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How to Start & Grow an Email List:

You do not want to build your house on rented land. Having a social media audience is
important but you want to make sure you’re capturing your social media followers and getting
them on your email list.

Recommended Email Marketing Platform: Active Campaign

Monthly Email List Growth Goal: 100 new subscribers monthly

5 Reasons You Need An Email LIst:

Reason # 1:

Reason # 2:

Reason # 3:

Reason # 4:

Reason # 5:

The Key Elements You Need To Grow Your Email List:

Element # 1: Must-Have It Lead Magnet

Element # 2: Opt-In and Thank You Page

Element # 3: Immediate Response & 1-Day Later Emails

Element # 4: Email Marketing Platform

Element # 5: Evergreen Promo Posts

©The Wellness Business Hub 2021 and beyond.

5 Ways To Grow Your Email List:

Way # 1:

Way # 2:

Way # 3:

Way # 4:

Way # 5:

Additional Support To Grow Your Email List & Convert Subscribers Into Paying Clients:

✅Use catchy subject lines

Make sure that your content does not look like spam. Try and use human touch to create
curiosity for your subject lines, so your email gets opened.

✅ Email Format
Format your emails in short paragraphs. Your content has to be digestible and easy to read. If
your audience opens your email and sees a novel format, they are more likely to close it
instantly, and you will lose the interest of your email list.


What does your target audience read and engage with? If you do not know the answer to that,
put this list aside immediately and get learning. That is where you need to start. Knowing exactly
what your audience likes and dislikes is your KEY to email (and business) success.

✅Separate your email lists (segmenting)

Segmenting your email lists based on where the individual is within your purchasing cycle is
vital. Strategically email your lists based on their interest, and knowledge of what you do. A
person who has purchased your program should receive material that is different than your cold
leads and vice versa.

✅Use images, videos and gifs.

Stand out. Attention spans are at an all time low. If you have the opportunity to add in a funny
gif, meme or image, that might be enough to hold your audience's attention for long enough for
them to get engaged with your content.

✅Affiliate / Cross promotional marketing

Cross promotion is an easy way to get instant exposure to a whole new email list, that you might
not get access to otherwise. HOWEVER - Tread carefully and do your homework.

©The Wellness Business Hub 2021 and beyond.

You do not want to expose your own audience to a business or company that you do not have
full faith in as it could hurt your reputation. If you have a connection with someone who shares
the same target audience and is not a direct competitor, offer to send an email out to your list on
their behalf, and ask them to do the same!

✅ Use CTAs in your email -

Use CTAs to redirect to your email subscribers to the next step which could be your webinar, or
to book a call with you.

✅Ask for your audience to share with a friend.

Nothing is better than referrals. Don’t be afraid to ask for it.

©The Wellness Business Hub 2021 and beyond.


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