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Vicmar L.

Trinidad BSED MATH 2 March 21, 2020

Math 103 Plane and Solid Geometry



Inequalities in One Triangle:

Triangle Inequality Theorem 3 (S1 + S2 > S3)

 The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the length of
the third side.


Describe sides AW, EW and AE of ΔAWE using Triangle Inequality Theorem 3.

Description: W

• AW + EW > AE

• AW + AE > EW

• AE + EW > AW


Exterior Angle Inequality Theorem

 The measure of an exterior angle of a triangle is greater than the measure of

either remote interior angle.



 ΔLMN with exterior angle ∠LNP and ∠LNP > ∠MLN

Inequalities in Two Triangles:

Hinge Theorem or SAS Triangle Inequality Theorem:

 If two sides of one triangle are congruent to two sides of another triangle, but the
included angle of the first triangle is greater than the included angle of the
second, then the third side of the first triangle is longer than the third side of the




BY = AT and BR = AN then m∠B > m∠A and RY > NT

BR = AN and RY = NT then BY > AT and m∠R > m∠N

Triangle ABC and the line perpendicular to BC passing through vertex A.


Proves that BA + AC > BC. BE is the shortest distance from vertex B to AE

This means that BA > BE, by the same taken, CE is the shortest distance from C to AE.
This means that AC > CE .Let us put it all together: BA > BE and AC > CE
Add the left side and add the right of the inequalities.
This gives: BA + AC > BE + CE Now, notice that BE + CE = BC
Therefore, BA + AC > BC
Proves that BA + BC > AC. AE is the shortest distance from vertex A to BE
This means that BA > AE, by the same taken, CE is the shortest distance from C to BE.
This means that BC > CE. Let us put it all together: BA > AE and BC > CE
Add the left side and add the right of the inequalities.
This gives BA + BC > AE + CE Now, notice that AE + CE = AC
Therefore, BA + BC > A
Activity 1

1. Make necessary markings on the illustration based on the given. What

conclusion can you make, if there is any, given the facts about the two triangles?
Provide justifications to your conclusions.




1 BY = AT BR = AN m∠ B > m ∠ A

2. BR = AT RY = NT m∠ R > m ∠ N

3. BY = AT BR = AN RY > NT

4. BR = AN RY = NT BY > AT

5. RY = NT BY = AN m∠ N < m ∠ Y

Answer Key


1 BY = AT BR = AN m∠ B > m ∠ A RY > NT Hinge Theorem

2. BR = AT RY = NT m∠ R > m ∠ N None ∠N is not an included angle

3. BY = AT BR = AN RY > NT m∠ B > m∠ A Converse of Hinge Theorem

4. BR = AN RY = NT BY > AT m∠ R > m∠ N Hinge Theorem

5. RY = NT BY = AN m∠ N < m ∠ Y AT > BR Converse of Hinge Theorem

Activity 2

Proving Triangle Inequality Theorem

2. Given: ΔLMN where LM < LN < MN

Prove: MN + LN > LM
MN + LM > LN
LM + LN > MN


• Notice that since MN > LN and that MN > LM, then it’s obvious that MN + LM > LN and MN +
LN > LM are true.

• Hence, what remains to be proved is the third statement: LM + LN > MN

Let us construct LP as an extension of LM such that L is between M and P, LP ≅ LN and ΔLNP

is formed

Statements Reasons

1. LP = LN

2. ΔLNP is an isosceles triangle.

3. ∠LNP ≅ ∠LPN
4. ∠LPN ≅ ∠MPN

5. ∠LNP ≅ ∠MPN

6. ∠MNP ≅ ∠LNM + ∠LNP

7. ∠MNP ≅ ∠LNM + ∠MPN

8. ∠MNP > ∠MPN

9. MP > MN
10. LM + LP = MP

11. LM + LP > MN

12. LM + LN > MN
Answer Key

Statements Reasons

10. LP = LN By construction

11. ΔLNP is an isosceles triangle. Definition of isosceles triangle

12. ∠LNP ≅ ∠LPN Base angles of isosceles triangle are

13. ∠LPN ≅ ∠MPN Reflexive Property

14. ∠LNP ≅ ∠MPN Transitive Property

15. ∠MNP ≅ ∠LNM + ∠LNP Angle Addition Postulate

16. ∠MNP ≅ ∠LNM + ∠MPN Substitution Property

17. ∠MNP > ∠MPN Property of Inequality

18. MP > MN Triangle Inequality

Theorem 2 (Aa →Sa)
10. LM + LP = MP Segment Addition Postulate

11. LM + LP > MN Substitution Property

12. LM + LN > MN Substitution Property

3. Make necessary markings to the congruent angles and sides as you analyze the
given and the meanings behind them. Write the reasons for the statements in the
two-column proof.

Given: I is the midpoint of AT, ∠1 ≅ ∠2, ∠3 > ∠4

Prove: HT > FA
Statements Reasons
1 ∠1 ≅ ∠2

2 ΔFIH is isosceles

3 FI ≅ HI

4 I is the midpoint of AT

5 AI ≅ TI

6 ∠3 > ∠4

7 HT > FA

Answer Key

Statements Reasons
1 ∠1 ≅ ∠2 Given

2 ΔFIH is isosceles Base angles of isosceles triangles are

3 FI ≅ HI Legs of isosceles triangles are congruent.

4 I is the midpoint of AT Given

5 AI ≅ TI Definition of a Midpoint

6 ∠3 > ∠4 Given

7 HT > FA Hinge Theorem


Euler's theorem relates the number of edges, vertices and faces any simple
polyhedral has by the equation. Where a simple polyhedron is just a ear polyhedron (a
solid in 3-space bounded by convex polygons) whose boundary is homeomorphic to a
sphere. There is enough numerical information in the table at the end of the previous
section to find an interesting relationship among the numbers F, E and V . Another hint
is this: Because every one of our figures has a dual figure, the values of F and V must
enter the relationship in the same way. In other words, any equation you obtain
connecting the values of F, E and V must remain the same if F and V are interchanged
so an equation like F + 3V − 5E = 11 cannot hold since interchanging F and V would
give V + 3F − 5E = 11. With these hints and a little playing around, you should obtain
the equation known as Euler’s theorem: F − E + V = 2.

Theorem 1 (Euler’s Theorem) The number of faces, F, edges, E, and vertices, V , of a

simple polyhe-dron are related by the formula F − E + V = 2. The term “simple
polyhedron” in the statement of the theorem above means a polyhedron that is in one
piece without holes. Obviously a polyhedron that consisted of two unconnected cubes
would satisfy F − E + V = 4 since you would just double all the counts, but two
unconnected cubes do not constitute a simple polyhedron. Similarly, the object
illustrated in Figure 9 is not a simple polyhedron since there is a hole passing through it.
In this case it is not hard to determine that F = 16, E = 32 and V = 16, so F − E + V = 02.

Example: pentagonal cylinder, there are 5 faces around the outside and 2 on the top
and bottom for a total of 7. There are 5× 2 = 10 edges around the top and bottom and 5
more connecting the top and bottom for a total of 15. Finally, there are 5 vertices on
both top and bottom for a total of 10. Thus F = 7, E = 15 and V = 10. F − E + V = 7 − 15
+ 10 = 2, so our proposed theorem still seems to hold. Similar reasoning for the
octagonal cylinder gives F = 10, E = 24 and V = 16. F − E + V = 10 − 24 + 16 = 2, giving
one more data point.

Euler’s formula, Either of two important mathematical theorems of Leonhard Euler. The
first is a topological invariance (see topology) relating the number of faces, vertices, and
edges of any polyhedron. It is written F + V = E + 2, where F is the number of faces, V
the number of vertices, and E the number of edges. A cube, for example, has 6 faces, 8
vertices, and 12 edges, and satisfies this formula.
Using Euler's formula, find the number of vertices for a given figure with 6 faces and 12


Euler's polyhedron formula, V−E+F=2

V = number of vertices =?
E = number of edges = 12
F= number of faces = 6
Number of vertices = 8

A cube has: 6 Faces, 8 Vertices (corner points), and 12 Edges. Using Euler's formula,


F + V − E = 6 + 8 − 12 = 2

Activity 1

Use Euler’s Theorem to find the Value

1. Faces: n

Vertices: 12

Edges: 18

2. Faces: 5

Vertices: n

Edges: 8

3. Faces: 10

Vertices: 16

Edges: n

1. Faces: n

Vertices: 12

Edges: 18


n + 12 = 18 + 2

n + 12 = 20

n = 20 - 12


2. Faces: 5

Vertices: n

Edges: 8



5 + n = 10

n = 10 - 5


3. Faces: 10

Vertices: 16

Edges: n


10 + 16 = n + 2

26 =n+2

26 – 2 = n

24 = n

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