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Chronology August 1, 1981-October 1, 1981

Reviewed work(s):
Source: Middle East Journal, Vol. 36, No. 1 (Winter, 1982), pp. 63-85
Published by: Middle East Institute
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Accessed: 01/03/2012 14:51

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AUGUST 1, 1981-OCTOBER 1, 1981

AN, Arab News

CSM, Christian Science Monitor JERIYSAJfl
FBIS, Foreign Broadcast Information Service .......
Daily Report-Middle East and North Africa
JP, The Jerusalem Post
MEED, Middle East Economic Digest -K0

MEES, Middle East Economic Survey

NYT, The New York Times
TDN, Turkish Daily News
WP, The Washington Post

Arab-IsraeliConflict and lauded the Lebanese-Israeliceasefire agree-

ment reached in July. He also praised the Saudi
(See also, General,Inter-ArabAffairs,Egypt, role in those negotiations.[WP]
Iran, Iran-Iraq Conflict, Jordan, Lebanon, Aug. 8: Duringa news conferencein RiyadhSaudi
SaudiArabia,Syria) Crown Prince Fahd announced a new Mideast
peace plan. The 8-point plan includes: "1) Israeli
1981 withdrawalfrom all Arab territories,includingJe-
Aug. 1: A Palestinianbelieved to be implicatedin rusalem, occupied in 1967; 2) The removal of
the murderof 11 Israeli Olympicathletes in 1972, settlementsIsraelset up after 1967;3) The guaran-
MuhammadDa'ud 'Awdah,known as Abu Da'ud, tee of freedomof worshipand religiousrites for all
was woundedby a gunmanin Warsaw. [NYT] religionsin the holy places of Jerusalem;4) Recog-
"A senior US official"was quoted as sayingthe nition of the inalienablerights of the Palestinian
immediatepriorityin Lebanon was strengthening people and compensation for those who do not
the UN Interim Force there. He also said that wish to return;5) A provisionalUN mandatefor
special envoy Philip C. Habib, who assisted in several monthsover the West Bank and the Gaza
negotiatingthe Israeli-Lebanesecease-firein July, Strip; 6) The establishmentof a Palestinianstate
would be "in and out of the Middle East as with Jerusalemas its capital;7) The guaranteeof
needed." [WP] the rightof the Palestinianpeople to live in peace,
Aug. 3: The Israelimilitarygovernmentprohibited and8) The rightof the states in the regionto live in
the West BankPhysiciansUnion from establishing peace." [AN]
a Saudi-financedhospitalin Hebron. [FBIS] An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman said
The Egyptianand IsraeliAmbassadorsto Wash- Fahd's proposalfor Mideastpeace appearedto be
ingtonformallysignedthe MultinationalForce and unacceptable,but Deputy Prime MinisterSimcha
ObserversAgreementfor the Sinai. US Secretary Erlich was quoted as calling the plan "a turning
of StateAlexanderHaig signedas an observer.The point" because it appeared to recognize Israel's
2,500-memberpeacekeepingforce will be in place rightto exist. [WP]
by April 25, 1982. Its director general will be In a speech at GeorgetownUniversity,President
LeamonR. Hunt,a retiredForeignService Officer. Sadat called on all nations to urge Israel and the
[NYT] PLO to end their refusal to recognize each other.
Aug. 5: EgyptianPresidentAnwar al-Sadat, on a [NYT]
visit to the United States, called for US contacts Aug. 10: Delivery of 2 US F-15 planes orderedby
with the Palestine LiberationOrganization(PLO) Israel was delayed. "Administrationspokesmen"


were quoted as saying their delivery would await exchangeswith Israel. [NYT]
actionon the suspensionthat had been orderedon Aug.26:PLOleader'Arafatreceived "a delegation
F-16 aircraft, following Israel's bombing of the of US Congressionalaides" visitingBeirut. [FBIS]
Iraqinuclearreactor. [NYT] Sadatand Begin, concludinga 2-day meetingin
Bombs exploded outside the Israeli mission in Alexandria,agreedto resumetalks on self-rulefor
Athens. An Israeli spokesman blamed the PLO. Palestinianson the West Bank and the Gaza Strip
[NYT] on September23. The talks will be at the ministeri-
Bombs exploded in a garden adjacent to the al level in Cairo. [NYT]
Israeliembassy in Vienna. [NYT] Aug.27: IsraelDefense MinisterSharonand Egyp-
The PalestinianMay 15 Organizationin Beirut tian Ministerof State for Foreign Affairs Butros
claimedresponsibilityfor both bombings.[WP] Ghll, after a meeting in Alexandria,announced
Aug. 11: US PresidentRonald Reagan suspended that4 joint committeeswouldbe set up to deal with
deliveryof all sophisticatedaircraftto Israelpend- finalIsraeliwithdrawalfrom the Sinai. [NYT]
ing a decisionon the F-16's, deliveryon which was Aug. 29: Two men identifiedas Arabs attackeda
held up in reactionto the Israelibombingof Iraq's synagoguein Vienna, killing 2 and wounding 8.
nuclearreactor. [NYT] [NYT]
Israeli authorities discovered landmines along FrenchForeignMinisterClaudeCheysson, dur-
the JordanRiver, allegedly plantedby infiltrators ing an officialvisit to Jordan,supportedthe rightof
fromJordan.[FBIS] Palestiniansto self-determination."The Palestin-
An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman de- ian people, like all otherpeoples, shouldenjoy this
nounced the US delay in delivering the F-15's. right,"he said. [AN]
[WP] Aug. 30: An Israeli Foreign Ministry statement
Aug 12: New directionsissued by Israeli Defense declared that the PLO was responsible for the
MinisterAriel Sharonforbadetroopsfromentering attackon the Vienna synagogue. [NYT]
school campusesand setting up roadblockson the FrenchForeignMinisterCheyssonmet in Beirut
West Bank. [WP] with 'Arafat.[NYT]
Zbigniew Brzezinski, former national security The Israeli Foreign Ministry condemned the
adviser to PresidentJimmy Carter, urged "some meetingbetween Cheysson and 'Arafat.[FBIS]
formof dialogue"with the PLO. [NYT] A girlwas killedand 14 persons, all Arabs, were
Aug. 13: The EgyptianPeople's Assembly ratified woundedwhen a bomb exploded in Nablus on the
the agreementto set up a multinationalforce to West Bank. [WP]
patrolthe Sinai after Israel's withdrawal.[WP] Aug. 31: US Ambassador to Syria Talcott W.
Aug. 16: Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin Seelye, upon retirementfrom the ForeignService,
told reportersthat US suspensionof aircraftdeliv- urged the Reagan administrationto abandon the
eries to Israel was "absolutely unjustified"and Camp David accords as the basis for Mideast
that he expected resumption of deliveries "this peace, which he said would come about only in
week." [WP] "the post-Beginperiod." [NYT]
Chairmanof the PLO Executive CommitteeYa- Sept. 1: Religious Jews in Jerusalemfought with
sir 'Arafat said in an interview that the Mideast Arabswho were attemptingto close an archeologi-
peace planFahdhad proposedon August8 was "a cal dig underthe Old City near the WesternWall.
good beginning."[NYT] Arabprotestersclaimedthe dig violatedthe integri-
Aug. 17: PresidentReaganlifted the suspensionof ty of Islamic sites. [JP]
militaryaircraftdeliveriesto Israel. SecretaryHaig Sept. 2: Israeli Ambassadorto France Meir Ro-
explainedthat an "intensive" governmentreview senne met with President Frangois Mitterrand.
had failed to determinewhether Israel's bombing Rosennereportedlyprotestedthe meetingbetween
of the Iraqireactor, a possible violation of a 1952 Cheyssonand 'Arafat.[AN]
arms agreement,had been defensive or offensive. The Israeligovernmentprotestedthe remarksof
[WP] AmbassadorSeelye. [FBIS]
Aug. 19:At a UN conferenceon energyin Nairobi, Sept. 3: West Bankand Gaza Palestiniansstopped
Arab delegates walked out to protest a plan pre- workto protestIsraeliexcavationsunderthe Dome
sented by Israel's representativeto build a canal of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosques in Jerusalem
fromthe Mediterraneanto the Dead Sea. [NYT] [AN]
Aug. 21: IsraeliMinisterwithoutPortfolioYitzhak Sept.5: An unexplodedbombwas discoverednear
Modaimoved his office to East Jerusalem.Begin's the PalestineMuseumin Jerusalem.[NYT]
plan for a similarmove one year ago resulted in Sept. 9: Begin, followinga meetingin Washington
controversyand was deferred.[NYT] with Reagan, told reporters he had advised the
Aug. 22: Malaysiagrantedfull diplomaticstatus to Presidentthat the sale of AirborneWarningand
the PLO. [JP] ControlSystem (AWACS)planes to Saudi Arabia
Aug. 24: Director General of the Israeli Foreign was a dangerto Israeli security. [NYT]
MinistryDavid KimchecriticizedEgypt for delay- Sept. 10: Haig and Begin told newsmen that the
ing normalizationof trade, tourism and cultural agreementthat had been reached on US-Israeli

"strategiccooperation"was not linked to the sale IMFandWorldBankBoardsof Governors.[NYT]
of AWACSplanes to Saudi Arabia. [NYT] Sept. 20: An Israel Defense Ministry spokesman
Sept. 11: US Defense Departmentofficialssuggest- announceda planto shift responsibilityfor civilian
ed to reportersthat the new US-Israeli security affairson the West Bank and Gaza to a "civilian
relationshipbeing worked out following Begin's authority"accountableto Defense MinisterShar-
visit to Washingtonwould be influenced by the on. [JP]
extent to which Israelceased to lobby Congressto Statistics relating to Palestinian operations
block the sale of AWACS planes to Saudi Arabia. againstIsraeli interests for the decade 1970-1980
[WP] were released in Jerusalem. The report claimed
Egyptcanceledan exchangeof visits with Israeli 9,713 killed, 10,177wounded and $800m in dam-
militaryofficersbecause Israeli Chief of Staff Ra- age. Also reportedwere 281 attacksagainstIsraeli
fael Eytan had told a Tel Aviv paperthat unrestin and Jewish targetsin 50 other countries. [JP]
Egypt mightlead to Sadat's fall. [WP] Sept. 23: The talks on Palestinianautonomy, pro-
EgyptianDefense MinisterMuh.ammad 'Abd al- vided for in the CampDavid accords, resumedin
HalimAbfiGhazalaasked Israelfor an explanation Cairo.The Egyptianteam was headed by Foreign
of Eytan's remarks.[NYT] MinisterKamalHasan 'Ali and the Israeliteam by
Sept. 12: Acting Israeli Prime Minister Simcha InteriorMinisterYosef Burg. The US was repre-
Erlich said that Israel would build 4 more settle- sented by Ambassadorto Egypt Alfred L. Ather-
ments in the occupied territoriesbefore the end of ton. [NYT]
the year. [AN] Seventy-three prisoners in Israel's Nafha jail
A grenadethrownin Jerusalemkilled an Italian begana 24-hourhungerstrikeupon the occasion of
tourist. [NYT] the renewalof Egyptian-Israelitalks. [FBIS]
Haig, en route to Yugoslavia,met with Fahd in Sept. 24: At the invitation of the Muslim World
Spain to explain the new US "strategic relation- League 'Arafatarrivedin Saudi Arabiato discuss
ship" with Israel. Reportedly, Haig also assured the Palestineissue in the context of Islamic con-
him Congress would approve the AWACS sale. cerns. [FBIS]
[NYT] The Egyptian,Israeli and US delgationsto the
Sept. 14: Speakingin New York, Begin said he had renewed negotiationson self-rulefor Palestinians
reiteratedto Reaganthatthe AWACSsale to Saudi announced a joint declaration pledging to seek
Arabiaconstituted"a grave threatto the security Palestiniancooperationin their efforts. [NYT]
of Israel." [NYT] The US State Departmentissued a statement
An officialSaudi statementobjected to a State reaffirmingthe US commitmentto Jordanianterri-
Departmentspokesman'scomment that Fahd had torialintegrity.The statementalso confirmedthat
offered"no expressionsof disapproval"of the US the US does not recognize the 1950 Jordanian
relationshipwith Israel when it was explained to annexationof the West Bank. [FBIS]
him by Haig in Spain. [NYT] Two people were arrestedin Cyprusfor a Sep-
Sept. 15: Egyptian and Israeli representatives tember 23 grenade attack on an Israeli shipping
meetingin Jerusalemon normalizationof relations agency in Limassol. [AN]
agreedto establishdirect telephoneand telex lines Sept. 26: Iraqi Foreign MinisterSaduinHammadi
between the 2 countries. [NYT] addressedthe UN GeneralAssemblyon the Israeli
Sept. 16: The Jordanian-Palestinian Joint Commit- raidon Iraq'snuclearreactor. [FBIS]
tee for Bolsteringthe Steadfastnessof the Palestin- In responseto Israel'sbombingof Iraq'snuclear
ian People in the Occupied Homeland met in reactor, the InternationalAtomic Energy Agency
Amman and formed a special subcommittee to voted 51 to 8, with 27 absentions, to consider
assure allocation of welfare funds to needy West suspendingIsrael next year. [NYT]
Bank Palestinians.[FBIS] Israeli Defense Minister Sharon announced to
The Secretariatof the IslamicConferenceOrga- the cabinet his plan for extending civilian rule in
nizationissued a statementcondemningany "stra- the occupiedterritories.[WP]
tegic cooperationagreement"between Israel and During a press conference in Bahrain, British
the US. [FBIS] PrimeMinisterThatchersaid that Britainhad no
Sept. 17:The IsraeliEmbassyin Washingtonasked plansto recognizethe PLO because "Britaindoes
the State Departmentfor clarificationon the grant- not recognize organizations, it recognizes only
ing of a US entryvisa to PLO spokesmanMahmfid states." [FBIS]
Labadi.[FBIS] Sept. 28: Jordan'sCrownPrince Hasan addressed
Prince Fahd arrived in London for talks with the UN GeneralAssemblycalling"the tragedy"of
Prime Minister MargaretThatcher regardingthe the Palestinianpeople the "core of the MiddleEast
Saudi8-pointpeace proposal. [AN] crisis." [FBIS]
One of the executive directorsof the Internation- Begin said in an interviewthat Israel would not
al MonetaryFund (IMF) officiallyrequested that "tolerate"the Syriananti-aircraftmissilesin Leba-
the issue of observer status for the PLO be added non's Bekaa Valley "forever" and that he would
to the agenda of the joint annual meeting of the welcome the resumption of US envoy Habib's

missionto bringabout their removal. [WP] The Oyo State Council of Nigeria passed a
A bomb exploded next to a PLO checkpointin resolutioncallingfor renewed diplomaticrelations
southern Lebanon, killing 11 and wounding ap- with Israel. [FBIS]
proximately45 people. [AN] Oct. 14:PrimeMinisterZenkoSuzukiof Japanmet
Sept. 29: A PLO spokesman in Beirut criticized with 'Arafat. According to a Japanese Foreign
Thatcher'sstatementson the PLO. [FBIS] Ministryspokesman, Suzuki told 'Arafatthat Ja-
Oct. 1: A bomb exploded in West Beirutoutside a pan supports a policy of mutual recognition be-
PLO office, killing and wounding more than 250 tween the PLO and Israel. [WP]
persons.Lebaneseofficialsblamed"agentsof Isra- Oct. 15: Begin's spokesmanUri Poratrejectedthe
el." [NYT] Saudi 8-pointpeace plan as the basis for negotia-
Oct. 2: The IMF-WorldBank Assembly formally tions in the area. [FBIS]
called on their executive councils to review the Egyptian President Mubarakmet with former
issue of grantingobserverstatus to the PLO. [AN] IsraeliMinisterof Defense, Ezer Weizman.[NYT]
Oct. 5: 'Arafatmet with South Yemen's Presidium The PLOwithdrewits representativeto Rome in
Chairman'All Nasir Muhammadin Damascus. protest against the Italian authoritieshandlingof
[FBIS] the investigationinto the deathof PLOofficialAbu
Oct. 6: The Israeli Defense Ministry confirmed Sharar.[NYT]
publiclythat an Israeli Saar-classmissile boat ran Upon arrivalin Vietnam,'Arafatwas greetedby
agroundoff Saudi Arabia on September24. The PrimeMinisterPhon Van Dong and ForeignMinis-
government of Saudi Arabia took no steps to ter Nguyen Co Thach. [NYT]
hamperthe retrievalof the boat. [NYT] Sharon reaffirmedIsrael's commitmentto ex-
'Arafatarrivedin the People's Republicof China pandingsettlementson the West Bank. [NYT]
on a tour of Asia includingVietnam, Japan and An aide to Begin said that Israel had accepted a
North Korea. [AN] minor enlargementof the Palestinianadministra-
Oct. 7: The Rome office of Israel's El Al airlines tive council, currentlythe subject of negotiations
and the nearbyresort of Ostia, heavily populated betweenIsrael and Egypt. [NYT]
by Soviet Jewish emigrees, were targets of bomb Oct. 16: SANA, the Syrian News Agency, called
attacks. [NYT] for EgyptianPresidentMubarakto renounce the
Oct. 9: Majid AbfuSharar, member of the PLO Camp David accords or face continued violence.
CentralCommitteeand al-Fath's Executive Com- [WP]
mittee,was killedin an explosion in his hotel room Oct. 17: 'Arafatreturnedto Beirut from a tour of
in Rome. [NYT] Asia. [FBIS]
While attendingthe funeralof PresidentSadat, Oct. 19: In a conversationwithjournalists,French
Israeli Prime Minister Begin met with Egyptian PresidentMitterrandannouncedFrance'sdecision
Vice PresidentHusni Mubarak.[NYT] to send troops to participatein the Sinai multina-
Oct. 10:FormerPresidentsGeraldFordandJimmy tionalpeacekeepingforce. [WP]
Cartercalled for a policy of mutual recognition 'Arafatarrivedin Moscow for high-level talks.
between the PLO and Israel and for an American [NYT]
dialoguewith the PLO. [NYT] Oct. 20: The Soviet government extended full
Oct. 12: In a response to comments by former diplomaticstatus to the PLO. [WP]
presidentsFord and CarteradvocatingAmerican An editorialin the KuwaitpaperAl-Siyasacalled
contacts with the PLO, Reagan said "there has on Egypt not to annul the Camp David Accords.
never been any refusalto talk with the PLO, there [FBIS]
has been only a conditionuntil they would recog- Britainagreed in principle to join France and
nize the rightof Israel to exist as a nation, which Italyin the Sinaimultinationalpeacekeepingforce.
they still have never done." PLO observer to the [WP]
UN ZahidILabibTarzidescribedthe statementsof A bomb exploded in a Jewish district of Ant-
Fordand Carteras "positive, constructive,signifi- werp, killing2 and wounding99. [WP]
cant." [NYT] Oct. 21: Working-levelnegotiationson self-rulefor
Spokesmen for Chancellor Bruno Kreisky of Palestiniansopened in Israel with representatives
Austria said that 'Arafat's response to Sadat's presentfrom Egypt, Israel and the US. [NYT]
assassinationhad produced "unbridgeable"per- India Today reports that up to 1,100 Indian
sonal differencesbetween them that could affect laborers have been recruited as mercenaries in
the future of relations between Austria and the Lebanonby bothPLO and Christianmilitias.[AN]
PLO. [NYT] 'Arafatarrivedin Libyafor a 1-dayvisit. [FBIS]
Oct. 13: Israelitroops on the West Bankpermitted Oct. 22: AustralianPrimeMinisterMalcolmFraser
Palestinianstudentsto hold a demonstrationmark- saidthatAustraliawouldparticipatein the multina-
ingthe burialof MajidAbu Shararin Beirut. [NYT] tional peacekeepingforce in Sinai if Britain and
The US Supreme Court denied a request for Canadaalso agreed to do so. Britainhad already
appealof the extraditionrulingin the case of Ziad said conditionallythat it will participatein the
Abi'Ain. [WP] force; Canadahad not. [WP]

Oct. 23: Followingthe election in Greeceof Social- Arabia's8-pointpeace-plancould halt negotiations
ist PrimeMinisterAndreasPapandreou,the Greek over self-rulefor the Palestinians.[WP]
governmentannouncedthat it was upgradingthe Italy announcedits decision to participatein a
status of the PLO office in Athens to an undeter- multinationalpeacekeepingforce in the Sinai. [WP]
minedlevel. [NYT] Oct. 31: The US Customs Service ruled that im-
Oct. 24: The Kuwait newspaperal-Siydsa praised portedgoods manufacturedin the West Bank must
Mubarak'srefrainingfrom criticizing other Arab bear the marking"Made in Israeli-occupiedWest
countries.The editorialcontinuedwith a statement Bank," not "Madein Israel." [NYT]
of understanding for Mubarak'scontinuationof the
CampDavid accordssayingthat "if the new Presi-
dentgives up the CampDavidaccords, all the Suez
Canaland Sinai oil will be immediatelytaken over
by Israel." [FBIS]
Oct. 25: EgyptianForeign MinisterAll arrivedin
Israelfor 3 days of negotiations.[WP] (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Inter-Arab
Eighty thousand Israelis attended a Tel Aviv Affairs)
concertin honorof Sadat, assassinatedOctober6.
[JP] 1981
Oct. 27: The US House ForeignAffairsCommittee Aug. 7: Iraq sent a written message to Cuban
voted unanimouslyto approvelegislationthatguar- PresidentFidel Castro,in his capacityas Chairman
anteed American participationin a multinational of the Nonaligned Movement, protesting arms
peacekeepingforce in the Sinai. [NYT] cooperationbetween Israel and Iran. [FBIS]
At a dinner honoring Yemen's President 'All Aug. 13: Directorof the Arms Controland Disar-
'Abdallah Moscow, Soviet PremierLeonid mamentAgency Eugene V. Rostow said the US
Brezhnev renewed his call for an international hadbegun"preliminarydiplomatictalks" aimedat
conferenceon the MiddleEast to be presidedover an accordto keep the MiddleEast free of nuclear
by the Soviets andthe US. Brezhnevalso criticized weapons. [NYT]
the notionof "strategiccooperation"between the Aug. 14: The Egyptianpaper, al-Ahram,reported
US and Israel. [NYT] thatEgypt, Sudan,Nigeriaand Senegalhad agreed
The Saudinewspaper,al-MadFnacarriedan edi- to nominatemembersof theirparliamentsto be the
torial appealingfor restraintin Arab criticism of nucleusfor an assemblyof the proposedLeagueof
Egypt. The editorialsaid "we do not and must not Islamicand Arab Peoples. [FBIS]
expect PresidentMubarakto abrogatethe Camp Aug. 20: ABC News said that the French trading
David agreements at this time . . .". [NYT] company SETI had collaborated with Israel in
Oct. 28: A reportby Israel Defense MinisterShar- sendingUS-madespare parts to Iran. [WP]
on accusing the US of sending arms to Iraq was Aug. 21: "Accordingto senior State Department
"categoricallydenied" by the US State Depart- andWhiteHouse Officialsin the Carteradministra-
ment. [NYT] tion," Israel secretly sold Iran American-made
FollowingUS Senate approvalof the sale of an equipmentfor the F-4 fighterbombersin October
air defense enhancementpackageto SaudiArabia, 1980.[NYT]
Reagansent a letter to Begin pledgingUS support US State DepartmentspokesmanDean Fischer
to Israeland reiteratingUS commitmentsto guar- saidIsraelhadassuredthe United States it had not
antee Israel's technologicaland militaryedge over shippedany US equipmentto Iran. [WP]
the Arab states. [NYT] Arab League Secretary General Chadli Klibi
Twentymembersof a Muslimorganizationwere issued a statementdenouncingthe US for shooting
sentencedby an Israeli militarycourt to jail terms downLibyanplanesin the August 19clash over the
rangingfrom6 monthsto 10 years for membership Mediterranean.[NYT]
in an illegal organization.[JP] Aug. 22: The Gulf CooperationCouncil, made up
Oct. 29: The Israeli cabinet approveda statement of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, the United Arab Emir-
of regretover the US Senate's approvalof the sale ates, Qatar, Oman and Bahrain, condemned the
of AWACS and other air defense equipment to US downingof the 2 Libyan planes. [WP]
SaudiArabia.[NYT] Aug. 28: The Sultanateof Omanrejectedthe stand
Israel and Egypt signed an agreement imple- of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which con-
menting the cultural cooperation clause in the demnedthe US for downingLibyan planes in the
peace treaty. [FBIS] Gulfof Sidra. [FBIS]
Referringto the Saudi 8-point peace plan, Rea- Sept. 16:IsmatKittani,Iraqidiplomat,was elected
gan said that "the most significantpart is the fact Presidentof the UN GeneralAssembly. [AN]
thatthey recognizedIsraelas a nationto be negoti- Oct. 22: An internationaleconomic summitconfer-
ated with." [WP] ence in Cancun,Mexico, was attendedby Prince
Oct. 30: Israeli Ambassador Ephraim Evron Fahdof SaudiArabiaand PresidentChadliBenje-
warnedSecretaryHaig that US supportfor Saudi did of Algeria.

and Sudan. [FBIS]
Inter-ArabAffairs An Egyptianofficial told al-Ahrdmthat Egypt
(See also, General, Iran-Iraq Conflict) "is not prepared"to participatein the summit.
Aug. 23: The 11thConferenceof the Arab Parlia-
mentaryUnion Council concluded its meeting in
Oman, as a member of the Gulf Cooperation
Council, denounced the alliance formed between
Petroleum Affairs
South Yemen, Libya, and Ethiopia which was (See also, Saudi Arabia)
signedin Aden August 19. [FBIS]
Aug. 31: The Gulf CooperationCouncil held its 1981
first ministerialmeeting in Ta'if, Saudi Arabia. Aug. 8: Accordingto the JordanianpaperAl-Ra'F,
[FBIS] Iraqhas decidedto builda new pipelinelinkingits
Sept. 5: The Arab League postponed until March oil fields to Jordan'sport of Aqaba. [WP]
1982the special session to discuss a new charter. Aug. 12: The Kuwait paperArab Times reported
[FBIS] thatIraqseeks to constructa pipelineacross Saudi
Sept. 11: The Arab League Council concluded its Arabiato the Red Sea. [FBIS]
76thsession, havingadoptedresolutionscallingfor Aug. 21: A special3-daymeetingof OPEC,held in
closer cooperationwith the Organizationof Afri- Geneva, ended in failureto reach agreementon a
can Unity and warningagainstany aid to Israel in lower range of prices. Saudi Petroleum Affairs
its plan to cut a canal from the Mediterraneanto MinisterShaykhAhmad Zaki Yamani, at a news
the Dead Sea. [FBIS] conferencefollowingthe meeting, said that Saudi
Sept. 14: South Yemen PresidiumChairman'All productionfor Septemberwould be reducedfrom
Nasir Muhammadreceived visitingSecretaryGen- 10mto 9m barrelsper day and thatfuturecutbacks
eral of the Gulf Cooperation Council 'Abdallah were to be decidedon a monthlybasis to keep the
Bishara, who explained the Council's objectives. pricefromfallingbelow $32 per barrel.[NYT]
[FBIS] Aug. 25: SaudiArabia'sPetrominBoardChairman
Sept. 19: A summit meeting of the Steadfastness 'Abdal-HadiTahirsaidthatthe recentlyconstruct-
and ConfrontationFront, attendedby Libya, Syr- ed pipelinebetween the Eastern District and the
ia, Algeria,SouthYemenand the PalestineLibera- Red Sea hadbeen tested successfully. He also said
tion Organization (PLO) ended in Libya. Its agreementhadbeen reachedwith the Shell Compa-
communiquecalled for an oil boycott of the US. ny for the constructionof a refineryin Al-Jubayl.
Oct. 1: Egyptian Vice President Husni Mubarak Sept. 29: While maintainingits official price of
arrivedin Washingtonto discuss increasingarms $35.50 per barrel, Kuwait began offeringa $1.10
tranfers to the Sudan with President Reagan. perbarreldiscounton the priceof its oil. Similarly,
[NYT] Omancut the priceof its oil goingto Japanbetween
Oct. 12: Followingthe October 6 assassinationof October and December from $35.50 to $34 per
Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat, Sudanese barrel.[AN]
PresidentJa'faral-Numarylsaid thathe anticipated Oct. 5: The Kuwait government announced its
a Soviet backed Libyan invasion of the Sudan intentionto purchaseSanta Fe InternationalCor-
throughChadin the near future. [NYT] porationof Californiafor $2.5 billion. [NYT]
Oct. 13: The Foreign Minister of Chad, Ahmat Oct. 7: Iraqannounceda $2 per barrelreductionin
Acyl, said in an interview that "the territoryof the priceof oil sold to Japanretroactiveto October
Chadcannotbe used as a base to attackany other 1. [AN]
neighboringcountry." [NYT] Oct. 21: OPECMemberNigeria offeredto sell its
Oct. 18: EgyptianForeign MinisterKamal Hasan oil at $34.50 per barrel, $1.50 below its standard
'All declaredEgypt'scommitmentto defendSudan discountprice. [NYT]
in the event of aggression that might erupt as a Oct. 25: Libya offereda $2 per barrelreductionin
resultof PresidentSadat's assassination.[FBIS] the cost of its oil, reducingthe price per barrelto
Oct. 19: The first conference of the Industrial $38. [NYT]
Cooperation Ministerial Committee of the Gulf Oct. 28: The OPECnationsmet in a special session
CooperationCouncilmet in Riyadh. [FBIS] in Geneva in an effort to establish a uniformoil
Oct. 26: Accordingto the EmiratesNews Agency, price structure.[WP]
14 countries agreed to attend the November 25 Oct. 29: A decision reachedat the 61st (extraordi-
Arab summitconference in Fez, Morocco. These nary)OPECmeetingestablisheda uniformpricing
include:The United Arab Emirates,SaudiArabia, structure.The official communiquereleased fol-
Morocco, Libya, Iraq, Jordan,Lebanon, Kuwait, lowingthis decision read in part, "the conference,
Qatar, the Sultanateof Oman, Bahrain, Somalia afterexaminingthe prevailingconditionsin the oil

market,and recognizingthe necessity to adopt a for the European Economic Committee (EEC)
unifiedpricingsystem for OPECcrudesin orderto proposal for an internationalconference on Af-
create the right conditions for stability in that ghanistan.[WP]
market,has resolved to set the officialprice of the Sept. 7: The Councilof Ministersissued a resolu-
marker crude-Arabian light 34 degrees API tion recalling discharged soldiers and reservists
F.O.B. Ras Tanura-at $34per barrel,effectivenot under35 to active duty. [FBIS]
laterthan Nov. 1, 1981,and to abide by that price Soviet-supportedAfghantroops crossed the Pa-
untilthe end of 1982. [NYT] kistaniborderinto ShahbaKilli village in Baluchi-
Oct. 30: Followingthe establishmentof a uniform stan. [CSM]
pricing structure for OPEC, Saudi Arabia an- Sept. 9: Foreign Minister Dost met with Prime
nounceda reductionin the productionof oil to a MinisterIndiraGhandiin New Delhi. [WP]
maximumof 8.5m barrelsper day. [WP] Dost returnedfrom visits to Syria, Ethiopiaand
India. [FBIS]
Sept. 15: The British BroadcastingCorporation
(BBC) cited "reliable sources" as reportingthat
Afghanistan the Soviet Embassyin Kabulhad been damagedin
a rocket attack and the head of the commercial
(See also, Oman, Syria, Pakistan) section killed. [FBIS]
Sept. 20: Sources in Pakistanreportedheavy fight-
1981 ing in Kandaharfollowing recall of discharged
Aug. 6: Foreign Minister Shah MohammadDost armyveteranson September7. [WP]
met with UN representativeJavierPerez de Cuel- Sept.22: EgyptianPresidentAnwaral-Sadatsaidin
lar. [FBIS] a US television interview that the US had been
Kabulradioreportedthe execution of 6 "terror- buyingold Soviet-madearmsfromEgyptand send-
ists and saboteurs." [FBIS] ing themto rebelsfightingSoviet forces in Afghani-
"Accordingto US State Departmentofficials" stan. US officialshad no comment. [WP]
the USSR "recently rebuffed"several US efforts Sept. 23: Afghangovernmentforces aided by Sovi-
to start"secret discussions"on a possible political et artilleryassaultedthe rebel controlledPaghman
settlementof fightingin Afghanistan.[NYT] mountains.[FBIS]
Aug. 12: The Soviet press agency Tass reported Sept.24: Karachiradioreportedthe Iraniancharge
that a borderpost with the Pakistanifrontierhad in Pakistanhad said Iran would not participatein
been successfully defended by 43 Afghan army talks on the Afghanissue unless Afghanmujahidin
regularsagainstan attack by 700 guerrillas.[WP] representativeswere included. [FBIS]
Kabulradioannouncedchanges in the land dis- Sept. 29: Afghan Press Agency reported Soviet
tributionprogramthatlifted restrictionson acreage forces have attacked the Panjsher Valley after
held by religiousand triballeaders. [NYT] extensive shellingof the area. [FBIS]
Aug. 16: Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Sept. 30: Kabul's airport was closed to civilian
HoangVan Tienarrivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS] flights for the second day to allow for incoming
Aug. 19: Ministerof AgricultureFazel RahimMo- Soviet militaryflights,accordingto Agence France
mandleft at the head of a delegationon a visit to Presse. [AN]
North Korea. [FBIS] Oct. 1: PresidentZia ul-Haqof Pakistanreiterated
Aug. 22: Five Afghanresistancegroupsformedan his country's continued supportfor Afghan refu-
allianceandcreateda 50-memberadvisorycouncil. gees andfor a "politicalsettlement"to the Afghan
[AN] issue. [FBIS]
Aug.23: Ministerof WaterandPowerRaz Moham- Oct. 5: Afghan government officials denied that
mad Raktin returned from talks in the Soviet their troops crossed the Pakistanborderearlierin
Union. [FBIS] the week. [FBIS]
Aug.25: KabulradioreportedMinisterfor Foreign Oct. 12: PakistanRadio broadcastreports of the
AffairsDost's departureon visits to "a numberof new Soviet-led offensive against Paktia province.
friendlycountriesin the MiddleEast and Africa." [FBIS]
[FBIS] Oct. 20: Accordingto Agence France Presse, Af-
Aug. 26: Ministerof Nationalitiesand Tribes Su- ghan rebel forces "closely surrounded"Kabul.
laymanLa'eq left for a visit to Libya. [FBIS] [FBIS]
Aug. 27: The governmentissued a statementoffer-
ing to hold talks with Pakistan and Iran, either
togetheror separately,on a normalizationof rela-
tions that would lead to the withdrawalof Soviet
troops. It also accepted UN participationin the
talks. [WP] Algeria
Sept.6: A spokesmanfor BritishForeignSecretary (See also, General, Inter-ArabAffairs, Iran,
Lord Carringtonsaid he would seek UN support Iraq, Morocco)

1981 Ras Banas on the Red Sea. [FBIS]
Aug. 6: Former Libyan Premier 'Abd al-Salam Sept. 1: ForeignMinisterKamalHasan 'Ali left for
Jallid arrivedin Algiersto deliver a message from visits to Thailand,Singapore,China,North Korea,
Libyan Head of State Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhafi. and Japan.[FBIS]
[FBIS] Sept. 3: The government arrested or otherwise
Aug. 8: FrenchForeignMinisterClaudeCheysson detained "more than 1,000" critics of Sadat, in-
arrivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS] cludingreligiousextremists, intellectuals,and op-
Aug. 21: Iraqideputy PremierTariq 'Aziz arrived ponents of the left and right. The journalist
for a visit. [FBIS] MuhammadHasanayn Haykal was among them.
Aug. 29: Foreign MinisterMohamedSeddik Ben Publicationsof the Muslim Brotherhoodand of
Yahia returnedfrom medical treatment in Paris Coptic associationswere banned. In addition,the
followingan injuryin an air crash. [FBIS] dissolutionof 13 religiousgroupswas ordered.All
Sept. 2: Tunisian Premier Mohamed M'zali met detaineeswere to be triedon chargesof undermin-
with PresidentChadliBenjedid. [FBIS] ing social peace and nationalsecurity. [NYT]
Sept.25: The BerberDemocraticMovembercalled Sept. 5: In a speech to Parliamentexplainingthe
for a one-week education strike, Agence France arrest of opposition groups, Sadat said he had
Presse reportedfrom Paris. [FBIS] cancelleda 1971decree installingPope ShenfidaIII
Oct. 5: Algerianauthoritiesreleasednews of a fight as the head of Egypt's Copts. A committee of 5
between police and Muslim religious militantsin bishops, Saddtsaid, would carryout papalduties.
southernAlgeria the previous week. One police- He also declaredthe MuslimBrotherhoodillegal.
manwas killed and 10 wounded. [JP] [NYT]
Oct. 13: President Benjedid met with Chadian Sept. 6: One of the Coptic bishops who was a
PresidentOueddeiin Algiers. [FBIS] memberof the commissionset up to handlepapal
Oct.30:Agence FrancePresse reportedthat sever- duties told reportersShenfudawas still considered
al dozen Berber students and religious militants the Copt's spiritualleader. [WP]
were sentenced in Algiers to jail terms up to 30 The InternationalPress Institute formally pro-
monthsfor participatingin demonstrationsin cities tested to the governmentabout the arrestof Hay-
throughoutAlgeria. [FBIS] kal. [NYT]
Sept. 7: Additionalarrests brought to 1,536 the
numberof persons detained. [NYT]
The Egyptianpress said that Shenfudahad been
"advised"to stay in his monastery.[WP]
Sept. 9: Saddtsharplycriticizedwesternmediafor
Bahrain suggestingEgypt had become "unstableand unre-
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, General, liable. " [WP]
Inter-ArabAffairs, Saudi Arabia, Syria) A delegationof the People's Assembly, headed
by Deputy SpeakerMuhammadRadhwan,left to
1981 attend the internationalparliamentarians'confer-
Aug.9: Headof StateAmirShaykh'Isa ibn Salman ence in Cuba. [FBIS]
Al Khalifahreceived visiting Libyan Foreign Af- Sept. 10: An AmericanBroadcastingCorporation
fairs Secretary'Abd al-Salamal-Turayki.[FBIS] correspondentwas expelled for videotaping an
anti-Saddtinterview. [WP]
Voters approvedin a referendumthe measures
takento halt sectarianstrife. [WP]
Sept. 11:Demonstratorsat al-NfirMosquein Cairo
Egypt protestedthe replacementof the previous prayer
leaderby a governmentappointee. [WP]
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, General, Sept. 12: The Ministerof State for Religious En-
Inter-ArabAffairs,Afghanistan,Oman) dowmentsannouncedthat67 mosquesbelongingto
the disbandedsocieties would be annexed to his
1981 ministry.He also said that teachersfromAl-Azhar
Aug. 3: EgyptianPresidentSadat en route to the or from the Islamic schools of the ministrywould
United States, met in London with British Prime be appointedto the approximately46,000 govern-
MinisterThatcher.[NYT] ment and privatelyowned mosques. [FBIS]
Aug4: PresidentSadatbeganan officialvisit to the Sept. 13: The residentcorrespondentof Le Monde
UnitedStates. [WP] was asked to leave Egypt because of his "nega-
Aug. 9: Sadat visited former President Carterin tive" reporting.[FBIS]
Plains, Georgia.[WP] Sept. 15: The governmentexpelled the Soviet am-
Aug. 16: The press reportedthat Sadat, duringhis bassador,6 membersof his staff, 2 Sovietjournal-
visit to Washington,obtaineda promisefromPresi- ists and over 1,000 Soviet technicianson charges
dent Reaganto financean air and navalcomplex at that they had attemptedto recruit dissidents and

subvertnationalunity. Also expelled was a mem- Oct. 8: In Asyut, securityforces foughtrepeatedly
ber of the Hungarianembassy's staff. [NYT] with religiousmilitants.[NYT]
Sept. 18: Police used teargas to breakup a demon- In a telephone call to Agence France Presse in
strationin front of an east Cairomosque. [NYT] Beirut,a groupcallingitself the IndependentEgyp-
Sept. 21: Cabinet changes were announced. The tian Liberation Organization:Military Faction,
posts of Ministerof State for PresidentialAffairs, claimed responsibilityfor armed attacks against
held by MansuirHasan, and Ministerof State for government offices in Asyfit. The same group
Information,held by Shafi'i 'Abd al-Hamid,were claimedresponsibilityfor the assassinationof Sa-
abolished. Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Fu'ad dat. [FBIS]
Muhyl al-Din was to assume the functions of Egyptian and Libyan forces were placed on
ministerof informationaffairs. Other changes in- "highalert" along their commonborder. [NYT]
clude: Oct. 9: The Egyptian government identified the
FikriMakram'Ubayd:Deputy Prime Ministerfor organizerof Sadat's assassinationas Khalid Ah-
the People's Assemblyand ConsultativeCouncil madShawqial-Islambfili,a Lieutenantin the Egyp-
Affairs tian armyand memberof the clandestineal-Takfir
AlbertBarsumSalamah:Ministerof State wal-Hijraorganization.[NYT]
'Abd al-AkhirMuhammad'Umar 'Abd al-Akhir: Oct. 10: Fightingbetween securityforces and reli-
Ministerof Statefor the People's Assemblyand gious militantsin Asyft continued. Estimates of
ConsultativeCouncilAffairs casualtiesamong the police rangedfrom 44 to 54
Muhammad'Abd al-Hamid Radhwan: State for killed. [FBIS]
Culture President Sadat was buried in Cairo. Among
MikhtarHasan Salim Hani: State for Peoples As- hundredsof Egyptianand world political leaders
semblyand ConsultativeCouncilAffairs [FBIS] attendingthe funeralwas a largeAmericandelega-
Sept. 24: The Egyptiancabinet issued guidelines tion including Secretary of State Haig, Defense
regardingdomestic security. Provisions called for SecretaryCasperW. WeinbergerandformerPresi-
increased security on university campuses and dents RichardM. Nixon, GeraldFord and Jimmy
included restrictions on the use of mosques for Carter.[NYT]
politicalpurposes[FBIS] Whilein Cairo,Haigmet with a numberof heads
Sept. 26: Duringa speech at the dedication of a of state, includingMenahemBegin of Israel, Presi-
fertilizer plant in Mansura, Sadat defended his dent Ja'far al-Numayriof Sudan, President Mu-
earlierarrestsof politicaland religiousopponents. hammadSa'id Barre of Somalia and the Deputy
He said "they have to understandthat democracy PrimeMinisterof Oman, Fahd ibn Mahmuidal-Bui
has its own teeth." [NYT] Sa'id. [NYT]
Sept. 27: MahmudRidd, secretary general of the Oct. 12: The Egyptiangovernmentannouncedthe
Arab League from 1972 to 1979, died in Yugosla- dismissalof 18 armyofficers. [WP]
via. [AN] An officialSoviet communique"condemnedUS
Sept. 28: The second national congress of the attemptsat interferingin any way with the internal
National DemocraticParty opened at Cairo Uni- affairsof the Arab Republicof Egypt." [FBIS]
versity with speeches by Vice-PresidentMubarak Oct. 13: Presidentialelections were held through-
and ForeignMinister'All. [FBIS] out Egypt. [NYT]
Oct. 3: Mubarakmet with Secretaryof State Alex- Egypt'sarmedforces, police and specialsecurity
anderHaig. [NYT] units exchanged gunfire with militant dissidents
Oct. 6: While reviewing a military parade com- nearthe pyramidson the outskirtsof Cairo.Also, 2
memoratingthe 1973 war with Israel, Sadat was bombsexplodedat Cairoairport.[NYT]
assassinatedby a group of men wearinguniforms Oct. 14: Mubarakwas sworn in as President of
and participatingin the parade. [WP] Egypt. He promisedthat "CampDavid and peace
Others killed in the assassinationwere Bishop with Israel will continue in all its letters and
Samuel, head of the Coptic Papal Council, Army commitment." The President also promised to
Chief of Staff 'Abd Rabb al-Nabi Hafiz, presiden- apply "the razor sharpsword of the law" against
tial secretary Fawzi 'Abd al-Hafiz and Omani opponentsof his government.[NYT]
defense official Lieutenant Colonel Kahlan ibn Oct. 15: Mubarakannouncedthe composition of
Nasir al-Ghammari.Upon the announcementof his cabinet. Except for the position of vice presi-
the assassinationa one-year state of emergency dent, which will remain vacant, there were no
was declared and a 40-day period of mourning changesfrom Sadat's cabinet. [NYT]
began. [FBIS] The US dispatched2 AWACSplanesto Egyptto
Oct. 7: EgyptianDefense Minister 'Abd al-Halim patrol the western desert area borderingLibya.
Abu Ghazalaannouncedthat a group of four sol- [NYT]
diers, actingalone, were responsiblefor the assas- Soviet PremierLeonid I. Brezhnev, in a letter
sinationof PresidentSadat. [NYT] congratulatingMubarakon his election as presi-
The NationalAssembly unanimouslynominated dent, wrote that "readiness on your part to im-
Vice PresidentMubarakto succeed Sadat. [NYT] prove relations between Egypt and the Soviet

Union . . . will always meet with understanding ter MuhammadJavadBahunarto serve as premier.
and supportfrom the Soviet side." [NYT] [WP]
Oct. 19: Mubaraksaid in an interviewthat "Mus- Aug. 5: Majlisdeputyfor TehranHasan Ayat was
lim fanatics with their principles far away from assassinated.[FBIS]
Islam" were responsible for the assassinationof TehranradioannouncedthatMajlisspeakerHuj-
Sadat. Mubarakalso said he wanted better rela- jat al-IslamHashimiRafsanjanihadbeen appointed
tions with the Arab states. [NYT] "managingdirector of the Voice and Vision of
Thirty Egyptian officers and 104 enlisted men Iran"in view of the "importanceand the extraor-
were dismissedfrom the armyfor "extremistreli- dinary sensitivity of the mass media . . ." [FBIS]
gious leanings." [NYT] Aug. 6: Authoritiesrefused to permit 62 French
Oct. 24: Al-Ahrdmreportedthat securityunits had nationalsto leave the country,sayingit was neces-
arrestedover 350 members of the al-Takfirwal- sary to insure they were leaving no debts. They
Hijraorganization.[NYT] were the first of some 110 preparingto leave
Oct. 25: The Egyptiangovernmentreporteda se- followinga warningfrom French PresidentFran-
ries of clashes between police and Muslimopposi- qois Mitterrandabout possible retaliationfor the
tion groups which left I demonstratorkilled and asylumgrantedBani Sadr. [NYT]
397 arrested.[WP] Aug. 7: Supportersof Bani Sadrseized the Iranian
Oct. 26: Egyptianauthoritiesestimatedthat 75 per Interests Section of the Algerian Embassy in
cent of the membershipof al-Takfirwal-Hijrahad Washington.One demonstratorwas shot before
been arrested.[FBIS] the police and the FBI restoredorder. [NYT]
Oct. 28: Two AWACSplanes sent to EgyptOct. 15 Aug. 8: The Iraniannews agency Pars reported
were withdrawn.[NYT] IslamicJudgeHujiatal-IslamAhmadFaqiniand 2
Oct. 31: In new details regardingthe assassination of his bodyguardshad been assassinated in Jeh-
of Sadat on October6, 12 Egyptianarmy officers rom. [WP]
and soldiers were implicated.They were accused Aug.9: Pars reported19people hadbeen executed
of membershipin a militant Muslim group, al- on charges of sedition. According to UPI, these
Jihad, led by an engineer, Muhammad'Abd al- executionsraisedto 441 the numberputto deathon
SalamFarag.Five hundredmembersof the group political charges since the ouster of Bani Sadr.
were arrested.[WP] [NYT]
Mubaraksaid in an interviewthat Egypt would TehranradioreportedBani Sadr's aide Husayn
follow a policy of limited detente with the Arab Navvab-Safavihad been arrested.[FBIS]
world while emphasizingthe internalsituation as Aug. 10: The Bu ShihrRevolutionaryProsecutor's
Egypt's main interest. "We will pay much more offices broadcasta request that residents of the
attentioninternally,"he said. [WP] borderregionsprevent"US mercenariesand their
allies such as the hypocrites," i.e. the Mujahidin,
fromcrossingthe border. [FBIS]
A groupof 57 French citizens was permittedto
leave Iranaboardan IranAir flightto Paris. [WP]
Iran AyatallahKhumayni,in a speech broadcastby
Tehranradio, said all those who had gone abroad
(See also, General, Afghanistan, Iran-Iraq and wanted to overthrow the government could
Conflict, Iraq, Oman, Saudi Arabia, United returnif they repented. [NYT]
ArabEmirates) Aug. 11:Raj&'irepliedto a congratulatorymessage
on his assumingthe presidencyfrom FrenchPresi-
1981 dent Mitterrand,termingthe message "a lie" and
Aug. 1: Deposed PresidentAbfllhasanBani Sadr sayingFrancehad aided Iran's enemies. [WP]
moved for securityreasons from a suburbof Paris Tehranradio said a personal representativeof
to Auvers-sur-Oise,west of the capital. [WP] Khumayni,Sayyid Kazim Nur Mufidi, had been
Aug. 2: AyatallahRuihAllah Khumayniconfirmed assassinatedin Gurgan.[NYT]
Muhammad'Ali Raja'ias president,while bombs Tehranradioreportedthat the navy had stopped
explodednearthe presidentialoffice. Tehranradio a Danishmerchantshipin the PersianGulfalleged-
blamedthe explosions on the Mujahidini-Khalq. ly carryingexplosives and war materialfor Iraq.
[WP] The cargowas seized andthe shipreleased. [FBIS]
The Economic MobilizationHeadquartersan- Iranianstudentssaying that they were members
nounced that the governmentwould buy the rice of the MujOhidini-Khalq seized hostages in the
harvest in Gilan and Mazandaranprovinces and Iranianembassyin Norwaybut releasedthemafter
distributeit throughretail guild and cooperation talkingto police and the press. [WP]
units. [FBIS] Aug. 12:Pars reported100membersof the military
Aug. 3: Ministerof State for Executive affairsand branch of the Mujahidlni-Khalq [referredto as
governmentspokesmanBahzadNabaviannounced "the hypocrites"] had been arrested in Isfahan.
that PresidentRaja'ihad chosen EducationMinis- [FBIS]

The Revolutionary Guards Corps announced deportedand 6,274 had left voluntarily.Since late
that an attack on its headquartershad been re- 1979an additional3,695 Iranianstudents had en-
pulsedand the perpetratorsarrested. [FBIS] tered the countrylegally. [NYT]
The Central News Unit interviewed Colonel Aug. 17:Tehranradioreportedthe execution of 23
Mi'inpfir, identifiedas "acting commanderof the leftists. Accordingto Reuters, this raised to about
airforce," on changesin the airforce becauseof its 500 the numberof Iraniansexecuted since Bani
role in Bani Sadr's escape. He said 6 arrests had Sadrwas ousted. [NYT]
been madeand investigationswere still underway. The Majlis endorsed 21 of the 22 ministers
[FBIS] namedby PremierBahunar,rejectingthe appoint-
Aug. 13: Agence France Presse (AFP) reported ment of Husayn Tajgardanas transportminister.
that army troops had joined the Revolutionary [NYT]
Guardin patrollingTehrangovernmentbuildings. Aug. 18:Bani Sadrsaid in an interviewthat the US
[FBIS] had offered him political asylum. A US State
PrimeMinisterBahunarpresentedthe following Departmentspokesmandenied this. [WP]
ministersto the Majlis: Aug. 19: The anti-Khumaynicommandossurren-
MuhammadSalamati:Agriculture& Rural Devel- deredthe hijackedgunboatto Frenchauthoritiesat
opment Toulon. The French governmentagreed to return
HabiballahAsghar-'UladiMusalmani:Commerce the boat but refused to extradite the hijackers.
Col. Sa'id MuisaNamjui:Defense [WP]
HusaynNamazI:EconomicAffairs & Finance Aug.21: The leaderof the Azadigangroupof exiles
'Ali AkbarParvarish:Education & Training that hijackedthe patrol boat, former naval com-
MansurShahidi:Energy manderAdmiralKamal Habib Allah, said that he
MirIHusaynMusavi:Foreign Affairs would leave France and return to an "operation
Dr. Hadi Manafi:Health headquarters"on the bordersof Iran. [NYT]
Muhammad'Ali Najafi:Higher Education & Cul- Approximately12 were killed in Tehranclashes
ture between Revolutionary Guards and Mujahidini
MuhammadShahab-Gonabadi: Housing & Urban i-Khalq.[NYT]
Development Aug. 23: Accordingto the CentralNews Unit, 460
MustafaHashimi:Industries people belonging to "counterrevolutionarymini-
MuhammadRiza MahdaviKani:Interior groups"were arrestedin Tabriz. [FBIS]
MuhammadAsghari:Justice Aug. 23: Ban! Sadr's wife and son arrived in
MuhammadMlr-Muhammad-Sadiq: Labor & So- France, reportedlyhaving boardedan Air France
cial Affairs planein Karachi.[NYT]
'Abd al-MajidMadikhah:National Guidance Tehranradiosaid480 counterrevolutionaries had
MuhammadQaravi:Petroleum been arrestedin Tehran,Tabrizand Shiraz. [WP]
MurtadhaNabavi:Post, Telegraph& Telephone Aug. 24: Justice MinisterAsghari,in an interview
HusaynTajgardan:Roads & Transport in the paperAzadigdn reportedby AFP, praised
BahzadNabavi: State for ExecutiveAffairs the speed of the revolutionarycourts, pointingout
MahmudRuhlani:State for Welfare they had ordered over 700 executions since the
HusaynMusaviyan:State in Chargeof the Nation- ousterof Ban! Sadr. [FBIS]
al Steel Company Aug.25: IranianstudentsopposingKhumayniwere
Mulhammad Taqi Banki: State in Charge of the arrestedafteroccupyingIranianembassies in Bel-
Plan & Budget Organization[FBIS] giumand the Netherlands.[NYT]
Aug. 14: Rafsanjanisaid in a Majlisspeech that at Aug. 26: Tehranradio announcedthat the Majlis
least 10Mujahidinor Paykarhideoutswere discov- haddeclaredthat service underthe late Shah as an
ered and destroyeddaily. [FBIS] ambassador,a governor,a parliamentary deputyor
A patrol boat sold by France to Iran was hi- a cabinet official would be considered a crime.
jacked off the coast of Spain by the monarchist [NYT]
group Azadigan (Born Free) headed by former Aug. 30: PresidentRaja'iand Bahunarwere killed
ArmyChief of Staff, Bahram'Aujana.[NYT] when a bomb exploded in the premier'soffice in
The ForeignMinisterissued a statementsaying Tehran.An officialannouncementof the bombing
that the US Central IntelligencpAgency had ar- called it "a last-ditch effort by American hire-
ranged the hijackingof the patrol boat. Iranian lings." [NYT]
Commanderin Chief General Val! Allah Fall&hi Aug.31:Pars reportedthat3 othershadbeen killed
announcedthat he held Spainresponsiblebecause and 15 woundedin the explosion at the premier's
the boat had been hijacked in Spanish waters. office. Khumayni,in a speech broadcastfrom his
[NYT] home duringthe funeral of Raja'i and Bahunar,
Aug. 15: A US ImmigrationService official an- said the nationwas calm. [NYT]
nouncedthat screeningof Iranianstudents in the Bani Sadr said in a French radio interviewthat
US orderedby formerPresidentCarterhad shown he had not been involved in the bombing of the
that of 64,328 students counted, 2,751 had been premier'soffice. Mujahidinleader Mas'id Rajavi

said it had been carriedout by "the resistance"of ceremonyhe was conducting.Twelve worshippers
which his organizationcomprised the majority. were wounded. [WP]
[NYT] MuhsinRiz&'iwas appointedCommanderof the
Tehranradioreportedthat 55 governmentoppo- RevolutionaryGuards.[WP]
nents had been executed Aug. 30-31. [WP] Sept. 13: Tehranradio said the bomb that killed
The Ahwaz Security Headquartersimposed a BahunarandRaja'ihadbeen plantedby a secretary
curfewfrom 7 pm to 6 am. [FBIS] in the primeminister'soffice. [NYT]
Majlis Speaker Rafsanjani and Chief Justice Sept. 15: The Islamic RepublicanParty (IRP) en-
'Abd al-KarimMfisavi Ardabili were named as dorsedits SecretaryGeneralKhaman'ias its candi-
membersof a presidentialcouncil to serve until a date for president in elections scheduled for
new presidentwas elected. [NYT] October2. [NYT]
Sept. 1: The Majlisapprovedthe presidentialcoun- Sept. 16: Shiraz radio reported the arrest of 18
cil's nominationof InteriorMinisterHuijatal-Islam personstryingto leave the countryillegally.[FBIS]
MuhammadRiza Mahdavi-Kani,then announced Sept. 17: The Associated Press cited "sources in
3 cabinetchanges from the previousgovernment: Iran"as estimatingthat 100executions took place
Kamalal-DinNikravish:Interior daily in Tehran,comparedto about 20 before the
Hadi Nijad Husayni: Transportation ouster of Bani Sadr. [WP]
HasanGhafuiri-Fard: Energy [FBIS] Sept. 18: Chief Justice Ardabili announced that
In an address to visiting Pakistani students, demonstratorsand political dissidents would be
broadcastby Tehran radio, Khumayniurged the triedimmediatelyupon arrestand put to death if 2
courts to exercize "self-control"[WP] people testifiedagainstthem. [NYT]
Hujiat al-Islam 'All Khaman'i was elected to Sept. 19:The namesof 82 personsexecutedin Evin
replace the assassinated Bahunaras head of the Prison, which were published by the newspaper
IslamicRepublicanParty. [NYT] Ittila'at, includedthe son of MajlisdeputyAyatal-
Sept. 2: RevolutionaryGuards clashed with the lah GuzadinGhaffiri.[NYT]
Mujahidini-Khalqfor 8 hoursin southeastTehran. Foreign MinisterMfisavi returnedfrom Libya,
[FBIS] where he had attended the meeting of the Stead-
AyatallahMuhammadRiza Mahdavi-Kaniwas fastness and ConfrontationFront. [FBIS]
nominatedas PrimeMinister.[CSM] The Councilof Guardiansapprovedthe follow-
Mujahidini-Khalqleader RajavIsaid he wished ing as candidatesfor the October 2 presidential
to meet with Palestine Liberation Organization elections: Khaman'l; Mahdavi-Kani;Education
(PLO)leaderYasir 'Arafatandclaimedhe had met MinisterParvarish,Energy MinisterGhafuiri-Fard
with Fath central committee member Hani al- andformerDeputyInteriorMinisterRiza Zavara'i.
Hasan. In response, the PLO issued a statement The first2 hold religioustitles, Hujjatal-Islamand
that Hasan was not authorizedto carryout official Ayatallahrespectively, makingthis the first time
duties. [FBIS] Shi'&notablescontestedfor the presidency.[NYT]
Sept. 3: Tehran radio reported heavy fightingas The Chief Justice disclosed that the officialre-
RevolutionaryGuardsbesieged Mujahidin"hide- sponsiblefor bombingthe premier'soffice had not
outs." [WP] died in the blast but was being sought. He was
Sept. 5: ProsecutorGeneral 'Ali Indfisiwas killed identifiedas Mas'fidKashmir!,formerlyin charge
in a bomb blast at his office. [WP] of security.[NYT]
Tehranradio said the SupremeJudicialCouncil Sept. 23: At the start of the new school year,
had appointedHujat al-IslamHusayn MuisaviTa- Khumaynicalled for a purgeof left-wingstudents
brizi, head of the East Azerbaijancourts, to suc- and teachers. [NYT]
ceed Indfisias ProsecutorGeneral. [WP] Sept. 26: An Iraniandelegationto the UN delayed
Police chief Colonel Hfishang Dastgardi died its departureafter the US warned that it would
followinginjuriesin a bomb explosion. [NYT] deny visas to members of the delegation who
The newspaperKayhdnreportedthat 7 Revolu- played a role in the take-over of the American
tionaryGuardshad been assassinatedin Zahidan. Embassy. [NYT]
[FBIS] Sept. 27: Fifty-threepeople were executed in Isfa-
In a radioaddress, KhumaynidescribedIranas hanfor "armedactivityagainstthe IslamicRepub-
"the most stable country in the world," able to lic of Iran." Pars, reported intense fighting
namea new premiervery soon afterone is assassi- between RevolutionaryGuards and Mujahidini-
nated. [WP] Khalq in central Tehran. Seventeen people were
Sept. 9: Khumayni's office announced that he reportedkilled and 40 wounded. [FBIS]
wouldhold no meetingsSept. 12-26. [FBIS] IslamicRevolutionCourtsthroughoutIran sen-
Accordingto Pars, troops took over the town of tenced73 people to death:59 for crimesagainstthe
Ushnuyehin West Azerbaijanfromthe rebel Kurd- state and 14 for drug-relatedoffenses. [FBIS]
ish DemocraticParty. [NYT] Sept. 28: Fifty-fourpeople convicted of participa-
Sept. 11: Khumayniaide AyatallahAssadallahMa- tion in the previousday's armedclashes in Tehran
dani was assassinated in Tabriz at the prayer were executed. Three others were also executed,

includinga close aide of Ban! Sadr, HusaynNavab Iranradioreportedthe executionof 37 members
Safavi. According to AFP, the numberexecuted of the "hypocrites organization" in Isfahan.
may have been as high as 110. [WP] [FBIS]
Sept. 29: Forty-three anti-governmentactivists Oct. 10: Tehranradio announcedthe execution of
were executed. [NYT] 82 people. Seventy-threewere identifiedas mem-
Pars radioannouncedthe assassinationof Huijat bers of the Muj&hidin i-Khalq. [FBIS]
al-Islam'Abd al-KarimHakimNazhad, Secretary Oct. 11: Tehranradioreportedthe execution of 82
of the IslamicRepublicanParty,in Mashad.[FBIS] leftists. [WP]
Defense MinisterMusa Namjfi, Armed Forces Oct. 13: Tehranradioreportedthat 'All Khaman'l
Chief of Staff GeneralVali Allah Fallahl, and his was swornin as president.
adviser Colonel Javad Fakiiri were aniong those Oct. 14: Tehran radio reported that 20 "hypo-
killed in a plane crash returningfrom the Iraqi crites" hadbeen executed throughoutIran. [FBIS]
front. [WP] Oct. 15: PrimeMinisterMahdaviKhani resigned.
Sept. 30: Duringan interviewwith Pars radio, the [NYT]
governorof the CentralBank of Iransaid that Iran Oct. 20: The Iran-US Claims Tribunalopened in
would continue as a memberof the International the Hague.The tribunalwill review claimsfiled by
MonetaryFund. [FBIS] Americannationalsandcorporationsfor losses due
Oct. 1: Bani Sadr announced he would act as to actions resultingfrom the IranianRevolution.
presidentof a government-in-exileand that Rajavi Nine claims totalling $200 million were filed.
would serve as head of a National Council of [MEED]
Resistance. [WP] PresidentKhaman'inamed'All AkbarValyatias
New militaryappointmentswere announcedfol- primeminister.[FBIS]
lowingthe September29 planecrashwhich killed4 Oct. 21: Khaman'imet in Tehranwith a delegation
top militaryofficials.BrigadierGeneralQasim 'All fromthe Lebanese Shi'a Amal movement. [FBIS]
ZahirNajadwas appointedChief of the Joint Staff In a speech broadcast on Tehran radio Khu-
of the Armed Forces and Colonel 'All Sayyid maynicalled on the RevolutionaryGuardsto "re-
Shirazl was appointed Commander of Ground move its defects" and "eliminate the fanatics"
Forces. [FBIS] fromits ranks. [NYT]
Prime Minister Mahdavi Khani withdrew his Oct. 22: The IranianParliamentrejectedthe nomi-
candidacyin the presidentialelections. [FBIS] nationof 'All AkbarValayatifor primeministerby
Oct. 2: According to Agence France Presse, voter a vote of 80-74 with 38 abstentions.[WP]
turnoutin the presidentialelections was low and 15 Oct.23: Rafsanj&ni said90%of the mainopposition
year-oldseligible to vote for the first time did not forces had been destroyed. [NYT]
exercise their franchise to the extent expected. Oct. 26: Pars, reportedthat more than 1,000 gov-
[FBIS] ernment officials had been killed in the past 4
Rafsanjaniadmitted that sabotage could have months. [NYT]
caused the September29 plane crash that killed 4 Both official and clandestine radio described
top militaryofficials. [FBIS] extensiveclashesbetweenKurdishrebelsandRev-
Oct. 3: Agence France Presse reported that Ma- olutionaryGuardforces in Bukan. [FBIS]
s'fid Rajavisaid he had no plans to form a govern- Oct. 27: Formereditor of the newspaperJamhari
ment in exile with former President BanI Sadr. Isldmi Mir Husayn Mfisavi, was nominated for
[FBIS] primeminister.[WP]
Oct. 5: The final results of the Presidentialelec- Oct. 28: The NationalAssembly by vote of 115 to
tions were announced. The total votes were 39 with48 abstentions,approvedthe nominationof
16,846,996. 'All Khaman'l received 16,007,972 Mfisavias the fifth prime ministerof the Islamic
votes; Sayyid Akbar Parvarishreceived 341,841 Republic.[WP]
votes, Hasan Ghaffirireceived 78,658 votes, and Oct. 31: Khaman'iformallyappointedMisavi as
Riza Zavvara'ireceived 62,156 votes. There were primeminister.[WP]
356,369invalidvotes. [FBIS]
Agence France Presse, quoting from a story in
the TehrandailyKayhan,reportedthe executionof
61 people in Tehran,all prisonersat Evin Prison.
Oct. 6: In Ankara,Iranianopponentsof the Khu-
mayni government briefly occupied the Iranian
embassy in protest against the rising number of (See also, General,Iran, Iraq)
politicalexecutions in Iran. [NYT]
Oct. 7: In a speech to the Parliament,formerPrime 1981
MinisterMihdiBazargancriticizedthe mass execu- Aug. 1: An Iranianmilitarycommuniquereported
tions of suspected membersand supportersof the that the air force had hit and destroyeda pumping
Mujahidlni-Khalq. [NYT] stationand oil installationsin Takrit.[FBIS]

Aug. 6: The Nonaligned Conference delegation Ministerof State for CabinetAffairs'Abd al-'Aziz
seeking to mediate between Iran and Iraq, and Husayn. [MEED]
consistingof representativesof India, Cuba, Zam- Deputy ForeignAffairsMinisterof Iran Ahmad
bia and the Palestine Liberation Organization 'Azizi, deniedthat Iranianplanes were involved in
(PLO),arrivedin Tehran.[FBIS] an attackon Kuwait'soil installations.[FBIS]
Aug. 8: IranianPresident Muhammad'Ali Raja'i Iran reported offensives on the Malak Shahi,
met with the NonalignedConferencemission and Susangard,Dezful and Ahwaz fronts. [FBIS]
said afterwardsthe war would continue until final JordanandQatarofferedtheirsupportto Kuwait
victory. [FBIS] in the event of attack. [NYT]
Aug. 9: Iraqi PresidentSaddamHusayn received In an officialcommunique,the Joint Staffof the
the NonalignedConferencedelegation.[FBIS] Armed Forces of Iran announced air raids on 4
Aug. 10: An Iranian military communique said targetswithinIraq. [FBIS
Iranianforces had checked an Iraqiattack, coming Oct. 4: Kuwait's Minister of State for Cabinet
from the Sulaymaniyaharea, killing or wounding Affairs, Husayn announced a decision to recall
300 Iraqisoldiers. [FBIS] their ambassador to Iran following the Oct. 1
Aug. 12: According to the Iraniannews agency, Iranianair attack on Kuwaitioil facilities. [FBIS]
Pars, Iraqiforces had employed chemicalwarfare Oct. 5: Fightingcontinuedalongthe Iraq-Iranfront
in the Tamarchinpass west of Piranshah.[FBIS] at Susangard,Dezful, Ahwaz and Khorramshahr.
Aug. 18: An Iraqi militarycommuniquereported [FBIS]
197Iranianskilled in fightingin the Dezful region. Oct. 19: Iraqiauthoritiesannouncedthe details of
[FBIS] an air raid on Iran's Bandar i-ShapfirPort and
Aug. 19: Accordingto Tehranradio, Iranianforces nearbymilitaryinstallations.[FBIS]
on the Ilamfront recapturedterritoryheld by Iraq
and killed 150 Iraqisin the battle. [FBIS]
Aug. 25: Tehranradioreportedthe exchange with
Iraq of 40 prisoners,arrangedby the Red Cross.
The radioclaimedmost of the Iranianswere civil-
ians. [FBIS] (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, General,
Sept. 3: An Iraqi military communique said its Inter-ArabAffairs,PetroleumAffairs,Algeria,
forces had killed 5,000 Iranians in 3 days and Iran-IraqConflict, Morocco, Qatar, Tunisia,
repulsedan Iranianoffensivein the Susangardarea Turkey)
in the heaviest fightingsince the first monthof the
war. [NYT] 1981
According to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), Aug. 6: Libyan Secretaryfor Foreign Affairs 'All
Iraqiforces killed 41,779 Iraniantroops and shot 'Abd al-Salam al-Turaykiarrived for an official
down701 Iranianjets andhelicoptersin the past 12 visit. [FBIS]
monthsof warfare.[FBIS] Aug. 13: A delegationof the Soviet-IraqiFriend-
Sept. 4: An Iranian communique said an Iraqi ship Society left for a visit to the USSR. [FBIS]
position west of Ahwaz had been recapturedand Aug. 15: Jordan'sKing Ijusayn arrivedfor official
morethan 100 Iraqitroops killed. [FBIS] talks. [FBIS]
Sept. 13: INA reportedthat 2 Iranianfighterplanes Aug. 19: According to "a French government
were shot down in "the northern battle zone." source," PresidentFranqoisMitterrandagreed "in
[FBIS] principle"to help Iraqrebuildthe reactorbombed
Sept. 18:An Iraniancommuniquesaid the airforce by Israel. The agreementwas said to have been
hadshot down9 IraqiMIG's since Sept. 15. [FBIS] reachedin talkswith visitingDeputyPremierTariq
Sept.23: Iraq'sofficialdaily newspaperal-Thawra, 'Aziz. [NYT]
criticizedthe SteadfastnessFront states, particu- Aug.26: DeputyPremier'Aziz left for officialvisits
larly Syria, for inviting an Iranian delegation to to Mauritania,Morocco,Tunisia,Algeria,and Lib-
participatein the Benghazi Conference with ob- ya. [FBIS]
server status. [FBIS] Aug. 31: BangladeshDeputy PrimeMinisterJama-
Sept. 27: Pars reported that Iranianforces, in a luddinAhmedarrivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS]
majorvictory, had driven the Iraqis back across Sept. 18: Deputy Premier Taha Yasin Ramadan
the Karun River from Abadan to Ahwaz. The returned from visits to Poland and Rumania.
agency said 3,000 Iraqisoldiershad been captured [FBIS]
and 600 killed. [WP] Sept. 25: Foreign Minister Sa'duinHammadimet
Sept. 28: An Iraqi military spokesman acknowl- with US Secretaryof State AlexanderHaig at the
edged that Iranianforces had damagedbridgeson UN. [FBIS]
the KarunRiverandthatIraqitroopshadmoved to Saudi Prince 'Abd al-Aziz arrived in Iraq for
the west of the waterway. [WP] meetingswith PresidentSaddamHusayn. [FBIS]
Oct. 1: Three Iranianaircraftattackedoil installa- Oct. 1: Duringan officialvisit by ImeldaMarcos,
tions in northernKuwait, according to Kuwait's wife of PresidentMarcos, a Philippine-Iraqitrade

agreementwas signed. [NYT] Aharon Uzan: Deputy Minister of Immigration
Oct. 17:KingHusaynof Jordanarrivedin Baghdad Absorbtion
on the first stop in a tour of Gulf states. [AN] RabbiHaim Druckman:Deputy Ministerfor Reli-
gious Affairs
David Shiffman:Deputy Ministerof Transport
Rubin Ben-Zion: Deputy Minister of Labor and
Israel Social Affairs[JP]
Aug. 14: Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Shlomo Goren
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, General, askedthat archeologicalwork at the City of David
Inter-ArabAffairs,Iraq, Jordan,Lebanon) site in Jerusalem be stopped until it could be
determinedwhetheror not the diggingresultedin
1981 the desecrationof graves,as chargedby ultraortho-
Aug.4: PrimeMinisterMenahemBeginannounced dox groups. [NYT]
the formationof a coalitiongovernment.The coali- Aug. 20: The Jewish Agency said it would cease
tion agreementincludedthe followingconcessions giving assistance to Soviet emigrantsarrivingin
to the religious parties: greater financial aid to Vienna if they planned on going to any country
studentsin religiousschools; plans for the cessa- otherthan Israel, "In recent months," 85%of the
tion of flightsby the nationalairline El Al on the emigrantswith visas to Israel had gone elsewhere,
Sabbath;anda pledgeto amendthe Law of Return. the agency said. [NYT]
[NYT] Aug. 25: The US State Departmentsaid that Israel
Agreementwas reached on the following cabi- hadnot consultedthe US on a new policy regarding
net: resettlementof Soviet emigrantsand that US poli-
Simcha Erlich: Deputy Premier and Agriculture cy continuedto supportthe emigrants'freedomof
David Levi: Deputy Premier and Construction & choice. [NYT]
Housing Aug. 26: More than 10,000religious militantsral-
Mordechai Zippori: Communications lied in Jerusalemto protestwhat they describedas
Ariel Sharon:Defense desecrationof graves by archeologistsexcavating
Zevulun Hammer: Education & Culture at the City of David site. [NYT]
YitzhakBerman:Energy Aug. 27: Two police explosives experts were in-
YoramAridor:Finance jured and their special explosives-defusingvehicle
Yitzhak Shamir: Foreign Affairs damaged during protests led by ultra-orthodox
Eliezer Shostak:Health opponentsof the City of Davidarcheologicaldig in
Aharon Abuhatzeira: Immigrant Absorption and Jerusalem.[AN]
Labor & Social Betterment Aug. 31: Begin was treatedat the HadassahMedi-
Gideon Patt: Industry & Commerce cal Centerfor a knee ailment. [NYT]
Yosef Burg: Interior & Police Sept. 1: EducationMinisterZevulunHammersus-
Moshe Nissim: Justice pended work for 2 weeks at the City of David
Yosef Burg: Religious Affairs archeologicalsite because rabbinical authorities
Haim Corfu: Transport chargedthat graves were being desecrated. [JP]
AvrahamSharir:Tourism Sept. 4: The SupremeCourtlifted the government
Yitzhak Modai: Without Portfolio ban on archeologicalexcavations at the City of
Yaacov Meridor: Chief Economic Coordinator David site. Diggingwas scheduledto resume Sep-
[FBIS] tember6. [JP]
Aug. 5: The Knesset elected as Deputy Speakers: Sept.5: US Secretaryof State AlexanderHaig said
MeirCohenof the Likudand Moshe Shahalof the in an interviewthat enhancementof the "strategic
LaborAlignment.[FBIS] relationship"wouldbe amongthe topics discussed
Aug. 7: Uri Orenwas appointedto the new post of duringPrimeMinisterBegin's visit to Washington.
Informationand Economic Director in the US. [NYT]
[FBIS] Sept. 8: The 14th convention of the Histadrut
Aug. 10: Ten Deputy Ministerswere appointed: GeneralLaborFederationbeganin Jerusalem.[JP]
Dov Shilansky: Deputy Ministerfor Parliamentary Sept.9: Beginbeganhis officialvisit to Washington
Affairs in the Prime Minister's Office conferringwith PresidentRonaldReagan. He also
Moshe Katzav: Deputy Minister of Construction talkedwithDefense SecretaryCasparW. Weinber-
and Housing in Charge of Neighbourhood Af- ger. [WP]
fairs Sept. 10: US Secretaryof State Haig, commenting
Yehuda Ben-Meir: Deputy Minister for Foreign on the conclusion of Begin's official visit, said
Affairs agreementhadbeen reachedon a strengthenedUS-
Miriam Taasa-Glaser: Deputy Minister of Educa- Israeli security relationship. Details, he said,
tion and Culture would be worked out by US Defense Secretary
Pessah Grupper: Deputy Minister of Agriculture Weinbergerand Israeli Defense Minister Ariel
Michael Dekel: Deputy Minister of Agriculture Sharon.[WP]

Sept. 11:Begin met with US MoralMajorityleader Oct. 17: King IHusaynleft for a trip to the Gulf
JerryFalwell. [WP] States. [AN]
Sept. 17: Begin visited former President Jimmy Oct. 27: King Husaynleft for London. Talks were
Carterin Plains, Georgia.[NYT] scheduledwith PrimeMinisterMargaretThatcher.
Sept. 20: Attorney General Yitzhak Zamir ruled [NYT]
thatrabbinicalcourtshadno legal rightto orderthe
governmentto stop archeologicalworksat the City
of David site. [NYT]
Sept.24: ForeignMinisterYitzak Shamirmet with
Soviet ForeignMinisterAndrei Gromykoin New
York. [WP]
Oct. 16: Moshe Dayan, member of the Israeli Kuwait
Parliamentand formerDefense Minister,died of a (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, General,
heartattackat the age of 66. [WP] Inter-ArabAffairs, Petroleum Affairs, Iran-
Oct. 21: Vandalsenteredthe City of David archeo- Iraq Conflict,Lebanon, Libya, Saudi Arabia,
logical excavation and pushed over 3000-year-old Syria, Turkey)
wallsuncoveredin excavationsduringthe previous
4 years. A secret organization,Keshet, believed to 1981
consist of orthodoxopponentsto the dig, claimed Aug.4: Headof StateAmirShaykhJabiral-Ahmad
responsibility.[NYT] Al-Sabah received Libyan Secretary of Foreign
Affairs'All 'Abd al-Salamal-Tarayki.[FBIS]
Aug. 5: Defense MinisterShaykhSalamAl-Sabah
told the press that Kuwaithad rejecteda US offer
to sell it Hawk anti-aircraftmissiles. [FBIS]
Jordan Aug. 16: Visiting Counselor of the Near Eastern
CountriesDepartmentof the Soviet ForeignMinis-
(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Inter-Arab try AnatoliyFilev met with ActingDeputyForeign
Affairs,PetroleumAffairs, Iran-IraqConflict, MinisterFaysal al-Mutawwa'.[FBIS]
Iraq) Aug. 24: Amir Shaykh Jabir met with visiting
Libyan Head of State Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhdfi.
1981 [FBIS]
Aug. 18:The chairmanof the ProfessionalsAssoci- Sept. 19:AmirShaykhJabirreturnedfromvisits to
ationannouncedthat a committeehad been set up Turkey,Bulgaria,Rumania,HungaryandYugosla-
to discuss the boycott of Americangoods because via. [FBIS]
of US supportof Israel. [FBIS] Sept. 21: AmirShaykhJabirtold newsmenthat he
Aug. 23: Chief of Staff of the Jordanianarmy planned to ask the member states of the Gulf
LieutenantGeneral 'Abd al-Hadi Majali was re- CooperationCouncil to establish diplomaticrela-
placedby MajorGeneralFathi 'AbuiTalib. [JP] tions with the Socialist bloc and bring about a
Aug. 26: King Ijusayn arrived in France for an balancein theirforeignpolicies. [FBIS]
officialvisit. [FBIS] Oct. 19: The Kuwaiti newspaper al-Ra'i al-'Am
Aug. 28: French Foreign MinisterClaude Cheys- publishedan interviewwith the ForeignMinister,
son arrivedin Ammanfor an officialvisit. [FBIS] Yuisufal-'Alawi, in which he said that the main
Aug. 31: King Ijusayn met in Paris with French threatto the Gulfregionis fromthe Soviet Union.
DefenseMinisterCharlesHernuandthey agreedto [FBIS]
strengthenbilateralrelations. [FBIS] Ministerof State for Cabinet Affairs 'Abd al-
Sept. 9: InformationMinister'AdnanAbu 'Awdah Aziz Husaynled a delegationto Moscow on a 10-
denied a report publishedin the Beirut paperAl- day officialvisit. [FBIS]
Safirthata plot had been uncoveredto assassinate Oct. 20: The governmentsuspendedpublicationof
KingIjusaynduringa privatevisit to Spain.[FBIS] the dailynewspaperal-Ra'Tal-'Amfor "contraven-
Sept. 25: Crown Prince Hasan met with US Vice ing publishingregulations."[AN]
PresidentGeorgeBush in Washingtonbefore trav- The National Assembly began a new session.
elling to New York to address the UN General [FBIS]
Assembly. [FBIS]
Sept. 26: British Secretaryfor Defense John Nott
arrivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS]
Sept. 26: Saudi Prince 'Abdallahmet with King
Ijusayn. [FBIS]
Oct. 3: A Jordanianphysicist announcedplans for
the constructionof the country's first nuclearac- Lebanon
celeratorwhich is to be built with East German (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Inter-Arab
technicalaid. [NYT] Affairs,SaudiArabia)

1981 Oct. 8: Chiefof Staffof the United Nations Interim
Aug. 3: Kata'ib leader Bashir al-Jumayyilvisited Forces in Lebanon(UNIFIL), GeneralJames On-
Washington.Reportedlyhe hoped to confer with oja, was wounded in an ambush by Palestinian
US State Departmentofficials. [NYT] gunmen.[NYT]
Aug. 5: A WorldPeace Councildelegationarrived
in Beirutat the invitationof the PalestinianCom-
missionfor Peace and Solidarityand the Lebanese
Peace Movement.[FBIS]
Police reported 17 people killed in a clash be-
tween the Democratic Party and the Popular Libya
ResistanceFront in Tripoli. [NYT] (See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, General,
Aug. 15:The ArabLeague'sFollow-UpCommittee Inter-Arab Affairs, Petroleum Affairs,
chargedwith ending violence in Lebanon met at Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Iran, Iraq,
the ambassadoriallevel underthe chairmanshipof Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Qatar, Sudan,
LebanesePresidentIlyas Sarkis. [FBIS] Syria, United Arab Emirates)
Aug. 17: The pro-IranianShi'a Amal organization
exchangedgunfirein Beirutwith CommunistParty 1981
members,killingat least 20. [NYT] Aug. 4: In a note to the UN SecurityCouncil, the
Aug. 20: Two Kata'ib members were killed in Bureaufor ForeignLiaisonprotestedthat "the US
fightingin Beirut. [NYT] Governmenthas been escalating its campaign"
Aug. 23: Bombs in Chtaurakilled a Syrian soldier againstLibyain preparationfor "a hostile action."
and wounded3 persons. [NYT] [WP]
Aug. 27: Clashesbetween militiasof the Amal and Aug. 18: The governmentissued a statementcon-
the CommunistAction Organizationleft 8 wound- demninga US navalexercise withinthe area Libya
ed in Beirut. [NYT] claims as territorialwaters. The statementtermed
Aug. 29: French Foreign MinisterClaude Cheys- the exercise "uncalledfor interferenceand provo-
son arrivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS] cation." [WP]
Sept. 2: Phalangesleader Pierre al-Jumayyiland Aug. 19: US F-14 fighter planes shot down 2
formerPresidentCamilleSham'unissued a state- Libyan-ownedSoviet SU-22 planes which firedat
mentthattheirorganizationswouldnot "enterinto them as they were carryingout militaryexercises
any dealingswith Israel." [FBIS] 60 milesoff the Libyancoast over the Gulfof Sidra.
Sept. 3: The Arab League Follow-up Committee, The fighterswere patrollinga 16-shipNavy task
chargedwith overseeingimplementationof resolu- force. [WP]
tions aimed at bringing peace to Lebanon and The Libyan government said its planes shot
composedof the Saudi, Kuwaitiand Syrianforeign down a US F-14 after they had been "ambushed"
ministersand the ArabLeague SecretaryGeneral, by the US fightersover the Gulf of Sidra. [WPj
met with PresidentSarkis. [FBIS] The US governmentofficiallyprotestedto Libya
Sept. 4: FrenchAmbassadorLouis Delamarewas the "unprovokedattack"againstits navalaircraft.
killedby gunmenin Beirut. [WP] [NYT]
Sept. 7: Clashes between rival militias killed 5 Followingthe airclash, Libyadelivereda note of
personsin Tripoli. [WP] protest accusing the US of "internationalterror-
Sept. 13: Accordingto the Palestinianpress agen- ism." [NYT]
cy, WAFA, forces of Major Sa'd Haddad had Libyan Head of State Mu'ammarQadhdhafi,
shelledTyre. [NYT] who was attendinga meetingin Aden, declaredin
Sept. 17: France delivered 13 light AMX tanks to response to the plane incident that the US would
the Lebanese ArmedForces. [AN] "be responsiblefor any collapse of peace in the
An organizationcalling itself the Front for the MiddleEast." [WP]
Liberationof Lebanon from Foreigners claimed Aug. 20: In the case of formerCentralIntelligence
responsibilityfor bombinga Palestiniancenter in Agency agent Edwin P. Wilson, indicted by a US
Sidon in which 20 people were killed. [NYT] grandjury on chargesof illegallyexportingexplo-
Sept. 20: The Frontfor the Liberationof Lebanon sives to Libya, US federal investigators said 20
fromForeignersclaimedresponsibilityfor planting tons of plasticexplosives hadbeen shippedillegally
a bomb in a movie theater in Beirut. When the fromthe US to Libya in 1977. [NYT]
bombexploded4 people were killedand 35 wound- US PresidentRonald Reagan, commentingon
ed. [NYT] the shooting down of the Libyan planes, denied
Sept. 28: A bomb exploded in the southernLeba- that the naval exercises in the Gulf of Sidra had
nese village of Zariyeh, killingat least 12 people. been provocative.[NYT]
[CSM] Aug. 21: Commentingon the plane incident,Liby-
Oct. 1: The Front for the Liberationof Lebanon an Headof State Qadhdhafitold the press in Addis
from Foreignersclaimed responsibilityfor a car Ababa, where he was visiting, that the US was
bombingin Beirutthat killed 35 persons. [WP] planningto invade Libya. [WP]

Aug. 22: Libya called on the Organizationof Afri- killed or wounded 150 members of the Polisario
can Unity to denounce the US for downingthe 2 Front. [AN]
Libyanplanes. [WP] Aug.24: KingHassanwent to Nairobito meet with
Aug. 23: US Secretary of State Alexander Haig, other Africanleaders on conductinga referendum
speakingon the program"Issues and Answers," of WesternSaharanresidentsaimed at endingthe
about the downingof the Libyan planes, said the conflictthere. [WP]
Libyanpilot who firedon the US Navy plane may Aug. 26: The Nairobimeetingof the Organization
have been on a "targetedmission." [WP] of African Unity ImplementationCommittee in
The communiqudissued at the end of Qadhdha- WesternSaharaended, havingpassed a resolution
fi's visit to Ethiopiachargedthe US with tryingto callingfor a cease-firebetween the PolisarioFront
kill revolutionaryleaders aroundthe world. [WP] andMorocco.It also calledfor a referendumin the
Aug. 25: Somalia broke diplomaticrelations with WesternSaharain collaborationwith the United
Libya,chargingthat the agreementsigned in Aden Nations. The meetingwas attendedby representa-
betweenLibya, South Yemen and Ethiopiaconsti- tives of Morocco, the Polisario Front, Kenya,
tuted aggressionagainstSomalia. [NYT] Nigeria, Sudan, Tanzania, Guinea, Algeria, and
Aug. 28: A sergeant in the Los Angeles police Mauritania.[FBIS]
departmentsaid that in 1977 Libyan agents had Followingthe conclusionof the OAU meetingon
attemptedto recruithim for "terroristtraining"in the WesternSahara,the PolisarioFront published
Libya. [NYT] a communiqueinviting the Moroccans to begin
Aug. 31: Tripoliradio reportedthat 360 "progres- talks on the issue. [AN]
sive" organizationsand "liberationmovements," Aug.31: KingHassanmet with visitingIraqiDepu-
comingfrom86 countries,attendedthe conference ty PremierTariq'Aziz. [FBIS]
on solidaritywith Libya held in TripoliAugust28- Sept. 7: Polisarioguerrillasinflictedheavy losses
31. [FBIS] on Moroccanforces in the Western Sahara, ac-
Sept. 1: In an anniversary celebration speech, cordingto a Polisariostatementissued in Algiers
Qadhdhafithreatenedto bomb US "nuclear de- on September19. [WP]
pots" if the US "againattacks" the Gulf of Sidra. Sept. 10: King Hassan received visiting Saudi
[WP] CrownPrinceFahd ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz. [FBIS]
Sept. 7: Czechoslovak President Gustav Husak Sept. 14: Minister of State for Foreign Affairs
arrivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS] MohamedBoucettareturnedfrom visits to Ruma-
Sept. 24: Qadhdhafidepartedfor visits to Rumania nia and the United Kingdom.[FBIS]
and Yugoslavia.[WP] Sept. 23: King Hassan II met with Habib Chatti,
Oct. 3: Tri-partitenegotiationsinvolving Libyan, generalsecretaryof the Islamic ConferenceOrga-
South Yemeni and Ethiopian delegations took nization.[FBIS]
place in Tripoli.[FBIS] Sept. 24: AFP reportedthat Moroccanopposition
Oct. 27: French government sources confirmed leaders Abd al-Rahim Bouabid, Mohamed
that they were supplying logistical support to ElyazghiandMohamedLahbibiwere sentencedto
forces backingChadianPresidentOueddeiagainst 1 yearin prisonfor criticizingan OAU proposalfor
a possiblecoup attemptby ForeignMinisterAhmat a popularreferendumto determinethe futureof the
Acyl followingreportsthatOueddeiplannedto ask WesternSahara.[FBIS]
Libyantroops to leave Chad. [NYT] Sept. 26: King Hassan II addresseda message to
Oct. 28: French sources reportedthat Libya had PresidentArap Moi of Kenya reiteratingthe Mo-
airliftedtroops into the Chadiancapital of Ndja- roccan position regardinga referendumon the
menain supportof a coup attempt,led by Foreign futureof the WesternSahara.[FBIS]
MinisterAcyl, directedagainstOueddei. [WP] Oct. 13: In a speech broadcast over Moroccan
Oct. 29: The Ouddeigovernmentformallyrequest- radio, King Hassan II announceda major battle
ed that Libya withdrawall its troops from Chad. between Moroccan forces and unidentified at-
[FBIS] tackers at Guelta Zammourin the Saharanterri-
tory. Meeting in special session, the Moroccan
Parliamentaccused Algeriaand Libya of responsi-
bility for the attack. [WP]
Morocco Oct. 16: The Polisario SaharanMinistryof Infor-
mation in Algeria denied that any outside forces
(See also, Inter-Arab Affairs, Iraq, Saudi were involvedin theirattackon the WesternSaha-
Arabia) ran town of Guelta Zammour. Moroccan radio
reportedthat fightingin the town was continuing
1981 and that upwardof 2,500 Polisariotroops mightbe
Aug. 9: FrenchForeignMinisterClaudeCheysson involved. [FBIS]
arrivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS] Oct. 17: The oppositionSocialist Union of Popular
Aug. 12: Agence France Presse (AFP) reported a Forces supportedgovernmentactionsin defense of
statementby Moroccanauthoritiesthattheirforces GueltaZammour,saying that the Polisarioattack

had created "the necessary conditions for total
mobilization."[FBIS] Pakistan
Oct. 19: The Moroccan air force crossed into (See also, Afghanistan)
Mauritaniafor the first time to bomb alleged posi-
tions of the PolisarioFront.The raidwas in retalia- 1981
tion for the October 13 Polisario attack on the Aug. 4: The UN Special representativeseeking to
Moroccan garrison at Guelta Zammour in the arrangetalks on the Afghanistansituation. Javier
WesternSahara.[CSM] Perez de Cuellar,arrivedin Karachito meet with
Oct. 23: On a visit to Mauritania,the US Assistant Pakistaniofficials. [FBIS]
Secretaryof State for AfricanAffairssaid the US Eight policemen were killed in a gunfightwith
had "a role to play" in endingthe conflictover the 'outlaws" in Sind Province. [NYT]
WesternSahara.[NYT] Aug. 15:Authoritiesreleased8 imprisonedpolitical
Oct. 24: Polisarioguerrillasreportedlyshot down a leaders,includingformerDefense MinisterGeneral
Moroccan helicopter, killing 3 crew members. Tikka Khan, former CommunicationsMinister
[NYT] KhurshidHasanMeerandformerProductionMin-
Oct. 26: King Hassan II protested to the Soviet ister FaroukLeghari.[NYT]
Charge d'Affaires in Rabat that "non-Africans" Aug. 21: Foreign Minister Agha Shahi met in
were operatingSAM-6missile sites in the Western Washingtonwith Secretary of State Alexander
Sahara. Morocco credited recent losses to these Haigto discuss militaryand economic aid. [FBIS]
sophisticatedweapons. Polisario spokesmen de- Aug.26: Soviet DeputyForeignMinisterNikolaiP.
nied that their forces had acquired any SAM-6 Firyubinconcluded3 days of talks with Pakistani
missiles. [FBIS] leadersin Islamabad.A joint statementon his visit
Oct. 26: Algerian radio broadcast a report that did not mentionAfghanistan.[NYT]
duringcontinuedfightingat GueltaZammour,Poli- Aug.30: PresidentZia ul-Haqreceived US Ambas-
sarioforces had shot down a MoroccanF-5 fighter, sadorto the UN JeanneKirkpatrickin Rawalpindi.
1 helicopterand a C-130 Hercules air transport. [AN]
[FBIS] Sept. 7: Afghan troops crossed the border with
Baluchistanto search a village. They retreated
when Pakistaniforces arrived.[WP]
Sept. 9: Visiting US Under Secretary of State
Oman JamesBuckley met with PresidentZia. [FBIS]
Sept. 11: IndianPrime MinisterIndiraGhandi,in
(See also, General,Inter-ArabAffairs) an interviewwith Le Figaro, accused Pakistanof
blocking an agreement that would allow Soviet
1981 troopsto withdrawfrom Afghanistan.[WP]
Aug. 9: The Sultanateof Omanannouncedthat it Sept. 13: An earthquakenearGilgitkilledover 200
had signed an agreementwith Britainfor the pur- people. [FBIS]
chase of Chieftantanks. [AN] Sept. 15: The Foreign Ministryannouncedthat it
Aug. 14: The Omanipress agency reportedthat an had agreed to a 6-year $3.2 billion military and
IranianNavy plane had been hijackedto Oman. economicaid packageofferedby the US. [NYT]
The hijackerssurrenderedand were placed under Sept. 20: The governmentsuspendedbiweekly air
arrest.The plane and passengersreturnedto Iran. serviceto Kabulbecause Afghanistancontinuedto
[NYT] harborthe hijackerswho flew a Pakistaniplane to
Aug. 15: An agreementwas signed with Chinafor Kabulon March2. [FBIS]
cooperationon culturaland healthmatters.[FBIS] Sept. 25: US Senator Alan Cranston said that
Aug.24: EgyptianMinisterof CultureandInforma- Pakistanhadbegundomesticproductionof nuclear
tion Mansar Hasan concluded an official visit. fuel. The senatoraddedthat this informationcould
[FBIS] affect passage of a military aid bill to Pakistan.
Aug. 27: Sultan Qabuisbin Sa'id received the [NYT]
visiting Upper Voltan Ministerof Foreign Affairs ChaudhryZahur Elahi, a former leader of the
Felix Tientaraboum.[FBIS] MuslimLeague, was assassinatedin Lahore. [PA]
Sept. 13: Ministerof State for ForeignAffairsQais Sept. 30: Pakistanicommandosstormel a hijacked
'Abd al-Mun'imAl-Zawawisaid that head of the Indianplane and arrested5 Sikh separatistswho
Islamic Union for the Liberationof Afghanistan, had boardedthe plane in New Delhi. The 5 men
Abd al-RasulSayyaf, was visiting Omanto report were describedas membersof a militantnationalist
on the struggle against the Soviet occupation. Sikh group, Dal Khalsa. [NYT]
[FBIS] PresidentZia attendeda receptionhonoringthe
Oct. 19: SultanQabuisissued 3 decrees establishing nationalday of the People's Republic of China.
a 45-memberstate advisory council. The council Accordingto Karachiradio,he "expressedhis firm
will meet quarterly.Membersserve 2-year terms. belief that relationsbetween Pakistanand China,"
[AN] would "continueto gather strength." [FBIS]

Oct. 8: PrimeMinisterMargaretThatcherof Brit- of State for Foreign Affairs Moustapha Niasse.
ain met brieflywith Zia. Thatcheralso visited the [FBIS]
Afghanborder. [NYT] Aug. 29: King Hassan of Morocco arrived on a
Oct. 15: Journalistsin 5 cities gatheredto protest pilgrimageand was welcomed by InteriorMinister
official censorship of the press. The demonstra- PrinceNayif ibn 'Abd al-'Aziz. [FBIS]
tions were organized by the Pakistan Federal Aug. 30: ZambianPresidentKenneth Kaundaar-
Unionof Journalistsand the All-PakistanNewspa- rivedfor an officialvisit. [FBIS]
per Editors'Convention.[NYT] A US Defense Departmentdocument,partof the
Oct. 24: PresidentZia reiteratedPakistan's com- formalnotificationof the proposed AWACS sale
mitmentto continue its nucleardevelopmentpro- sent to Congress,disclosed that the planes sched-
gram. [FBIS] uled for Saudi Arabia would not have the equip-
ment to resist enemy jamming of radar and
Aug. 31: King Khalid met with visiting Zambian
Sept. 11: CrownPrinceFahd and US Secretaryof
State AlexanderHaig met outside Malaga, Spain.
Qatar [AN]
Sept. 17: Senator Bob Packwood of Oregon an-
(See also, General, Inter-Arab Affairs, Iran- nouncedthe namesof 51 senatorswho opposedthe
IraqConflict,Syria, United Arab Emirates) sale of AWACSto Saudi Arabia. [NYT]
Sept. 23: Saudi Security officials attacked and
1981 arrested a group of Iranian pilgrims in Madina.
Aug. 9: LibyanForeignAffairsSecretary'Abd al- Accordingto Riyadh radio, the pilgrimsdemon-
Salamal-Turaykiarrivedto delivera messagefrom strated behavior "unbefittingthe holiness of the
head of state Mu'ammaral-Qadhdhdfi.[FBIS] haram."[FBIS]
Aug. 15: Diplomatic relations with Ghana were About 80 Iranianpilgrimswere reportedlysent
established.[FBIS] backto Iranbecause they had violateda Saudiban
Aug. 29: Qatar signed a cultural and scientific on political activity duringthe Haj and brought
cooperationagreementwith Iraq. [FBIS] with them picturesof AyatallahKhumayni.[WP]
Sept. 24: Twenty Iranianpilgrimswere reportedly
injuredin clashes with Saudi security forces in
Mecca. The fights took place following a Saudi
decision to turn back Iranian pilgrims and an
Iranianstate television crew. [NYT]
Sept.25: The SaudigovernmentrejectedAmerican
SaudiArabia proposalsfor joint control of the AWACS planes
proposedfor sale. [NYT]
(See also, Arab-Israeli Conflict, Inter-Arab Sept. 26: French President Franqois Mitterrand
Affairs, Petroleum Affairs, Iraq, Jordan, beganan officialvisit. [NYT]
Lebanon, Syria) During a press conference in Bahrain, British
Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher said Britain
1981 "will have to consider" selling the Nimrodradar-
Aug. 5: US PresidentRonaldReagan,in a letter to equippedplane to SaudiArabiashould the Ameri-
congressionalleaders, stated his intentionto pro- can sponsoredsale of AWACSplanesfall through.
ceed with the sale of 5 Airborne Warningand [NYT]
ControlSystem(AWACS)aircraftto SaudiArabia. Sept. 27: The Abu Dhabi newspaper al-Ittlihad
[NYT] publishedan editorialwhich said "Saudi Arabia's
Aug. 10: King Khalidreceived KuwaitiPetroleum threat to withdrawfrom the AWACS deal, and
AffairsMinisterShaykh'Ali al-KhalifahAl Sabah. consequentlyfrom the entire US arms deal, is a
[FBIS] source of satisfactionto all Arabs." [FBIS]
Aug. 17: Lebanese PremierShafiq al-Wazzanmet Sept. 28: Duringa London conference, Saudi Oil
with Saudi leaders to discuss an Arab summit MinisterAhmad Zaki Yamani denied that a US
meetingon conditionsin Lebanon. [FBIS] decisionnot to sell AWACSplanesto SaudiArabia
Aug.24: The US proposalto sell SaudiArabia$8.5 wouldaffect Saudi oil pricingpolicy. [WP]
billionin air defense and other equipment,includ- Speaking to newsmen, Crown Prince Fahd
ing the AWACS planes, was presented to Con- praised President Reagan's efforts to insure the
gress. [NYT] sale of AWACSplanes to Saudi Arabia. [WP]
Aug. 25: King Khalid received visiting Djibouti Oct. 1: Duringa news conference,Reagansaid the
PresidentHassan Gouled. [FBIS] US "will not permit[SaudiArabia]to be an Iran."
Aug. 26: KingKhalidreceived SenegaleseMinister He also said, "there'sno way [the US] could stand

by and see [Saudi Arabia]taken over by anyone
who "would shut off the oil." [NYT] Sudan
Saudi Arabiarejected a second Americanpro- (See also, General, Inter-Arab Affairs,
posalforjoint controlof the AWACSplanes. [AN] Morocco)
Oct. 7: The US House ForeignAffairsCommittee
voted 28 to 8 for a resolutionthat would prevent 1981
the sale of AWACS planes and other air defense Aug. 17: AuthoritiesreportedLibyan planes had
equipmentto Saudi Arabia. [NYT] violatedSudaneseairspace. [FBIS]
Oct. 14: The US House of Representativesvoted Sept. 12: PresidentJa'far al-Numayrnorderedthe
301 to 11 against the sale of AWACS planes and arrestof all illegalimmigrants,vagrantsand politi-
otherair defense equipmentto SaudiArabia.[WP] cal opponents in order to undermine "Libyan
Oct. 15: The US Senate Committee on Foreign subversion."[NYT]
Relationsvoted 9 to 8 againstthe sale of AWACS Sept.16:The SudaneseNews Agency reportedthat
planes and other air defense equipmentto Saudi its air defense forces had shot down a Libyan
Arabia.[WP] bomber, killing its 2 pilots, over the town of
Oct. 16:KingKhalidenteredthe hospitalin Riyadh Geneina,near the borderwith Chad. [WP]
for a checkup. [FBIS] The governmentlodged a protest with the UN
Oct. 28: The US Senate voted 52 to 48 against a Security Council about continued Libyan over-
resolutiondisapprovingthe sale of AWACSplanes flightsof Sudanese territory.In its complaintSu-
and other air-defenseequipmentto Saudi Arabia. danchargedthatthe Libyanplanesbombedseveral
[WP] bordervillages. [FBIS]
Crown Prince Fahd met with West German Oct. 5: PresidentNumayridissolved both the Na-
ChancellorHelmut Schmidt in Bonn. They dis- tional People's Assembly in the North and the
cussed Germanarmssales underconsiderationfor SouthernRegion People's Assembly. New elec-
SaudiArabia.[JP] tions were scheduledto occur in 60 days. [NYT]
Oct. 11: The Sudanese Foreign Ministryreported
that Libyan planes bombed 2 Sudanese border
villages. [WP]
Oct. 22: The Sudanesegovernmentissued a report
South Yemen detailing Libyan attacks against Sudan between
September10 and October 25, 1981. The report
(See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Inter-Arab listed 25 raids duringthe period. [NYT]
Affairs,Iran, Libya) Oct. 24: Police officials reported that 900 illegal
immigrantsand othersremainedunderarrestsince
1981 Numayrihad ordereda crackdownbeginningSep-
Aug. 19: LibyanHead of State Mu'ammarQadhd- tember12. [NYT]
hafi and EthiopianPresidentMengistuHaile Mir- Oct. 29: Numayri called on African states "to
iamconcludeda meetingwith PresidiumChairman immediatelycut diplomaticrelations [with Libya]
'All Nasir Muhammadand signed a treaty of andannouncethat they are not going to Tripolifor
friendshipand cooperation.One of the aims of the the [1982 Organizationof African Unity] confer-
treaty was said by the leaders to be countering ence." [NYT]
Western"plans" in the Red Sea. [FBIS]
Aug. 29: Soviet Deputy Defense Ministerand Air
Force CommanderMarshallKutakhovarrivedfor
an officialvisit. [FBIS]
Sept. 1: ChairmanMuh.ammad received the Soviet
militarydelegationled by Soviet Deputy Defense Syria
MinisterMarshallKutakhov. [FBIS] (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Inter-Arab
Sept. 3: ChairmanMuhammadreceived visiting Affairs, Afghanistan, Iran-Iraq Conflict,
Afghan Foreign Minister Shah MohammadDost. Lebanon,Libya)
Sept. 14: Czechoslovak President Gustav Husak 1981
concluded an official visit with the signing of a Aug. 17: A powerfulexplosion in the offices of the
treatyof friendshipand cooperation.[FBIS] primeministerkilled 3 employees. [AN]
Sept. 16: Deputy Premier'Ali 'Abd al-RazzaqBa Aug. 25: President Hafiz al-Asad conferred with
Ditib headed a delegation to the USSR at the visiting Libyan Head of State Mu'ammarQadh-
invitationof the Soviet Peace Committee.[FBIS] dh5fi.They affirmedtheirplansfor a mergerof the
The Soviet Union and the South Yemen govern- 2 nations. [NYT]
ment signedan agreementfor the establishmentof Aug. 26: KampucheanMinisterof ForeignAffairs
ajoint missionin the fieldsof archeology,historical Hun Sen concludedan officialvisit. [FBIS]
research,ethnologyand linguistics. [FBIS] Aug. 30: PresidentAsad received Afghan Foreign

MinisterShah MohammadDost. [FBIS]
Aug. 31: PresidentAsad received visiting French Turkey
ForeignMinisterClaudeCheysson. [FBIS] (See also, Kuwait)
Sept. 3: Asad received visiting North KoreanPre-
mier Yi Chong-Ok.[FBIS] 1981
Sept. 8: The governmentannouncedit was extend- Aug. 6: Twenty-fourmembersof the TurkishPeo-
ing its territorialwaters from 12 to 35 miles off its
ple's LiberationArmywent on trialfor "seekingto
Mediterraneancoast. [NYT] overthrowthe constitutionalorder." [TDN]
Sept. 14:ForeignMinister'Abdal-HalImKhaddam Aug. 8: An Iraqi-Turkishcommissionopened talks
returnedfrom visits to Saudi Arabia, the United on long-rangecooperationbetween the two coun-
Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait to tries. [TDN]
convey messages from Asad on "the latest strate- Aug. 12: Iraqi First Deputy PremierTaha Yasin
gic alliance"betweenIsraeland the United States. Ramadanbeganan officialvisit. [TDN]
[FBIS] Turkey's Foreign Minister Ilter Turkmen met
Sept. 16: Defense MinisterGeneral Mustafa Tlas with Czech ForeignMinisterBohuslav Chnoupek
met in Moscow with Soviet militaryofficials, the in Izmir.[TDN]
Sovietarmedforces paperRed Star reported.[WP] At the close of economic cooperationtalks be-
Sept. 27: President Asad met with Saudi Prince tween Turkishand Iraqidelegations,an economic
'Abd Allah ibn 'Abd al-Aziz. [FBIS] cooperationprotocolwas signedby Turkey'sEner-
Oct. 4: An officialdecree set November9, 1981,as gy and NaturalResources MinisterSerbulentBin-
the date of elections to the 195 seat People's gol and Iraq's PetroleumMinisterTayh 'Abd al-
Assembly. [FBIS] Karim.[TDN]
Asad conferred with Libyan Chief of General Aug. 16: The Executive Committeeof the Turkish
StaffMustafaKharrfibiin Damascus. [AN] Confederationof Labor Unions, Turk-iz,issued a
Oct. 5: President Asad met with South !emen communiquecriticizing the economic policies of
PresidiumChairman'All Nfsir Muhammadin Da- the militarygovernment.[TDN]
mascus. [FBIS] Aug. 18: Militaryprosecutorsdemandedthe death
The presenceof a token numberof SouthYeme- penalty for 43 suspected terrorists on trial for
ni troops in Syria was publicly acknowledgedfor insurrection.[NYT]
the firsttime. [AN] Aug. 19:The trialof 674 membersof the National-
Oct. 11: Asad met with Libyan Foreign Affairs ist Action Partybegan in Ankara.Death penalties
Secretary'Abd al-Salamal-Turaykiin Damascus. were asked for 220, including the party leader
[FBIS] AlparslanTurkes. [NYT]
Oct. 12: Asad held talks with former Lebanese Sept. 3: Authoritiesdecided against prosecutinga
President Sulayman Franjiyyah in Damascus. British BroadcastingCorporationcorrespondent
[FBIS] who had been questionedfollowinghis reportthat
Oct. 29: Asad returnedfrom a visit to Bulgaria. planswere beingmadeto kill Armeniansin retalia-
Protocolswere signed in Sofia regardingeconomic tion for the murdersof diplomatsin Europe. [WP]
and scientificcooperation.[FBIS] Sept. 8: Kuwaitihead of state Amir ShaykhJabir
al-AhmadAl $abah arrived for an official visit.
Sept. 9: Head of state General Kenan Evren,
Tunisia speakingat LiberationDay celebrations,called for
improvedrelationswith Greece. [NYT]
(See also, Algeria, Iraq) Sept. 12: Head of state General Evren said in a
speech that the Constituent Assembly, opening
1981 October23, wouldpreparea timetablefor returnto
Aug. 27: The trial of 68 members of the Islamic civilianrule. [WP]
TendencyMovement(TMI)began in Tunis. [JP] Sept. 20: Turkisharmedforces and police clashed
Aug. 29: PresidentHabibBourguibareceived Iraqi with 50 IranianKurdswho had fled into the border
DeputyPremierTariq 'Aziz. [FBIS] village of Esendere from Iran. Two soldiers were
Sept.5: A Tuniscourtsentenced68 membersof the killedand 11 wounded. [JP]
TMI to prison terms rangingfrom 6 months to II Sept. 26: Membersof the ArmenianSecret Army
years. [AN] for the Liberationof Armenia told reporters in
Sept.9: SecretaryGeneralof the TunisianCommu- Beirutthat they had organizedthe Sept. 24 assault
nist Party MohamedHarmalannounced that the on the Turkish consulate in Paris. [WP]
partywould participatein the legislative elections Oct. 5: The Councilof Europerejectedsuggestions
scheduledfor November 1. [FBIS] that Turkey be expelled from the organization
Sept. 22: The government banned women from becauseof its "undemocratic"nature. [AN]
wearingveils in schools andgovernmentbuildings. Oct. 6: The militaryauthoritiesretumedto custody
[NYT] the leaderof the IslamicNationalSalvationParty,

NecmetinErbakan,who is beingtriedon a conspir- mentthatit wouldrepresentLibyaninterestsin the
acy charge. [NYT] United States. [WP]
Oct. 15: The militarygovernmentannouncedthe Aug. 31: MuaritaniantransportationMinisterAh-
formationof a 160-memberadvisory assembly to medou Ould Abdallanarrivedfor an officialvisit.
preparea new constitutionandelection law. [NYT] [FBIS]
Oct. 16: Turkey'smilitarygovernmentannounced Sept. 6: Supreme Council member and ruler of
the dissolutionof all politicalpartiesandthe confis- 'Ajman, Shaykh Rashid ibn Humayd al-Nu'aymi
cation of their property. Head of the National died. The ruling family of 'Ajman pledged alle-
SecurityCouncil GeneralEvren defended the ac- giance to his son, ShaykhHumaydibn Rashidal-
tion as a step necessary for the creation of new Nu'aymias the new ruler. [FBIS]
parties "that would direct their activities toward Sept. 10: British bomb experts were called to
the futureand not to their past struggles." [NYT] investigate an explosion at the Chicago Beach
Martiallaw authoritiesreleased Erbakan,leader Hotel in Dubai. [WP]
of the Islamic National Salvation Party, pending Sept. 13: In a statement to the Dubai paper Al-
progressin his trialon chargesof breakingthe laws Bayan, visiting Iranian Majlis deputy 'Abd al-
guaranteeingTurkey's secular status. [AN] VahidMusavicalledfor improvedIranianrelations
Oct. 20: Formerprime ministerand leader of the with the Arab Gulf States and said he planned a
Social Democrat Party, Bulent Ecevit, criticized visit Qatarwe well as the UAE. [FBIS]
the militarygovernment."If everybodyis silent in Oct. 12: A delegation including Prime Minister
the face of such actions then we have no right to Shaykh Rashid, Deputy Prime Minister Shaykh
claimwe deserve democracy." Ecevit said. [WP] Maktumibn Rashid al-Maktfimand Minister of
Oct. 22: The chief martial-law prosecutor an- Defense Muhammadibn Rashid al-Maktumre-
nouncedthat legal proceedingshad begun against turnedto Dubaifrom a trip to England.[FBIS]
former premier Ecevit for his criticisms of the
Oct. 23: The first meeting of the 160-member
ConsultativeAssembly opened with a speech by
GeneralEvren. [NYT] Yemen
Oct. 26: The militarygovernmentclosed Turkey's (See also, Arab-IsraeliConflict, Iran, South
leadingright-wingdaily newspaper,Tercuman,af- Yemen)
ter it printedarticles critical of the regime's deci-
sion to dissolve politicalparties. [WP]
Aug. 6: Chief of the Near Eastern CountriesDe-
partmentof the Soviet ForeignMinistryOleg Grin-
evskiy arrivedfor a visit. [FBIS]
Sept. 16: President 'Ali 'AbdallahSalih met with
United Arab Emirates visiting South Yemen Presidium Chairman 'Ali
NMsirMuh.ammad in Taiz. [MEED]
(See also, General,Inter-ArabAffairs,Libya, Sept. 26: A Libyandelegationarrivedin San'a' to
SaudiArabia,Syria) participatein the 19thanniversaryof the Septem-
ber 26 revolution.[FBIS]
1981 Oct. 1: Israel's Press Agency reported that 20
Aug. 9: Libyan Secretaryof ForeignAffairs 'Abd officers had been executed for an abortive coup
al-Salamal-Turaykiarrivedfor a visit. [FBIS] againstPresidentSalih..[WP]
Aug. 18: Visiting Malian Ministerof Foreign Af- Oct. 5: FormerPresident 'Abd al-RahmanIrymni
fairsAliouneBlondinBeye met with UAE leaders. returnedfrom exile in Syria. [FBIS]
[FBIS] Oct. 8: Former President 'Abdallahal-Sallal re-
Aug. 23: Libyan Head of State Mu'ammaral- turnedfrom exile in Cairo. [NYT]
Qadhdhafiarrived in Abu Dhabi for talks with Oct.28:At the close of a visit by $alih to Moscow a
PresidentShaykhZayid bin Sultan Al Nuhayyan. joint Soviet-Yemenicommuniquepromisedefforts
[WP] to "broaden and perfect" military relations be-
Aug. 24: The UAE informedthe US State Depart- tween the two countries. [CSM]


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