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Micheal G. Rayel, MD (2007) How Can Traditional Games Benefit Your Child. Parenting 101.



The definition of traditional game is introduce by ancient peoples from ever since. These
games played by ancient people on their free time, because on the past year there are no
development and electronic things. As we all know, there are many kinds of traditional games
such as Gasing, Congkak, Wau and mores. This games also known as a people game which is
can be played either individually or in pairs, also can be played anywhere in the house either
or indoors.

On this globazation world, the traditional games becomes forgotten because of science and
technology development. The traditional games now was overlooked by young generations,
they ignored and do not show any interest on this kind of games. They prefer electronic
things such computer game, phone and television. Some of young generation do not know
what the traditional game is, this is such a big loss for our tradition world, because young
generation is a connector for the next generation so that all of our tradition not be forgotten.
Computer games do not involve any social interaction that causing less association with
others, this show the differences of computer game with traditional games. Besides, young
generation was not exposed with our advantages and privileged of our tradition games at
school or at home, and it causes the young generation fail to know and love they own culture
which they should be proud of.

For me, the most important aspect about traditional games is, it can improve relationship
between family, friends and other community, because its apply teamwork spirit when we
play traditional games, unlike the online games that lack connection of human soul because
they spend time with a cold and lifeless machine. By playing traditional games we learn how
to communicate politely with others on the games. We also can learn how to control our
temper when we lose the game. Traditional games provide time for families to hang out and
spend time together which is can strengthen the bond of relationship among family members.
The quality time together will be a sweet and unforgettable memory. It such a waste when we
as the new generation do not apply the importance and benefit of traditional games to all
young people in this world because we want next generation know their own tradition and the
advantage of this tradition games. I realised we as Malaysian need to come together defend
and introducing our tradition so that our tradition not be forgotten from this technology

Having learned this, I now realised the importance of traditional games is a connector to all
community and generation to keep our treasure of tradition. As Malaysian, all of we played a
important role in how to take care of our tradition, so that they will not be forgotten in the
future. Furthermore, we can do a campaign and competition of traditional games. This can
give more exposure and promote all of traditional games to the young generations, this can
make people notice and attract to know the importance and the value of traditional game.
Hopefully, this can make now generation knows and can be repeated for the next generations
to keep our valuable heritage of traditional games lasting for long time.

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