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Name of Drug Content Class and Indication/s Contraindication/s Side effects Nursing

Mechanism of (pere system) Considerations

Action (MOA)
clopidogrel clopidogrel Therapeutic: *Treatment of *contraindicated CNS:Headache History : allergy to
Plavix besilate Adenosine patients at risk with allergy to Dizzenes , clopidogrel,
75 mg / tab diphosphate for ischemic clopidogrel, active weakness pregnancy,
1 tab (ADP) receptor events- History of pathological syncope, flushing lactation,
PO antagonist MI, Ischemic bleeding such as CV: Hypertension bleeding
OD *Antiplatelet Stroke , peptic ulcer or edema disorders,
8 am *pregnancy peripheral artery intracranial Dermatologic: recentsurgery
Category B disease hemorrhage , Rash, pruritus
*Treatment of lactation GI: Nausea , GI
patients with *Use cautiously distress,
Inhibits plateletacute coronary with bleeding constipation ,
aggregation by syndrome disorders, recent diarrhea , GI
blocking ADP surgery, hepatic bleed
Receptors on impairment, Other: Increased
platelets, bleeding risk
clumping of
Reference/s: : www. & Nursing Drug Handbook 2020 Saunders
Name of Drug Content Class and Mechanism Indication/s Contraindication/s Side effects Nursing
of Action (MOA) (pere system) Considerations
atorvastatin atorvastatin Pharma therapeutic: Adjunct to diet in •Contraindicated NS: •Name
Lipitor Hydroxymethlyglutary treatment of with allergy to Headache, confusion has
40mg/ tab l CoA reductase elevated total atorvastatin, asthenia been reported
1tab inhibitor cholesterol, serum fungal by • between
PO triglycerides, and LDL products, active GI: written orders
ODHS cholesterol in liver disease Flatulence , for Lipitor
9pm MOA: patients with primary or unexplained abdominal pain, (atorvastatin)
and persistent cramps,
Inhibits HMG- CoA hypercholesterolemi and Zyrtec
elevations constipation,
reductase, the enzyme a (types IIa and IIb) (cetirizine). Use
of transaminase nausea,
that catalyzes the and mixed levels, dyspepsia, extreme
early step in dyslipidemia, primary • heartburn, liver caution.
cholesterol synthesis. dysbetalipo Use cautiously failure Assessment
Results in an increase proteinuria, and with impaired • •
of expression in LDL homozygous familial endocrine Respiratory: History:
receptors on hypercholesterolemi function Sinusitis Allergy to
hepatocyte a whose response to ,pharyngitis atorvastatin,
membranes and a dietary restriction of • fungal by
stimulation of LDL saturated fat and Other: products; active
catabolism. cholesterol and other Rhabdomyolysis hepatic disease;
Therapeutic effect: non-pharmacologic with acute renal acute serious
Decreases LDL and measures has not failure, illness;
VDK, Plasma been adequate arthralgia, pregnancy,
triglyceride levels; •To increase HDL-Cin myalgia lactation
increases HDL patients with primary •
Concentration. hypercholesterolemi Physical:
a and mixed Orientation,
dyslipidemia affect, muscle
•Adjunct to diet to strength; liver
treat elevated serum evaluation,
triglyceride levels abdominal
•Adjunct to diet in examination;
treatment of boys lipid
and post menarche studies,LFTs,
girls ages 10–17with renal function
hetero zygous tests
familial Interventions
cholesterolemia if •
diet alone is not Obtain LFTs as a
adequate to control baseline and
lipid levels and LDL-C periodically
levels are > 190 during therapy;
drug if AST or
ALT levels
increase to 3
time’s normal

atorvastatin in
any acute,
major surgery,
trauma, severe
metabolic or
seizures) that
may suggest
myopathy or
serve as risk
factor for
development of
renal failure

*Monitor for
Assess rash
triglyceride lab
values for

*Monitor LFT’s.
Reference: www. & Nursing Drug Handbook 2020 Saunders
Name of Drug Content Class and Indication/s Contraindication/s Side effects Nursing Considerations
Mechanism of (pere system)
Action (MOA)
omega- 3 alpha-linolenic Pharmaco Before Hypersensitivity Occasional: Baseline assessment:
Cardiclear acid therapeutic: initiating to omega 3 fatty Eructation, Assess baseline serum
1000mg/cap docosahexaenoic Omega-3 fatty acid therapy acids : cautions altered taste, triglyceride level, LFT.
1 cap acid Clinical: Patient should known sensitivity dyspepsia. Obtain diet history ,
PO eicosapentaenoic Antihypertriglyceride be on standard allergy to fish Rare: Rash and esp. fat consumption
ODAC acid agent cholesterol back pain
6 Pm lowering diet Intervention/evaluation:
for minimum Monitor
MOA: of 3-6 mos. serumtriglyceride levels
Inhibits esterification Continue diet for therapeutic
of fatty acids, throughout response. Monitor
prevents hepatic therapy serum ALT, LDL ,
enzymes from periodically during
catalyzing final step therapy , discontinue
of triglyceride therapy if no response
synthesis after 1 mos of
Therapeutic effect: treatment
reduce serum
triglyceride levels Patient/family teaching:
Continue to adhere to
lipid-lowering diet
Periodic lab tests are
eseential part of
therapy to determine
drug effectiveness
Reference: www. & Nursing Drug Handbook 2020 Saunders
Name of Drug Content Class and Indication/s Contraindication/s Side effects Nursing
Mechanism of (per system) Considerations
Action (MOA)
trimetazidine trimetazidine Therapeutic This drug is Allergic to Rare causes of GI
Vastarel class: antianginal recommended in Trimetazidine or disorders Use cautiously
20mg/HCL drug long-term any other inpatients with
1 HCl treatment of medicine heart failure or
PO MOA: coronary Parkinson's nausea and hypertension and
TID Trimetazidine is a insufficiency; Disease vomiting in elderly patients
8am-1pm-6pm cellular angina pectoris Severe kidney
actinganti- problem
ischaemic agent. Fever
It has 3 main
properties by
which it acts as a Rash
cyto protective
agent. It inhibits
the anaerobic Respiratory illness
glycolysis and
fatty acid
metabolism, thus anemia
allowing only
aerobic glycolysis.
This action helps
to restore the
energy balance in
the cell. It inhibits
acidosis and free
accumulation in
the cell. All these
action help the
cell to restore the
normal ionic and

Name of Drug Content Class and Indication/s Contraindication/s Side effects Nursing Considerations
Mechanism of (per system)
Action (MOA)
losartan Cardiovascular Treatment of Hypersensitivity CNS: Headache, Baseline Assessment
losartan potassium agent: hypertension, to losartan dizziness, Obtain blood pressure,
Cozaar angiotensin II alone or in concomitant use syncope, apical pulse
50mg/tab receptor combination with of aliskiren in insomnia immediately before
1 tab antagonist: other patients with CV: Hypotension each dose, in addition
PO ODAC antihypertensive antihypertensive diabetes. Dermatologic: to regular
6pm agents. Caution: Rash, urticarial, monitoring(be alert to
MOA: Treatment of renal/hepatic pruritus fluctuations) Question
Blocks diabetic impairment ,alopecia, dry for possibility of
vasoconstrictor, neuropathy with unstented renal skin pregnancy. Assess
aldosterone – an elevated arterial stenosis, GI: Diarrhea medication history
secreting effects serum creatinine significant ,Abdominal pain, especially diuretics.
of angiotensin II, and proteinuria aortic /mitral nausea ,
Inhibiting binding in patients with stenosis. constipation , Intervention/Evaluation
of angiotensin II type 2 ( non- Concurrent use of dry mouth Maintain hydration.
to AT receptors. insulin- potassium Respiratory: URI Assess for evidence of
Therapeutic dependent ) supplements symptoms , cough. Monitor vital
effect: causes diabetes and a patients with cough , sinus sign. Assist with
vasodilation, history of history of disorders ambulation if dizziness
decreases hypertension angioedema Other: occurs. Monitor daily
peripheral Back pain , fever, pattern of bowel
resistance, gout, muscle activity, stool
decreases B/P weakness consistency.

•Female patients of
childbearing age should
take measures to avoid
•Report pregnancy as
soon as possible.
•Avoid tasks that
require alertness,
motor skills until
response to drug is
•Report any sign of
infection, chest pain.
•Do not take OTC cold
preparations, nasal
•Do not stop taking
•Limit salt intake.

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