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EVOLVE Nutrition

MyPlate Food Groups: Including quality foods in your diet.

Follow the MyPlate way of eating to maximize the number of nutrients you are consuming
each day. Each food contains different nutrients that help our bodies function correctly. Eat a
variety of foods to get each of the nutrients.

Fruits – focus on whole fruits

 Eat different forms: fresh, frozen, dried, or canned
 Choose whole fruit rather than juice to get the added benefit of fiber
 Choose fruits canned in 100% fruit juice or water rather than syrup
 Eat fruit rather than candy or dessert when craving something sweet. Fruit is sweet
while also providing vitamins, minerals, and fiber
 The average adult needs about 2 cups of fruit per day

Vegetables – vary your veggies

 Eat different forms: fresh, frozen, canned
 Choose low sodium or no salt added canned vegetables
 Prepare vegetables in different ways: steamed, sautéed, roasted, raw
 Vegetables are low in fat and calories.
 The color of vegetables is given to them by their nutrients. Eat a variety of colors to
obtain a variety of nutrients.
 The average adult needs about 2 ½ - 3 cups of vegetables per day

Grains – make half your grains whole grains

 Whole grains contain the entire grain kernel ― the bran, germ, and endosperm.
Examples of whole grains include whole-wheat flour, bulgur, oatmeal, whole cornmeal,
and brown rice
 Refined grains have the bran and germ removed where most of the fiber, iron, and
many B vitamins are found. Examples of refined grain products include white flour,
white bread, and white rice
 Choose breads that are 100% whole wheat or breads that have whole wheat flour listed
as the first ingredient
 The average adult needs about 6-7 ounces of grains per day. One slice of bread or 1/2
cup of cooked pasta or rice is about 1 ounce.

Protein – vary your protein routine

EVOLVE Nutrition

 Proteins are the building blocks for muscles, enzymes, hormones, muscles, and skin
 Eat different forms: beef, pork, poultry, seafood, beans, eggs, nuts, soy products
 Each kind of meat provides different nutrients
 Choose lean protein such as seafood and poultry
 The average adult needs about 5-6 ounces of protein per day. The palm of your hand is
about 3 ounces

Dairy – low fat or fat free

 Diary provides calcium which promotes healthy bones and teeth
 Nondairy sources of calcium include fortified cereals and juices, soy products, fortified
almond milk, canned fish, legumes, and broccoli
 Low-fat and fat-free dairy products reduce the amount of saturated fat in the diet.
Saturated fat raises the amount of cholesterol in the blood
 The average adult needs about 3 cups of dairy per day
 1 cup equivalents: 2 slices cheese, 1/3 cup shredded cheese, 1 cup milk, 1 cup yogurt, 2
cups cottage cheese


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