules ensure protecting and enhancing human
health and it provides high capacity for work and
actively longevity.

A healthy lifestyle requires each person to live so

that his behavior does not damage their own
health and should not create conditions for
damaging the health of others.
Example: active and passive smokers
Basic elements of a healthy lifestyle:
1. Healthy eating
 Considering the age, employment
status and zravoslovnoto.
 Healthy diet.
 Limited intake of fat, salt, sugar.
 Healthy food helps sick less often
and live longer.
 Fruits, vegetables, fish, olive oil,
whole foods protect against CVD,
obesity, cancer and diabetes.
Whole foods such as pasta, pasta, oatmeal, bulgur,
brown rice contain slowly degradable carbohydrates
that maintain a constant energy level. To be absorbed
by the body, they contain proteins is good to combine
with meat and legumes rich of animal and vegetable

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants,

fitoelementi, vitamins, minerals and low in calories.
Fresh fish and marine products contain omega 3 fatty acids
(which make up the additive olisalvin). Reduce the risk of
CHD, overweight, metabolic syndrome and depression.

Legumes (beans, peas, lentils) are a source of vegetable proteins

contain large amounts of fiber, which help digestion. It is
recommended to be taken at least once a week.

Fat - preferably use plant (oil, olive oil), avocados and raw nuts.
They are necessary for absorption of fat soluble vitamins (Vit
A, D, E, K), improving elasticity of blood vessels, stabilize
the immune system.
Red meat (pork, beef, lamb, mutton) to not more than
1-2 times a week. Traditional Mediterranean diets
include a rich variety of seafood and poultry, which
replace the daily use of red meat.

Red wine is a powerful antioxidant, so it is useful to

take 1-2 cups daily, which has a health effect.
2. Physical activity
 Movement is critical to maintaining high levels of metabolic
processes. It is a potent adjuvants and anti-depressant,
reduces the risk of overweight.
 Daily walking at least 3 km.
 Exercise at least one sport.
 Morning gymnastics, hiking, physical work outdoors.

3. Physiological mode of work and rest

 Provide conditions for quality and safe health work.
 Increases efficiency, eliminates fatigue.
4. Elimination of negative behavioral
 Smoking
 Alcohol consumption, especially
 Paraphernalia
 Abuse drugs

5. Prevention of accidents -
manufacturing, transport, residential,
6. Active Health position in society
 Create an intolerance to violations of health
standards and regulations and to their
offenders (smoking, residential noise, etc.)..
 Give a personal example to remove the
negative behavioral habits - smoking,
excessive alcohol consumption, drug
paraphernalia, etc.)..
 Participation in activities and community
organizations to promote healthy lifestyles.
 Give a personal example of environmental
protection of the environment components.
A healthy lifestyle is the basis of disease
 Socially significant diseases - hypertension,

obesity, diabetes
 Neuroses, depression

 Osteoporosis, spinal curvature

 Malignancies
 Myopia and Refraction anomalies
7 golden rules that characterize a healthy lifestyle

Presented by American scientists who conducted extensive

research on the health and performance of longevity.

1. Regular 7-8 hours healthy sleep a day.

2. Healthy eating with a maximum range of food products, but
3. Mandatory daily breakfast.
4. Maintain normal body weight.
5. Systematic physical activity combined with hardening.
6. Complete abstention from smoking and drugs.
7. Avoiding abuse of alcohol and drugs.
Oral Care
(oral hygiene)

For general health of the body are important diseases of

the mouth, gums and teeth, which can cause damage to
the digestive system, kidneys, and as a source of focal
infection, allergy-septic complications.

It has been shown that 94% of oral diseases, especially

caries can be prevented by keeping personal oral
Oral Hygiene include:
1. Morning (after getting up) and evening
(before bedtime) teeth be cleaned with a
suitable brush and toothpaste.
2. After each meal, mouth rinse with lukewarm
3. Toothbrush should be chosen according to
the health of teeth and gums.
Soft toothbrushes:
 for sensitive teeth and inflamed gums
 in wider interdental spaces, crowns and bridges.
Average hard toothbrushes:
 healthy teeth and gums
Hard toothbrushes:
 recommended only to people willing to form a tooth
coating (plaque) and in pigmented teeth.
 active smokers, smoke more than one pack of
cigarettes a day
 consumption of beverages and foods that pigmented
enamel - coffee, black tea, red wine, rich of tannins,
some fruits (black grapes, cherries, currants, etc.)..
Rule: When washing your teeth with the brush should be
performed swirling and sweeping movements from
In healthy teeth is recommended to use special
thread for teeth. They are:
Threads with wax - in dense interdental
Threads without wax-in beginner or in wider
interdental spaces.
In recent years, especially current is aesthetic
dental treatment.
White aesthetics - in the first 10 days after
tooth whitening should not smoke, to drink
coffee, tea, red wine.
Children's dental health should be a priority, as in the
work of any doctor in DM and in health policy.
In their everyday activities physician in DM must conduct
primary and secondary dental prophylactics of

 Caries protective fluoride prophylactics.

 Construction of health habits and skills to maintain

good oral hygiene.

 Healthy eating - to limit consumption of food and

beverages kariesogenno and scour.
Thank you for attention

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