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Human Relations in Educational Management

Activity 1
Name : Janine D. Huelgas
Time : 7:30 am – 10:30 pm

1. Give one definition of human relation and explain it in your own words.

According to Oxford Dictionary, Human relations refers to relations with or

between people, particularly the treatment of people in a professional context.

Human relation is the interconnection of individuals sharing an environment. It is

the bond one has with another being. Relationships exist between and among people who
constantly, frequent or seldom, bump into each other for various reasons. As such, the
term has always been associated with organizations who are bonded by a space working
collaboratively to execute a goal such as companies and other professional field.

2. Give one importance of human relation and explain it in your own words and give
One importance of human relation is that it affects Performance and
Productivity. Efficiency of work in an organization is ultimately affected by the
relationship of its workforce. The success of the organization in materializing its goal is
highly driven by how the people in the organization work together. Therefore, individuals
must work harmoniously to achieve the set goal.
3. Explain carrot and stick approach in your own words and give example.
Carrot and Stick Approach is a consequence-oriented approach which enables individuals
to work with a reward or punishment in mind base on how well the output had become. It is an
external type of motivation which does not guarantee it effectiveness for all member in an
organization. Example, as the new month starts the boss announced that whoever will go beyond
the company’s quota in the number of dress sewn will receive a bonus of three thousand pesos.
Those who will be needing such money will probably get motivated and push themselves but for
those who doesn’t want to tire themselves will not consider the offer.
4. Cite an issue in HR in your workplace and explain how you will improve human
relation based on that issue
Every person is unique and so one cannot please everybody. We act and behave in a way
based on our upbringing and the environment we grew up and get used to. Misunderstanding and
clashing of ideas are inevitable. Accordingly, an organization will not live without argues and
discussions but through constant talks and specification of task might prevent this from
happening. Similarly, obliviousness is the key if one can’t really get a good relationship with
others. Be civil and do the job.
5. What is the common problem between teacher and principal relationship? How will
you address such problem?
The common problem of both teacher and principal in each other is misunderstanding.
Principal might be leading in a way some teachers may not fully understand, therefore losing the
teachers drive along the way. As an administrator, your role is to plan projects which ultimately
improve school’s effectiveness in delivering learning. Since you are leading, the subordinates
must be fully aware of the path you have chosen and asked them about it for it will all end with
the organization working together as one to materialize the goal. If the administrator fails to
reach the heart and mind of the teachers and other school staff, the project will fail and
everything will be wasted.
Administrators must respect and acknowledge the ideas of his teachers and staff. They will
be executing the plan and be involve in the planning so their words matter.

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