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Hey, it's Dana and welcome back. So obviously I wrote a whole book on this topic, train your brain. And
so I could go on and on and on and on about this particular topic. But for this series I want to give you
just absolutely the essentials that you need so that you can dig in and start making shifts right away. So
the most important piece you need to know about training your brain is that every one of us has inside
of our heads a part of the brain called the reticular activating system. I like to call it the razz or the RAs
because it's a part of the brain that's like a little matchmaker that lives in your head. So imagine that this
little matchmaker is sitting inside your brain all day, every day, and it's listening to whatever you're
thinking about and whatever you're talking about.

And as you're thinking and talking about these things, your little matchmakers thinking, this must be
really important to you, cause you sure seem to be spending a lot of time thinking and talking about this.
And so it's sifting through the mucky muck. All of the sounds and sensations and colors, and I mean,
think of all the stimulation that's coming at us every single minute of every single day. We would go
completely crazy if we had to actually process all that information. So the RAs, the reticular activating
system, does it for us and it sifts through and brings onto your notice or your radar, whatever you're
thinking about, whatever you're talking about. This is why if you've ever had the experience of looking
for a new car and then you start to see that car everywhere, or sometimes pregnant women, or if you
have a partner who's pregnant, you see pregnant women everywhere or babies, you just have a baby or
your partner just had a baby.

You see babies everywhere, right? Whatever you're thinking about, whatever you're talking about, you
see everywhere. Now, the reticular activating system also matches other things in your brain. And by
things I mean limiting beliefs. Dang it. Why does it do that? We get limiting beliefs from so many
different places, so many different areas of our lives and of our world. And I'm going to talk about that in
depth in the next video. But the key thing to know right now is that your brain is actually supporting you.
You know, most of the time people want to talk about your brain or limiting beliefs in a way that they
use words like sabotage, which makes me crazy or that your brain is bringing you down and I'm here to
tell you nothing could be further from the truth. Your brain is your best friend. And that matchmaker,
that Raz, that reticular activating system wants to support you all day every day.

When you're thinking thoughts, it's looking for those things. So what we try to do with train your brain is
I want you to be a better thinker. No people care about the clothes they wear, they care about the cars
they drive about the food they eat. I want you to care about the thoughts you think. If you're thinking
thoughts that are limiting thoughts, like, uh, my business is taking so long to grow, or all my clients are
broke or I'm working too hard for the money. Your brain is supporting you. It's matching that up. But
likewise, your brain is supporting you when you're thinking thoughts like, I'm attracting new clients
every day, my business is growing so quickly, I'm a money magnet. You're also getting support from your
brain for those sentences. So let's dig into more about how the brain works and specifically where these
limiting beliefs came from and how you can shift them. All right, we'll see you the next video.

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