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Main Ideas • By 10,000 B.C., Homo sapiens sapiens had spread throughout the world. • Paleolithic
peoples used technology.

Key Terms prehistory, archaeology, artifact, anthropology, fossil, australopithecine, hominid, Homo
erectus, Homo sapiens, Neanderthal, Homo sapiens sapiens, Paleolithic Age, nomad

People to Identify Louis B. Leakey, Mary Nicol Leakey, Donald Johanson

Places to

Locate Olduvai Gorge, Lascaux P

Preview Questions

1. What methods do scientists use to uncover the story of early humans?

2. What important and dramatic developments took place during the Paleolithic Age?

Main Idea • Systematic agriculture brought about major economic, political, and social changes for early

Key Terms Neolithic Revolution, systematic agriculture, domestication, artisan, Bronze Age, culture,
civilization, monarch People to Identify Mesoamericans, priest Places to Locate Jericho,

Çatal Hüyük Preview Questions

1. What changes occurred during the Neolithic Revolution that made the development of cities

2. How did systematic agriculture spread in different areas of the world?


The main ideas: Mesopotamia, one of the first civilizations, began between the Tigris and Euphrates

• The Sumerians formed city-states and created forms of communication that affect our lives today.

Key Terms city-state, ziggurat, theocracy, empire, patriarchal, polytheistic, cuneiform People to Identify
Sumerians, Akkadians, Sargon, Hammurabi

Places to Locate Tigris River, Euphrates River, Mesopotamia, Fertile Crescent, Uruk, Babylon

Preview Questions

1. How did geography affect the civilizations in Mesopotamia?

2. How did the Akkadian Empire begin

The main ideas:

The decline of the Hittites and Egyptians allowed a number of small kingdoms and city-states to emerge.

The Israelites did not create an empire, but they left a world religion, Judaism, that influenced the
later religions of Christianity and Islam.

Key Terms pastoral nomad, monotheistic People to Identify Indo-Europeans, Hittites, Phoenicians,
Israelites, King Solomon, Isaiah Places to Locate Palestine, Jerusalem

Preview Questions

1. How did nomadic peoples affect the centers of civilization?

2. What factors caused the decline of the Hittite kingdom?


of Civilization

The main ideas: India’s earliest cities provided the foundation for the Aryans

People to identify: Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, Untouchables, Siddhartha Gautama

Places to Locate Indian subcontinent, Himalaya, Ganges River, Deccan, Persian Gulf, Hindu Kush

Preview Questions 1. How did geographic factors impact the civilization that arose in India?

2. What is a patriarchal family?

Main Ideas

• The Mauryan dynasty flourished under Asoka.

• The Kushan kingdom prospered

. • The Gupta Empire left a lasting legacy through literature, architecture, and science.

Key Terms Silk Road, pilgrim

People to Identify Asoka, Faxian, Huns, Kalidasa, Aryabhata Places to Locate Persia, Changan, Antioch,
Syria, Mediterranean Sea Preview Questions

1. How did the Kushan kingdom become prosperous?

2. In what way did early Indian literature influence the Indian people?

The main ideas: Chinese dynasties followed a rise and fall pattern.

• Three schools of thought about the nature of humans and the universe emerged.

Key Terms aristocracy, Mandate of Heaven, Dao, filial piety, Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism People to
Identify Confucius, Laozi Places to Locate Huang He, Mongolia, Chang Jiang, Yellow Sea

Preview Questions

1. Why was family important in ancient China?

2. What are the major ideas associated with Confuc

Main Ideas • The Qin and Han dynasties established strong central governments that were the basis for
future dynasties.

The main ideas:

• Technical and cultural achievements during the Qin and Han dynasties included the invention of paper
and written literary classics. Key Terms regime, censorate

People to Identify Qin Shihuangdi, Xiongnu, Liu Bang, Han Wudi Places to Locate Gobi, South China Sea,
Indian Ocean

Preview Questions 1. Why was the Great Wall of China built?

2. How did nomadic peoples affect Chinese history? Reading Strategy Compare and Contrast As you
read this section, compare and contrast the Qin and Han dynasties using a Venn diagram.

Define regime, censorate

2. Identify Qin Shihuangdi, Qin dynasty, Xiongnu, Great Wall of China, Han dynasty, Liu Bang, Han Wudi.

3. Locate Gobi, South China Sea, Indian Ocean.

4. Explain how free farmers sometimes became tenant farmers.

5. Discuss Qin Shihuangdi’s actions for unifying the Chinese world

6. Explain What is the importance of the technological advancements in sailing that were made during
the Han dynasty?

7. Organizing Information Create a flow chart showing the government organization during the Han
dynasty and the duties for each division. Analyzing Visuals

8. Examine the illustration on page


1. How did Pericles expand the involvement of Athenians in their democracy?

2. Why was trade highly important to the Athenian economy?

The main ideas: Greek philosophers were concerned with the development of critical or rational
thought about the nature of the universe.

• Greeks believed that ritualized religion was necessary for the well-being of the state.

Key Terms ritual, oracle, tragedy, philosophy, Socratic method

People to Identify Aeschylus, Sophocles, Pythagoras, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thucydides Places to
Locate Delphi, Gulf of Corinth Preview Questions
1. In what ways was religion closely connected to Greek life?

2. How did defeat in the Peloponnesian War change the Athenians

Reading Strategy Summarizing Information Create a chart like the one below showing the major Greek
contributions to Western civilization.

Reading Strategy Organizing Information

Use a concept map like the one below to show the elements that contributed to the Classical Age of

Mycenaean civilization flourished in Greece between 1600 and 1100 B.C.

• The Greeks used the Iliad and Odyssey to present role models of the values of courage, honor, and

Key Terms epic poem, arete People to Identify Minoans, Mycenaeans, Homer Places to Locate Aegean
Sea, Black Sea, Crete, Ionia

Preview Question

1. How did the geography of Greece affect Greek history?

2. What role did Homer’s writings play in the lives of Greek

Main in Ideas • Under Alexander, Macedonians and Greeks conquered the Persian Empire

. • Hellenistic cities became centers for the spread of Greek culture.

Key Terms Hellenistic Era, Epicureanism, Stoicism

People to Identify Philip II, Alexander the Great, Eratosthenes, Euclid, Archimedes Places to Locate
Macedonia, Alexandria, Pergamum P

review Questions

1. What event brought to an end the freedom of Greek city-states?

2. In what ways has Alexander’s legacy affected history?

Reading Strategy Compare and Contrast Use a Venn diagram like the one shown below to compare and
contrast the characteristics of the Classical and Hellenistic periods

Romans conquered the plain of Latium, the Italian peninsula, and then the entire Mediterranean

• Their practical political skills allowed the Romans to maintain control over their conquered lands.
Key Terms republic, patrician, plebeian, consul, praetor People to Identify Latins, Etruscans, Livy,
Hannibal Places to Locate Rome, Sicily, Carthage, Alps Preview Questions

1. How did the Etruscans impact the development of Roman civilization?

2. How did the Roman Republic gain control of the lands of the Mediterranean?

The internal instability of the Roman Empire eventually led to civil wars and increased power for the
military. • Octavian, titled Caesar Augustus, was named emperor, an event that stabilized the Roman
Empire and paved the way for expansion and prosperity.

Key Terms triumvirate, dictator, imperator

People to Identify Crassus,

Pompey, Julius Caesar, Octavian, Antony, Augustus, Nero Places to Locate Rubicon River, Dacia,
Mesopotamia, Sinai Peninsula, Rhine River, Danube River Preview Questions 1. What was Marius’s
political legacy?

2. How did Julius Caesar gain control of the Roman government?

The main ideas:

Roman culture and society were heavily influenced by the Greeks. •

The Romans spread both Greek and Roman contributions to art, architecture, and literature throughout
the empire.

Key Terms paterfamilias, insulae People to Identify Virgil, Horace, Livy, Spartacus

Places to Locate Mantua, Rome

Preview Questions

1. How were slaves utilized in Roman households?

2. What similarities existed between the Greek and Roman cultures?

3. What was the main purpose of the public spectacles in Rome

Jesus, a Jew from Palestine, began his public preaching. • Christianity spread throughout the empire and
eventually became the state religion of Rome. Key Terms procurator, New Testament, clergy, laity
People to Identify Jesus, Simon Peter, Paul of Tarsus, Constantine, Theodosius the Great Places to Locate
Judaea, Jerusalem, Aegean Sea Preview Questions 1. What religious climate existed in Rome prior to
Christianity? 2. Why were Christians persecuted? 3. Why did Christianity grow so quickly?

ain Ideas • Under two strong emperors, Diocletian and Constantine, the Roman Empire gained a new
lease on life. • Ferocious warriors from Asia and Germany finally brought an end to the Roman Empire.
Key Terms plague, inflation People to Identify Diocletian, Constantine, Huns, Visigoths, Vandals,
Romulus Augustulus Places to Identify Byzantium, Bosporus, Danube River Preview Questions

1. How did Diocletian and Constantine restore order and stability to the Roman Empire?

2. What became of the Roman Empire after it was divided into two parts? Reading Strategy Cause and
Effect Complete a chart describing the events that led to the decline and fall of the Roman Empire.

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