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Activity for Module 5

Name: Gabat, Devine Grace C.

Section: BEE-EGE 2-1


What are the things you have learned while creating the Digital Story?


The things I’d learned while creating digital story is planning, it’s very important to
plan before creating a digital story. The major questions that we’d talk about are what is
the major content of the story? What specific target or audience? The conclusion or
lesson we acquire in digital story? Some of that were need to consider to become
effective the flow of the story.

The title of our Digital story is all about the ‘’NEW NORMAL’’ we consider this situation
because it’s the majority that likely happen nowadays. As a student we experience more
difficulty due to this pandemic. More student battle in breakdowns, pressure and stress
however as a future hope we need to fight against pandemic. So we decided to create a
Digital story that will help other students see the silver lining behind of this CO-Vid 19.
Our Digital story encourage everyone that despite of the New Normal that will happen
nowadays we need to still motivate and live a happy life. Don’t lose hope because
behind of those experiences we acquire lessons that will help us a guide for us in the

Another, the most things that I’d learned in our group is the so called ‘’unity’’ if
the unity imply in a group activity it’s faster to done or finish and it’s easier to do the
new task given. So, it’s very important to consider the unity of the group.

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