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Each institution needs to establish its own mission and vision for achieving a

certain goal. In connection, MSU-IIT envisioned “A university committed to the holistic

development of the individual and society.” This gives me assurance that the school will
not only help me as a student, but also as an active contributor to the community. As a
future teacher, this reminds me to collaborate with students, parents, faculty, and
community members in developing the students.

Meanwhile, MSU-IIT’s mission prepares highly qualified educators to meet the

needs of students in diverse settings. It has clear, informed mission that gives
opportunity to learn efficiently from educators through different programs. And, this is a
big challenge for teachers. However, MSU-IIT’s goals and objectives were attainable. I
realize that the institution does not actually make you achieve your goals but you have
to strive hard to achieve such goal.

My goal is to engage all the students, so my action plan is to design and

implement a teaching approach that would motivate and engage them. This will be done
through, planning instruction that incorporates various strategies and techniques in
assessing the cognitive, affective, and physical characteristics of each learner. The
tasks would be developing lesson plans on diverse learners and integrate technology
and use effective classroom management techniques. The resources needed are
instructional materials and this tasks will be done by the teachers in cooperation with
the students and faculties. This will be evident, if the students show willingness and
interest in the classroom.

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