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Speaking project Level 3


 Use this script to organize the sections and topics of your video.
 Write what you are going to say in each section of the video.
 Consider time in each section.

Greeting;   Hello my friends.
Say hello using a common expression.
Introduce yourself (mention your name, My name is Jaime Andres Vence,
last name and subject) about my free time

Say what you are going to talk about in My name is Jaime Andres Vence,
the video. (“In this video, I’m going to today I'm going to talk about my free
talk about...”) time.

Option 1. Describe a funny activity you
did in quarantine During quarantine in my spare time I
played the accordion. and I liked
making a lot of videos and I also made
video calls with some friends to play
online and be able to create new things

Option 2. Describe your house and the This is my house, it has a living room,
objects inside (quantity and position) there is the television, dining room, this
is the kitchen, there is the fridge, this is
my room with my bed, this is the study
room there is the computer and finally
my room older brother.
Farewell   Bye friends.
(Say goodbye using a common

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