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Thank Your Support System Day 5A

Think about the three people who support you most right now. Write their names.
Then, write why you are grateful for each person in a bubble.
Next, your mission is to tell them what you are grateful for and why. You can do this by writing them notes,
telling them in person, calling them, or even sending a voice message. Express gratitude today.

Name: Name: Name:

Tell people in your life why you are grateful for them.
#ReceiveGratitude. Day 5B
Loving and Accepting Myself.
It’s important to show love and support for yourself. Some of us send negative thoughts to our bodies
daily. We suck in our stomachs, we wish we were faster, taller, thinner, leaner. But, it’s also important to
acknowledge how amazing your body is. Think about the parts of your body or appearance that you
judge the most. Write loving messages about why you are grateful for each of part of your body.

Even on the bad days,
I love and accept myself.

Complete Gratitude Exercise

Complete Segment Intending
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