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Basic Concept of Health

PE 104
Unit 1
Lesson 1
• The word health refers to a state of
complete emotional and physical well-
being. Healthcare exists to help people
maintain this optimal state of health.
• “A resource for everyday life, not the
objective of living. Health is a positive
concept emphasizing social and personal
resources, as well as physical capacities.”
• Good health is central to
handling stress and living a longer, more
active life.
Types of Health
• A clear distinction is often made
between 'mind' and 'body'. But when
considering mental health and
physical health, the two should not
be thought of as separate.
• Poor physical health can lead to an
increased risk of developing mental
health problems. Similarly, poor
mental health can negatively impact
on physical health, leading to an
increased risk of some conditions.
Physical Health
• Physical health and mental
health are strongly connected.
Taking care of your physical
health is scientifically shown
to improve mental wellbeing,
and vice versa. If one declines,
the other can be affected too.
• A balanced diet, proper sleep, and
cutting down unhealthy habits such
as smoking, alcohol, and drugs are some
of the key physical health factors that can
promote mental wellbeing. Some of the
things that can affect mental wellbeing
are stress, working too much, and being
too inactive.
Studies are showing more and more that
a holistic approach to health – linking
physical, social, emotional, and mental
health – is necessary for mental
wellbeing. This approach also helps a
great deal with managing and recovering
from mental illness.
Mental Health
• Mental health refers to
cognitive, behavioral, and
emotional well-being. It is all
about how people think, feel,
and behave. People
sometimes use the term
“mental health” to mean the
absence of a mental disorder.
• Mental health can affect daily living,
relationships, and physical health.
• However, this link also works in the
other direction. Factors in
people’s lives, interpersonal
connections, and physical factors can
all contribute to mental health
• Looking after mental health can
preserve a person’s ability to enjoy
life. Doing this involves reaching a
balance between life
activities, responsibilities, and efforts
to achieve psychological resilience.
Dimension of Wellness
• Wellness is a conscious, self-
directed and evolving process of
achieving full potential
• Wellness is multidimensional and
holistic, encompassing lifestyle,
mental and spiritual well-being,
and the environment
• Wellness is positive and affirming
Physical Wellness
• The physical
dimension of wellness involves
encouraging regular activities that
produce endurance, flexibility and
strength along with encouraging
knowledge about food and nutrition and
discourages the use of tobacco, drugs
and excessive alcohol consumption.
Emotional Wellness
• The emotional
dimension recognizes awareness
and acceptance and healthy
expression of one's feelings such
as happiness, hope, love, joy,
sadness, anger, fear, and/or
stress. Emotional
wellness encompasses optimism,
self-esteem, and self-acceptance.
Spiritual Wellness
• Spiritual wellness involves
possessing a set of guiding
beliefs, principles, or values that
help give direction to one's life. It
encompasses a high level of faith,
hope and commitment to your
individual beliefs that provide a
sense of meaning and purpose.
Intellectual Wellnes
• The intellectual
dimension encourages creative,
stimulating mental activities. A
well person expands his or her
knowledge and skills while
discovering the potential for
sharing one's gifts with others.
The mind should be continually
exercised just as the body.
Environmental Wellness
• Environmental wellness is
recognizing the unstable state
of the earth and the effects of
daily habits on the
physical environment. It
consists of maintaining a way
of life that maximizes harmony
with the earth and minimizes
harm to the environment.
Social Wellness
• Social wellness also includes
showing respect for others,
oneself and other cultures.
Tips and suggestions for
optimal social wellness
4 Concept of Health
• This generally
accepted definition states that
“health is a state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-
being and not merely the
absence of disease or infirmity”
• According to
the biomedical model, h
ealth constitutes the
freedom from disease,
pain, or defect, making
the normal human
condition "healthy."
• Ecological concepts are
general understandings (or
facts) about ecosystems
and ecosystem management.
Ecological principles are
basic assumptions (or beliefs)
about ecosystems and how
they function that are
informed by the ecological
• Psychosocial
health encompasses the
mental, emotional,
social, and spiritual
dimensions of what it
means to be healthy.
• Holistic health is about caring for
the whole person — providing for
your physical, mental, spiritual,
and social needs. It's rooted in
the understanding that all these
aspects affect your overall health,
and being unwell in one aspect
affects you in others.

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