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Assignment Cover Sheet

Bachelor of Business (Talented)

Student Name Phạm Nguyệt Vy

Student Number 31201028799

Subject Name Business Communication

Title of Assignment Learning Portfolio A3

Due Date 7/12/2020

Date Submitted 6/12/2020

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Signature: …………Phạm Nguyệt Vy…………………………………………………………….

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Textbook questions :

1. Three circumstances where listening will be an important part of my life :
 When I am at school, I have to listen to aquire new knowledge. Listening to the feedback
of teachers and friends for a better perfomance.
 When I am at home, be able to listen helps me understand more about what I should do
: housework, cooking,.. and to share the understanding with the people in my family.
 When I am at work, listen is an important skill which assist me to analyse the customer
behavior, or when doing research for my company. Listen to what the customer needs,
listen to employees in the company to make the best solution for the work.
2. Six elements of the supportive climate and examples :
 Description : When my friend bought a well-suited new dress, I said to my friend that
her dress was so beautiful.
 Problem orientation : When I got low score, I was very sad and chose to confine this
problem to my friends. They said : “ Let’s try hard together for the next exams”. With
the teaching and encouragement from my friends, I achieved the high score.
 Spontaneity : Attending a workshop where I had to do public speaking, I just spoke the
words that came in my mind.
 Emphathy : When I came across homeless people on the street, I used to talk and sit
with them a while if I have time, then gave them a little money and hoped it can make
them feel better.
 Equality : My teacher treated their student the same way, even there is good or bad
student, they will receive punishment if they misbehave and compliment if they are
doing a great job.
 Provisionalism : When my teammates wanted to discuss a new idea for groupwork,we
listened to each other and combined those ideas to get the job done.
3. Maslow’s hierachy of needs applications :
 To understand people : to get what people think, try to answer what do they need
based on the five basic needs which Maslow has mentioned. People have different
intentions, but the same needs, to fully understand them just ask them or ask yourself
what are those needs.
 To help people achieve their full potential : the Maslow’s hierachy has five levels, to get
to the higher step, you have to fulfil the need of the lower level. In order to make

people move to higher position, analyze their needs and meet it to make them become
a better person.
 To make a better communcation : understand people, what to talk about, what do they
want to here will definitely make strong connections between you and that person
through out the communication

Portfolio Reflection :
The most value skill I have achieve during this session is the listening skill, which is the key to develop an
efective communication. While learning, I have experienced ways to attract audience-focused through
different method in the textbook and the explanation of human behavior based on the Maslow’s
hierachy of needs helps me to realize people intentions may be different, but what they need is just
focus on 5 level. I have some lesson about how to listen effectively and the supportive climate to a
better communication also worth using in the future. After fininshing this session, I definitely want to
improve my understanding of human behavior and my listening skill by constructing all the experiences I
have l got.

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