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Based on the Behavioural Science workshop on Leading Through Teams please

attempt following:

1. Briefly define the rationale of a Team and Team Roles

2. What purpose quantitative tools such as Sociometry and Sociogram can serve in
the measurement of Interpersonal relationships for team building?
3. According to you, why Team Building is crucial for the achievement of
organizational goals.

Employees establish trust and a sense of oneness when team building exercises
are used. They become engrossed in each other and their work. Employees are more
comfortable expressing their problems and wants, resulting in improved communication.
Team building may help your employees get on the same page, collaborate, and be more
motivated to finish projects on time. 
To put it another way, productivity can increase.
Furthermore, team-building exercises contribute to a positive corporate culture. Regular
initiatives that engage employees with corporate goals, values, and performance
standards can not only develop, but also maintain, a healthy culture.
One of the secrets to strengthening co-worker ties is to choose an activity that allows
people to share personal information. “Two Truths and a Lie” is a simple activity to get the
conversation going. This is how it goes. Ask participants to come up with three facts about
themselves that others may not know; two of the facts should be real, and the third fact
should be false.
SUCCESS OR CELEBRATION: This type of event frequently includes an off-site activity. It
may necessitate a greater budget to pay meals, beverages, and admission costs, or all
three. Consider what your company might enjoy doing together: bowling, miniature golf,
go-kart racing, paintball, and laser tag can all help to foster a team spirit and bring people
closer together.
COMMUNICATION SKILLS: If you want to improve your communication abilities, try games
like Lost At Sea or Lost On the Moon, which demand teams to focus on problem-solving
and persuasion skills as well as identify successful communication methods. Both instances
can be performed in under an hour and do not involve the use of a facilitator, resources,
or any specific training. These activities also serve as a solid basis for future more
complicated communication skill development as a first-time team building exercise.
4. Write a short note on Interpersonal relationship among team members

The term "interpersonal relationship" refers to a strong bond between people who work in
the same company. Employees that work together should have a specific bond in order to
perform their best work. Individuals must be honest with one another in order to have a
strong interpersonal relationship and, as a result, a favourable work environment.
 A single brain cannot make all of the decisions on its own. We need individuals to
talk about various situations, weigh the advantages and cons, and come up with
solutions that benefit both the employees and the firm as a whole. Employees can
collaborate to come up with better ideas and tactics. Strategies must be debated on
a public forum where everyone is free to share their opinions. To promote open
communication, employees must be called for meetings at least once a week.
Regular interaction is necessary for a good connection.
 Interpersonal relationships have a direct impact on the culture of a company.
Misunderstandings and ambiguity in the workplace breed hostility. Conflicts lead
nowhere and, as a result, degrade the working atmosphere.
 We require people who can recognise our efforts and motivate us on a regular basis.
It is critical to have some trustworthy coworkers who not only compliment us when
we do outstanding work but also inform us when we make mistakes. A pat on the
back can go a long way toward getting the best out of someone. People who are
more like mentors than simply coworkers are needed in the workplace.
 It is always beneficial to have people in our lives who genuinely care about us. In
times of difficulty, we need colleagues to lean on. If you don't talk to anyone at work,
no one will come to your aid when you need it the most.
 To complete duties within the time span allotted, an individual must get along with
coworkers. A single person working alone is overloaded and never completes things
on time. It is critical to have the support of your coworkers. You just cannot
accomplish anything on your own. Employees' roles and responsibilities should be
distributed based on their specialisations, educational qualifications, and personal
interests. To complete assignments on time and with superior outcomes, an
individual requires the assistance of his coworkers.

5. Outline the main causes of conflict in a Team and suggest ways for
conflict management

Employee disagreement is unavoidable, but it must never be overlooked. Petty

squabbles can evolve into long-running feuds, affecting general morale and even
consumer satisfaction. Supervisors and managers should be aware of conflict
signs and respond immediately, bringing people together to discuss and resolve

Conflict arises as a result of a breakdown in communication.

One of the most common reasons of workplace conflict is a lack of
communication. This might lead to a communication breakdown or a disparity in
communication styles. For example, a management shifted an employee's task
to a coworker but omitted to inform the employee of the reassignment. This
may make the employee feel betrayed, leading to enmity between the two
employees and the management.

Employees may form false assumptions and believe workplace gossip as a result
of a lack of communication in the workplace. In the workplace, poor
communication not only leads to conflict, but it also lowers productivity and
employee morale.
Personality clashes should be avoided at all costs.
Another source of workplace friction is personality differences among
employees. Employees come from a variety of backgrounds and experiences, all
of which influence their personalities. Problems emerge in the workplace when
employees fail to appreciate or accept the variations in each other's
An employee, for example, may have a straightforward mentality that causes
him to say whatever is on his mind, even if the timing is inconvenient. A
coworker with a different personality type than the employee with the direct
personality may be offended. The coworker may believe that the employee is
impolite or that she lacks the authority to deal with her in this manner.
Unhealthy Workplace Rivalry
Employee conflict is caused by unhealthy workplace competition. Some
industries promote a more competitive atmosphere than others. When a
company's remuneration is tied to its employees' output, there may be fierce
competition among employees. Employees may sabotage or insult one another
if competition is not adequately controlled, resulting in a hostile work
environment. Unhealthy workplace competitiveness encourages individualism
and hinders teamwork.

6. What is stress, how it may affect the team member/s? Suggest ways for coping
with stress among team members.

Work-related stress can be caused by poor work organization (the way we design
jobs and work systems, and the way we manage them), by poor work design (for
example, lack of control over work processes), poor management, unsatisfactory
working conditions and lack of support from colleagues and supervisors.
Strategies to reduce stress can be divided into:
(1) Organisational level strategies, and
(2) Individual level strategies.

1. Organisational level strategies

Organizational stressors or causes of stress can be efficiently handled and managed
by the organisation. Relaxation techniques, physical fitness programmes, stress
education, group discussions, family counselling, hobby workshops, sports and
recreation facilities, time management, drug and alcohol abuse counselling,
obesity control techniques, and other stress-reduction programmes can be
implemented for employees.
Ergonomics can be used in the workplace to alleviate stress. Ergonomics is a method
of reducing discomfort. It is a blend of industrial engineering, physiological, and
psychological requirements of employees at work. Employees can be seated
comfortably with the use of comfortable seats. Ergonomics approaches are used
in the workplace to provide personal comfort for people as they work.
Improved communication, proper delegation of authority, reducing centralization of
authority, job redesign specifically to enrich them, proper selection and
placement of persons at respective jobs, participatory decision making, and
practising core human resource management techniques are some of the
strategies that can keep stress under control.
For its staff, some upscale corporations provide massage centres on the premises. In
Japan, high-tech stress therapy is utilised to ease tension in hardworking
Japanese employees and executives. They have constructed mental thought gyms
to help them cope with stress. By making purposeful efforts, an organisation can
lower heat, temperature, and humidity while maintaining a pleasant climate. This
aids in the reduction of job stress.
2. Individual Level Strategies:
Organisation can make its own efforts as far as possible to reduce the stressors at
workplace but an individual should make all out efforts to manage his own stress
Following are some of the ways to manage stress individually:
(a) One should take proper balanced diet at proper time.
(b) Avoid drinking and smoking.
(c) Regular exercise for fitness.
(d) Know your strong and weak points.
(e) Relax for some time to control blood pressure, heart rate.
(J) Prayers like worshiping, offering Namaz, etc., meditations, yoga can help reduce
(g) Effective time management by preparing daily lists of work according to their
priorities and follow it.
(h) Plan your career.
(i) Open your heart to your friends; express your feelings, emotions, threats etc. It
helps in relieving the mind from botheration.
(j) Take pride on your achievements and receive from others.
(k) Exercise control on yourself.
(l) Identify the factors causing stress. Try to keep away from them as far as possible.
The above are the ways and means to keep stress in check.

7. Whether management of any organization should be driven by the ‘Values’

and ‘Principles’? Please give example/s

Please complete the above task by 27th August 2021 and send the PDF or Word file with
your complete name, class and Enrollment No. on the file at

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