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Wind Power
Electricity is a form of energy. Electrical sources
Wind power or wind energy
can be broken down to two major groups,
renewable and non-renewable sources:
is the use of wind to 1. Fossil Fuels
provide mechanical power
Fossil fuel power
through wind turbines to
plants burn coal or oil
turn electric generators for
to create heat which
electrical power.
1. Geothermal is in turn used to
Geothermal power utilizes the generate steam to
heat energy from the earth’s 4. Solar Cells drive turbines which
crust. This energy is harnessed Solar power is a variable generate electricity.
to generate electricity when energy source that is A solar
water is injected deep cell is an electrical device that
underground and returns as steam to drive a converts the energy of light 2. Electrochemical (batteries)
turbine on an electric power generator that directly into electricity by the
A battery is a device that
produces electricity. photovoltaic effect, which is a physical and
stores chemical energy and
chemical phenomenon.
converts it to electrical energy.
The chemical reactions in a
2. Hydroelectric
5. Biomass battery involve the flow of
Hydroelectric p ow e r
Biomass refers to organic matter electrons from one material
(hydropower) is derived
from plants and animals. Organic (electrode) to another, through an external
from the energy of falling or
wastes can be used for electricity circuit that provides an electric current.
moving water to generate
generation. Rice husks and/or
el ectricity. A turb ine
bagasse are burned as fuel to boil
converts the kinetic energy of falling water into
water. The steam from the boiling water is used
mechanical energy which is the converted Sonoko
to run steam turbines, which in turn drive
into electrical energy by a generator. generators to produce electricity.

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