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Qatar University

Core Curriculum Requirement

PHYS 194 / Experimental General Physics for Engineering II

Instructor: Mrs. Huda Al Yafei

Spring 2021 – L04

Lab Report # 3: The Fuse

Submitted by: Yousef Abu Atieh 201707324

Date of experiment: 17/2/2021

Date of submission: 3/3/2021

Table of Contents
Aim of Experiment…………………………………………………..………………………...3
Experimental Procedure……………………………………………………………………….3
Data Analysis………………………………………………………………………………….4

List of Tables
Table 1: Experimental Data…………………………………………………………………....4
Table 2: ln(I) versus ln(d) Experimental Data…………………………………………………4
Table 3: Slope and Intercept…………………………………………………………………...5
Table 4: Material Properties Constants (K & n)……………………………………………….5

List of Figures
Figure 1: Fuse Circuit…………………………………………………………………............3
Figure 2: ln(I) versus ln(d) relationship………………………………………………...……..5

1. Aim of the Experiment
The aim of this experiment was to investigate the relationship between the fusing
current of a copper wire and its diameter.

2. Introduction
Fuses have been used since long time as a protective device against the over current
situations in electric installations. A fuse in its simplest form is a thin wire placed in
series with the circuit to break the circuit when the current it too high. The benefit of
this process is preventing the fires that used to happen with over current situations.
The current at which the wire melts and breaks the circuit is called Fusing Current.
The fusing current (I) can be found by the following relationship between the wire
diameter (d) and the wire material properties constants (k & n):

I = K dn (1)

This relationship can be converted to a linear relationship by taking the natural

logarithm (ln) for both sides to be as follows:

ln(I) = ln(K) + n ln(d) (2)

In this experiment, the fusing currents were measured for several copper wires with
different diameter.

3. Equipment
Power supply, set of wires, rheostat, and ammeter.

4. Experimental Procedure
1. The first wire was taken from the provided sets and the micrometer was used to
measure its diameter. The estimated error of diameters was ± 0.01 mm.
2. The wire was used to recreate the circuit in figure 1 below. Also, the rheostat was
at its highest value (Highest Resistance) to start with the smallest current.

3. The resistance was decreased by sliding the movable part of the rheostat to
increase the current.
4. The current was increased slowly till the wire was burned out. The value of the
current was recorded at this moment.
5. Steps 1-4 were repeated for another two wires from the same set (Same Diameter).
6. Steps 1-5 were repeated for another 4 wires with different diameters.
7. All data were recorded in table 1 in section 5.1.

5. Data Analysis
Table 1: Experimental Data

Wire's diameter (mm) Fusing current (Amps)

Set No.
d1 d2 dm I1 I2 Im
1 0.198 0.2 0.199 7.8 7.5 7.65
2 0.189 0.189 0.189 7.3 7 7.15
3 0.16 0.155 0.1575 5.5 5.3 5.4
4 0.095 0.094 0.0945 3 2.7 2.85

5.1 Error of I: Estimated vs. Experimental

- The estimated error of I was ± 0.2 A, which is the smallest division in the
multimeter used in this experiment.
- The experimental error is calculated using the standard deviation method for
all of the 4 wires, then the highest error will be applied to all measurements.
All experimental error values are listed in table 2 below.
Table 2: Experimental Error of I and d

Set No. u (d) u (I) ln(d) u ln(d) ln(I) u ln(I)

1 0.001 0.15 -1.61445 0.005025 2.034706 0.01961
2 0 0.15 -1.66601 0 1.967112 0.020982
3 0.0025 0.1 -1.84833 0.015874 1.686399 0.018521
4 0.0005 0.15 -2.35916 0.005291 1.047319 0.05268

The experimental error of I is ± 0.15 A, which is close to the estimated error.

ln(I) (A) vs ln(d) (mm)

2 y = 1.3237x + 4.1619
R² = 0.9982
ln(I) (A)


-1.5 -1.7 -1.9 -2.1 -2.3 -2.5
ln(d) (mm)

Figure 2: ln(I) versus ln(d) relationship

The maximum u ln(I), which is 0.05268 A, was used for the vertical error bars.

5.2 Slope and Intercept: Values and Errors

Table 3: Slope and Intercept

slope error of slope intercept error of intercept

1.323724 0.039987361 4.161876 0.075775711

5.3 Fit Quality Using R2 Variable

This experimental data is a very good representation to the model since the value
of the fit quality variable is very close to 1. (R2 = 0.9982)
5.4 Material Properties Constants (K & n): Values and Errors
- By matching equation 1 with the equation of figure 2:
 n = slope = 1.3237
 Δn = Δslope = 0.04
 ln(K) = 4.162 , K = 𝑒 4.162 = 64.1918
 Δln(K) = = 0.07577 , ΔK = K (∆ln k) = 4.86

Table 4: Material Properties Constants (K & n)

n (slope) Δn K ΔK
1.323724 0.04 64.19185 4.864182948

5.5 ntheo vs. nexp Using X2 Method
- ntheo = 1.5 ± 0.1
- nexp = 1.324 ± 0.04
- To compare between the theoretical and experimental values of n, the X2
method is used as follows:

𝑅(𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙) − 𝑅(𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙) 2
𝑋 =
∆𝑅(𝑒𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑎𝑙) 2 + ∆𝑅(𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑜𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙) 2

(1.324 − 1.5)2
𝑋 = = 2.67
(0.04)2 + (0.1)2

The X2 value is 2.67, which is less than 3. Therefore, the experimental and
theoretical values of n do agree with each other. However, there still could be
source of error which is reading the current of the fusing current.

6. Conclusion
In conclusion, the objective of this experiment was to measure the fusing current of
copper wires with different diameters. It was measured using the relationship between
the wire diameter and material properties constants. The comparison between the
theoretical and experimental n values showed that the experimental results were
deviated from the theoretical values. This deviation could be due to some systematic
errors from the used devices and also some human errors especially in the reading of
fuse current value.

7. References
- Physics II Lab Manual

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