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TAHRI Mohamed Bechar University

Faculty Of Technology
Department Of Electrical Engineering
Laboratory Of Energetics in Arid Zones (ENERGARID)
Modeling and Simulation Of Systems in Arid Zones using AI
(SimulIA) Research Team

Prof. TAMALI Mohammed

+(213) 776063989
ENERGARID | TAHRI Mohamed Bechar University
PO Box 417, Bechar Algeria
Marsh 11th, 2018

To Whom it May Concern:

It is our pleasure to recommend Mr AIMEN Hamza for admission to The Post-Graduation Turkish Scholarship.
He was one of our Master students at our University, Bechar. We were his Graduate Teacher for F122
Optimization methods & Strategies. The course comprised application of optimization with process modelling and
simulation methodology applied to Self-Acting Purposes. Hamza distinguished himself by submitting an
exceptionally well researched and exciting project on ‘Using Learning’. We would rank him in the top 5 students
that We have taught in the past five years in respect of his writing ability and research skills.

Overall, Hamza is highly intelligent and has excellent analytical skills. His project on ‘Using self-coded App for
AI purposes’ demonstrated his ability to come a detailed understanding of the Modeling, Adopting Simulation
Scenarios, culture, and to analyze the consequences of those practices for temporary estimated results. He gave a
particularly interesting discussion of the problematic practice of such application and showed both sensitivity and
detachment when discussing its use in proposed simulation cases.
Hamza has excellent communication skills. Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as enjoyable to
read. Hamza was highly proficient in applying the course material in analyzing the problem situations. He always
explained his point of views very concisely and gave supporting arguments that were both clear and persuasive.
Hamza also demonstrated excellent teamwork skills in group assignments.
At a personal level, Hamza is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality. He went well
beyond the course requirements in the quantity and quality of his projects and home-works, putting in much
additional research and attending office hours most of the time. Throughout the course, Hamza demonstrated great
perseverance and initiative. Not only he was interested in and motivated to learn the course material, but he also
put considerable efforts into assimilating it, by his own experience related to the topic of Optimization software
and their uses cases.
Hamza is unquestionably an exceptional person for being a candidate to Turkish Scholarship. He has proven
himself to have the perseverance, initiative, and intellectual creativity necessary to complete an advanced Post-
graduate degree. We would, therefore, highly recommend Hamza AIMEN.
If his performance in Our class is a good indication of how he would perform as a Post-graduate student, he
would be an extremely positive asset to the program. If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any
further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,
Professor Mohammed TAMALI

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