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Chronology November 16, 1976-February 15, 1977

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 31, No. 2 (Spring, 1977), pp. 189-203
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 19/02/2012 16:27

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November 16, 1976-February15, 1977

ArabIsraeliConflict The UN General Assembly voted by 118 to 2 with

2 abstentions for a resolution calling on Israel to halt
resettlement of Palestinian refugees in Gaza and to
return immediately all refugees to their camps. [NYTJ
Nov. 24: The UN General Assembly approved by 90
1976 to 16 with 30 abstentions a report of the Committee
Nov. 16: Israeli Major General Ariel Sharon, who had on the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People
resigned from the Likud opposition party the day which proclaimed the right of Palestinian Arab
before, urged Israel to hold talks with the Palestinians refugees to establish their own state and reclaim
to secure a Middle East settlement. [NYT) former properties in Israel. [NYTI
Nov. 17: Faru1qQaddiimi, a spokesman for the Palestine Nov. 26: UNESCO voted to affirm its condemnation
Liberation Organization (PLO), said the PLO would of Israel's excavations and building projects in
be ready to assume powers of government in the West Jerusalem on the ground they were altering the
Bank and Gaza Strip after Israeli forces withdrew historic character of the city. [NYT]
from them. [NYTI Nov. 27: Israeli Premier Yitzhak Rabin called for the
Nov. 18: The PLO formally registered with the US convening of a Geneva peace conference modelled
Justice Department as a first step towards opening on the European security conference at Helsinki in
an office in Washington. [NYT] 1975. [NYTI
A UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organ- Nov. 30: The Security Council agreed by a vote of
ization (UNESCO) program commission voted by 73 12 to 0 with 3 abstentions to renew the mandate of
to 6 with 30 abstentions to condemn Israel's cultural the UN Disengagement Observer Force in the
and educational policies in the occupied Arab ter- Jawlan region. [NYTI
ritories. [NYT] Dec. 2: Egypt opened a General Assembly debate on
Nov. 19: A second UNESCO commission voted by 70 the Middle East by calling for the convening of the
to 25 with 14 abstentions to reaffirm its con- Geneva peace conference early in 1977. [NYT)
demnation of Israeli excavation and building projects Dec. 3: US officials said that Israel had asked the US
in Jerusalem. [NYTI to approve a future sale of 250 F-16 fighter
Nov. 20: Damascus Radio said Syria had agreed to planes. [NYT]
extend the mandate of the UN peacekeeping force The JerusalemPost cited US State Department of-
in the Jawlan region for 6 more months. [NYT] ficials as saying the PLO had already registered
Nov. 21: Rockets fired from Lebanon struck the Israeli with the Justice Department as a foreign agent and
town of Nahariya. [NYTJ could open a Washington office any time. [JP]
Nov. 22: UNESCO voted by 61 to 5 with 28 ab- Dec. 4: An explosion killed 3 Arabs in Hebron. A
stentions to condemn Israel's educational and cultural military spokesman said they apparently had been
policies in the occupied Arab territories as amount- assembling a bomb. [NYT]
ing to "cultural assimilation." [NYT} Delegates of the World Jewish Congress from 17
Israel was restored to full membership in nations met in Madrid. Arab Ambassadors to Spain
UNESCO. [NYT) denounced the meeting and about 30 Arabs demon-
Nov. 23. A PLO representative who had come to strated against it. [NYT]
Washington to open a PLO office was told by the US Dec. 5: PLO leader Yasir 'Arafat ended a 2 day visit
State Department to leave the country. [NYT} to Yugoslavia. [NYT]

Listof Abbreviations
ARR, Arab Report and Record; AW, The Arab World; B, Brief; CSM, The Christian Science
Monitor; CB, Cyprus Bulletin; E, The Economist; FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service
Daily Report-Middle East and Africa; G, The Guardian (weekly international edition); JP, The Jeru-
salem Post; KT, The Kabul Times; KI, Kayhan (international edition); MEED, Middle East Eco-
nomic Digest; MEES, Middle East Economic Survey; LM, Le Monde (weekly English edition);
NYT, The New York Times; PO, Platt's Oilgram; TDN, Turkish Daily News; WP, The Washington


Dec. 6: Israel introduced a resolution in the UN and Syria met with US Secretary of State Kissinger
General Assembly calling for the convening of a and said that American arms shipments to Israel
Geneva peace conference with participation of Egypt, jeopardized chances for a Middle East settle-
Israel, Jordan and Syria. [NYTI ment. [NYT]
Merchants in the West Bank closed their shops to Dec. 24. Egyptian intelligence officials disclosed an 8
protest a Value Added Tax imposed by Israel. [NYT] year espionage operation involving a double agent
World Jewish Congress leaders withdrew a request which had uncovered a numberof Israeli spies. [NYT]
for a meeting with Spanish King Juan Carlos. [NYTI Dec. 28: Israeli troops dispersed Arab women demon-
Dec. 8. Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon criticized strating in Gaza in sympathy with relatives in Israeli
the Spanish government for its actions with respect jails. [NYTI
to the World Jewish Congress convention. [NYTI Dec. 29: The Washington Post reported that Egyptian
Dec. 9. The UN General Assembly voted by 122 to 2 President Anwar al-Sadat had said that any Palestinian
with 8 abstentions for a resolution calling for the state that is created must be formally linked with
convening of the Geneva peace conference by March Jordan. [WPI
1. [NYTI Dec. 31: Israeli Foreign Minister Allon said he favored
The General Assembly voted by 81 to 11 with 29 "early informal consultations" between Israel, Jordan
abstentions to accept an Egyptian resolution con- and West Bank Palestinian leaders to decide how
cerning the Geneva conference. [NYTI the Palestinians could be represented in future
Israeli Major General Sharon proposed a peace negotiations. [NYTI
plan for a Middle East settlement. [NYT]
Dec. 10: Israeli occupation authorities ended the deten-
tion of a Palestinian woman kept under house arrest 1977
nearly 4 months in Ramallah. [NYT]
Jan. 1. An Israeli peace activist, Abie Nathan, sailed
Policemen used tear gas and clubs to disperse Arabs
a radio station "peace ship" to the Suez Canal and
demonstrating in Nablus against the Value Added
was put under guard by Egyptian authorities. [NYTI
Tax. [NYT]
Jan. 2: Egypt permitted the "peace ship" to proceed
Dec. 12: Israeli troops used tear gas to disperse Arab
through the Suez Canal. [NYT)
demonstrators in Nablus and imposed a curfew on the Allon told the Israeli Cabinet that Egyptian Presi-
town. [NYTI
dent Sadat's proposal that a Palestinian state should
Dec. 13: Arabs in Jerusalem and 4 West Bank towns
be linked with Jordan was a "not insignificant
demonstrated against Israeli rule. [NYT]
step." [NYT}
Dec. 14: At the end of a 3 day meeting of the The Israel Council for Israeli-Palestinian Peace
Palestine Central Council in Damascus, the leaders published a purported joint statement with the PLO
of the PLO said the creation of an independent
calling for Zionist and Palestinian states to coexist
Palestinian state was one of the "legitimate rights"
peaceably. [NYT]
of the Palestinian people. [NYT) Jan. 3. The PLO denied it had participated in a joint
Arab officials in the West Bank called for a 4 day
statement with the Israel Council for Israeli-Pales-
general strike to protest against the Value Added tinian Peace. [NYT]
Tax. [NYT]
Mahmud Salih, a former PLO representative in
Dec. 15: A general strike was observed by Arabs in the France, was assassinated in Paris. [NYT]
West Bank and Gaza. [JPJ Jan. 4. A/-Ahram cited Sadat as having said "there will
Curfews were imposed on the centers of Nablus, be no Geneva [peace conference] without the
Ramallah and Kalandia in the wake of "riot at- PLO. [NYT]
tempts." A boy from Kalandia was wounded. [JP] Jan. 9. French intelligence authorities in Paris arrested
Dec. 16. US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger met with Abfu Datid, a member of the Revolutionary Council
UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim to discuss the of al-Fath, on suspicion of complicity in a terrorist
reconvening of the Geneva peace conference. [NYTI attack at the Munich Olympics in 1972. [NYT]
The UN General Assembly approved 4 resolutions Jan. 11: French authorities freed Abu Da!dd after a
on the Middle East. Israel opposed the reso- judicial hearing rejected West German and Israeli
lutions. [NYT] requests that he be detained pending extradition
Dec. 18. The Palestinian press agency WAFA quoted a proceedings. [NYT]
PLO official as denying reports that the PLO had Israel recalled its Ambassador to France for con-
agreed to the establishment of a Palestinian state sultations. [NYT]
in the West Bank and Gaza. [NYT] Jan. 12.' Hundreds of demonstrators protested the re-
Dec. 22: PLO leader 'Arafat said the Palestinian lease of Abu Da!dd outside the French Embassy in
movement would set up a state on "any piece of Israel. [NYT]
liberated Palestinian soil." [NYTI Jan. 15. Sadat and Jordanian King Husayn called in
US officials said that President Gerald Ford had Aswan for a separate Palestinian delegation at the
decided to propose a $1.5 billion foreign aid Geneva peace conference. [NYT]
package for Israel in the 1978 fiscal year. [NYT} Jan. 19. Allon said Israel would not negotiate with
Dec. 23: The Ambassadors of Egypt, Morocco, Somalia the PLO "anywhere or in any form." [NYT]
Jan. 24: Saudi Arabian King Khalid said his government
would favor French participation in a Geneva peace
conference. [NYT)
Feb. 1: Israeli security forces used tear gas to break up
demonstrations in Nablus. [NYT) 1976
Feb. 2: UN Secretary General Waldheim arrived in Nov. 25: A 3 day conference of Arab and European
Cairo for meetings with Egyptian leaders. [NYT) news agency directors ended in Tunis. [NYT]
Feb. 3: After meeting with Egyptian Foreign Minister Dec. 12: The Polisario Front reported that Moroccan
IsmX1llFahmi in Cairo, Waldheim said that Egypt was forces had suffered "substantial losses" at Smara in
flexible on the timing of a Geneva peace confer- Western Sahara as a result of an attack by Polisario
ence but was insisting on PLO participation. [NYT) guerrillas on Dec. 8. [NYT]
The chief delegates of the Soviet Union and Israel Dec. 17: The Organization of Petroleum Exporting
to the UN held discussions on the Middle East Countries (OPEC) decided to increase assistance to
situation. [NYT) non-oil-producing nations by $800m. [NYT)
Feb. 4: Israeli Premier Rabin flew to Geneva and met Dec. 23: The OPEC Special Fund extended a total of
with Ivory Coast President Felix Houphouet-Boigny $42.7m in loans to 6 developing countries including
on the situation in the Middle East. [NYT) Sudan and Pakistan. [MEES]
Feb. 5: Waldheim met with Syrian President Hifiz Dec. 27: The Polisario Front reported it had destroyed
al-Asad and later with 'Arafat in Damascus. [NYT) a large section of an iron ore rail line to the
Feb. 6: An Israeli military communique said 9 Arabs Mauritanian port of Nouadhibou. [NYT]
had been arrested in connection with a bombing in Middle East EconomicSurvey reported that the UN
Jerusalem in 1975. [NYT) General Assembly had approved a resolution which
Waldheim met with Saudi leaders in Saudi Arabia increased the assessments of UN membership dues
on the Middle East situation. [NYT) for OPEC countries. [MEES)
Feb. 8: The US State Department said it had rejected
the visa application of a member of the PLO's na-
tional council who wished to visit the US. [NYT) 1977
Thousands of Israeli and West Bank Arabs entered
Jan. 1: The Polisario Front said it had killed 82
the Israeli town of Musmus to be at the funeral
of the PLO press attache of the Palestine observer Mauritanians in guerrilla attacks just before the new
year. [WPJ
group at the UN who had died the week before
Jan. 10: OPEC concluded agreements with 24 develop-
in the US. [NYT)
ing nations providing for interest free loans totalling
Feb. 9: A US Congressional delegation that had visited
$111m. [NYT}
the Middle East in November, 1976, reported that
An agreement between the US Justice Department
Egypt, Syria and Jordan were prepared to resume
and the Bechtel Corporation ended a suit filed in
Geneva peace negotiations in a single Arab dele-
Federal Court against the company concerning the
gation with Palestinian participation. [NYT)
Arab boycott. [NYTI
Feb. 10: Waldheim met with Israeli leaders to discuss Jan. 15: A committee of Canadian citizens issued a
Israel's position on peace talks. [NYT)
report charging compliance by Canadian government
The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith ac- agencies in the Arab boycott of Israel. [NYT}
cused a Quaker group, the American Friends Service Jan. 18: Trade and cooperation agreements were signed
Committee, of becoming a "mouthpiece" for the PLO. between the European Economic Community and
The Committee had planned to have a PLO official Egypt, Jordan and Syria. [MEED]
address a meeting in the US. [NYT) Feb. 4: OPEC announced it had signed agreements
Feb. 11: The American Friends Service Committee said providing loans totaling $33.8m to 10 developing
it "unequivocably supports steps to insure a free, nations. [NYT]
sovereign and secure state of Israel" and denied Feb. 13: The second session of the General Committee
charges that it was an outlet for PLO propa- of the Arab-European Dialogue ended in
ganda. [NYT) Tunis. [MEES]
Waldheim ended his visit to Israel and flew to
Cairo for talks with Egyptian leaders. [NYT)
Feb. 14: The US State Department said that Israeli oil
drilling in the Gulf of Suez off Sinai was illegal and Petroleum
"not helpful to efforts to get peace negotiations
under way." [NYTI
Feb. 15: US Secretary of State Cyrus Vance arrived in
Israel at the start of "a quest for peace." [NYT) Nov. 23: Ten Arab oil nations met in Kuwayt to seek
The UN Human Rights Commission adopted a a common position on oil prices. [NYT)
resolution accusing Israel of practicing "torture" and Nov. 24: The Council of Ministers of the Organiza-
the "pillaging of archeological and cultural property" tion of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
in occupied Arab territories. [NYT) (OAPEC) ended a 2 day meeting in Kuwayt. [MEES)

Nov. 26: Saudi Arabian Petroleum Minister Shaykh Dec. 20: Health Minister Omar Abdollah met with
Ah.mad Zaki Yamrnin warned Western nations Iraqi President Ahmad Hasan al-Bakr in Bagh-
against countering future Arab oil embargoes with an dad. [FBIS]
oil sharing plan. [NYT)
Dec. 12: Oil experts from Organization of Petroleum
Exporting Countries (OPEC) nations met in Doha, 1977
Qatar for technical discussions. [NYTI Jan. 30: President Mohammad Daud opened the Loyah
Dec. 13: The New York Times reported that a US
Jirgah, or Grand Assembly, to approve the draft of
State Department cablegram leaked to the press in the a new constitution. [MEEDI
Netherlands had warned against linking concessions Feb. 14: The new constitution was approved by the
to developing nations at the Conference on Inter- Loyah Jirgah. [MEED]
national Economic Cooperation in Paris to price Daud was unanimously elected President by the
moderation at an upcoming OPEC meeting. [NYT)
Loyah Jirgah. [FBIS]
Dec. 14: Saudi Arabian Oil Minister Yamani urged
Feb. 15: Daud was sworn in and the Loyah Jirgah
OPEC to adopt a 6 month freeze on oil prices. [NYTI was dissolved. [FBISI
Dec. 15: OPEC opened a ministerial conference in
Doha, Qatar. [NYTI
Dec. 177: OPEC announced that 11 nations would raise
the base price for market crude oil by 10% on Algeria
Jan. 1 and a further 5% on July 1 of 1977.
Saudi Arabia and the UAA decided to raise prices
(Seealso, Libya, Tunisia)
by 5% only. [NYT]

1977 1976
Nov. 16: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd met with
Jan. 4. Kuwayt said it would reduce production of
President Houari Boumedienne in Algeria. [FBISJ
crude oil because its customers were reducing their
Nov. 19: Algerians went to the polls to approve a new
oil purchases. [NYT)
constitution. [NYT)
Jan. 11: The National Iranian Oil Company said that
Nov. 22: An agricultural cooperation agreement with
Iran's January oil exports had dropped by almost
Iraq was signed in Algiers. [MEED]
2m barrels a day compared to the same period
Nov. 24: The New York Times cited the government
in December. [NYT)
as saying the Constitution had been approved by over
Jan. 29: The UAA newspaper al-Wathba said that
99% with a voter turnout of 92%. [NYT]
Iraq had rejected a Soviet proposal to create an
Dec. 10: An election was held to elect a presi-
organization of "progressive" oil exporting na-
dent. [FBISJ
tions. [NYT)
Dec. 11: It was announced that Boumedienne had
Jan. 31: Middle East Economic Survey reported that
been elected President by a 95.23% margin. [FBISI
Bahrayni Finance Minister lbr5him 'Abd al-Karim
Dec. 14: Iraqi Deputy Chairman of the Revolution
had announced Bahrayn would raise the price of its
Command Council Saddam Husayn paid a 1 day visit
oil by 5%. [MEES)
to Algeria. [MEED}
Middle East EconomicSurvey said that Oman had
raised its oil price 9% retroactive to Jan. 1. [NYT)
OPEC Conference President Shaykh 'Abd al- 1977
'Aziz bin Khalifah Al Thin!, the Qatari Oil
Minister, visited Saudi Arabia on a tour of oil pro- Jan. 20: An amnesty for 76 foreign nationals was an-
ducing nations. [NYT) nounced by Foreign Minister Abdel-Aziz Boute-
Feb. 6: Yamani said Saudi Arabia had---rejected a flika. [MEED)
Qatari attempt to mediate a uniform OPEC price Feb. 5: Foreign Minister Bouteflika left for Saudi
increase. [NYT} Arabia to hold oil policy talks. [MEEDI
Feb. 13: OPEC's Economic Commission began a week
long session in Vienna. [MEED)
(Seealso, Petroleum Affairs)

Dec. 9: The New York Times cited "reliable sources"
as saying more than 50 people had been arrested and Nov. 19: Qatar News Agency reported that the editor
accused of a plot to overthrow the govern- of the magazine al-Mawsaqif had been mur-
ment. [NYT) dered. [FBISI

Dec. 11: Iranian Foreign Minister 'Abbas 'All-i Dec. 12: The New York Times reported that Fathia
Khal'atbari arrived in Bahrayn for talks. [FBIS] Ghali, sister of former King Fruiq, had been
shot to death by her estranged husband in the
Dec. 19: President Anwar al-Sadat and Syrian President
Cyprus Hifiz al-Asad held talks in Cairo. [NYTI
Dec. 21: Syria and Egypt announced that they would
1976 form a "united political leadership" and study the
possibility of a future union. [NYTI
Nov. 24: The Soviet Union and Cyprus signed a 5 year Dec. 23: A former War Minister and 19 other people
trade agreement in Nicosia. [MEED} were sentenced to 1 to 10 years hard labor for
Dec. 13: The Times of London said it had UN military torturing members of the armed forces after the
documents reporting -large scale looting of Greek Arab-Israeli conflict of 1967. [NYTI
Cypriot property by Turkish Cypriot and Turkish Dec. 25: An Egyptian jetliner crashed in Thailand,
authorities in Cyprus. [NYT) killing everyone aboard. [NYT)
Dec. 16: Turkish occupation troops moved about 25
yards into a Greek Cypriot area of Nicosia and 1977
set up an observation post. [NYT]
Dec. 18: It was announced that Mustafa Cagatay had Jan. 9. French Defense Minister Yvon Bourges ended
been made Finance Minister of the self-declared a 5 day visit to Egypt and promised French
"Turkish Federated State of Cyprus." [MEED] technical assistance in setting up an Arab arms in-
dustry. [NYT)
Jan. 13: Jordanian King Husayn arrived in Egypt and
1977 met with President Sadat. [NYT)
Jan. 24: Turkey announced it was withdrawing 1,000 Jan. 15.' Foreign Ministers of 8 Arab states and a
troops from Cyprus. [NYTJ representative of the Palestine Liberation Organiza-
Jan. 26: Eleftherios Papadopoulos, a Greek Cypriot tion (PLO) met in Cairo. [fEBIS
journalist, was charged with having supported the Jan. 18: Thousands of workers and students demon-
1974 coup against President Archbishop Ma- strated in Alexandria, Cairo and other cities against
karios. [NYT) price increases announced the day before by the
Jan. 27: Archbishop Makarios conferred with Turkish government. [NYT]
Cypriot leader Rauf Denkta? in Nicosia. [NYTI Jan. 19.' Rioting continued and a curfew was placed on
Feb. 4: Cypriot authorities charged 6 men in connec- Cairo, Alexandria and Suez. [NYT)
tion with the killing of American Ambassador Sadat cancelled the price increases. [NYT)
Rodger Davies and his secretary in 1974. [NYT) Jan. 21: Official figures indicated more than 65 people
Feb. 13: UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim at- had been killed during the rioting. [NYT)
tended a meeting between Turkish Cypriot leader Officials said that "known Communists and Com-
munist-led elements" had formed the majority of the
Denktaq and Archbishop Makarios. It was agreed
that negotiations by the 2 communities would 900 people arrested in connection with the riot-
resume the following month. [NYTI ing. [NYT)
Jan. 24.' Al-Ahram reported that the International
Monetary Fund had agreed to lend Egypt
$140m. [NYT}
Egypt Jan. 26: The government banned demonstrations and
strikes. [NYT)
The Secretary General of the Arab Socialist
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Lebanon, Union, a brother-in-law of Sadat, resigned for
Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, UAA) "health reasons." [NYT)
Jan. 29: Premier Mamduh Salim said that Communists
1976 in the National Progressive Unionist Party (the Left
Party) had tried to use the party to overthrow the
Nov. 17: Vice President Husni Mubirak left Cairo on government in the riots over price increases. [NYT)
a tour of Gulf States and Syria. [FBIS) Jan. 30: Khilid Muhyl al-Din, the leader of the National
Nov. 22: A cultural accord with Sudan was Progressive Union, denied the party had helped
signed. [MEED] instigate the riots and said the policies of the
Nov. 25: About 500 members of the Egyptian Com- government were to blame for them. [NYT)
munist League demonstrated outside the People's Feb. 1.' The Cabinet was reshuffled:
Assembly demanding the right to organize a political Mamduh Salim: Premierand Interior
party. [NYT] 'Abd al-'Az4m Abu al-'Ati: Irrigation
Dec. 9: France and Egypt signed agreements in Paris 'Abd al-'Azlz Husayn: State for Agricultural &
under which France would extend 2 loans totaling Industrial Complexes,Water Resourcesand Sudan
$108m. [MEES] Affairs

Ibrahim Mahmuid Shukri: Agriculture Jan. 13: IraqiForeignMinisterSa'dunliammadiended

'Abd al-Mun'im Mahmud al-$iwi: Information & a 3 day officialvisit to Tehran.[MEED]
Culture Jan. 25: SudaneseDefense MinisterBashirMuhammad
Muhlibb Ramzi Istinu: Tourism & Civil Aviation 'Ali left Tehranaftera visit of a week. [MEED]
Amid 'Uthman: Insurance & Social Affairs Feb. 7: Iran's air force commander,General Fazaval
Muhammad Nabawi IsmXil: Deputy Interior Taddayanwas killed in a helicoptercrash.[NYT)
Kamil Khayrallah:Deputy Interior [FBIS]
Feb. 3: Sadat signed a decree banning strikes and
demonstrations. [NYT)
Feb. 5: Former Vice President Kamal al-Din Husayn
accused Sadat of "punishing the Egyptian people"
instead of the government after the food riots. [NYT)
Feb. 8: The National Progressive Union appealed to (Seealso, Algeria,Iran,Kuwayt,Qatar,Syria)
voters to reject the decree making strikes and
demonstrations illegal. [NYT]
Feb. 100: A referendum was held on whether to ac-
cept the decree. [NYT} Nov.22: ForeignMinisterSa'dunHammadileft Bagh-
Feb. 11: The government said that 99.4% of the voters dad on a tour of Gulf States for talks concerning
had approved the decree. [NYT] the upcoming Gulf foreign ministers meeting in
Feb. 12. About 400 students protested against the new Muscat.[FBIS]
law banning demonstrations. [NYT} Nov. 28: Minister of ForeignTrade Hikmat Ibrahim
Feb. 14. Former Vice President Husayn was expelled returnedto Baghdadaftera visit to Moscow.[FBIS}
from the National Assembly. [NYT] Dec. 10: The Soviet Union and Iraq signed contracts
in Moscow for 4 irrigationprojects for Iraq worth
over $1 billion. [MEED]
Iran Dec. 14: Revolution CommandCouncil (RCC) Vice
Chairman$addamHusaynleft Yugoslaviaaftertalks
on politicaland economiccooperation.[MEED}
(Seealso, Petroleum Affairs, Bahrayn, Morocco, An explosion at Baghdadairportkilled 3 people.
Qatar, UAA, Yemen) [NYT]
Dec. 15: Iraq accused Syria of responsibilityfor the
1976 airportblast. [NYT)
Dec. 16: A dissident Iraqi group called "Free Iraq"
Nov. 16: Officials said a terrorist linked to the killing claimedresponsibilityfor the bombing.[NYT?
of 3 Americans in August had been killed with a Dec. 22: US officialssaid Iraqhad secretly purchased
companion in a clash with police the day before. 100 submarineguns from a US concern and had
[NYT] smuggled30 out of the US. [NYT]
Nov. 18: An agreement was signed with the British
Aircraft Corporation (BAC) under which BAC would
sell a Rapier missile system to Iran and receive oil 1977
in payment. [NYT]
Jan. 3: The 981 kilometeroil pipelinefrom Kirkukto
Nov. 22: Iraqi Foreign Minister Sa'dun Hammadi
Yumurtalikin Turkey was inauguratedin Kirkuk.
arrived in Tehran for talks. [FBIS)
TurkishPresident SiuleymanDemirel attended the
Dec. 6. The Grumman Corporation said it was being
sued for $114.6m concerning the sale of 80 Grum-
Jan. 9: The Sunday Times of London cited Iraqi sources
man F-14 jet fighters to Iran. [NYT)
as saying Iraq had shot down a Kuwaytijet plane
Dec. 12: It was announced that Iran had purchased 2
whichhad crossedthe Iraqiborder.[CSM)
Italian passenger liners. [NYT] Jan. 10: The Arab Ba!thSocialistPartyheld an extra-
Dec. 20: Negotiations on trade and economic co-
ordinarysessionandincreasedthe membershipof the
operation with the European Economic Community RegionalCommandfrom 13 to 21. [MEED]
(EEC) were opened in Brussels by Minister of
Jan. 14: The UN affiliatedInternationalLeague for
Economy Hushang-i Ansari. [MEED)
Human Rights made public a statement charging
Dec. 23: The government announced that security
Iraq with a "systematicattempt" to destroy the
forces had killed 8 guerrillas and captured 11 in 2 Kurdishethnicgroup. [NYTI
gun battles in Tehran. [NYT] Jan. 19: Vice President Taha Muh.yial-Din Ma!rdf
begana 6 day visit to Japan.[MEED]
1977 Jan. 21: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
Kurdishguerrillaswere holding 5 East European
Jan. 1: A report of the US State Department on human engineershostage.[MEED]
rights in Iran was made public by a House of Jan. 23: The Cabinetwas reshuffledand the following
Representatives Committee. [NYT} appointmentswere made:

'Izzat Mutafa: Municipalities The newspaperHayom Hazeh, started by former De-

Hasan 'Ali: International Trade and Acting Minister fense Minister Moshe Dayan, published its final
of Foreign Trade issue as a daily. [NYT]
Najih. Muhammad Khalil: Industry & Minerals Dec. 10. A ceremony was held shortly before the
Muhammad $adiq al-Mashshat: Higher Education & Sabbath to receive 3 American made F-15 jet
Scientific Research fighters. [NYT]
Babakir al-Bishdari: Labor & Social Affairs Dec. 11: The government declared all of Israel and the
Burhan al-Din'Abd al-Rahman: Youth occupied Arab territories a rabies danger area.
Hamad 'Alwan: State for Foreign [NYT]
Na!im Hamid Haddad: State Dec. 13. Former Kupat Holim chairman Asher Yadlin
Ghanim 'Abd al-Jalil: State and Director of RCC was indicted on 8 counts of bribery and fraud.
Deputy Chairman's Office [NYT}
TThir Tawfiq: State Dec. 14: A no confidence motion against Premier
'Abd al-Fattah Muhammad Amin: State Yitzhak Rabin for "desecration" of the Sabbath was
Saduin Shikir: State defeated in the Knesset by a vote of 55 to 48. Nine
Ja!far Qasim Hammudi: State members of the National Religious Party (NRP)
'Abdallah Fadhil: State abstained. [JPJ
Fulayyih Hasan al-Jasim:State Dec. 19.' Premier Rabin ousted the NRP from the
'Adnan Khayrallah:State coalition government. [NYT]
Hikmat IbrThim:State Dec. 20: After calling for new elections and the dis-
Muh.ammad'Ayish: State [FBIS} solution of the Knesset, Rabin submitted his resig-
Feb. 3. An Iraqi delegation led by Vice Chairman nation to President Ephraim Katzir. [NYT]
Husayn ended a 3 day visit to the Soviet Union.
[MEEDI 1977
Feb. 7: Rioting during the annual religious march from
Najaf to Karbala took place for the second straight Jan. 3.' President Katzir asked Rabin to form a new
day. [MEED] government. [NYTI
A man was arrested at the shrine of Imam Minister of Housing Abraham Ofer committed
Husayn in Karbala while trying to plant a bomb. suicide. [NYTI
[MEED} Jan. 5.' The Knesset voted to dissolve itself early and
Feb. 10: A government statement said that 1 man had provided that elections be held in May. [NYT]
been killed when gunmen "in the pay of Zionist and At a state funeral for Housing Minister Ofer,
imperialist circles" had attacked a police station Rabin said he believed Ofer to have been innocent
during the march from Najaf to Karbala. [NYTI of embezzlement charges reported by Israeli news-
Feb. 11.' Baghdad radio denied reports that Iraq had papers. [NYT]
closed its borders with Syria and Kuwayt and said Jan. 7.' Minister of Police Shlomo Hillel said the in-
a Syrian newspaper account of clashes in the city of vestigation into the financial dealings of Ofer were
Mosul were untrue. [NYT) being suspended. [NYT]
Feb. 14.' It was reported that Ahmad 'Abd al-Qadir Jan. 9.' The Cabinet decided that Ofer must be pre-
had been elected chairman of the legislative council sumed legally innocent but agreed that a corruption
of the autonomous area of north Iraq. [FBIS] investigation of other members of the Labor Party
should be continued. [NYT]
Jan. 10.' The Likud opposition bloc asked for a Knesset
debate on the corruption allegations. [NYT]
Jan. 11: Defense Minister Shimon Peres announced
Israel his candidacy for leadership of the Labor Party.
Jan. 17.' The US State Department said that it accepted
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Lebanon)
an explanation by Israel of an Israeli sale of
American airplane engines to Honduras. [NYT]
1976 Jan. 18: The Knesset voted by 43-18 to accept a
decision to reshuffle Cabinet portfolios. The following
Nov. 16: Ariel Sharon, a former leader in the Likud Ministries were affected:
opposition, announced he would bid for the Premier- Haim Zadok: Justice and Religious Affairs
ship through his own party. [JPI Moshe Baram: Laborand Social Welfare
Nov. 22: Yigael Yadin announced the formation of a Shlomo Hillel: Policeand Interior
new political party to be called the "Democratic Shlomo Rosen: Immigrant Absorption and Housing
Movement." [NYTI IJP]
Nov. 24: The pound was devalued by 2%. [JP} Jan. 24: Former Foreign Minister Abba Eban an-
Nov. 28: Three senior Israeli officials flew to South nounced his candidacy for Labor Party leader. [JP]
Africa for discussions on bilateral economic rela- Jan. 31.' The Knesset passed a law legalizing abortion
tions. [NYTI in certain cases. [NYT]

Feb. 3: Former Foreign Minister Eban dropped his 1977

candidacy for the Labor Party leadership and threw
his support to Defense Minister Peres. [JP] Jan. 5: Syrian Premier'Abd al-Rahman Khulayfiwi left
Feb. 7: The US State Department said the US had 'Ammin after a day of talks with King Husayn.
blocked an Israeli sale to Ecuador of 24 Kfir jet [MEEDJ
fighters equipped with American jet engines. [NYT) Jan. 26: King Ijusayn said contacts were under way for
Feb. 9: The Christian Science Monitor reported that a meeting between him and Palestine Liberation
Israel had asked the US State Department to re- Organization (PLO) leader Yasir 'Arafat. [NYT)
consider its veto of the sale of jets to Ecuador. Feb. 9: Queen 'Alya' and Health Minister Bashir were
[CSMJ killed in a helicopter crash. [NYTI
Feb. 14: Former Kupat Holim chairman Yadlin pleaded
guilty to 4 counts of bribery and 1 of tax
evasion. [NYT) Kuwayt
Jordan (Seealso, Petroleum Affairs, Iraq, Lebanon, Oman)

(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Egypt, Kuwayt, 1976

Oman, Saudi Arabia, Syria)
Nov. 16: Iraqi Interior Minister 'Izzat Ibrahim al-Dun
had talks in Kuwayt with Minister of Interior &
1976 Defense Shaykh Sa'd al-Abdallah al-Salim al-
Sabah,. [MEED]
Nov. 16: Four Palestinian guerrillas of the Black June Nov. 22: UAA Foreign Minister Ahmad Bin Khalifah
group seized the Inter-Continental Hotel in 'Amman al-Suwaydi arrived in Kuwayt on a 2 day visit.
and took hostages. Jordanian troops overpowered [MEED]
them in an attack which left 7 people, including Iraqi Foreign Minister Sa'dun Hammaddiarrived in
3 terrorists, dead. [NYT) Kuwayt for talks. [FBIS]
Nov. 18: An Egyptian banker died of wounds re- Dec. 6: The government suspended further registration
ceived during the guerrilla attack. [NYTI and trading in shares of the Sharjah Investment
Nov. 27: The Cabinet was reshuffled: Group formed by Kuwayti and UAA business
Mudar Bedran: Premier,Foreignand Defense interests. [MEED]
'Abd al-Salam al-Majiali: Education and State for Dec. 13: Acting Premier Jabir al-'AIi denied an Iraqi
Cabinet Affairs statement that the islands of Warbah and Bubiyan
'Adnan Abu'Awdah: Information belonged by right to Iraq. [CSM)
Muhammad al-Bashir: Health Dec. 15: Jordanian Premier Mudar Badran visited
Ghalib Barakat: Tourism & Antiquities Kuwayt on a tour of the Gulf. [MEED]
'Abd al-Karim al-Tariwinah:Justice Dec. 31: Al-Siyisah was ordered to close for 10 days
$alal Jum'ah: Agriculture for contravening press laws. [MEED]
Hasan Ibr&him: Reconstruction & Development and
State for Foreign
'Isam al-'Ajldni: Labor 1977
Kamil al-Sharif:Awqcif, Islamic Affairs & Holy Places
Marwan al-Qisim: Supplies Jan. 11: Iraqi Minister of Planning 'Adnan al-
Sulayman 'Arar: Interior Hamd&ni held talks with Planning Minister Yusuf
'Abd al-RaQdfal-Rawabidah: Communications al-'Adasdni in Kuwayt. [MEED]
Ibrthim Ayyib: Municipal & Rural Affairs Jan. 24: Finance Minister 'Abd al-Rahman al-'Atiqi
Sharif Fawwaz Sharaf: Culture & Youth left for Oman for talks on bilateral codperation.
Najm al-Din al-Dajani: Industry & Trade [MEED]
Muhammad al-Dabbas: Finance
Sa!id Binil: Public Works
'All al-Suhaymat: Transport [FBIS)
Dec. 6: Syrian President Uhfiz al-Asad met with King
Hasan in 'Amman. [FBIS]
Dec. 8: Jordan and Syria announced their intention to (Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict)
form a union. [NYT)
Dec. 18: King Hjusayn returned to 'Amman following a 1976
visit to the UAA and Qatar. [FBIS)
The surviving guerrilla was executed for his part Nov. 17: Syrian peacekeeping troops searched cars
in the attack on the Inter-Continental Hotel. entering Beirut to prevent guns from being brought
[NYTI into the capital. [NYT]

Nov. 18: Christianand Muslimforces exchangedsmall Dec. 9: A new Cabinet was appointed:
armsand mortarfire in southernLebanon.[NYT] Salim al-Hu$5: Premier,Economy& Trade, Industry &
Fightingbroke out between 2 Palestiniangroups Oil and Information
in the Shatilarefugee camp on the southern fringe Fu'ad Butrus: Deputy Premier, Foreign & Expatriates
of Beirut.Three people were killed. [NYTI and Defense
Nov. 19: Beirut'sairportreopened. [MEED] $alah Salman: Interior and Housing & Cooperatives
Nov. 21: Syrianpeacekeepingtroops took control of Ibrahim Shu'ayti: Health and Water & Electricity
Tripoli,Sidon and the highwaysleadingfrom Beirut Amin al-Bizri: Public Works, Transport & Tourism
to the 2 cities. [NYTJ MishadDumid: Planning
Nov.22: Israelconfirmedreportsthatit hadtransmitted As'ad Riziq: Labor& Social Affairs, Education & Fine
by way of the US a warningto Syria not to move Arts and Agriculture
its troops in Lebanon too close to the Israeli FarlidRifala'l:Justice,Finance and PTT [FBIS]
border.[NYT] Dec. 10: Premier al-Hu.4 said that government con-
Nov. 23: Israel deployed its armed forces along the trolled information media had been unified and that
Lebaneseborderfollowingreportsthat Syrianpeace- 2 official radio stations would be merged. [NYT}
keepingtroopswere consideringmovingcloserto the Dec. 11: Gunmen attacked and wounded Christian
border. [NYT) leader Raymond Edd6 (Iddah) in Beirut. [NYT]
Nov. 24: Syrianofficialscriticized Israel for saying it The New York Times reported that a ceasefire had
held Syriaresponsiblefor any attacksfrom Lebanon been reached between Muslims and Christians in the
while at the same time insisting that Syrianpeace- Bint Jbail district of southern Lebanon. [NYT]
keeping troops stay out of the borderarea.[NYT) Dec. 12: Bodyguards of former President Camille
Nov. 25: It was reported that Muslim and Christian Sham'in fought with 2 men whose automobile had
factionshad agreedin principleto put their artillerycut in front of Sham'un's car. Five men were
under Syriansupervision.[NYT} wounded. [NYTI
Arab Leagueofficialsconfirmedreportsthat Arab The executive committee of the PLO met in
peacekeepingforces would be sent to Tyre. [NYT} Damascus to discuss Palestinian unity but 3 guerrilla
organizations boycotted the meeting. [NYT}
Nov. 28: IsraeliPremierYitzhakRabin said the pres-
Dec. 13: The New York Times reported that former
ence of Syrianor Palestinianunits on the Lebanese
President Sham'un had said the National Liberal
borderwould be "intolerable"and said thatonly the
Party was withdrawing its militia from the unified
LebaneseArmyshould be there. [NYT]
Christian command but had later agreed to rescind
Nov. 29: Syria threatened to use military force if the decision. [NYT}
necessaryto remove heavyweaponsfrom Palestinian Dec. 14: A time bomb exploded under the car of a
guerrillasandLebanesemilitiaunits. [NYT} Phalanges Party official after he had left it. [NYT)
Muslimand Christianmilitiamentradedautomatic A peace supervisory committee formed of repre-
weaponfire northof the Israeliborder.[NYT]
sentatives from Saudi Arabia, Kuwayt, Egypt and
Libya said it was withdrawingits contingent of Syria met under President Sarkis and discussed the
peacekeepingtroops on the groundthat the mission collection of heavy weapons from rival factions.
of Arab forces had changedfrom "peacekeepingto [NYT]
deterring."[NYT] Dec. 15. Beirut's port reopened. [NYT]
Dec. 3: Syrian President Hifiz al-Asad met with Arab peacekeeping troops raided the Beirut offices
PalestineLiberationOrganization(PLO)leaderYasir of 2 journals. [NYT)
'Arafat.[NYTI Special envoy to Washington Ghassan Tuwayni
Dec. 4: The New York Times cited "Arab sources" as met with US Undersecretary of State for Political
saying that PLO leader 'Arafat had promised that Affairs Philip Habib concerning US economic aid to
Palestinianforceswould surrenderheavyweaponsto Lebanon. [NYT]
Syriain returnfor Syrianprotection.[NYT] Dec. 16: The peace supervisory committee met to dis-
A car carryingdynamiteexploded near the Beirut cuss the collection of heavy weapons, but the talks
residenceof ProgressiveSocialistPartyleaderKamal were adjourned inconclusively. 'Arafat asked for time
Junblat.Two people were killed and 15 wounded. for further discussions with other guerrilla leaders.
Dec. 5: The New York Times reported that President Dec. 17: Rival Palestinian factions battled in a Beirut
Ilyas Sarkis had extended the deadline for the suburb. [NYT]
collectionof heavyweapons.[NYT) Syrian troops occupied the premises of the news-
Dec.8: Palestinianguerrillasfrom a refugee campnear paper al-Safir. It was the fourth periodical taken
Tripoli were relocated in the Syrian controlled over during the week. [NYT]
Biqa'valley. [NYT] Dec. 19: Syrian troops closed down 3 newspapers,
The New York Times reported that the First including al-Nahar and L'Orient-LeJour. [NYT]
National Bank of Chicago had become the first Dec. 21: Hu44 returned from a tour of Saudi Arabia
American bank to reopen for business in Beirut. and Kuwayt during which the Lebanese economic
[NYT] situation was discussed. [FBIS]

Rival Palestinian groups battled in southeast Jan. 10: Former President Sulayman Franjiyyah said
Beirut. Joint intervention by Syrian troops and al- that unless heavy weapons controlled by Palestinians
Fath guerrillas restored calm. [NYT] were removed from Lebanon, Christian groups would
Dec. 22: Al-$aiqah guerrillas fought with pro-Iraqi not hand in their arms. [NYT)
Palestinians for the second straight day. [NYT] Huss left Beirut for a tour of Gulf states. [MEED]
Dec. 23: HIu. submitted to Parliament a bill which Jan. 13: Beirut radio reported that the collection of
would authorize the government to rule by decree for heavy weapons had been completed. [NYT}
6 months. [NYT} Jan. 14: Al-'Amal reported that the Syrian representa-
Dec. 24: Parliament voted by 72 to 0 to approve the tive to the peace supervisory committee had been
bill authorizing the government to rule by decree. dissatisfied with the number of weapons collected.
A central committee member of the Popular
Jan. 17. Domestic and foreign banks resumed full
Front for the Liberation of Palestine and his wife
service in Beirut. [NYTJ
were assassinated in Beirut. [NYT]
Jan. 24: Christians in East Beirut went on strike to
Dec. 25: Shells hit a town and village held by Muslim
protest the presence of Arab peacekeeping forces in
and Palestinian factions in southern Lebanon, wound-
their district. [NYT]
ing 3 civilians. [NYT)
Christian militiamen battled Palestinian and Mus-
Dec. 27: HuIu conferred with Sarkis on the subject
lim forces in southern Lebanon. [NYTI
of a tour to a number of Arab countries planned
for the following day. [NYTI Jan. 25: Censorship on outgoing dispatches of foreign
Dec. 28: About 1,500 peacekeeping soldiers from the news bureaus was lifted but remained in force for
UAA entered Lebanon from Syria and moved toward the domestic press. [NYT]
Tyre. [NYT) Syrian forces moved simultaneously into Christian
Dec. 31: The Christian radio station Voice of Lebanon areas of East Beirut and Palestinian held Nabatiyah
reported that Palestinian gunners had shelled 3 in the south of Lebanon. [NYTI
Christian towns in southern Lebanon during the day. Jan. 26: An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said
[NYT] the movement of Syrian soldiers to Nabatiyah was a
cause of serious concern. [NYT]
Arab peacekeeping forces occupied 3 barracks in
West Beirut and a fourth in Sidon. All 4 had been
under control of the Lebanese Arab Army. [NYT]
1977 Jan. 29: The Arab peacekeeping force defused ex-
plosives in 2 cars in Sidon before they could go off.
Jan. 1: The government decided to impose censorship
on the press. [NYT)
Four persons were killed in a shootout between Jan. 31: Israeli Foreign Minister Yigal Allon pro-
$aiqah guerrillas and a rival group. [NYT) posed an agreement stating how close to the Israeli
Jan. 3: Syrian peacekeeping troops ended occupation border non-Lebanese forces could be deployed.
of the offices of 7 periodicals. [NYT) [NYT)
Press censorship went into effect. [NYT) Feb. 2: Sarkis met with Syrian President Asad in
A bomb exploded near the Phalanges Party head- Damascus. Later the 2 countries said they would
quarters in Beirut, killing at least 16 people. formulate a joint strategy for policy coordination.
Jan. 4: Gunmen identified as members of the Arab Feb. 3: The New York Times reported that Asad had
Communist Organization killed 4 people in a told Sarkis he would not withdraw Syrian peace-
Christian sector of north Beirut. [NYT) keeping troops from Israeli border areas despite
Phalanges Party leader Pierre Jumayyil met with Israeli demands. [NYTI
Minister of Foreign Affairs Butrus on the bombing. Feb. 10: Heavy fighting broke out in Beirut's outskirts
[NYT) between Syrian peacekeeping troops and Palestinian
Christians in east Beirut went on strike to protest the guerrillas of the "rejection front". [NYT)
bombing. [NYT) Feb. 11: Fighting in Beirut between Syrian troops and
Jan. 5: It was reported that a time bomb had exploded Palestinian guerrillas intensified. [NYT]
the night before at Byblos. [NYT) Feb. 12: Israeli officials said Syrian forces had begun
Jan. 7: It was announced that the final deadline for withdrawing from border positions in southern
turning in heavy weapons would be Jan. 12. Regular Lebanon. [NYT)
Palestinian forces that had entered Lebanon from
Syria during the civil war were to leave by the same Feb. 13: The new US Ambassador to Lebanon, Richard
date. [NYT) Parker, arrived in Beirut. [NYT]
Jan. 9: A regiment of Arab peacekeeping forces took Feb. 15: Syrian peacekeeping troops completed a with-
up positions in mountainous areas south of Beirut. drawal from the Nabatiyah area of Southern
[NYT) Lebanon. [NYT]

Nov. 17: Three people died when 2 Moroccan F-5 jets

Libya collided and crashed. [NYTI
(Seealso, Lebanon, Tunisia) Nov. 22: King Hasan began a state visit to France for
talks on bilateral relations and nuclear energy.
1976 [MEED]
Nov. 26: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
Nov. 17: Libya and the Philippines signed 2 agree- Independents had won about 2/3 of the seats in
ments on bilateral cooperation during a visit by local elections held on November 12. [MEED]
Imelda Marcos. [FBIS) Nov. 29: US Commerce Secretary Elliot Richardson
Nov. 18: The Philippine government said that negoti- arrived in Morocco for talks on bilateral trade. [NYT}
ations under Libyan auspices between Philippine
Muslim insurgents and the Philippine government
had been arranged during the visit to Libya by Mrs. 1977
Marcos. [NYTI Jan. 3: The trial of 178 people accused of complicity
Nov. 22. The Arab Revolution News Agency reported in a 1973 abortive coup began in Casablanca. [MEED]
that the country's official designation had been Jan. 15: Saudi Arabian Second Deputy Premier Prince
changed to the "Libyan People's Arab Republic." 'Abdallah bin 'Abd al-'Azlz arrived in Morocco.
Nov. 23. Revolution Command Council (RCC) Chair- Jan. 21: Premier Ahmad Osman arrived in Mauritania
man Mu'ammar al-Qadhdh5fi met with Algerian
on a 3 day visit for talks on economic integra-
President Houari Boumedienne and President Seyni tion. [MEED]
Kountch6 of Niger. It was agreed to set up a
Jan. 25: Elections were held for 513 councillors of 33
permanent tripartite commission. [MEED) provinces and cities. [MEED]
Nov. 24: The General People's Congress of the Arab Feb. 2: Iranian Premier Amir'Abbas-i Huvayda ended
Socialist Union ended its second annual session. a visit to Morocco during which a trade agreement
[MEEDI was concluded. [MEED]
Dec. 1. The chairman of Fiat of Italy announced Nahum Goldmann, President of the World Jewish
that Libya had purchased 10% of the company
Congress, met with King Hasan in private talks.
through stock purchase and other financial arrange-
ments. [NYT) Feb. 15: A court imposed sentences on 176 people
Dec. 6. RCC Chairman arrived in Moscow for plotting to overthrow King Hasan. [NYT}
for talks with Soviet leaders. [MEEDI
Dec. 9" Libya and the Soviet Union signed 3 co-
operation agreements. [MEEDI
Dec. 25.' Libya and Bulgaria signed 5 agreements on
trade and bilateral cooperation. [NYT)
(Seealso, Petroleum Affairs, Kuwayt)
Jan. 19: Yugoslav President Tito conferred with 1976
Qadhdh5fi during a 3 day visit to Libya. [NYT)
Jan. 24: Libya and Mauritania signed an agreement Nov. 17: UAA President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan
for economic, technical and scientific cooperation. Al Nuhayyan arrived in Muscat and met with
[FBISJ Sultan Qabus bin Sa!ld. [FBIS]
Jan. 31: France thanked Libya for its help in securing Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubarak arrived
the release of 2 French persons held by rebels in in Oman for talks on bilateral relations. [MEED]
Chad. [NYT) Nov. 25: Sultan Qabus opened the Gulf states foreign
Feb. 11. Middle East Economic Digest reported that ministers conference in Muscat. Foreign ministers of
the Italian government had given final approval for 8 nations participated. [FBIS)
the acquisition of a stake in Fiat by the Libyan Nov. 26: The Gulf foreign ministers conference ended.
Arab Foreign Bank. [MEED) [MEED}

Morocco 1977
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General) Jan. 9: It was announced in Abu Dhabi that the UAA
would finance a 132 kilometer road linking Ibri to
1976 Nizwa. [MEED]
Jan. 24: Kuwayti Finance Minister 'Abd
Nov. 16: Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Fahd arrived in Salim al-'Atiqi arrived in Muscat for talks on bilateral
Marrakech from Algiers. [FBIS) relations. [FBIS}

Jan. 26: SultanQabusmet with UAA ForeignMinister Nov. 23: Iranian Foreign Minister 'Abbas 'Ali-i
AhmadKhalifahal-Suwaydiin Muscat.[FBIS] Khal'atbariarrived in Doha on a 1 day visit.
Jan. 27: Iranannouncedit waswithdrawingsome of its [FBIS)
troopsfrom Oman. [NYT} Nov. 27: Amir ShaykhKhalifahbin HamadAl Thini
Jan. 31: JordanianKing Ijusayn left Omanat the end received Syrian Foreign Minister 'Abd al-Hallm
of a 3 day privatevisit. [MEED} Khaddamin Doha. [FBIS]
Feb.3: Ministerof State for Foreign AffairsQays al- Dec. 12: Financeand PetroleumMinisterShaykh'Abd
Zawawidenied publishedreports that Oman might al-'Aziz bin KhalifahAl Thini said that tentative
grant bases on Maqirahisland to a foreign country agreementon the complete takeover of the Shell
afterdepartureof the British.[MEED} Companyof Qatarhad been reached.[MEED)

Pakistan 1977
Jan. 12: Iraqi PlanningMinister'Adnan al-Hamdani
(Seealso, General) left Doha after talks. [MEED]
Feb. 9: The Qatar General Petroleum Company
1976 (QGPC)andRoyalDutch Shell signedan agreement
for the takeoverof Shell's remaining40% share of
Dec. 16: Pakistanand Greece signed an economic co- Shell Qatar.[MEED]
operationagreementin Rawalpindi.[FBIS]
Dec. 27: PremierZulfikarAli Bhutto returnedfrom a
visit to Tehran. [FBIS}
(Seealso, ArabIsraeliConflict,PetroleumAffairs,
Jan. 3: Minister of Defense and Foreign Affairs Algeria,Lebanon,Morocco,Tunisia)
Aziz Ahmed said Pakistanwouldgo throughwith its
purchaseof a nuclearreprocessingplantfromFrance
despite oppositionby the US and Canada.[NYT) 1976
Jan. 5: PremierBhutto announceda series of agrarian
reforms.[NYT] Dec. 17: Oil Minister Shaykh Ahmad Zaki Yamani
The governmentsaid it would release 6 Indians said SaudiArabiaexpected the West to "appreciate"
who had hijacked an Indian airlinerto Lahore in its standon oil prices. [NYT)
September.[NYT) Dec.24: An Egyptianpassengership carryingpilgrims
Jan. 6: India protested the decision to release the returningfrom Mecca burned and sank in the Red
hijackers.[NYT) Sea. [NYT}
Jan. 7: Bhuttoannouncedthatgeneralelectionswould Dec. 27: Al-Ahram reported that 95 people were
be held in March.[NYT) missingafter the sinkingof the pilgrimship. [NYT)
Jan. 9: Rival political groups clashed at rallies in the Dec.29: The US SecuritiesandExchangeCommission
Northwest FrontierProvinceand 6 people were re- chargedthatthe AmericanHospitalSupplyCorpora-
ported killed. [NYT) tion had paid millions of dollars of questionable
Jan. 10: Newspapers reported that former chief fees in order to obtain contractsto equip the King
minister of the Northwest Frontier Province FaisalSpecialistHospitalin Riyadh.[NYT)
InayatullahKhan Gandapurhad been arrestedfol-
lowing the clashes.[NYT)
Karachi OverseasServicereported that the National 1977
Assemblyhad been dissolved.[FBIS)
Feb. 9: UAA President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al Jan. 8: Saudi Arabiasaid it would require American
Nuhayyan arrived in Pakistan and was met by oil companiesto submit reports to prove oil price
Bhutto. [FBIS) benefitswere beingpassedon to consumers.[MEES)
Jan. 9: The ForeignMinistersof 8 Arabstates met in
Riyadhto discussfinancialaid to Egypt,Jordanand
Qatar Syria.[NYT]
Jan. 13: Al-Ahramsaid that the ForeignMinistersof
5 Arab states had pledged $1.4 billion a year to
(Seealso, PetroleumAffairs,Jordan,SaudiArabia) Egypt, Syria,Jordanand the PLO at the conference
in Riyadh.[NYTI
Jan. 22: French President Valery Giscard d'Estaing
1976 arrivedin Riyadhfor an officialvisit. [NYT)
Nov. 21: EgyptianVice PresidentHusni Mubarakar- Jan. 23: FrenchPresidentGiscardd'Estaingmet with
rived in Doha on an officialvisit. [MEED] King KhIlid and CrownPrinceFahd.[NYT)

Jan. 24: A 3 year contractwas signed with the French Dec.10: An economicagreementwith SouthKoreawas
oil company Elf-Erapfor the delivery of 299.5m signed in Seoul during a 7 day visit by Minister
barrelsof Saudioil. (NYT] of Trade& SupplyHarunal-'Awad..[MEED]
Jan. 29: The Saudi-YemeniCoordinationCouncilmet
in Riyadh.[MEED]
Feb. 8: The Mobil Oil Corporation said that its
pipeline subsidiarywould build a $1.55 billion 750 1977
mile pipeline from oilfieldsnear the PersianGulf to
Yanbuon the Red Sea. [NYTI Jan. 1: President Numayri said that Ethiopia was
Feb. 10: QatariAmir ShaykhKhalifahbin HamadAl "harboringandtrainingSudanesedissidents."[NYT)
Thanimet with King Khald in Riyadh.[MEED) Jan. 4: The New York Times reported that Numayri
Feb. 11: King Khalid flew to London for surgery. had recalledhis Ambassadorto Ethiopia.[NYT)
[MEED] Jan. 7: It was reportedthat 3 Ethiopianarmyofficers
Feb. 15: It was announced that oil production in and 93 solidiers had taken refuge in Sudan after a
January1977 hadaveraged8.28m barrelsa day.This battlewith Eritreanrebels. [NYT)
comparedto a daily averageof about 8m barrelsin Jan. 15: A joint defense pact with Egypt was signed
1976. [NYT] in Cairo.[MEED]
Jan. 16: SudanAirwaysflights between Khartim and
South Yemen Addis Ababawere suspended.[MEED]
Jan. 24: The World Health Organizationsaid that
travel restrictionsimposed in the southern region
(Seealso, Yemen) the previous year during an epidemic of green
monkeydiseasehad been lifted. [MEED]
1976 Feb.2.' Governmentforcescrushedan attemptby rebel
Nov. 22: An agreementwas signed in Kuwaytunder air defense units to seize Juba airportin southern
which the Kuwayt Fund for Arab Economic De- Sudan.Ten people were reportedkilled. [NYT)
velopment (KFAED)would extend a loan of $9.3m Feb. 9: Numayri asked Premieral-Rashidal-T5hirto
to South Yemen. [MEES) form a new Cabinet.[NYT)
Nov. 25: South Yemen said it had shot down an Feb. 11: Numayri issued a decree forming a new
Iranianfighterplane thathadcrossedits borderfrom Cabinet:
Oman. [NYTI Bashir Muhaammad'Ali: Defense and Commanderin
Omansaid an unarmedIranianplane on a training Chief of Armed Forces
flight was missing after being fired at from across 'Abd al-Wahhab Ibr5him: Interior and Head of
the South Yemeni border.[NYTI Public Security
Nov. 26: South Yemen said it had captured the Ma'man 'Awad Aba Zayd: Local Popular Government
survivingpilot of an Iranian"spyplane"shot down Mans, r Khilid: Foreign and Assistant to President
by defense forces. A second pilot was killed. for Coordination
[NYT] Zayn al-'AbidinMuhammadAhmad'Abd al-Qadir:
Dec. 15: Foreign Minister Muh.ammad$liih Muti' Youth & Sports
returned to Aden after visits to France, Algeria Na?ral-Din Mustafi:Planning
and Egypt.[FBIS) al-Sharlfal-Khatim:Finance & Economy
Dec. 21. Aden DomesticServicereported that the Iranian Karamallah al-'Awad:Public Service& Administrative
pilot had been turned over to a Saudi Arabian Reform
delegationat Aden InternationalAirport.[FBIS] 'Abd al-Rahman'Abdallah:Industry& Mining
KhalidHasan'Abbais: Health
1977 Bashir'Abbadi:Transport& Communications
Buna Malwal:Culture & Information
Jan. 19: Ministerof FinanceFadhilMuhsin'Abdallah
Harunal-'Awad:Trade & Supply
returnedto Aden from Vienna,where he had signed 'Awn al-SharifQa.sim:ReligiousAffairs & Awqif
a $4.4m loan agreementwith OPEC. [MEED]
Feb. 8: Foreign Minister Muti' ended a visit to the $ughayruinal-Zayn: Irrigation & HydroelectricPower
Fatimah'Abd al-Mahmuid: SocialAffairs
People'sRepublicof China.IMEED)
Mutafi'Uthmin: Construction& Public Works
'Abdallih Ahmad 'Abdalfih: Agriculture, Nutrition
Sudan & Natural Resources
(Seealso, General,Egypt,Iran) Francis Deng: State for Foreign
'Izz al-Din Haimid:State for Egyptian Affairs
1976 MuhammadTahir:State
Nov. 18: Ugandan President Idi Amin met with Amin Abui Sanninah:State for Agriculture
PresidentJa'faral-Numayriin Sudan.[FBIS) Muhammad al-Shadhili 'Uthman: Statefor Agriculture

'Abd al-RahilmMakki: State for Agriculture 1977

'Uthman 'Abd al-Salam:State for Finance
Isma'il al-Hajj Musa: State for Culture Jan. 9: Spanish Foreign Minister Marcelino Oreja
'Ali Shummiu:State for Youth arrived in Tunisia for talks with Premier Hedi
Hasan Ahmad Yusuf: State for Education Nouira and Foreign Minister Chatti. [MEED]
Ahmad 'Abd al-Karim Badri: State for Transport Jan. 12: Bulgarian Minister of Public Health Angel
Hasan 'Abidin: State [FBIS] Todorov arrived in Tunis for talks. [MEED]
Jan. 14: President Habib Bourguiba returned to
Tunisia after a 3 month absence for medical treat-
Syria ment in Europe. [FBIS)
Jan. 18: President Bourguiba granted an amnesty for
(Seealso, Arab Israeli Conflict, General, Egypt, Iraq, 35 people on the 25th anniversary of the revolu-
Jordan, Lebanon, Qatar, Saudi Arabia) tion. [MEED]
Feb. 2: Interior Minister Tahar Belkhodja left Tripoli
after a 1 day visit during which he met with
1976 Revolution Command Council Chairman Mu'ammar
Qadhdhafl. [FBIS]
Nov. 21: Jordanian King Husayn paid a surprise visit Feb. 8. Algerian Foreign Minister Abdel-Aziz Boute-
to Syria to confer with President Hafiz al-Asad. flika arrived in Tunis for talks with Bourguiba.
Nov. 25: It was announced in Damascus that Iraq and
Syria had withdrawn most military forces from their
border. [NYTI
Dec. 1: Foreign Minister'Abd al-Halim Khaddam was
shot and wounded by unidentified assailants. [NYT)
Dec. 2: Iraqi radio said that the Black June group (Seealso, Cyprus, Iraq)
had claimed responsibility for the attack on Foreign
Minister Khadda.m. [NYT}
Dec. 4. Security officers arrested a gunman involved
in the wounding of Khaddam. [NYT] Nov. 24: A major earthquake struck Van Province.
Dec. 28: The Kuwayti newspaper al-Qabasreported that [NYTI
Syria had ended travel and other restrictions on its Nov. 25: Snow hampered earthquake relief efforts.
Jewish population. [NYT} [NYT]
Nov. 26: Middle East Economic Digest reported that
Turkey and Greece had signed an agreement on
1977 November 11, under which they would set up a joint
committee to draw up guidelines for negotiations.
Jan. 6: A Palestinian and 2 Syrians were executed for [MEED]
their part in a series of bombings in Syria which Nov. 27: The official earthquake death toll reached
the government said had been carried out with Iraqi 3,700. [NYT]
complicity. An announcement said 9 other Syrians Nov. 28: Government radio reported new earth tremors
had been convicted of similar charges and sentenced had occurred near Lake Van, but no further casual-
to prison terms. [NYT] ties were recorded. [NYT]
Feb. 4: Syria and Egypt announced formation of a 10 The Governor of Van Province announced a
man unified political command. [NYT} mobilization of citizens for relief work. [NYT]
Feb. 6: King Husayn arrived in Damascus for meetings Nov. 29: The New York Times reported that the mayor
with President Asad. [NYT] of Muradiye had been removed from office because
of his criticism of earthquake relief measures. [NYT]
Dec. 1: Premier Siileyman Demirel said the "U.S.
Tunisia Congress has undermined Turkey's defense strength"
through its arms embargo. [NYT]
(Seealso, General) Dec. 10: Fighting between rival student political groups
left 2 people dead in Ankara. [NYT]
Dec. 11: Turkey and Greece reopened a direct tele-
1976 phone link between their tactical air commands.
Nov. 22: Foreign Minister Habib Chatti arrived in [NYT]
Saudi Arabia for talks with King Khalid. [MEEDI
Dec. 9: Cheddi Klibi was appointed Minister for 1977
Cultural Affairs and Information. [MEEDI
Dec. 13: French Defense Minister Yvon Bourges ended Jan. 20: An economic cooperation agreement with
a 4 day visit to Tunisia. [MEED) Bulgaria was signed in Ankara. [MEED]

jan. 31: Turkey and Greece began secret talks in Shaykh Sultan Bin Ahmad Al Mu'alld:Economy&
London.[MEED] Trade
Feb.9: The militaryprosecutorof the Turkishgeneral ShaykhAhmadBin Hamad:Information
staff cleared all militarypersonnelof chargesof re- MuhammadSa'ldAl-Mu'all.:Communications
ceivingpayoffsfrom the LockheedAircraftCorpora- MuhaammadKhalifahal-Kindi:PublicWorks& Housing
tion. [NYT] ShaykhAhmadBin SultanAl Qisimi: StateWithout
Sa'id al-Ghayth: State for Cabinet Affairs
Shaykh'Abd al-'Aziz Al Qisimi: Statefor Supreme
United ArabAmirates Council Affairs
SayfBin Sa!idal-Ghubish:Statefor Foreign
Hammudah Bin 'Ali: State for Interior
(Seealso, PetroleumAffairs,Jordan,Kuwayt,Lebanon, 'Abdallah'UmranTarayim:Education, Youth & Sport
Oman) Mana' Sa!id al-'Utaybah:Petroleum & Mineral Re-
Thin! Bin 'Isa Bin Hirib: Electricity & Water
1976 Resources
Nov. 22: Egyptian War Minister 'Abd al-Ghani al- Muhammad'Abd al-Rahmanal-Bakr:Justice and
Jamasilarrivedin AbuiDhabi for talks on military Islamic Affairs & Awqif
cooperation.[MEED] Khalfanal-Riami: Health
Nov. 28: President Shaykh Zayd bin Sultan Al Sa'id al-Raqbani: Fishery Resources
Nuhayyanissued a decree extendingthe validityof Sa'idal-Ghubish:Planning
the provisionalconstitutionfor 5 years. [FBISJ 'Abdallahal-Mazrii'i: Labor & Social Affairs
PresidentShaykhZaydacceptedthe resignationof
the Cabinetbut asked that it continuein office until
a new one was formed. [FBIS]
Nov. 30: The SupremeCouncilunanimouslyreelected
Shaykh Zayd as President and ShaykhRa,shidbin
Sa!idAl Maktumas Vice President.[FBIS] (Seealso, UAA)
The SupremeCouncilapprovedan agreementbe-
tween the rulers of Dubayy and Sharjah which 1976
had settled the border dispute between the two
shaykhdoms.[FBIS] Nov. 27: Yemen charged that "enemy aircraft"had
Dec. 16: The UAA and Iran signed an economic and twice violated its air space in the last 10 days near
tradeprotocolat the end of a 6 day visit to the UAA the Bib al-Mandab.[NYT]
by Iranian Finance Minister Hushang-i An*rii. Nov. 29: Yemen said it would close its air space over
[FBIS] the Bib al-Mandab.[JPJ
Dec.19. YemeniCommandCouncilChairmanIbrThim Dec. 20: Command Council ChairmanIbrihim al-
al-Hamdimet with the rulerof Sharjahin the UAA. Hamdimet with Chineseleadersin Peking.[NYT]
[FBISJ Dec.28: CommandCouncilChairmanHamdiended an
officialvisit to North Korea.[MEED]
Jan. 3: A new Councilof Ministerswas formed:
ShaykhMaktuimbin RashidAl Maktfim:Premier Jan. 15: IranianForeign Minister'Abbis 'Ali-i Khal-
Shaykh Hamdan bin Muh.ammadAl Nuhayyan: 'atbari arrived in $an'!' on a 4 day official visit.
Deputy Premier [MEED]
ShaykhHamdanBin RashidAl Maktum:Finance& Jan. 31: The appointmentof Muh.ammad'Abd al-
Industry WahhabJubayli as Minister of Economy was an-
Shaykh Mubarak Bin Muh.ammadAl Nuhayyan: nounced.[MEED]
Interior Feb. 15: South Yemeni Chairmanof the Presidential
ShaykhMuhammadBin RashidAl Maktuim: Defense CouncilSglimRubayy''Ali arrivedin Yemen andwas
AhmadKhalifahal-Suwavdi:Foreign met by jamdi. [FBIS]

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