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Name: Naiza Marie F.

Grade and Strand: 12 – HE-BRS
Teacher: Ms. Jane N. Felizardo

1. Do you think that Juan’s answer was appropriate for his teacher’s question?
In my opinion, I think it was appropriate because his teacher didn’t elaborate the
question further. The teacher was asking about what would he like to be when he grows
up, so Juan did answer the teacher's question based on his understanding, perspective and
2. What do you think was Juan’s interpretation of his teacher’s question?
I think his interpretation of his teacher’s question was about his experience in life and
3. Based on his responses, what kind of student do you imagine Juan to be?
I imagined Juan as a lonely and sad kind of student.
4. If you were Juan’s teacher, how would you respond to him?
If I were Juan’s teacher, I would accept his answer and explain it further to the class
based on his perspective.
5. How is philosophy related to this situation?
In my opinion, philosophy is related to this situation because Juan analyzes the question
and answers it properly based on his perspective and his experience in life.

1. What is philosophy?
Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems such as connected to
reality, existence, knowledge, values, reasons, mind and language.
2. Why is there a need to philosophize?
It encourages students to explore questions that challenge their ideas and beliefs. Also
for us to understand and analyze the problems further.
3. How do we characterize the study of philosophy?
Philosophy is the systematic study of ideas and issues, a reasoned pursuit of
fundamental truths.
4. What are the practical uses of philosophy in life?
Philosophy enables a person to engage in critical analysis and interpretation of
concepts, definition, arguments, and problems. Philosophy also improves problem-
solving and decision making. Also wisdom is one intended product of philosophizing that
refers to a person’s ability to apply knowledge to daily life particularly in making sound
choices and judgement.

1. Did anyone among the blind men give the correct answer? Why or why not?
In my opinion, no because the blind men just focus on their own point of view. They
didn’t look or imagine the bigger picture. They didn’t connect each other’s point of view.
Instead they had made an argument about each other's point of view.

2. In the context of the elephant story, what do you think is a holistic perspective?
What is a partial point of view?
I think the holistic perspective focuses on the bigger picture, it wants the whole that
more than the sum of its parts like in the elephant story. They want to know what an
elephant looks like but they are blind so they just touched it. But after that they had an
argument and this is where the partial point of view enters, they just focus on the parts of
the elephant’s body they’ve touched, so they had an argument because they want to prove
that what they’ve touched is the elephant. But if they just connect everybody’s point of
view they will completely picture out what the elephant looks like and they will not have
any arguments anymore, if they just think it in a holistic way. But sadly they think it in a
partial way. So in short holistic perspective focus on the whole part or in the bigger
picture, while the partial point of view just focuses on one part of the whole.

3. What is the importance of a holistic perspective as pointed out by the poet John
Godfrey Saxe?
John Godfrey Saxe in his poem is trying to tell us that we need to look at something
holistically or to look or imagine the bigger picture for our deep understanding. We also
need to understand each other holistically so that we can’t have arguments. Because if we
understand each other holistically, we will also understand each other's own opinions,
perspectives and point of view.

4. In the last stanza, John Godfrey Saxe related the legend to the religious wars
during his time. What do you think is John Godfrey Saxe trying to say in this
I think John Godfrey Saxes is trying to say that we have our own kind of ignorance
towards many things in the world and when we see, feel, hear, smell or taste it. We
describe it based on our own perspective, experience and point of view. Like the six blind
men they described the elephant based on how they felt when they touched every part of
the elephant's body. They have different kinds of point of view.

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