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All fine artists first learn to sketch, and begin with a pencil and sketchpad to
work with an idea on paper. Artists transfer their visions to canvases or other
medium, and this may mean working in oil, watercolor or pastels. Sculptors take
their sketches and create 3D products from clay, marble or other material.
Illustrators might work for a publishing or animation company, or create original
comic books. All artists' work aims to create an overall reaction from a viewer.

Job responsibilities of an Artist include:

Developing ideas for a canvas or product

Selecting a medium for a final work, including texture, size, or area
Collecting work for a portfolio
Applying for grants for financial support
Artisans are craftsmen who make practical artistic products, such as earrings,
urns, stained glass and other accessories. Artisans gain their knowledge by
studying under master craftsmen and then practicing with continued study. Artisans
work to create something new, original, and at times, provocative. They spend a
good portion of their time selling and promoting their items in various

Job responsibilities of an Artisan include:

Using and mixing mediums like paint, metal, glass, or fabric

Shaping, gluing, sewing, testing and producing products
Displaying work at various sites including auctions, craft shows or online markets
Estimating costs and material needs
Related Careers
A career related to an artist is a graphic designer, who develops layouts using
artwork, photographs or illustrations. A similar field to an artisan is a
metalworker. They build products using metal for construction, artistic or
manufacturing purposes.

Graphic Designer Employment Information

Metal Worker: Career Profile

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