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These days advertisements have taken a vital part in our life.

All the famous brands and

companies display their products by means of TV, radio, internet even on the roads through
billboards where they become the focus of everyone's attention. Some people believe that
advertisements tell a lie and waste money. To some extent, I totally agree with this statement.

Undoubtedly, advertisements are sweet lies. Most of the companies' manufacturers make
unscientific and undue claims about their products. For example, all the companies that make
biscuits, cold drinks, potato chips, candies, etc. Make appealing advertisements and play them
again and again on different channels luring and misguiding children and viewers into buying
them are predominantly unscientific and untrue. If the Health Ministry had been really
thoughtful of the well-being of the children and, it would keep a check on such advertisements
that lure the consumers with bogus claims.

"If you don't want to spend money advertising, you need a strong brand to compensate". Even
some well-known companies have fallen short on final sales despite spending a lot of money on
advertising because their brand wasn't strong enough to gain real momentum. A great example
of this can be seen between Samsung and Apple. In 2013, Apple outsold Samsung by 100
percent, even though Samsung spent much more on advertising. These numbers make it hard
to believe that they spent $14 billion on advertising, while Apple spent approximately $1 billion.
In this situation, Apple saw little need to spend a lot of money on advertising, because they
knew they had a product their customers would want to buy. Their consumers value the
company's unique approach to software and hardware as a unified experience.

In conclusion, advertising plays a strong role in society. However, based on the above-
mentioned explanations, that is an unacceptable thing when advertisers deceive customers, so
advertisers must be honest with their customers about the advertising image and actual
product quality for the benefit of the customer.

Vocabulary in contrast

billboard: bảng quảng cáo predominantly: chủ yếu

focus of: trọng tâm của Health Ministry: Bộ y tế

undue: thái quá thoughtful: chu đáo

claim: yêu cầu bogus: không có thật

appealing: hấp dẫn compensate: đền bù

lure: dụ fallen short: hụt hẫng

misguide: lầm lạc unify: thống nhất

momentum: quán tính

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