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Assignment week 4 Practical questions

Unit IV / week 4 UNIT 4 Reporting in Nursing

(laporan keperawatan)
(unit ini menjelaskan jenis-jenis report dan beberapa contoh report, dsb?)
Answer the following questions:
1. According to unit 4, what is nursing report? (menurut unit 4, apa itu nursing
Unit 4 discusses reporting in nursing such as reports used in hospitals,
sampel reports, report formats, criteria of good report, etc. nursing reports
are information about patients both written and oral and nursing reports as
well as summaries of activities or observations that are seen, carried out or

2. On page 19, it is described the criteria of a good report (pada halaman 19

dijelaskan tentang kriteria sebuah laporan yang bagus). Coud you add
another 2 criteria of a good report, according to your knowledge and
experience (dapatkah anda menambahkan 2 kriteria lagi selain yang telah
disebut, sesuai dengan pengetahuan dan pengalaman anda). Explain briefly.
(jelaskan dengan singkat)
 Use of standard language
Using standard language does not use slang or local languages so that
readers can easily understand what the contents of the report are.
 Systematic
A good report should be arranged regularly with good planning, organized
regularly so that readers can easily understand the contents of report

3. When is a written report made? (kapan written report / laporan tertulis

dibuat?). Have a look page 20, use your own words. (lihat halaman 20,
gunakan kata-kata sendir).
Written reports in nursing, for example relating to patient status, nurses will
study patients and nurses will make reports of the results of studies that
have been obtained.

4. When is an oral report made? (kapan laporan lisan dibuat). Have a look page
20 use your own words.
Oral reports in nursing, for example when nurses inform doctors about
changes in a patients condition.

5. Have a look page 27, you will see a blank form, you need to fill out the form.
It is about incident report (lihat hal 27, anda akan melhat sebuah form
kosong, anda perlu isi itu form. Form itu tentang laporan kejadian/peristiwa
di sebuah sekolah kesehatan). Please make up (buat-buat saja) about
student’s name, teacher, etc.
School Nurse Incident Report

Student : Delizarah Puteri Pramorez

Parent : Mr. Bima and Mrs. Bibi
Teacher : Mr. Ambar
Grade : 2B
Date : Sunday, 12 July 2020
Time : 1.00 pm

Description of the Incident: on Sunday, Bimo runs around with his friend. He
was so happy, laughing with his friend that he did not see the big stone in
front of him. Then he fell and hit his head on the sidewalk so that his head
was bleeding and his head was very painful.

Action Taken: his parents must immediately provide first aid such as
cleansing the blood on the head of the Bimo and quckly bringing the Bimo to
the nearest health service.

Further Recommended Care: Bimo wound must be diligently cleaned so that

it can heal quickly and no infection. Bimo is also given antibiotics and pain
medication so that Bimo is not too painful.
Notes to Parent: Parents must take care and pay attention to their children
what else when he plays outside the home. And if something like this
happens they must also tell their children to take medicine diligently to get
well soon.

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