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As the Singapore Chinese Girls’ School Model United Nation Conference 2021 is being held online,

the Secretariat will be implementing certain measures to guarantee the safety and wellbeing of all
delegates, as well as safeguard the work done by the dais’. This is to ensure that all delegates will
have a safe, fun and enriching experience in the Conference. Hence, all delegates who will be
attending the Conference must declare that they will abide by the code of conduct.

In accordance to the SCMUN 2021 Code Of Conduct, all delegates must:

1. Be dressed appropriately in formal Western business attire/ school uniform

a. No nudity/ inappropriate attire
b. No military/ national costumes or article of clothing should be worn
2. Have an appropriate and decent background
a. No nudity/ inappropriate pictures or videos should be shown
b. Delegates must use the virtual background that will be provided soon. If the delegate has
problems with using virtual backgrounds, they will need to find a plain wall.
3. Use all communication platforms and devices appropriately
a. The usage of rude or inappropriate/ strong words towards other delegates or the dais
(through Telegram, email, etc.) will strictly not be tolerated
b. Cyberbullying or harassment will strictly not be tolerated
c. Using entertainment platforms during the conference is not allowed
4. Refrain from inappropriate behavior of any kind during the Conference, including but not
limited to:
a. Profanities or swearing
b. Sexually explicit actions
c. Discriminatory words or actions
5. Not share any documents or information provided to them with any other individuals who are
not authorised to attend the conference, including teachers.
a. Study Guide/ Delegates’ Handbook are copyrighted and are to be used only for the sole
purpose of doing research for the Conference
6. Not record any portion of the Conference
7. Treat the Secretariat, Dais, Facilitators, teachers and other delegates with utmost respect at all

I hereby declare that I have read and will abide by the Code Of Conduct, and I acknowledge that any behaviour
deemed as a violation of the code of conduct by any secretariat member will result in my expulsion in the
conference, or an ineligibility for the delegate awards.

Full Name: __________________

Signature: __________________

Date: __________________

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