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a lot (of) Countable or She's got a lot of work.
lots of Uncountable She's got lots of friends.
much Uncountable I haven't got much money.
many Countable (plural) Have you got many cousins?
plenty (of) C/U We have plenty of time / books.
He took a great deal of trouble to make
a great deal of Uncountable the party a success.
little Uncountable I have (very) little time.
few Countable (plural) Few pupils study Greek.
a little Uncountable Can I have a little milk?
a few Countable (plural) I made a few mistakes.
too much Uncountable He drank too much coffee.
too many Countable (plural) There were too many mistakes
too adjective He is too shy to interview her.
C/U He's got enough money to pay
enough adjective He's tall enough to reach it.
he drank so much coffee that he couldn't
so much Uncountable
He made so many mistakes that he had a
so many Countable (plural)
bad mark.
several Countable (plural) I have several things to do.
every Countable (singular) Every listener thought it was true.
each Countable (singular) Each child got a present.
any Countable (singular) Any dictionary will give you the meaning.
Some idiot parked his car outside my
some Countable (singular)
as an adjectif +
another singular
I didn't know he had another sister.
as an adjective +
other plurial
He has two other sisters.

most Countable (plural) Most people like sunny days.

with determiner +
most of Count/ Uncountable
Most of the trees were burnt.

the whole Countable (singular) The whole truth was announced.

all Count/Uncountable All children want presents.
both countable (plural) Both doors were open.
neither   I have read neither of these books.
either   Either (of these) would do.

Uncountable / There is some water on the floor.Would

some countable (plural) you like some tea?

Uncountable / Is there any water left?

any countable (plural) There aren't any cars there.
Uncountable /
no countable (plural)
There are no cars there

none (pronoun) There are none there. (no cars)

someone /
There is someone at the door.
Is there anyone at the door?
anyone / (pronouns)
There isn't anyone at the door.
There is no one at the door.
no one / nobody
something There is something under the bed.
Is there anything under the bed?
anything (pronouns)
There isn't anything under the bed.
nothing There is nothing under the bed.
somewhere You'll find it somewhere.
Will you find it anywhere?
anywhere (pronouns)
You won't find it anywhere.
nowhere You will find it nowhere.

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