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Project Proposal on

Impact of Modern Technology in


Prepared for:

Ahmed Tausif Saad


Business Statistics II (MIS 203)

Prepared by:

Akil Mohammad (18202012)

Abuboker Siddik (18202047)

Apurba Hasan (18202057)

Department of Business Administration

University of Asia Pacific

01 March 2021
Impact of Modern Technology in Education

Introduction: Modern Educational technology theory is a broad and specific concept. It

refers to the theory and practice of increasing teaching with Modern Educational theory and
information technology. Educational technology is a term used to describe a wide range
of teaching and learning related software and hardware that's increasingly being used in
college and university classrooms. It refers to technology that usually helps facilitate
collaboration in an active learning environment. Educational technology is put off traditional
education and teaching methods by offering both teachers and students the ability to learn
in an environment that makes use of common devices such as smart phones, laptops and

Research topic: Student satisfaction about Modern Educational technology. We want to

know, how they appreciate technology for education and does it really helps student or not.
We are planning for analysis by taking many students opinion.

Background of the topic: The growth of the technology has changed the world and also
daily life of adolescent. Dehmle, K.M, (2009) asserts that children today are growing up in
an interconnected to the network world. The youth have, unprecedented access to Modern
technologies use them in expected and unexpected ways. All over the world teens are
growing up in a world in which the internet, cell phone, text, messaging, television, video
games and other technologies dominate their communication and are an integrated of
everyday life. Children are immersed in a world abounding with informative (Livazovic


➢ Babbie, E9 (1990) survey reach methods, second Edition, Belmont: wadworth.

Centre for children and technology (2005) children issue: using technology to
improve student.

➢ Achievement available at ( Dohme KM, (2009) adolescent it age

sleep, attention and academics honey, M, & amp; spiehogel, R (2005).

1. Dose Modern technologies help students for education?

2. What do you think that Modern educational technology improves your management

3. Sometimes is it bad for education, is it true or false? Explain.

4. What are the challenges of online education?

5. How Modern technologies attack education today’s?

Objective of the study:

The essential objective of Modern Educational Technology is to improve the quality of

education and enhance the learning process.

Specific objective:

• To find the difference in education with technology and without technology.

• To analyze the characteristic of the learner.

• To organize the content in logical sequences.

• To evaluate the learners performances in terms of achieving educational objectives.

• To dig out the effect of Modern technology and education.

• To understand that technology really helps or not.


• Modern technology really helps student for education,

• Creates positive affects in education,

• Saves time for proper education,

• Sometimes it has bad affects,

• Helps to improve general skills.

Method of data collection: We will analyze students by providing them questionnaire. In
this process, we will randomly choose some students from different department in
University of Asia Pacific (UAP).

Method of data analysis: We will use percentage method to analyze the response from
the questionnaire.

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