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Bamboo Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls for Low Cost Housing


Jason Gary Moroz








© Jason Gary Moroz 2009


         ISBN: 978-0-494-51131-2


There is a tremendous need for affordable, safe housing in developing regions, yet with

the economic hardships of many of these nations, traditional materials such as concrete

and steel are unaffordable. One of the potential solutions to this problem is the use of

indigenous materials, which can greatly reduce the cost of housing projects.

An experimental testing programme was developed to find the suitability of using the

bamboo species arundinaria amabilis, or Tonkin cane, as a replacement for conventional

steel reinforcement in masonry shear walls. A total of seven masonry shear walls were

tested in-plane under cyclic loading conditions. One wall contained conventional steel,

while the others contained Tonkin cane reinforcement. In addition to these cyclic tests,

material testing was conducted on all components of the walls. A complete analysis of

the results was carried out, showing great potential for bamboo as a low cost housing

reinforcing material.


I would like to extend my uttermost appreciation to all of the people that have helped me

with the completion of this thesis, especially to my academic supervisor, Dr. Shelley

Lissel, whose patience, guidance and expertise defined this project. I would also like to

thank my interim academic supervisor, Dr. Nigel Shrive, for his advice and constant

willingness to aid me. I would like to also express my gratitude to all of the professors

and administrative staff of the Civil Engineering Department, with all the help they have

provided along the way. The laboratory work that I undertook was paramount in this

research, and could not have been completed with out the technical staff at the laboratory,

as I would like to thank all of them, especially Dan Tilleman, Terry Quinn, Don Anson,

Mirsad Berbic and Don McCullough. I would also like to thank master mason George

Larocque for constructing all of my wall specimens, as well as Cliff Lomenda and H.O.

Block for the generous donation of block. The financial support of the University of

Calgary Civil Engineering Department, the Schulich Student Activities Fund (SSAF), and

the Energy and Environment Access Expansion Program are also gratefully

acknowledged. All of my family and friends and colleagues have given me so much

encouragement, advice, love and support to which I am so thankful for. I would

especially like to acknowledge Gerd Birkle, Mark Hagel, Iain Gidley, Jocelyn Dickie,

Timm Stein and my parents, Gary and Joanne Moroz.


I dedicate this thesis to my parents.

Words cannot express my gratitude for all that you have done for me.

Table of Contents

Approval Page................................................................................................................ ii
Abstract......................................................................................................................... iii
Acknowledgements ........................................................................................................iv
Dedication .......................................................................................................................v
Table of Contents
List of Tables..................................................................................................................ix
List of Figures .................................................................................................................x
List of Symbols and Abbreviations ...............................................................................xiv

CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................1

1.1 Low Cost Housing Synopsis ..................................................................................1
1.2 Population and Housing Trends .............................................................................1
1.3 World Seismic Risk and Implications.....................................................................4
1.4 Thesis Content and Organization............................................................................7

CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW...................................................................9

2.1 Introduction ...........................................................................................................9
2.2 Unreinforced Masonry .........................................................................................10
2.3 Previous Low Cost Housing Research..................................................................12
2.3.1 Applications of Bamboo in Housing ............................................................15
2.4 Bamboo as Reinforcement in Cement Matrices....................................................16
2.4.1 Bamboo Physical Properties.........................................................................17
2.4.2 Bond Between Bamboo and Concrete ..........................................................21
2.4.3 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Testing..........................................................26
2.4.4 Bamboo Usage in Construction and Field Applications................................32
2.5 Shear Walls..........................................................................................................34
2.5.1 Shear Wall Failure Modes............................................................................35 Flexural Failure ..................................................................................36 Diagonal Shear Resistance and Dowel Action.....................................37 Sliding Shear Failure ..........................................................................40
2.5.2 Capacity Design...........................................................................................40
2.5.3 Consequences for Low Cost Housing...........................................................41
2.6 In-Plane Shear: Experimental Investigations ........................................................42
2.6.1 Bilinear Idealization.....................................................................................45
2.6.2 Energy Dissipation Capacity ........................................................................48
2.6.3 Strength and Stiffness Degradation ..............................................................49
2.7 Summary .............................................................................................................50

CHAPTER THREE: EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE ..............................................52

3.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................52
3.2 Wall Specimens and Material Properties ..............................................................52
3.2.1 Wall Specimens ...........................................................................................52
3.2.2 Material Testing...........................................................................................56 Masonry .............................................................................................56 Steel Reinforcing Tensile Strength......................................................58
vi Bamboo Reinforcing Tensile Strength ................................................59 Bamboo Modulus of Elasticity............................................................63 Bamboo Bond Strength.......................................................................64 Testing Arrangement for Tensile and Bond Strength of Bamboo ........69
3.3 Quasi-Static Testing.............................................................................................70
3.3.1 Testing Frame..............................................................................................70 Initial Testing Frame and Specimen Setup ..........................................70 Loading Procedure..............................................................................74 Initial Frame Modifications ................................................................75
3.3.2 Final Testing Frame.....................................................................................76

CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS, ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION ......................................79

4.1 Introduction .........................................................................................................79
4.2 Cyclic Testing Results .........................................................................................79
4.2.1 Wall QS.B.1 ................................................................................................79
4.2.2 Wall QS.B.2 ................................................................................................82
4.2.3 Wall QS.B.3 ................................................................................................83
4.2.4 Wall QS.S.1.................................................................................................85
4.2.5 Wall QS.B.5 ................................................................................................86
4.2.6 Wall QS.B.4 ................................................................................................88
4.2.7 Wall QS.B.6.L .............................................................................................89
4.3 Cyclic Testing Analysis and Discussion ...............................................................90
4.3.1 Fluctuating Vertical Load & Bottom of Wall Displacement .........................90
4.3.2 Wall Failure Modes .....................................................................................92
4.3.3 Bamboo Bond, Expansion and Cracking in Wall Specimens ........................93
4.3.4 Boundary Conditions ...................................................................................97
4.3.5 Hysteresis Envelopes ...................................................................................98
4.3.6 Bilinear Idealization and Ductility................................................................99
4.3.7 Hysteresis Dissipation Energy....................................................................103
4.3.8 Stiffness Degradation.................................................................................104
4.3.9 Bamboo Reinforced vs Unreinforced Masonry...........................................106
4.3.10 Regular vs Low Strength Block Comparison............................................107
4.3.11 Steel vs Bamboo Comparison ..................................................................109
4.4 Shear Equation Analysis ....................................................................................112
4.4.1 Diagonal Shear Models..............................................................................113 CSA S304.1-04 (2004) .....................................................................113 National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) (1997) .114 Voon & Ingham (2007).....................................................................115
4.4.2 Flexural Shear............................................................................................116
4.4.3 Sliding Shear .............................................................................................118
4.4.4 Comparison of Results to Shear Equations.................................................119


5.1 Conclusions .......................................................................................................125
5.2 Recommendations for Future Research ..............................................................128

BIBLIOGRAPHY .......................................................................................................132
APPENDIX A: ADDITIONAL PHOTOS..................................................................140
A.1 Initial Testing Frame.........................................................................................140
A.2 Final Testing Frame ..........................................................................................141
A.3 Wall QS.B.1......................................................................................................142
A.4 Wall QS.B.2......................................................................................................143
A.5 Wall QS.B.3......................................................................................................144
A.6 Wall QS.B.4......................................................................................................145
A.7 Wall QS.B.5......................................................................................................146
A.8 Wall QS.B.6.L ..................................................................................................147
A.9 Wall QS.S.1 ......................................................................................................148

APPENDIX B: ADDITIONAL GRAPHS..................................................................149

B.1 Additional Vertical Load Graph ........................................................................149
B.2 Hysteresis Envelope Graphs..............................................................................150
B.3 Hysteresis Energy Dissipation Tables................................................................154
B.4 Shear Equation Comparison Graphs ..................................................................161

APPENDIX C: SHEAR RESISTANCE CALCULATIONS........................................165

List of Tables

Table 1.1 - Urban Housing Needs in Developing Countries, estimates (2000-2020)

from (UNCHS 1999)................................................................................................3

Table 2.1 - Bamboo vs Other Construction Material Properties (Abang & Aband
1983) .....................................................................................................................18

Table 3.1 - Wall Specimen Summary.............................................................................55

Table 3.2 - Compressive Strengths of Masonry Prisms ..................................................56

Table 3.3 - Unit Compressive Strength ..........................................................................57

Table 3.4 - Grout Compressive Strength ........................................................................57

Table 3.5 - Reinforcing Steel Properties.........................................................................58

Table 3.6 - Bamboo Tensile Properties ..........................................................................61

Table 3.7 - Tested Modulus of Elasticity of Bamboo .....................................................64

Table 3.8 - Bamboo Bond Strength Properties ...............................................................68

Table 4.1 - Calculation Results for Bilinear Idealization and Ductility .........................100

Table 4.2 - Dissipated Hysteresis Energy for Push Cycles............................................103

Table 4.3 - Calculated Nominal Shear Resistances.......................................................120

Table 4.4 - Comparison of Nominal Shear Values to Experimental Results..................122

Table 4.5 - Shear Equation Comparison for Walls with Diagonal Tension Failure .......123

Table B.1 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.1 ........................................154

Table B.2 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.2 ........................................155

Table B.3 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.3 ........................................156

Table B.4 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.4 ........................................157

Table B.5 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.5 ........................................158

Table B.6 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.6.L.....................................159

Table B.7 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.S.1.........................................160

List of Figures

Figure 1.1 - Destruction of Sichuan Earthquake in Wenyuan (Miniwiki 2008).................4

Figure 1.2 - World Distributions of Moderate and High Seismic Hazard (De Sensi
2008) .......................................................................................................................5

Figure 2.1 - EMS Scale - Differentiation of Masonry Structures into Vulnerability

Classes (Tomazevic 1999) after (Anicic et al. 1990)...............................................11

Figure 2.2 - External Bamboo Reinforcement on Adobe Structures (Dowling et al.

2005) .....................................................................................................................14

Figure 2.3 - General Features of a Bamboo Culm (Subrahmanyam 1984) ......................18

Figure 2.4 - Stress Strain Characteristics of Bamboo in Axial Tension and

Compression (Subrahmanyam 1984), after (Youssef 1976)....................................20

Figure 2.5 - Behaviour of Untreated Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete: (a)

bamboo in fresh concrete, (b) bamboo during curing of concrete and (c) bamboo
after cured concrete (Ghavami 2005)......................................................................22

Figure 2.6 - Effectiveness of Waterproofing and Treatments (Subrahmanyam 1984) .....23

Figure 2.7 - Bamboo Pull Out Tests: a) Improved; b) Conventional (Ghavami 2005).....24

Figure 2.8 - Shear Transfer Devices for Bamboo (Subrahmanyam 1984) .......................25

Figure 2.9 - Comparison of the Deformation Behaviour of Beams with Steel and
Bamboo Reinforcements (Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Youssef 1976)...................27

Figure 2.10 - Deflection Behaviour of Beams Reinforced with Bamboo

(Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Cox & Geymayer 1969) ...........................................29

Figure 2.11 - Strength of Bamboo Reinforced Columns in Compression and Bending

(Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Cook et al. 1978)......................................................31

Figure 2.12 - Load-Moment Interaction for Bamboo Reinforced Columns

(Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Cook et al. 1978)......................................................32

Figure 2.13 - Deformation and Typical Structural Damage to a Simple Masonry

Building from Seismic Events (Tomazevic 1999)...................................................34

Figure 2.14 - Typical Failure of Masonry Walls Subjected to In-Plane Loading

(Hatzinikolas & Korany 2005) ...............................................................................36

Figure 2.15 - Equilibrium of Sectional Forces at Flexural Failure of a Masonry Wall
(Drysdale & Hamid 2005)......................................................................................37

Figure 2.16 - Mechanism of Action of Vertical and Horizontal Reinforcement of a

Masonry Wall Failing in Shear (Tomazevic 1999) after (Priestley & Bridgeman
1974) .....................................................................................................................38

Figure 2.17 - Dowel Mechanism of Vertical Reinforcement at Shear Failure of a

Reinforced Masonry Wall (Tomazevic 1999) after (Priestley and Bridgeman
1974) .....................................................................................................................39

Figure 2.18 - Typical Masonry Seismic Test Wall .........................................................42

Figure 2.19 - Typical Lateral Displacement Time Histories (Tomazevic and Lutman
1996) .....................................................................................................................43

Figure 2.20 - (a) Typical Lateral Displacements-Lateral Resistance Hysteresis Loops

(Tomazevic 1999); (b) Hysterisis Envelopes Using Different Displacement
Patterns (Tomazevic 1999) after (Tomazevic et al. 1996).......................................44

Figure 2.21 - Idealization of Experimental Resistance Envelope with Bilinear

Relationships from a) Ötes and Löring (2003); b) Tomazevic (1999) after
Tomazevic and Zarnic (1984, 1985).......................................................................46

Figure 2.22 - (a) Evaluation of Energy Input in One Loading Cycle, (b) Evaluation of
Dissipated Hysteretic Energy in One Loading Cycle (Tomazevic et al. 1996).........49

Figure 2.23 - Typical Stiffness Degradation of Reinforced Masonry Walls Depending

on Normalized Lateral Displacement (Tomazevic 1999) after (Tomazevic et al.
2004) .....................................................................................................................50

Figure 3.1 - Wall Specimen Grouting and Reinforcement Schedule ...............................53

Figure 3.2 - Construction of Wall Q.S.B.4 .....................................................................54

Figure 3.3 - Masonry Prism Compression Testing..........................................................57

Figure 3.4 - Bamboo Specimen Preparation for Tensile Testing.....................................59

Figure 3.5 - Splitting of Epoxy Filled Bamboo in Tensile Testing..................................60

Figure 3.6 - Split Bamboo Specimens for Tensile Testing..............................................60

Figure 3.7 - Bamboo Tensile Testing Apparatus ............................................................61

Figure 3.8 - Bamboo Tension Test Failure .....................................................................62

Figure 3.9 - Stress-Strain Diagram for Bamboo in Tension ............................................63

Figure 3.10 - Initial Bond Test Specimens and Apparatus ..............................................65

Figure 3.11 - Final Bond Test Specimens.......................................................................67

Figure 3.12 - Final Bond Test Apparatus and Tested Specimen......................................67

Figure 3.13 - Initial Testing Frame Schematic................................................................71

Figure 3.14 - Specimen Moving Frame..........................................................................72

Figure 3.15 - Location of the LSCs ................................................................................73

Figure 3.16 – Step-Displacement History.......................................................................74

Figure 3.17 - Quasi-Static Test Frame Bracing Additions ..............................................75

Figure 3.18 - Final Quasi-Static Testing Frame..............................................................76

Figure 3.19 - Wall Bracing Added to Final Testing Frame .............................................78

Figure 4.1 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.1..................................80

Figure 4.2 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.2..................................82

Figure 4.3 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.3..................................84

Figure 4.4 - Toe Crushing of QS.B.3 .............................................................................84

Figure 4.5 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.S.1 ..................................85

Figure 4.6 - Side View of Pre-Cracking on Wall QS.B.5................................................86

Figure 4.7 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.5..................................87

Figure 4.8 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.4..................................88

Figure 4.9 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.6.L ..............................89

Figure 4.10 - Vertical Load Fluctuation for Cyclic Test Walls .......................................91

Figure 4.11 - Additional Wall Deflection Due to Rotation .............................................91

Figure 4.12 - Typical Bamboo Bond in Wall Specimens................................................94

Figure 4.13 -Typical Cracking and De-bonding at Horizontal Bamboo Reinforcement ..95

Figure 4.14 - Hysteresis Envelopes Test Walls ..............................................................99

Figure 4.15 - Typical Bilinearization of Experimental Envelope (Wall QS.B.1)...........100

Figure 4.16 - Idealized Experimental Envelopes ..........................................................101

Figure 4.17 - Stiffness Degradation of Experimental Walls with Normalized Lateral

Displacement .......................................................................................................104

Figure 4.18 - Curves fit to Stiffness Degradation of Experimental Walls with

Normalized Lateral Displacement ........................................................................105

Figure 4.19 - Hysteresis Loops from Experimental Unreinforced Wall (Sadek &
Lissel 2008) .........................................................................................................107

Figure 4.20 - Hysteresis Comparison for Low Strength Block......................................108

Figure 4.21 - Wall QS.B.2 and QS.S.1 Comparison .....................................................110

Figure 4.22 - Vertical Load Comparison for QS.B.2 & QS.S.1 ....................................110

Figure 4.23 - Compression Strut Anchored By Bearing Plate and Strut (CSA 2004c)...117

Figure 4.24 - Typical Graphical Comparison of Experimental to Theoretical Shear

Values (Wall QS.B.6.L).......................................................................................121

Figure B.1 - Vertical Load Fluctuation for Walls QS.B.1, QS.B.2, QS.B.4 &

Figure B.2 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.2.................................................................150

Figure B.3 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.3.................................................................151

Figure B.4 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.4.................................................................151

Figure B.5 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.5.................................................................152

Figure B.6 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.6.L .............................................................152

Figure B.7 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.S.1.................................................................153

Figure B.8 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.1 .....................................161

Figure B.9 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.2 .....................................162

Figure B.10 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.3 ...................................162

Figure B.11 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.4 ...................................163

Figure B.12 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.5 ...................................163

Figure B.13 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.S.1....................................164

List of Symbols and Abbreviations

Acs area of the compression strut (mm2)

Aenv area under experimental cyclic testing envelope (N·mm)

Ah cross-sectional area of horizontal shear reinforcement (mm2)

Ahys area bound by two consecutive peaks of a hysteresis loop (N·mm)

An net cross-sectional area of wall (mm2)

Av cross-sectional area of vertical shear reinforcement (mm2)

bw overall web width of masonry unit (mm)

Ca , Cb shear strength coefficients

d` distance between wall edge and outermost wall vertical reinforcing steel


d top of wall displacement (mm)

da depth of compression strut (mm)

dcr wall displacement at initial cracking or cracking at 0.7Hmax (mm)

de wall displacement at idealized elastic limit (mm)

Deff effective depth of wall section (mm)

dHmax wall displacement at maximum horizontal load (mm)

dmax maximum wall displacement (mm)

drv diameter of vertical reinforcing bar (mm)

du ultimate idealized wall displacement (mm)

dv effective depth of wall section (mm)

E modulus of elasticity (MPa)

Einp hysteresis input energy (N·mm)

Ediss hysteresis dissipation energy (N·mm)

F applied pulling load (N)

Fa acceleration based site coefficient

fb bamboo ultimate tensile strength (MPa)

fcu crushing or effective strength of concrete (MPa)

fbl masonry unit compressive strength (MPa)

fg grout compressive strength (MPa)

fm compression strength of embedding mortar / grout (MPa)

f’m compressive strength of masonry normal to the bed joint (MPa)

fv yield strength of shear reinforcement (MPa)

fu ultimate strength of steel reinforcement (MPa)

fy yield strength of steel reinforcement (MPa)

fyh yield strength of horizontal reinforcement (MPa)

fyv yield strength of vertical reinforcement (MPa)

H applied horizontal load (N)

Hcr horizontal load at initial cracking or 0.7Hmax (N)

Hd,rv force carried by vertical dowels (N)

Hmax maximum horizontal load (N)

Hu ultimate idealized horizontal load (N)

IE earthquake importance factor

k ductility reduction factor

K actual wall stiffness (N/mm)

Ke effective wall stiffness (N/mm)

L length of bond test specimen; wall length (mm)

Ldh development length of shear reinforcement (mm)

lb bearing length (mm)

LSC Linear Strain Converter

M moment applied to wall (N·mm)

M/VL aspect ratio

Mw moment magnitude of earthquake

N* factored axial compression load (N)

Pcs resisting force of compression strut (N)

P2 sliding shear resistance term (N)

Pd axial compression load on section (N)

s spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement (mm)

Sa 5% damped spectral response acceleration, expressed as a ratio to

gravitational acceleration for a specific period, T

sh spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement (mm)

SHI seismic hazard index

T specific period (s)

tw wall thickness (mm)

V shear applied to wall (N)

Einp hysteresis input energy for one cycle (N·mm)

vm shear strength of masonry (MPa)

Vn nominal shear resistance (N)

g factor to account for partially grouted walls

 angle between compression strut and horizontal axis of wall

a actual displacement of wall (mm)

r displacement of wall due to rotation (mm)

1 tensile strain in compression strut

μ coefficient of friction

μu ultimate ductility factor

v ratio of vertical reinforcing steel

t axial stress (MPa)

 bonding shear stress (MPa)

c material resistance factor for concrete

m material resistance factor for masonry

s material resistance factor for steel


Chapter One: Introduction

1.1 Low Cost Housing Synopsis

In developing regions, affordable, safe housing is not readily available. The process of

urbanization traditionally goes hand in hand with economic advancement, as well as

social progress, including the improvement of education, literacy, and health. However,

with the rise of rapid urbanization in developing regions, a handful of problems, such as

the development of high-density ‘slum’ areas inevitably occur. Housing in these areas

not only suffers from unsanitary conditions leading to the proliferation of disease, but is

also generally unsafe in terms of providing shelter from storms and seismic events.

Governments and individual municipalities in these regions are faced with a huge task to

find a balance between economics and safety for future housing projects.

1.2 Population and Housing Trends

It is predicted that, by the year 2020, almost three quarters of the world’s population

living in urban areas will be living in developing countries. This is a huge increase from

the estimated 50% in 1980 (United Nations 1996b). This leads to extraordinary stress on

the complete infrastructure of the urban areas in these countries. It is estimated that

during the 2020s, a total of 77 million people will be added to the urban areas of the

world, with the bulk (about 74 million people) being added in developing countries

(UNCHS 1999).

In 1996, the United Nations published a report in which the estimation from 1990 was


“...some 600 million urban residents in developing

countries live in ‘life-and-health threatening homes’ and
neighbourhoods because of the very poor housing and
living conditions and the lack of adequate provision for
safe, sufficient water supplies and provision for sanitation,
drainage and the removal of garbage and health care.”
(UNCHS 1996a)

Not only is there the need for safe, affordable, reliable housing for the influx of urban

migrants in developing countries, but also the need to provide safe living conditions for

the population that is already inhabiting the urban areas. It was estimated that as of 1993,

only 73% of all housing structures in developing regions were permanent structures, and

only 63% of all those structures were in compliance with their respective building

regulations (UNCHS 1998). Housing problems in developing regions have also been

exacerbated by choices made that were lacking in the use of the abundant unskilled

labour, the poor development of housing technology, as well as the adoption of

inappropriate housing policies and construction standards (Moavenzadeh 1979). Urban

growth in developing regions is expected to place extraordinary strain on existing

infrastructure, and more will be needed with the expected population explosion. As can

be seen from Table 1.1, estimates on the need for housing in these regions are in the order

of 35 million units annually from the year 2000 to 2010, and 39 million units annually

between the years 2010 to 2020.


Table 1.1 - Urban Housing Needs in Developing Countries, estimates (2000-2020)

from (UNCHS 1999)
Estimates Poverty
Low High
Population inadequately housed, millions (2000) 835 950
Households inadequately housed, millions (2000) 196 233
Households inadequately housed, per cent (2000) 43 49
Average annual housing requirement (millions of units) to:
-replace current inadequate stock by 2020 10 11
-replace further deteriorating stock 4 3
-meet demand of additional households (2000-2010) 21 21
-meet demand of additional households (2010-2020) 25 25
Total average annual housing need, millions of units (2000-2010) 35 35
Total average annual housing need, millions of units (2010-2020) 39 39

In 1999, it was estimated that out of the population in developing countries,

approximately 500 – 800 million people are living in so called ‘income-poverty’ urban

areas (UNCHS 1999). This term refers to the income of an individual as less than

US$1.00 per day. With poverty constantly increasing in urban areas, the challenge of

providing safe, reliable housing becomes even more difficult. The economic price to pay

for these developing regions is staggering. The housing that must be provided must be

as affordable as possible, so that the population in the so-called income-poverty zone can

actually make safe housing a viable solution.


1.3 World Seismic Risk and Implications

On the twelfth of May, 2008, a 7.9 Mw magnitude earthquake struck the Chinese

province of Sichuan. The official death toll of this tragic event is upwards of 67,000

people, with over 20,000 people missing. Since the earthquake occurred, a total of over

five million people were left homeless (BBC News 2008a). From two aftershocks, more

than 420,000 homes were destroyed. Shown in Figure 1.1 is a photograph of some of the

damage done by this earthquake in the town of Wenyaun, located near the epicentre of

the earthquake. Casualties and destruction is unfortunately not an uncommon trend, with

earthquakes in Java, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, Algeria, Turkey and Afghanistan being

some of the most deadly and destructive over the last ten years (BBC News 2008b).

Figure 1.1 - Destruction of Sichuan Earthquake in Wenyuan (Miniwiki 2008)

Data from Table 1.1 indicates that not only a large proportion of existing housing in

developing countries is unsafe, with many of these houses not even meeting building

codes, but also that a staggering proportion of new housing still needs to be constructed.

This need for housing goes beyond basic structures that keep out the elements, but

buildings that are able to withstand higher loads and deflections that are present in

seismic areas. In Figure 1.2, the distribution of seismic hazard around the world is

shown. A large portion of these hazards is present in developing countries, where much

of the population simply cannot afford the high cost of using conventional materials to

provide a seismic resistant building. In developing countries, it is purported that

approximately 50% of the population live in earthen buildings, such as common adobe

masonry, which as a stand-alone building material is very vulnerable to seismic events

(Blondet et al. 2003).

Figure 1.2 - World Distributions of Moderate and High Seismic Hazard (De Sensi

Not only are conventional materials like steel and cement already expensive for these

countries, but the costs are likely to continue to rise. In 2008, the cost of raw steel in

Canada doubled from $60 to $120 per tonne, over a short period of only four months

(Banks 2008). However, part of this increase is due to consolidation within the Canadian

steel industry, and the closing of old and inefficient facilities, rather than material

availability. In China, it was the government’s mandate to provide clean air to athletes

for the 2008 Summer Olympics. Part of the solution for this situation was the closure of

steel manufacturing in the Olympic event areas, effectively shutting down their steel

supplies to the rest of the world. Price adjustments for steel from several manufacturers

have ranged from an increase of 8% all the way up to 20%, and while many industry

consultants feel the price will come back down once steel production is back online, they

agree that this won’t occur until 2009 (Mitchell 2008).

In conventional construction, reinforcing steel plays a significant role in creating

earthquake and storm-proof housing. However, even at the low point of the fluctuating

cost of steel, its use can be unaffordable in developing nations. Therefore, research of

other effective, low cost materials becomes extremely important to provide safe housing.

This thesis focuses on the use of bamboo as a replacement for steel reinforcing in

masonry structures. It should be recognized that this is only a possible solution where

bamboo is a native material and that there may be many other solutions. Each region will

have its own unique culture and resources, both of which will influence the materials and

manner in which safe housing could be constructed. The housing must not only be safe,

but it must use technologies, aesthetics, and construction techniques that are embraced by

the local population, utilizing their own unique labour force.

1.4 Thesis Content and Organization

This thesis specifically deals with the topic of shear walls using bamboo reinforcement as

an alternative to steel reinforcement. A test program was set up in which seven concrete

block masonry walls were tested for in-plane shear strength, using cyclic loading to

represent earthquake loading. One control wall was built using steel reinforcement with

the minimum reinforcement required by the CSA Design of Masonry Structures in a

seismic zone. The remaining six walls were internally reinforced using the bamboo

species arundinaria amabilis, or more commonly known as Tonkin cane bamboo, a

native species of China known for its use in fly fishing rods.

This thesis is organized into five chapters. Chapter Two presents relevant work found in

the literature, providing a solid background to the research that was undertaken. The

review starts with previous low cost housing research, followed by a comprehensive

discussion of the engineering properties of bamboo, as well as previous research on its

use as reinforcement in cement matrices and other construction projects. The chapter

then focuses on the use of masonry as a structural material in seismic areas, followed by a

review of shear walls and their role in resisting seismic loading. The chapter concludes

with a look at previous seismic research done on masonry.


Chapter Three is focused on describing the experimental procedures that were used in the

laboratory testing. The chapter not only discusses the methodology for the cyclic testing

of the seven masonry walls, but the procedure and results for the individual material

properties of the masonry, steel and bamboo used in the walls. The results from the

cyclic testing are given in Chapter Four, along with an analysis and discussion. Finally,

Chapter Five gives conclusions and recommendations based on the results.


Chapter Two: Literature Review

2.1 Introduction

With the tremendous need for housing in developing countries, there have been many

previous development projects and research projects implemented. There are four main

concerns when implementing a low cost housing program: the political, economic, social

and technological aspects of the construction. All of these issues can affect the future of

low cost housing programs, and therefore technologies and planning need to be dynamic

as these aspects are not only different from nation to nation, but can change quickly in a

single nation.

Masonry is one of the most common materials for use in housing around the world.

Unfortunately, much of the masonry constructed for housing in developing nations is in

the form of unreinforced masonry which is known to be vulnerable in seismic events.

Therefore, much research regarding the topic of masonry in seismic zones has been and

will continue to be carried out, as the world is constantly facing disasters such as the

Sichuan earthquake of 2008. This chapter attempts to provide an overview of research

related to safe, low cost housing, including the need for reinforcement in masonry in

seismic areas. The use of bamboo as a potential steel reinforcement replacement is also

discussed. Finally, the importance of shear walls in seismic resistant structures is

discussed, followed by in-plane shear test methods and their analysis, which can be

applied to the research undertaken in this thesis.


2.2 Unreinforced Masonry

Masonry is one of the most common building materials, and is used throughout the

world. Although constructing masonry is labour intensive, the materials are relatively

inexpensive, as they are widely available. It is used extensively in developing nations

since it can be constructed by nearly anyone. In low cost housing applications, however,

the high cost of steel reinforcement results in it being left out in the construction. It has

long been reported and accepted in literature that the use of unreinforced masonry (URM)

in seismic areas is not recommended, as it is one of the most vulnerable types of

construction in seismic areas (Bruneau 1994). With the absence of reinforcement, these

types of structures tend to exhibit a brittle, or non-ductile behaviour, and therefore are

often unable to accommodate large inelastic deformations. This can lead to sudden,

catastrophic failure if seismic loads were not taken into account.

Different types of masonry, however, have better resistance to seismic events than others,

as shown in Figure 2.1. This figure illustrates the relatively new European Macroseismic

Scale (EMS), which has been suggested as a harmonization of seismic intensity scales.

As shown in this diagram, masonry such as rubble stone and adobe are some of the most

vulnerable types of URM masonry, while massive stone masonry has some of the best


Figure 2.1 - EMS Scale - Differentiation of Masonry Structures into Vulnerability

Classes (Tomazevic 1999) after (Anicic et al. 1990)

Due to the poor performance of URM in seismic areas in the past, modern day design

standards all contain provisions for minimum reinforcement in seismic areas. Sections

4.6 and 10.15.2 of CSA S304.1- 04 Design of Masonry Structures provide requirements

for minimum reinforcement to be used in masonry walls in seismic areas (CSA 2004b).

In Canada, the determination of whether reinforcement is required is made based on the

seismic hazard index, (SHI) which is defined by the National Building Code of Canada as

(NRCC 2005):

I E  Fa  S a = SHI (2.1)

In this equation, IE is the earthquake importance factor of the structure, Fa is the

acceleration based site coefficient, and finally Sa is the 5% damped spectral response

acceleration, expressed as a ratio to gravitational acceleration for a specified period, T.


Even though most of Canada is at low risk for seismic activity, only when the product of

these three values is less than 0.35 can the requirement for minimum reinforcement be


Many of the developing nations around the world are in areas prone to seismic action,

and because of this, unreinforced masonry alone is not a solution towards safe, low-cost,

housing. As mentioned previously, the use of conventional reinforcement may be

economically out of reach for these nations, and therefore it seems prudent to research a

variety of replacement materials in order to find a balance between the safest, and most

economical solutions for safe, low-cost housing.

2.3 Previous Low Cost Housing Research

As early as the late 1970s, it was recognized that “The social cost of urbanization ha[s]

been grossly underestimated in the past, particularly when viewed in terms of changing

social values.” (Luytjes 1979) Even at that time, both economists and sociologists

questioned the viability of newer, large-scale housing constructions using new

technologies. The key to any housing project is the choice of a set of appropriate

technologies for the specific region. For example, while the structural soundness of

reinforced concrete is widely accepted, producing and using these conventional materials

requires skilled labour, along with educated supervision, and the cost of producing or

transporting them to a developing area is often prohibitive. Most developing regions

have an abundance of labour, however, the labour force tends to be unskilled.

Appropriate technologies are therefore a product of the region that they are used in. In

the case of developing regions, it has been recognized that “it is intuitively obvious that

housing production should evolve into a labour intensive industry with products which

meet the effective demand for housing, using indigenous building materials.”

(Moavenzadeh 1979) Technologies for producing building materials in this case should

have high labour intensity with limited specialized machinery, be locally manufactured

and have a minimum of engineering input, once past the initial research phase. While

this is not always possible, this has to be the ultimate goal of all low cost housing projects

and research. Schumacher (1973) also identified the need for simple, yet effective

technology for use in local and small-scale production settings. Taking advantage of the

abundance of local labour and resources can also stimulate the local economy.

Different structural materials that are fraction of the cost of conventional materials have

been explored in past research. For example, different materials have been investigated

as cement replacement for mortar, including rice husk, rice ash, lime, gypsum fly ash,

and furnace slag (Ali 1979, Kumar 2002, Cook et al. 1977, Savastano et al. 2003).

Earthen block is used widely in the world, but can suffer from low durability, shrinkage

and low strength. It has been proposed to stabilize earthen block with cement to increase

the strength, (Ali 1979, Williams 1979) or use fibres such as barley straw to reinforce

earthen masonry and reduce shrinkage (Bouhicha et al. 2005).

As previously discussed, unreinforced masonry alone should not be relied upon to

provide satisfactory resistance to seismic events, and some form of strengthening, such as

internal reinforcement, is usually required. Confinement of masonry has also been shown

to increase seismic resistance (Blondet 2005, Brzev 2007). This is the case for masonry

infilled concrete frames where a traditional steel reinforced concrete frame structure is

strengthened by the infill unreinforced masonry walls, and vice versa.

With regard to internal reinforcement, investigations have been carried out using sugar

cane as internal reinforcement in adobe, which proved to be adequate for seismic

protection (Blondet and Villa Garcia 2004) and a guide was created to aid the populace in

constructing an earthquake resistant homes (Blondet et al. 2003). Other work showed that

bamboo as internal vertical reinforcement in adobe structures was not as desirable as

having it externally attached to the structure, as shown in Figure 2.2. (Dowling et al.


Figure 2.2 - External Bamboo Reinforcement on Adobe Structures (Dowling et al.


Results showed significant cracking early on in the seismic simulation that specimens

without internal bamboo reinforcement did not exhibit. It was thought that the flexible

bamboo compared to the stiff adobe caused a discontinuity in the structure, leading to

these cracks. In contrast, the externally mounted bamboo reinforcement, along with a

timber ring beam at the top of the specimens performed well under these testing


As can be seen, there are many different types of technologies and materials that have

been employed for use in low cost housing projects. Bamboo is but one of the materials

that can be used in place of steel reinforcement, yet it holds great potential, and therefore

is given more in depth consideration here.

2.3.1 Applications of Bamboo in Housing

To date, there are approximately 1000 known species of bamboo around the world.

Antarctica, most of Australia, Canada, Europe, North Africa & Western Asia are the only

places in the world where bamboo is not natively found. Bamboo is a plant that is

already extensively used as a food source, garden plant and building material, including

scaffolding in many parts of Asia.

Some examples where bamboo has been used in housing construction include the use of

Guadua bamboo as a roofing material in Columbia, (Hadjri 2005) and plastered bamboo

used in Indonesia as housing walls, providing durability close to that of brick

(Sumintardja 1983). Other research has focused on bamboo-mortar composite wall

panels, (Kalita et al. 1978) and building trusses have been constructed and tested, as a

replacement for timber (Abang and Aband 1983). Bamboo has also been the subject of

research dealing with soil stabilization (Datye et al. 1978, Aziz and Ramaswamy 1981,

Mehra et al. 1951). A huge cost savings compared to traditional materials is possible.

One study dealing with bamboo based ferrocement roofing elements found a savings of

30 to 50 percent compared to the use of steel and concrete (Venkateshwarlu & Raj 1989).

2.4 Bamboo as Reinforcement in Cement Matrices

Research on the use of bamboo in masonry applications is rather limited relative to its use

in concrete. However, the interaction between bamboo and grout should be similar to the

interaction that it has with concrete since the main difference is only the aggregate size.

With smaller aggregate, the bond strength could even be improved in grout compared to


One of the first major studies on the use of bamboo in a cement matrix came as early as

1914 (Chu 1914). With the short supply of steel during World War II, bamboo as well as

many other materials were researched for their construction potential. In this wartime

period, “…every available material was being investigated for its possible uses as a

substitute for steel.” (Glenn 1950)

Clemson Agricultural College of South Carolina produced some of the first major

research in the United States that looked at the viability of bamboo reinforcement in

Portland Cement Concrete, contracted by the United States War Production Board. The

study had five main objectives and purposes:


(a) “To establish reliable design principles for load carrying members
constructed of bamboo reinforced concrete.
(b) To establish and recommend approved construction procedures.
(c) To establish the practicability of using bamboo as reinforcement in
(d) To compare the cost of construction of structures of bamboo
reinforced concrete with those of standard construction,
(e) To establish the physical properties of bamboo.”
(Glenn 1950)

This 171 page bulletin became a foundation on which much of the future bamboo

research was based, with many other documents summarizing the research completed

(Anon 1951).

2.4.1 Bamboo Physical Properties

Bamboo is a wood-like plant that is part of the grass family, consisting of a cylindrical

hollow shoot, or culm. This culm is covered with a waxy surface, which prevents

moisture from escaping. At intervals, the culm has raised ridges called nodes, from

which branches will offshoot. The plant grows up from a throng of underground stems

and roots, called ‘rhizomes’. Some species can grow to a height of up to 30.5 meters,

with a diameter as great as 305 mm. An interesting property of bamboo is that the

diameter of the shoot that grows out of the ground is the greatest diameter it will ever

grow to. As one of the world’s true “rapid” renewable resources, bamboo can have an

extremely high growth rate, with some species growing up to 600 mm per day.

Unfortunately, despite this high speed of growth, it still takes four to five years for the

bast fibres, or so called “wood” fibres to mature (Glenn 1950). The general physical

features of bamboo are shown in Figure 2.3.


Figure 2.3 - General Features of a Bamboo Culm (Subrahmanyam 1984)

Much of the research on the use of bamboo has been to use it as a replacement for

conventional materials, such as steel and timber. Abang & Aband (1983) summarized

some of the properties of bamboo compared to other conventional materials as shown in

Table 2.1. Bamboo, much like timber, has a high variation in its physical properties from

species to species. Different species, along with different seasoning lengths can

drastically affect the tensile properties of the material (Abang & Aband 1983, Glenn

1950, Subrahmanyam 1984, Lo et al. 2007).

Table 2.1 - Bamboo vs Other Construction Material Properties (Abang & Aband
Material Specific Ultimate Tensile Ultimate t/c Modulus of
Gravity Strength, t Compressive Elasticity, E
(N/mm2) Strength, c (N/mm2) (kN/mm2)
Mild 7.8 480 - 1.0 210
Concrete 2.4 - 25 - 55 0.1 10 – 17
Timber 0.4 – 0.8 20 - 110 50 – 100 1.1 8 – 13
Bamboo 0.8 – 1.4 180 - 440 38 - 65 4.8 – 7.1 7 - 20

In tensile testing of bamboo, two methods are usually used: 1) straight tensile test with

the bamboo placed directly into grips, and 2) casting concrete on the ends of the

specimens and applying grips to the concrete, so as not to crush the specimen in the grips.

The strength of any species of bamboo is said to increase drastically when it is seasoned

or brought to the atmospheric moisture content, compared to when it is green. It was

found that green bamboo possessed only 60% of the tensile, and between 30-35% of the

compressive strength compared to seasoned bamboo, which has a much lower moisture

content (Youssef 1976). Kankam adds to this in a later paper stating that “it is generally

agreed that bamboo obtains its greatest strength at an age of about 3 years, that the node

is weaker in tension than the internode and that seasoned bamboo has a higher tensile

strength than unseasoned bamboo.” (Kankam et al. 1986a) This research showed an

even greater variability in the tensile strength of bamboo compared with Table 2.1, being

between 63 - 392 MPa, with the modulus of elasticity being as high as 30 kN/mm2.

In addition to research involving only the tensile properties of various bamboo species, a

small number of studies have also investigated the compressive and bending stresses of

bamboo. Shui (1990) tested three different species of bamboo, gigantochloa levis,

gendrocalamus asper and gambusa blumeana, finding tensile strengths for the specimens

between 242 - 269.2 MPa, with a modulus of elasticity of between 12.3 – 15.3 kN/mm2.

In compressive tests, the strengths of the three species ranged between 45.5 – 58.1 MPa.

Ghavami (1995) conducted similar research extending the testing to 7 different

specimens of bamboo. Tensile strength ranged from 48.0 – 170.6 MPa, while

compressive strengths of the species ranged from 20.3 – 27.8 MPa. The flexural

strengths were found to be from 41.8 – 141.3 MPa. A typical stress strain diagram for

both tension and compression is shown in Figure 2.4. Research has also shown that

bamboo has a low shear strength, being only about eight percent of its compressive

strength (Abang & Aband 1983). This is relatively weak compared with other structural

materials, as structural timber can have a shear strength of 20 – 30 % of its compressive


Figure 2.4 - Stress Strain Characteristics of Bamboo in Axial Tension and

Compression (Subrahmanyam 1984), after (Youssef 1976)

Creep and fatigue of bamboo have not been well researched. It has been purported that

bamboo acts much like wood in a time dependant manner. In the long-term, wood can

only carry about 60% of its short-term strength, therefore due to the limited research it is

recommended for design purposes that only 50% of the strength of bamboo be taken

(Subrahmanyam 1984). Cox and Geymayer (1969) reported a creep coefficient (ratio of

creep strain to elastic strain) of 0.4 for the two stress levels that they considered, 27.6 and

56.9 MPa. They also concluded that changes in temperature and humidity would induce

expansion or shrinkage strains in the bamboo. As of yet, no research on cyclic or fatigue

loading, or the creep of specimens in compression or bending has been carried out.

2.4.2 Bond Between Bamboo and Concrete

As shown in the previous section, the tensile strength of bamboo can be as high as

392 MPa, equivalent to the strength of some types of steel. With such relatively high

strength, the bond to the cement matrix becomes increasingly important so that the tensile

capacity of the bar can be fully developed.

Like timber, the engineering properties of bamboo are highly sensitive to different

moisture contents, absorbing or releasing moisture depending on its environment.

Research has shown that bamboo may absorb up to 100% of its dry weight in water,

(Subrahmanyam 1984), with other sources reporting extreme values of up to 300%

(Mehra et al. 1951). The moisture absorption tends to be quite high initially, which

causes the material to swell until it reaches its fibre saturation point. The horizontal

expansion ranges from 2 – 5 %, and the longitudinal expansion is around 0.05%. After

this point, there is almost a negligible change in volume (Subrahmanyam 1984).

When bamboo is placed in fresh concrete, the bamboo in its wet environment will absorb

water, and start to swell. The strength of the concrete over the first few days of curing is

not strong enough to prevent the bamboo from swelling, hence, the expanding material

will crack the concrete. Once the available water in the cement matrix is used up, the

bamboo will again adjust its moisture content to the drier environment, shrinking in

volume during the process. This leaves a void in the cement matrix larger than the

volume of bamboo that is present, leaving very little physical bonding of the bamboo to

the concrete. This concept is illustrated in Figure 2.5

Figure 2.5 - Behaviour of Untreated Bamboo as Reinforcement in Concrete: (a)

bamboo in fresh concrete, (b) bamboo during curing of concrete and (c) bamboo
after cured concrete (Ghavami 2005)

The use of seasoned culms as opposed to green culms will reduce the severity of cracking

and shrinkage, while the use of pre-soaked culms will negate any cracking, but will have

a loss of bond when the bamboo dries in the cement matrix (Subrahmanyam 1984). In

order to completely prevent cracking and shrinking, bamboo needs to be coated or

saturated with a waterproof material. Materials that have been used in the past include

asphalt emulsion (Glenn 1950), bitumen coatings (Kankam & Perry 1989, Narayana et al.

1962) Negrolin and metallic wire (Ghavami 1995, 2005), sulphur (Fang & Fey 1978),

anti-termite protective coating (Kumar & Prassad 2005) and varnish (Youssef 1976)

among others. Each material has produced varying results, with treatments such as

Negrolin only allowing 4% absorption after 96 hours (Ghavami 1995). Cost of

waterproofing materials can be a concern, with Ghavami (2005) stating that while the

treatment of bamboo with epoxy and fine sand was effective, it was an expensive

treatment. He suggested that cheaper treatments such as asphalt paints, tar based paints,

and bituminous materials would meet the requirements for making bamboo impermeable.

Subrahaman (1984) summarized studies by Youssef (1976) and Narayana & Rehman

(1962) on the effectiveness of different waterproof treatments as shown in Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 - Effectiveness of Waterproofing and Treatments (Subrahmanyam 1984)

With the variation of different waterproofing agents as well as different node placements

in the cement matrix, bond test results from previous research have had a high degree of

variance. Kankam & Perry (1989) tested 42 samples ranging from samples with only a

roughened untreated surface, to specimens coated with bitumen and dusted with sand.

Tested bond stress ranged from as low as 0.33 N/mm2 for untreated samples to as high as

2.6 N/mm2 for samples treated with bitumen and dusted with sand. The low bond strength

for untreated bamboo has been confirmed by others, with Subrahmanyam (1984) calling

it “unreliable” with stresses ranging from 0.29 N/mm2 to 1.18 N/mm2. Using an anti-

termite coating and then protective coating ‘Top Coat’, the bond strength of bamboo was

found to be somewhat low, with a range of 0.42 to 0.81 N/mm2 (Kumar & Prassad 2005).

Ghavami (2005), however, argues that the pull-out stress from these type of tests give a

non-uniform shear stress, and made an improvement on the pull out test to give an evenly

distributed shear stress. This concept is shown below in Figure 2.7.

Figure 2.7 - Bamboo Pull Out Tests: a) Improved; b) Conventional (Ghavami 2005)

With this method, bond strengths were found to range from 0.52 to 0.97 N/mm2

(Ghavami 1995). The bonding shear stress was calculated from the following equation:

= (2.2)

In this equation,  is the bonding shear stress, F is the applied pulling load, S is the

perimeter of the bamboo, and L is the length of the bonded specimen.

Since bamboo does have a relatively low bond strength, research has also been conducted

on shear transfer mechanisms. Work has been done on simple integral connectors, in

which notches are cut in intervals along the length of the bamboo, as well as the use of

trapezoidal steel sheets, embedded into saw cuts along the bamboo (Narayana & Rehman

1962). While the steel did not perform well, the integral connectors obtained an

impressive maximum shear of 6.4 N/mm2. The drawback with this method was that a

large amount of labour was needed to cut all the notches, and the effective area of

bamboo that would be used as reinforcement decreased significantly. Bulb and wedge

type shear connectors have also been proposed for concretes with a low modulus of

elasticity (Datye et al. 1978, Datye 1976). The research showed that up to half the tensile

strength of bamboo can be taken up by the bulb type connectors. In Figure 2.8,

Subrahmanyam summarises the different types of shear connectors that have been used.

Figure 2.8 - Shear Transfer Devices for Bamboo (Subrahmanyam 1984)


Limited testing on the bond between bamboo and mortar has been carried out. One study

reported a maximum bond stress of just over 1 MPa for a sample embedded in mortared

brick (Iyer 2002). Samples that were embedded in mortar alone produced a bond strength

of just over 0.8 MPa. Unfortunately, the samples with mortar alone were cured for only

36 hours, and samples with brick were only cured for 7 days. This combined with a lack

of information about the preparation of the bamboo leads to somewhat unreliable data.

2.4.3 Bamboo Reinforced Concrete Testing

While most of the engineering properties of bamboo combined with its low cost and rapid

renewability seem very attractive, there are some drawbacks that are likely to prevent its

use as a complete replacement for steel reinforcement. The incompatibility of materials

reported by different sources, (Glenn 1950, Kurian & Kalam 1977) limits the use of

bamboo. As discussed above, swelling of the bamboo can lead to a cracked cement

matrix, as well as loss of bond. Since the modulus of elasticity of bamboo is almost the

same as that of concrete, from a theoretical point of view bamboo could never prevent or

reduce initial cracking in flexure. This has been confirmed in many flexural testing

programmes (Glenn 1950, Ghavami 1995, Kankam et al. 1986b). The load deflection

curve of a bamboo reinforced concrete beam is similar to a steel reinforced concrete

beam after the steel has entered the plastic phase. A general view of the difference in

load-deflection curves is shown below in Figure 2.9, where the more heavily reinforced

bamboo section has a much greater deflection for the applied load. These factors may

limit the use of bamboo as reinforcing in high capacity structures, yet the advantages

bamboo provides over unreinforced members in addition to the low cost makes it a highly

desirable material for use in low cost housing applications. Aziz & Ramaswamy (1981)

stated that “bamboo technology for appropriate applications in various low cost

construction works can definitely lead to the full utilization of bamboo resources of many

developing countries.”

Figure 2.9 - Comparison of the Deformation Behaviour of Beams with Steel and
Bamboo Reinforcements (Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Youssef 1976)

Much of the research reported in literature has focussed on comparing bamboo reinforced

specimens with unreinforced specimens. Glenn (1950) completed extensive studies on a

total of 32 rectangular and T-beams. The bamboo reinforcing used in the beams included

green, seasoned and specimens coated with an asphalt-emulsion waterproofing agent to

study the effect of different treatments on beam behaviour. The percentage of bamboo

reinforcing for all test beams was between 1.5 – 6%. Results showed that the addition of

bamboo reinforcing added up to four to five times the ultimate capacity of the sections

compared to an unreinforced section. These tests also showed an optimum reinforcement

percentage of three to four percent. As the reinforcement percentage grew, the ultimate

strength would increase, until the optimum percentage was reached. After this, no

increase in ultimate capacity was measured.

Ghavami (1995, 2005) also found results similar to those of Glenn. Using bamboo

reinforcement coated with Negrolin and wire, flexural specimens were shown to have an

increase of four hundred percent in relation to an unreinforced specimen. The research

also agreed that the optimal reinforcement level, was about three percent. In contrast to

Glenn and Ghavami’s results, Kumar & Prassad (2005), as well as Akejua & Faladea

(2001), found much lower values of improvement in bamboo reinforced members versus

unreinforced members. Capacities of only 2.4 and 1.34 times the values of unreinforced

specimens were found respectively. Kumar & Prassad used an anti-termite coating and a

protective coating (TOP COAT), while Akejua & Faladea used plain seasoned bamboo,

compared to the bitumen and Negrolin-wire used in the other test programmes.

These differences in flexural strength found in literature can be traced to the high

variability of bamboo treatment for use in cement matrices. Glenn (1950) found in his T-

beams that with the optimum reinforcement ratio, the bamboo reinforcement was capable

of carrying a tensile stress of up to 55 - 69 MPa, which was much less than the tested

tensile strength of the bamboo used. The bond seemed to be the limiting factor in

developing the tensile strength of the bamboo. The differences in bond not only limit the

tension that develops in the bamboo, but also the overall structural response. Figure 2.10

shows work done by Cox and Geymayer (1969), in which the load responses of different

bamboo reinforced beams are shown. While Beam A has a lower percentage of

reinforcement compared to the other two beams, the epoxy sand coating gives a better

bond, and provides a stiffer element. This translates to a much higher failure load than

the other beams. Brink & Rush (1966) also suggested that “experience has shown that

split bamboo performs better than whole culms when used as reinforcing.”

Figure 2.10 - Deflection Behaviour of Beams Reinforced with Bamboo

(Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Cox & Geymayer 1969)

There has been much less research on the shear behaviour of bamboo reinforced concrete

members than on flexural capacity. Glenn (1950) summarized failure from his

rectangular-beam testing program, stating that most of the specimens failed by diagonal

tension. The research found that bending up the upper rows of longitudinal

reinforcement proved to be beneficial to the ultimate load. Brink and Rush (1966) also

suggests in their guideline on bamboo reinforced concrete construction that the


longitudinal reinforcement should be bent up, stating in one design example that “the top

two rows should be bent up randomly in the outer one-third sections of the beams to

assist the vertical stirrups in resisting diagonal tension.” They also state that bamboo

may be bent either wet or dry if the bamboo is heated while constant pressure is applied.

With this property, bamboo is suitable for c-shaped stirrups, and hooks for dowels.

Several investigations have also been carried out on one and two way slabs. These

sources suggest the viability of using bamboo as reinforcement for slabs, with similar

results to those found for flexural beams (Kankam, et al. 1986b, Kowalski 1974, Shui

1990, Ghavami 2005, Narayana & Rehman 1962, Singh & Jain 1977). Kankam (1986b)

tested several two way slabs loaded with a concentrated force at the center, and found the

failures to be generally from a combination of both moment and shear. There were no

instances of sudden shear failure, which led to the recommendation that bamboo could

safely be used as a replacement for steel. As with the beam testing, however, the

deflections of bamboo-reinforced slabs were greater than those of steel reinforced slabs.

Therefore, it was recommended that the span to total depth ratio not exceed 23. It was

conversely shown in another study that the use of integral shear connectors can be

employed to improve the load capacity and stiffness of one way slabs (Narayana &

Rehman 1962).

While the compressive strength of bamboo is greater than that of normal strength

concrete, the elastic modulus of bamboo is roughly the same or even lower than that of

concrete. Taking this into account, the ultimate axial load resistance of a concrete

column reinforced with bamboo should theoretically be less that that of an unreinforced

column. Brink and Rush (1966) state that, “bamboo reinforcement in columns serves to

resist a compression load equal to that taken by the concrete.” However, it was shown to

be slightly less than equal strength in laboratory testing, as illustrated in Figure 2.11

(Cook et al. 1978). In this figure, it can be seen that while the ultimate axial load of the

unreinforced column is slightly greater, as bending is introduced, the reinforced column

performs better.

Figure 2.11 - Strength of Bamboo Reinforced Columns in Compression and Bending

(Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Cook et al. 1978)

Cook also compared the interaction diagrams of bamboo and steel reinforced columns as

shown in Figure 2.12. From these diagrams, it is shown that for two columns with an

equal percentage of reinforcement, the bamboo-reinforced column will carry between 25

to 40 percent of the ultimate load of the steel reinforced column. Ghavami (2005) also

concluded that a 3% reinforcement ratio of bamboo treated with Sikadur 32-Gel would be

a good alternative to conventional steel reinforcement for normal concrete columns

recommended by the Brazilian standard.

Figure 2.12 - Load-Moment Interaction for Bamboo Reinforced Columns

(Subrahmanyam 1984) after (Cook et al. 1978)

2.4.4 Bamboo Usage in Construction and Field Applications

Based on laboratory experiments Glenn (1950) created guidelines, which he used to

construct several field buildings using bamboo reinforced concrete. One of the buildings

built in 1944 was the press box at the Memorial Stadium, in Clemson, South Carolina: a

18.2 x 4.0 m three storey structure, including slabs, rectangular and T beams, load

bearing walls, and columns. Bamboo was used as reinforcement in all elements.

Approximately five years after construction, a detailed inspection was carried out

revealing several cracks that had appeared in the structure at various locations, however

the majority of these cracks were attributed to shrinkage of the concrete. Cracks also

appeared in the floor slabs on the second and third floors, however, since they were

parallel to the bamboo placed, the safety of the structure had not diminished.

Observation of the structure five years later showed that no new cracks had formed, and

the previously present cracking had not increased in size. Deflections of the structure

were also minimal. With these observations, it was recommended that more temperature

reinforcement be placed in these types of structures in the future. Some fifteen years after

construction when the structure was demolished, it was said to still be in good shape

(Subrahmanyam 1984). In contrast, a planar shop building and a five room residence that

were constructed in this project, exhibited major distress in the roof beams, causing the

need for strengthening. The other structural components behaved satisfactorily.

Other researchers report on the durability of bamboo as a reinforcement material as well.

A reinforced bamboo sample was also shown by Ghavami (2005) to be in excellent

condition after spending 15 years in the open atmosphere at the PUC-Rio University in

Brazil. The tensile strength of the aged bamboo sample was tested, showing only a slight

deterioration in tensile capacity. In India, a bamboo reinforced concrete roof slab was

constructed in 1962 using integral shear connectors. Initially, a number of cracks formed

in the structure, but were sealed twelve years later with mortar. At that time, the

reinforcement showed no sign of deterioration, and still conformed to load tests

suggested by the Indian codes (Subrahmanyam 1984). Beams and slabs of an

experimental room constructed in Manila, Philippines were also found to be in good

condition seven years after they were constructed (Anon 1972).


A few attempts have been made to develop guidelines for constructing bamboo-

reinforced structures. With the experience from the experimental buildings, Glenn

developed some construction principles to follow (Glenn 1950). Brink and Rush (1996)

developed a more complete design guide providing suggested values for material

properties, design equations, examples and charts with additional guidance on

construction details, such as splicing. More recent design examples and equations that

can aid designers in a bamboo reinforced construction project have also been reported

(Subrahmanyam 1984, Ghavami 2005).

2.5 Shear Walls

Some of the typical types of damage that occur in masonry structures subjected to seismic

forces include in-plane shear failure, out-of-plane bending, or in-plane flexure, all of

which are shown in Figure 2.13. In addition, other failure mechanisms, such as lack of

anchorage / anchor failure, diaphragm related failure, and pounding between adjacent

buildings are also of concern in masonry construction (Bruneau 1994).

Figure 2.13 - Deformation and Typical Structural Damage to a Simple Masonry

Building from Seismic Events (Tomazevic 1999)

In Figure 2.13, the walls that are parallel to the seismic action serve to resist the lateral

load induced in the structure since they are much stiffer than those perpendicular to the

load. These shear walls are particularly important structural members in resisting seismic

loads and hence are a focus of this thesis.

The research presented in the previous section showed that bamboo performs well in

cement matrices, and because of the similarities between reinforced grouted masonry and

concrete, similar results are expected for load resisting masonry members. However,

there are many factors that affect the response of a masonry structure in the case of a

seismic event including the type and quality of units and mortar, the presence of

reinforcement, and the layout (including irregular plans and openings) and size of the

building. One seemingly insignificant change in the construction of a building, such as

using a less robust masonry unit or type of reinforcement can potentially change the

overall seismic response of the building (Tomazevic et al. 2004, Tomazevic et al. 2006).

In light of the importance of shear walls in resisting a seismic event, this thesis

investigates the behaviour of shear walls reinforced with bamboo.

2.5.1 Shear Wall Failure Modes

There are three main types of failure that occur in shear walls, as shown in Figure 2.14. In

the 2004 CSA S304.1 standard, equations are provided for each type of failure mode

based on empirical representations of observed shear behaviour and are for the ultimate

limit state (CSA 2004b). They are therefore not applicable to elastic behaviour of walls

(Drysdale & Hamid 2005). Shrive and Page (2008) also note that “methods of

determining shear strength of masonry elements also produce widely varying capacities.

The variation reflects the lack of confidence that any single method is correct in modeling

what is actually occurring”.

Figure 2.14 - Typical Failure of Masonry Walls Subjected to In-Plane Loading

(Hatzinikolas & Korany 2005) Flexural Failure

For proper design of shear walls, designers should actually try to achieve the more ductile

flexural type of failure, with the vertical reinforcement yielding before the more brittle

diagonal or sliding failures occur (NRCC 2005, Drysdale and Hamid 2005). For this

failure mode, the in-plane response of a shear wall can be treated much like a beam in

flexure. At ultimate conditions, the section will be at equilibrium, as shown in Figure


Figure 2.15 - Equilibrium of Sectional Forces at Flexural Failure of a Masonry Wall

(Drysdale & Hamid 2005) Diagonal Shear Resistance and Dowel Action

Diagonal shear, or tension, is the mode of failure in which cracking occurs in the wall in

a diagonal direction, or in the case of two-way loading, an “X” pattern. The diagonal

shear resistance of masonry walls is something that has been heavily investigated, with

several different models formulated to quantify the resistance to loading (CSA 2004b,

Anderson and Priestley 1992, NEHRP 1997, Voon and Ingham 2007) .

Many of these shear models or equations do not take into account the dowel action of

vertical reinforcement. Tomazevic (1999) explains how the shear resistance of masonry

walls depends on many different mechanisms, including truss and arching action of the

masonry, tension in the vertical reinforcement, as well as the dowel action of the vertical

and horizontal reinforcement in the wall. Figure 2.16 shows the basic mechanism of

diagonal failure of a shear wall reinforced with both vertical and horizontal


Figure 2.16 - Mechanism of Action of Vertical and Horizontal Reinforcement of a

Masonry Wall Failing in Shear (Tomazevic 1999) after (Priestley & Bridgeman

The mechanism of dowel action of vertical reinforcement was first investigated by

Priestley and Bridgeman (1974). The amount of shear that can be carried due to this

mechanism by each dowel was determined by Tomazevic (1999), based on the previous

work of Priestley and Bridgeman with the equation:

H d ,rv = 0.806drv2 f m f y (2.3)


In this equation, drv is the diameter of the vertical reinforcing bar, fm is the compressive

strength of the embedding mortar or grout and fy is the yield strength of the reinforcing

steel. The mechanism on which Equation 2.3 is based is shown below in Figure 2.17.

Figure 2.17 - Dowel Mechanism of Vertical Reinforcement at Shear Failure of a

Reinforced Masonry Wall (Tomazevic 1999) after (Priestley and Bridgeman 1974)

Experimental research and actual earthquake damage assessments have shown that walls

having only vertical reinforcement will fail in diagonal shear as opposed to flexure

(Tomazevic 1999) even with the additional dowel action. Despite this, improvements to

the performance of shear walls have been noted with uniformly distributed reinforcement

including better resistance to sliding, more effective control of diagonal cracking and a

higher compression splitting resistance at the toe of the wall (Drysdale and Hamid 2005).

The complexity of the dowel action mechanism, combined with few attempts to

theoretically model it, means it is usually left out of design standards.

40 Sliding Shear Failure

The last of the three failure modes, sliding shear, occurs when part of the wall slides

along a horizontal plane, usually along a mortar joint. This mode of failure is more

common when shear walls are built with low strength mortar, have low aspect ratio, or

low levels of vertical load. Both diagonal tension and sliding shear failures are usually

considered brittle failure modes (Hatzinikolas and Korany 2005), as both usually have a

sudden decrease in load capacity with limited deformation capacity after the ultimate load

has been achieved. Since the three modes of failure occur for varying deformations and

loads, it is important that any wall be designed taking all of these failure modes into


2.5.2 Capacity Design

In Clause of the Canadian Standard S.304.1-04 it is stated that for seismic

design of ductile walls that “walls shall be designed to resist a shear force not less than

the shear that is present when the wall develops a plastic hinge mechanism.” Since the

three types of failure modes exhibit varying degrees of ductility, with flexure usually

being the highest, and sliding shear being the lowest, in order to ensure that the most

ductile failure occurs, a capacity design approach should be used.

Anderson and Brzev (2008) stated that the objective of the capacity design approach “is

to force the structure to yield in a ductile manner without failing at the expected

deformations and to design the rest of the structure to be strong enough not to fail when

the system forms a ductile mechanism.” For the case of shear walls, the practice has been

to design the wall such that the diagonal shear strength is greater than the flexural

strength of the wall for any given lateral loading. If this condition is met, the wall will

experience a large plastic deformation while still being able to resist large loads. If the

opposite is true, the wall will never be able to resist loading in which the more ductile

flexural failure would occur, and will instead fail in the more brittle diagonal shear


2.5.3 Consequences for Low Cost Housing

Construction of low cost housing introduces additional factors that may influence the

ductility compared to traditional construction. For example, in order to achieve the more

ductile flexural failure in conventional construction, steel dowels will be placed in the

wall, and embedded in a reinforced concrete slab or foundation, allowing them to reach

yield, and the wall to deform when lateral loads are applied. For low cost housing, there

may not be a reinforced concrete foundation to dowel into, steel dowels may be too

expensive, or the use of bamboo dowels may provide different results than steel dowels

do. Without any anchorage to the slab or foundation, the most ductile mode of failure

may not be flexural failure. The wall may be most ductile in diagonal shear, or perhaps

the wall is most ductile when it starts “rocking” in flexure due to the lack of anchorage.

This is only one of the special conditions that can affect the ductility of a low cost

housing project and it is up to the designer to assess the unique conditions that may occur

in order to provide the mode of failure most suitable.


2.6 In-Plane Shear: Experimental Investigations

As noted above, there is generally a lack of understanding of in-plane shear behaviour

and failure in masonry (Shrive and Page 2008) and there is also no accepted standard in-

plane shear test method. One common method of evaluating the in-plane shear resistance

of masonry is by applying load to a masonry wall, either monotonically or cyclically,

when it is fixed to a strong floor. In many cases, the masonry wall is doweled into a

concrete foundation beam, and that foundation in turn is fixed to the floor to prevent

movement of the base. A concrete beam can also be used at the top of the wall for

applying both vertical, and horizontal loads into the masonry wall. This type of testing is

shown below in Figure 2.18.

Figure 2.18 - Typical Masonry Seismic Test Wall

The racking or in-plane load can be applied to the wall in several patterns, including

monotonically, sinusoidally or exactly mimicking an earthquake response. For a more

accurate representation of seismic loading, lateral forces can be applied dynamically.

Figure 2.19 shows some of the typical time-history displacement patterns that are applied

to masonry walls. It has been noted in several sources (Tomazevic 1999, Benedetti, and

Castellani 1980, Tomazevic et al. 1996) that the response of masonry structures can be

significantly different depending on the displacement pattern used.

Figure 2.19 - Typical Lateral Displacement Time Histories (Tomazevic and Lutman

The difference in response to different displacement histories is readily shown in the

hysteresis loop, which is a plot of the wall deflection versus the applied load that the wall

undergoes during testing. Typical hysteresis loops from testing on a masonry wall are

shown in Figure 2.20 (a), and the difference that is obtained in the hysteresis envelopes

using different displacement patterns is shown in Figure 2.20 (b).

The difference in ultimate load, as well as ultimate deformation is quite apparent from the

hysteresis envelopes in which a monotonic displacement pattern shows significantly

higher load and deflection. This illustrates the importance of using some type of cyclic

testing for masonry to assess its properties when the intended use is for seismic areas.

Figure 2.20 - (a) Typical Lateral Displacements-Lateral Resistance Hysteresis Loops

(Tomazevic 1999); (b) Hysterisis Envelopes Using Different Displacement Patterns
(Tomazevic 1999) after (Tomazevic et al. 1996)

Boundary conditions in experimental tests can also significantly influence test results,

therefore it is important that the proper boundary conditions are chosen. For example,

testing has shown that an increase in axial load can increase the shear resistance of a wall

(Voon and Ingham 2006). While others have also reported this increase, Fehling and

Stuerz (2008) also showed in testing on calcium silicate and lightweight concrete units

that while the shear capacity increased, the deformation capacity of the walls decreased.

Other boundary conditions were discussed by Fehling and Schermer (2008), who showed

that slabs in multi-storey structures can have a significant restraining effect on shear

walls. Work by Magenes and Morandi (2008) tested two boundary conditions for the top

of the wall; a “cantilever” system in which free rotation at the top was allowed, and a

“double fixed” system, in which rotation was restrained. Results for tests on calcium

silicate masonry shear walls showed a decrease in both load and deflection for the walls

with the cantilever boundary condition.


Previous testing has also examined the response of masonry walls with different

parameters, subject to the same boundary conditions. Several sources have reported a

large increase in shear resistance for lower aspect ratios (Voon and Ingham 2006,

Magenes and Morandi 2008, Magenes and Calvi 1997). This can, however, also lead to a

change in the mode of failure. Studies on unreinforced masonry walls have shown that a

rocking failure can provide a stable, non-linear response, and significant lateral

deformation capacity (ElGawady et al. 2004). From in-plane testing, it is generally

agreed that the addition of horizontal reinforcement in masonry walls has a significant

effect, enhancing the shear capacity, post cracking performance and ductility (Drysdale

and Hamid 2005, Voon and Ingham 2006). Testing conducted at the University of

Colorado showed that walls with adequate horizontal and vertical reinforcement had

ductile performance after the yielding of the flexural reinforcement (Shing et al. 1990a,

1990b, 1991). Walls that failed in diagonal shear and did not have yielding of the

flexural reinforcement had limited ductility. This study also showed that the maximum

horizontal reinforcement in a masonry wall is not a fixed quantity but rather, depends on

the wall geometry, compressive strength, and other attributes such as lateral confinement

at the ends of the wall.

2.6.1 Bilinear Idealization

A common method of interpreting results obtained from experimental cyclic in-plane

testing of shear walls is the bilinear idealization of the hysteresis envelope (Magenes and

Morandi 2008). These models are generally based on simplified elastic theory, but are

modified by taking observations and results found from experimental testing and

incorporating them into the equations. There are also more complex tri-linear models

available, but the use of bilinear models make the idealization of hysteresis envelopes and

the respective calculations fairly simple. Figure 2.21 shows two examples of bilinear


Figure 2.21 - Idealization of Experimental Resistance Envelope with Bilinear

Relationships from a) Ötes and Löring (2003); b) Tomazevic (1999) after Tomazevic
and Zarnic (1984, 1985)

As shown, the two examples of bilinear idealization are nearly identical. Tomazevic

(1999) explains that in obtaining an idealized envelope, during actual testing, load and

deflections at three main epochs must be observed, the first being the initial cracking, dcr.

Note that in Figure 2.21 (b), this initial cracking is also defined as 0.7Hmax. The lateral

resistance at this point is denoted as Hcr. At this point the slope of the envelope should

start to change. The second epoch is the maximum lateral resistance of the wall, denoted

as Hmax, The final epoch is the maximum displacement or the ultimate state. The ultimate

deflection, du is defined as the point at which the line of the 0.8Hmax intersects the

experimental curve. Voon and Ingham (2006) also defined this point of wall failure in

their testing.

The initial slope of the curve, Ke is the effective stiffness of the wall, and is the ratio

between the wall’s resistance and the deformation at first cracking, given by:

H cr
Ke = (2.4)

In a hysteresis idealization, the area under both the experimental envelope, Aenv, and the

idealized curve should be equal each other. To accomplish this, the ultimate idealized

resistance, Hu, has to be evaluated taking into account the energy dissipation of real and

idealized walls. If the value of the initial or effective stiffness of the wall, Ke,, is known,

the value of Hu can be taken as:

H u = K e  dmax  dmax  env  (2.5)

Testing done on more than sixty masonry walls showed an average value for Hu of

0.9Hmax (Tomazevic 1999).


The ultimate ductility factor, μu, of a wall can be defined by the equation:

μu = (2.6)

where du is the ultimate deflection at 0.8Hmax,, and de is the deflection at the end of the

elastic stage of the bilinear idealization. This last term can be evaluated by dividing the

ultimate resistance, Hu by the effective stiffness, Ke.

Tomazevic (1999) notes that while it is quite possible for experimental testing to give

high values of ductility, he recommends that for seismic resistance verification the values

are limited to 2.0-3.0 for unreinforced, 3.0-4.0 for confined, and 4.0-5.0 for reinforced

individual masonry walls, such that excessive damage to structural walls is avoided.

2.6.2 Energy Dissipation Capacity

From experimental hysteresis loops, it is possible to calculate both the cumulative energy

input, Einp, as well as the dissipated energy, Ediss. The input energy for one cycle, Einp is

defined as the sum of the shaded areas shown in Figure 2.22 (a). The dissipated

hysteresis energy for one cycle is defined as the area encompassed by the hysteresis loop

between two consecutive hysteresis peaks as shown in Figure 2.22 (b).


Figure 2.22 - (a) Evaluation of Energy Input in One Loading Cycle, (b) Evaluation
of Dissipated Hysteretic Energy in One Loading Cycle (Tomazevic et al. 1996)

2.6.3 Strength and Stiffness Degradation

Masonry walls subjected to repeated cyclic loading tend to go though a degradation of

both strength and stiffness. Previous testing has shown that the measured lateral force for

the same deformation of walls that have undergone cyclic loading compared to

monotonic loading is significantly lower (Tomazevic et al. 1996). Figure 2.23 shows that

the stiffness degradation of hysteresis functions in a non-dimensional form is similar for

different types of masonry walls. The three curves in the figure represent data from

unreinforced, reinforced and confined masonry walls.


Figure 2.23 - Typical Stiffness Degradation of Reinforced Masonry Walls

Depending on Normalized Lateral Displacement (Tomazevic 1999) after (Tomazevic
et al. 2004)

In Figure 2.23, the y-axis is the ratio of the actual wall stiffness, K, over the effective

wall stiffness, Ke. The x-axis is the ratio of the displacement of the wall, d, over the

displacement of the wall at the ultimate lateral load, dHmax. Given the similarities

between the unreinforced, reinforced and confined masonry curves, it is anticipated that

the curve for bamboo reinforced masonry walls would be similar, however no such data

are currently available.

2.7 Summary

With increasing steel prices, and the need for reinforcing of masonry structures in seismic

areas, bamboo, a less expensive and potentially more sustainable material, has great

potential to provide not only strength, but also ductility in seismic areas. While no

research has been performed on bamboo-reinforced masonry as of yet, there have been

numerous projects in which bamboo has successfully been used in concrete. In order to

compare bamboo to conventional materials in masonry, this thesis will examine the

behaviour of shear walls subjected to cyclic in-plane testing, which was also discussed in

this chapter. How bamboo or any other alternative material performs as a reinforcement

material in comparison to steel needs to be determined before any recommendations can

be made for applications in low cost housing.


Chapter Three: Experimental Procedure

3.1 Introduction

A quasi-static cyclic testing procedure was developed to evaluate the benefits of using the

bamboo species arundinaria amabilis, or Tonkin cane bamboo as a replacement for

conventional steel reinforcement in masonry walls. Although this species is imported

from China, it was chosen since it was available for purchase in Western Canada. Seven

walls were constructed and tested in an in-plane, cyclical manner, with the main variable

being the amount and arrangement of bamboo reinforcement. In addition to these main

tests, material properties for each component of the specimens were determined

experimentally. The arrangements of these test methods as well as the material property

results are discussed in this chapter.

3.2 Wall Specimens and Material Properties

3.2.1 Wall Specimens

Seven concrete block masonry walls were constructed for the purpose of in-plane quasi-

static shear testing, using several configurations. Each wall was constructed using

standard 200 mm (190 x 390 x 190 mm nominal dimensions) block seven courses high,

and four blocks in length. This gave overall wall dimensions of 1400 mm (high) by

1600 mm (long) and an aspect ratio (height divided by length) of 0.875. Each wall was

constructed by the same master mason, in order to maintain the quality of workmanship

for all specimens. Six of the walls used normal strength concrete block, while the

seventh wall used a low strength block. In all of the bond beams, a knock out block was

used. This type of block allowed the webs to be easily removed, such that horizontal

reinforcement could be placed inside, and the course could be fully grouted. Type N

mortar (1:1:6 cement:lime:sand by volume) was used in the construction of each


Configuration of the reinforcement and grout in the walls is shown in Figure 3.1. A wide

variety of configurations was used such that the benefits or drawbacks of each type of

wall could be compared. The hatched areas indicate grouted cores, and dashed lines

indicate reinforcement.

Figure 3.1 - Wall Specimen Grouting and Reinforcement Schedule

In all of the walls, grouting was required where vertical or horizontal reinforcement was

placed. For grouted masonry in Canada, the CSA A179 (CSA 2004a) has a required sand

to cement ratio of 3:1 by volume. Since the goal in low cost housing applications is to

reduce the amount of expensive materials such as cement, a ratio of 4:1 was used. A high

water to cement ratio of 1:1.62 was also used. Since normal strength concrete block was

used, the water cement ratio used in the grout could not be increased too significantly, as

this would create a large disparity between the relative strengths of the block and grout

potentially causing the wall to act less homogenously during testing, with a single

component governing the failure.

The high water cement ratio was used to promote two main factors: workability and

consolidation. With higher water content, the grout could be mixed and poured into the

masonry with greater ease. Furthermore, with relatively low viscosity, the need for

vibration or rodding of the grout to prevent honey combing and air voids was eliminated.

Nevertheless, using this grout did come with a drawback. When the grout was poured

into the walls, some grout would flow into adjacent cores through the small openings,

leading to material waste. However, the workability outweighed the small amount of

material wasted. A photo of the construction of QS.B.4 is shown in Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2 - Construction of Wall Q.S.B.4


The control wall, QS.S.1, was reinforced using conventional steel reinforcement, with the

minimum amount of horizontal and vertical steel for seismic conditions as required by

the CSA S304.1-04 Design of Masonry Standard. (CSA 2004b) The remaining six walls

used a combination of vertical and horizontal whole bamboo culm reinforcement with an

average diameter of 25 mm. The bamboo reinforcement was coated with a spar (marine)

varnish to waterproof the bamboo reinforcement. As shown in Figure 2.6, varnish has

shown to be an effective waterproofing treatment. A 473 mL container of this varnish

was purchased for under $15 CAD, and provided coating for all of the bamboo tested.

With a total length of 65.6 meters of bamboo used in the walls, and assuming all the

varnish was used, this gives an estimated cost of CAD$0.22 per meter of waterproofed

bamboo. In actuality, costs would be less than this given that firstly, not all of the varnish

was used and secondly, a retail price was paid for the varnish. After the varnish coating,

the bamboo was also dusted with sand to improve the bond with the grout. A summary

of the properties of all seven walls is shown in Table 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Wall Specimen Summary

Wall Block Reinforcement Vertical Cores Horizontal Bond Beams
Designation Strength Type Reinforced Reinforced
QS.S.1 Normal Steel 4 3
QS.B.1 Normal Bamboo 2 0
QS.B.2 Normal Bamboo 4 0
QS.B.3 Normal Bamboo 8 0
QS.B.4 Normal Bamboo 4 3
QS.B.5 Normal Bamboo 8 7
QS.B.6.L Low Bamboo 2 0

3.2.2 Material Testing Masonry

Twelve masonry prisms were constructed to determine the strength of the masonry (f`m)

used in the wall specimens. For the normal strength block used in six walls specimens,

six prisms were constructed, of which three were grouted. These prisms were tested at

28 day strength of the mortar and grout. An equal number of prisms was constructed for

the low strength block wall and were tested the same day as the wall, QS.B.6, at 38 days.

The compressive properties of all masonry prisms were tested according to the CSA

Standard A165.1-04 (CSA 2004d). The results from these tests are shown in Table 3.2,

with the apparatus used for these tests shown in Figure 3.3.

Table 3.2 - Compressive Strengths of Masonry Prisms

Prism Block Grouted? Failure Failure Mean Standard Coefficient
Specimen Strength (Y/N) Load Stress, Failure Deviation of
(kN) f`m Stress, (MPa) Variation
(MPa) f`m (%)
N.M.1 Normal N 598.0 14.5
N.M.2 Normal N 495.2 12.0 13.7 1.8 13.1
N.M.3 Normal N 595.0 14.5
N.G.1 Normal Y 860.0 11.6
N.G.2 Normal Y 829.9 11.2 11.5 0.2 1.7
N.G.3 Normal Y 855.6 11.6
L.M.1 Low N 465.0 11.7
L.M.2 Low N 400.7 10.0 10.6 0.9 8.5
L.M.3 Low N 407.1 10.2
L.G.1 Low Y 703.3 9.7
L.G.2 Low Y 569.6 7.9 8.7 0.9 10.3
L.G.3 Low Y 604.6 8.4

Figure 3.3 - Masonry Prism Compression Testing

Individual material testing was also conducted on the strength of the units for the

“normal” block, as shown in Table 3.3, as well as on the compressive strength of grout

cylinders from the grout used in the walls, shown in Table 3.4

Table 3.3 - Unit Compressive Strength

Block Failure Failure Stress, Mean Failure Standard Coefficient of
Specimen Load (kN) f`bl (MPa) Stress, f`bl Deviation Variation (%)
(MPa) (MPa)
B.C.1 742.3 29.0
B.C.2 721.5 28.1 27.5 1.3 4.7
B.C.3 691.0 26.9
B.C.4 670.1 26.1

Table 3.4 - Grout Compressive Strength

Block Cylinder Failure Failure Mean Standard Coefficient of
Specimen Diameter Load Stress, f`g Failure Deviation Variation (%)
(mm) (kN) (MPa) Stress, f`g (MPa)
W.G.1 102.0 101.7 12.4
10.1 2.2 21.8
W.G.2 102.1 65.6 8.0
W.G.3 102.2 81.9 10.0

The grout behaved as desired in that no honey-combing, or air voids were present in the

cores, even with no consolidation or vibration being used. However, it was found that

segregation of the water in the grout became an issue resulting in a coefficient of

variation of more than 20% from the compressive testing performed on the grout alone,

as shown in Table 3.4. With the segregation present in the grout, it was easy for one

sample cylinder to accumulate more water than another, which is a likely cause for this

high variation in strength. The grouted prism compressive tests shown in Figure 3.2,

however, showed much less variation with COVs of 1.7 and 10.3%. This is likely due to

the concrete block being able to draw excess moisture from the grout, resulting in more

consistent moisture contents of the in-situ grout. Steel Reinforcing Tensile Strength

The steel reinforcement used in wall QS.S.1 was tested for tensile strength. Loading was

applied to the rebar using steel grips in a Tinius Olsen tensile testing apparatus. An

extensometer was used to measure the strain. The results of the tensile tests including the

yield and ultimate stresses are shown in Table 3.5.

Table 3.5 - Reinforcing Steel Properties

Mean Coefficient Mean Coefficient
Yield Standard Ultimate Standard
Yield of Ultimate of
Specimen Stress, fy Deviation Stress, fu Deviation
Stress, fy Variation Stress, fu Variation
(MPa) (MPa) (MPa) (MPa)
(MPa) (%) (MPa) (%)
T.10M.1 470.8 735.6
T.10M.2 468.7 462.3 12.9 2.8 731.9 725.6 14.1 1.9
T.10M.3 447.4 709.4
59 Bamboo Reinforcing Tensile Strength

Because of the hollow nature of the bamboo, it could not be tested for tension in the same

manner that the steel reinforcing was since the grips of the testing machine would crush

the ends of the bamboo samples. Therefore, the bamboo was grouted in 50 mm diameter

steel piping with a length of 125mm. A high performance, non-shrinking grout,

SikaGrout® 212HP, was used to ensure adequate bond to the bamboo and steel piping.

The ends of the bamboo test specimens were treated with varnish and sand in the same

way as in the full wall specimens. Notches were also cut on two sides of the bamboo

culm at mid-length, to ensure failure at that point. The preparation of these specimens is

shown in Figure 3.4.

Figure 3.4 - Bamboo Specimen Preparation for Tensile Testing

Unfortunately, before these specimens failed in tension, they experienced pull out from

the bamboo to the grout, as well as bond failure between the grout and the steel pipe.

Therefore, an alternative test method was sought. Each end of the hollow bamboo

specimens was filled with an epoxy, so that the same grips used for steel could be used,

and the ends of the bamboo would not be crushed. Again, this test method failed to

provide accurate tensile properties, as the bamboo split at the grips, as shown in Figure


Figure 3.5 - Splitting of Epoxy Filled Bamboo in Tensile Testing

It was found that if the bamboo was split into sections, and epoxy was applied to the ends

of the specimens to give a flat surface for the grips to take hold of, the specimens could

be tested for their actual tensile properties. The specimens used, along with a close up

view of the notches cut into the bamboo are shown in Figure 3.6.

Figure 3.6 - Split Bamboo Specimens for Tensile Testing

These specimens were placed in steel grips, and tested in a Tinius Olsen tensile testing

apparatus, as shown in Figure 3.7.


Figure 3.7 - Bamboo Tensile Testing Apparatus

A total of 10 specimens were tested, in which three had notches cut into the culm (T.C.1-

3), three had notches cut in the nodal area (T.N.1-3), and one was left without any

notches (T.N.A). The remaining three specimens (T.ME.1-3) had strain gauges attached

to them, such that stress-strain diagrams and the modulus of elasticity could be found as

discussed in Section No notches were cut into these specimens. Table 3.6 shows

the tabulated results from the tensile tests performed.

Table 3.6 - Bamboo Tensile Properties

Cross Mean
Failure Tensile Standard Coefficient
Bamboo Sectional Tensile Comments
Force Stress, fb Deviation of Variation
Specimen Area Stress, fb
(kN) (MPa) (MPa) (%)
(mm2) (MPa)
T.N.A 92.8 6.80 73.3 - - - No notches
T.ME.1 51.2 7.10 138.7 Strain Gauged
T.ME.2 52.4 4.71 89.9 123.7 29.3 23.7 Strain Gauged
T.ME.3 44.0 6.27 142.5 Strain Gauged
T.N.1 75.7 5.88 77.7 Split failure
T.N.2 67.6 6.26 92.6 84.7 7.5 8.9 Split failure
T.N.3 37.7 3.16 83.8 Split failure
T.C.1 40.2 4.81 119.7 Failed at node
T.C.2 48.6 6.68 137.4 117.6 20.9 17.8 Failed at node
T.C.3 22.2 2.13 95.8 Failed at node

All the tensile specimens appeared to fail by a combination of both splitting, and tension,

with the splitting occurring perpendicular to the notched area at the centre of the

specimens. A photo of the typical failure that occurred on the bamboo splints can be seen

below in Figure 3.8.

Figure 3.8 - Bamboo Tension Test Failure

Due to the brittle nature of the splitting failure, the results obtained may actually

represent a lower bound for the tensile strength of this type of bamboo. The values

obtained appear to be in the lower range compared to results reported in literature. Some

of the lowest tensile strengths have been reported in literature were in the range of 48.0 –

170.6 MPa (Ghavami 1995), while strengths as high as 440 MPa were reported by Abang

and Aband (1983). Due to the notching of the specimens, and the micro-fracture that

would occur, it can be reasonably assumed that the values reported are lower than the

actual failure stress of Tonkin cane. It can still be seen, however, that the test results

presented here agree with literature in that the node tensile strength (84.7 MPa) is less

than the culm tensile strength (117.6 MPa). Unfortunately, none of the values reported in

literature are for the Tonkin cane species of bamboo, and therefore a direct comparison

cannot be made. Bamboo Modulus of Elasticity

The strain gauges for the three samples T.ME.1 to T.ME.3 were all placed on the culm, at

the midpoint between nodes. The stiffness of the node material may be slightly different

than the culm material, however since the node material only accounts for a fraction of

the total length of bamboo, it was decided that the node surface would have a much lower

influence on the total modulus of elasticity than the culm portion. The stress-strain

relationships for the three specimens are plotted in Figure 3.9. As can be seen, an almost

perfect elastic linear behaviour is shown for all three specimens. Each specimen failed

by splitting near the end of the steel grips, and then pulling apart at that location in a

brittle manner.

Figure 3.9 - Stress-Strain Diagram for Bamboo in Tension


The modulus of elasticity for each of these specimens was also calculated from the stress-

strain diagrams, and listed in Table 3.7. The stress-strain diagrams, shown in Figure 3.9

really highlight the sudden failure that the bamboo experienced during these tests, since

the behaviour is nearly perfectly linear, with no significant curvature or plastic behaviour

at the end of the test. While some stress-strain diagrams found in literature, such as that

shown in Figure 2.4, show somewhat similar behaviour of bamboo tensile specimens, a

small amount of curvature is observed compared to the straight lines that were found for

these Tonkin cane specimens. The values determined for the modulus of elasticity

ranged from 16.5 – 19.2 GPa with a mean of 17.6 MPa, corresponding well with values

reported in literature (Abang & Aband 1983, Shui 1990). For example Abang & Aband

(1983) report a range of approximately 7-20 GPa, putting the value for Tonkin cane at the

upper end of the range.

Table 3.7 - Tested Modulus of Elasticity of Bamboo

Bamboo Modulus of Mean Standard Coefficient of
Specimen Elasticity, E Modulus of Deviation Variation (%)
(GPa) Elasticity, E (GPa)
T.ME.1 19.2
17.6 1.4 7.9
T.ME.3 16.5
T.ME.3 17.2 Bamboo Bond Strength

The bond strength of bamboo to grout was first tested in a manner similar to the first

attempt for testing the tensile strength. For every specimen, each end of the bamboo was

coated with a spar varnish, and then dusted with sand, as was done in the full-scale wall


In the first bond test attempt, one end of each test specimen was embedded in 50 mm

diameter piping with high performance grout, in exactly the same manner as the first

tensile tests. On the other end, a 100 mm diameter steel pipe, with a depth of 100 mm

was used as a container for grout in which the bamboo was embedded 50 mm. The grout

used on this end had the same mix proportions as the grout used in the full scale wall

specimens. Six specimens were tested, of which three had a node embedded in the wall

grout end. The other three of these specimens had no node embedded in the wall grout

end, but the natural culm only. These specimens are shown in Figure 3.10.

Figure 3.10 - Initial Bond Test Specimens and Apparatus

These specimens were then placed in the same Tinius Olsen apparatus used in testing the

tensile properties of the bamboo. Unfortunately, in all specimens but one, failure

occurred by slippage of either bamboo to the high-performance grout, or by slippage of

the high performance grout to the steel piping. For the one specimen that failed at the

desired end, a maximum average bond stress of 5.33 MPa was observed, which includes

the mechanical anchorage of a node embedded in the grout for that specimen. In the

remaining tests, the minimum average bond stress was 1.10 MPa, for the specimen that

failed by slippage of the grout to the steel cylinder.

The test arrangement was changed to incorporate the successful gripping of specimens

that had occurred in the tensile tests, and was also modeled on the research done by

Ghavami (2005). Bamboo splints were embedded a total of 165 mm in grouted cylinders,

with 50 mm on each end covered with wax paper to ensure that no bond would occur

between this surface and the grout. The 65 mm center portion of the embedded specimen

was treated with spar varnish, and dusted with sand. The intent of this method was to

produce a uniform shear bond stress, as opposed to a non-uniform stress, which was

discussed and shown in Figure 2.7. Four of the eight specimens shown in Figure 3.11

contained a node in the 65 mm treated center, while the other four were absent of a node.

On the opposite ends of all specimens, epoxy was used in the same manner as the

bamboo tensile testing, such that steel grips could pull the bamboo out of the grout


Figure 3.11 - Final Bond Test Specimens

These eight specimens were all tested in the same Tinius Olsen tension testing apparatus

as the previous bamboo tensile tests. Figure 3.12 shows a specimen being tested, as well

as a tested specimen in which the bamboo splint has been pulled out of the grout cylinder.

One sample from the specimen group that had nodes embedded, as well as one from the

group that was absent of embedded nodes was tested at 7 days from the casting of the

grout, while all remaining specimens were tested at 28 days from the casting of the grout.

All results from this series of bond testing are given in Table 3.8. The bonding shear

stress, , is calculated using Equation 2.2.

Figure 3.12 - Final Bond Test Apparatus and Tested Specimen


Table 3.8 - Bamboo Bond Strength Properties

Bonding Mean
Surface Failure Standard Coefficient of
Shear Bonding Comments
Specimen Area Force Deviation Variation
Stress,  Shear Stress,
(mm2) (kN) (MPa) (%)
(MPa)  (MPa)
C.7.1 2597.1 2.55 0.98 - - - 7 Day
C.28.1 2680.9 7.83 2.92
C.28.2 2571.9 1.41 0.55 1.33 1.46 109.8
C.28.3 2695.6 2.72 1.01
N.7.1 2916.4 4.16 1.43 - - - 7 Day
N.28.1 2557.9 5.72 2.24 Split
N.28.2 2745.1 5.23 1.91 2.16 0.23 10.6 Split
N.28.3 2651.0 6.20 2.34 Split

The bond strength of varnish and sand treated Tonkin cane in grout was highly variable

with an extremely large coefficient of variation for the splints with no node embedded

(almost 110 percent). In contrast to this, when a node was embedded, the coefficient of

variation was only 10.6 percent. Therefore, it appears that the mechanical anchorage of

the node not only increases the bond strength, almost doubling the value, but also reduces

much of the variance of the bond strength of bamboo to grout. Given the high variability,

it would be warranted to test a greater number of specimens in future research.

The results for the bond between Tonkin cane and grout are on the high end of the values

reported in the literature for bamboo specimens embedded in concrete. The average

tested value of 2.16 MPa for Tonkin cane with an embedded node is nearly on par with

specimens tested with a bitumen coating and dusted with sand by Kankam & Perry

(1989) which achieved bond strengths of up to 2.6 MPa. Unfortunately, while the

embedded bamboo specimens in Kankam and Perry’s work are similar to the Tonkin

cane bamboo, there are a few major differences that make a direct comparison difficult.

First, the effect of the small aggregate size in grout compared to concrete is unknown.

The second difference is that Kankam and Perry’s tests most likely produced non-

uniform stress, as described in Figure 2.7. While the values are a good start for

comparison, more tests would need to be completed with the same conditions to make a

direct comparison.

It is also difficult to translate the results from the Tonkin cane bond tests to the actual

behaviour of the cane in the wall specimens since only splints were used in the bond

tests, while in the test walls, full culms were used. In the original bond stress test setup,

an attempt to use full culms was made, however only one of the tests in this series had a

proper pull out. Obviously, one test value is not enough to indicate a true value of bond

stress, but the one value that was obtained was significantly higher than any of the tests

that used splints even though there was no embedded node. The results could also be

affected by the fact that the splints had the varnish-sand treatment applied on both the

outside and the inside of the culm. Further research is needed to verify the validity of the

results that were obtained in this test series. Testing Arrangement for Tensile and Bond Strength of Bamboo

With some modifications, the testing arrangement in which both ends were encased in

grout is most likely to show the true tensile strength and mechanical properties of

bamboo. With increased embedment length of the bamboo, the chances of splitting

would be decreased. Though the test methods used here are not ideal, they still provide

valuable data that could be used to improve the testing arrangements for tensile and bond

strength. Further tests of the tensile properties of Tonkin cane could then be carried out

in order to verify the values that were obtained here.

3.3 Quasi-Static Testing

As discussed in Chapter 2, many previous tests have included a concrete foundation beam

for cyclic testing. It was decided that since materials such as steel and concrete are too

expensive for the construction of walls for low cost housing, then the likelihood of

having a reinforced concrete foundation would be low. Therefore, this was left out to try

and simulate actual boundary conditions that may occur in a low cost housing project.

3.3.1 Testing Frame Initial Testing Frame and Specimen Setup

The initial testing frame for the quasi-static testing is shown in Figure 3.13. Additional

photos are shown in Appendix A. The masonry wall specimen was placed between two

upright W-section columns supporting a 500 kN actuator, which was used to apply a

vertical load to the top of the wall. The wall was held stationary laterally by two braces

bolted to the concrete floor, and a hand-pumped hydraulic jack was used to ensure that

the wall would not slip along the concrete floor. Spherical seats were placed at the base

of each side of the wall to ensure that there were no eccentric forces being transferred

into the specimen.


Figure 3.13 - Initial Testing Frame Schematic

The cyclic horizontal force was applied to the wall specimen by means of a 250 kN

actuator mounted to a braced W-section column, East of the wall specimen. This actuator

had a total stroke of 250 mm, allowing it to push or pull the wall to a maximum

deflection of 125 mm each way. At the top of each side of the wall (East and West), steel

plates were suspended, and tightened to each other through the use of four steel threaded

rods, in effect clamping the top of the wall. One of the steel plates was directly attached

to the actuator. The centre of the bearing area of these plates was located at the top bed

joint, which had the effect of lowering the aspect ratio of the walls. In determining the

aspect ratio, the height to the bottom edge of the plate (1100 mm) was used and the

resulting aspect ratio was 0.69.


Figure 3.14 - Specimen Moving Frame

Each test specimen was moved into the testing frame by means of a welded steel frame,

as shown in Figure 3.14. One side of the moving frame has a hinge that applies a

distributed clamping force on each side of the wall when it is lifted by crane. This

gravity-based system effectively prevented any destructive stresses from developing

during transport, so walls could be built at any place in the lab, and transported to the

testing frame at a later date.

A laser level was used to align the wall with the horizontal and vertical actuators. Plaster

of Paris was also placed on the floor to ensure that the wall was level and that no stress

concentrations would occur from any minor deformities of the concrete block, or

unevenness of the lab strong floor.

Fibreboard (tentest board) was placed directly on top of the wall to account for any

irregularities in the top of the wall surface. A composite steel W-section was placed

directly on the fibreboard and rollers perpendicular and parallel to the plane of the wall

were placed on top to ensure the vertical load applied to the wall would be evenly

distributed. The two plates on the East and West side of the wall were then attached to

each other via threaded rods and tightened. A 1 kN load was then placed on the wall by

the horizontal actuator, which was regulated by force control. This allowed the hydraulic

jack at the base of the wall to be tightened, without shear forces greater than 1 kN being

applied to the wall before testing commenced.

Metal targets were glued to each side of the test specimen to provide a flat surface for the

Linear Strain Converters (LSCs). As shown in Figure 3.15, eight LSCs were used to

record the displacements of the wall: four on the West end and four on the East end.

During loading, these displacements, along with the stroke and force of the horizontal

and vertical actuators, were fed to a main computer and electronically recorded.

Figure 3.15 - Location of the LSCs

74 Loading Procedure

When each test specimen was aligned and levelled, an initial vertical load of 100 kN was

applied. This load was used to pre-compress the fibreboard at the top of the wall so that

the load would not fluctuate because of crushing of the board. The vertical load from the

actuator was then reduced to a constant 60 kN. When this load was reached, the actuator

was put into stroke control, keeping the position of the actuator locked. The racking

(horizontal) load was then applied to the specimen, also in stroke control. This load was

applied at a constant rate of 1 mm/s, with two cycles per deflection step. The step-

displacement history that was used for the cyclic testing is shown in

Figure 3.16.

Figure 3.16 – Step-Displacement History


These displacements were applied to the wall until failure, which was the point at which

it was deemed based on damage to the wall to be unsafe to continue, or when the peak

load had decreased by at least twenty percent from the ultimate load obtained. Initial Frame Modifications

During the first quasi-static test, specimen QS.B.1 rotated out of the East-West base

supports due to minute eccentricities in the alignment of the wall and horizontal actuator.

This occurred on the 10 mm stroke cycle with a horizontal load of approximately 95 kN.

The spherical seat at the end of the horizontal actuator twisted out of alignment due to the

force applied and moved the specimen out of line.

Figure 3.17 - Quasi-Static Test Frame Bracing Additions

To prevent these small, unavoidable eccentricities from causing the wall to kick out, two

modifications were made to the testing frame. Firstly, bracing was added to the side of

the actuator to ensure it would stay aligned with the rest of the testing apparatus.

Secondly, bracing was provided at the base of the wall on the side closest to the actuator

(East side) to prevent any rotation of the wall. These two bracing elements are shown in

Figure 3.17.

3.3.2 Final Testing Frame

Specimen QS.B.2 failed at just below the horizontal actuator’s rated capacity of 250 kN.

Since the remaining test specimens were stronger walls (more grouted cores), a higher

capacity actuator was needed. While an actuator with a capacity of 500 kN would have

been sufficient, the only actuator available had a rated capacity of 1 MN. This bigger

actuator, on the other hand, required a new column with new bracing in order to support


Figure 3.18 - Final Quasi-Static Testing Frame

The revised testing frame that was used for the remainder of the tests is shown in Figure

3.18, with additional photos shown in Appendix A. At the back of the actuator, two W-

section columns were bolted to the floor and braced together just above the height where

the actuator was bolted to the first column. The tops of these two columns were also

braced together for added stability. New steel plates were also used at the horizontal

bearing area at the top of the wall. These plates were thicker, longer and wider than the

previous plates used, nonetheless, the bearing area applied to the wall was kept the same

such that the effective aspect ratio was still 0.69. On the East side of the frame, two HSS

sections were tack welded to the plate attached to the actuator to act as the new bearing

surface on the wall. The same threaded rods used in the initial test setup were again used

to tighten the plates on each side of the wall and clamp the top of the wall. With the

additional weight of the steel plates, as well as the new actuator, overhead cranes were

attached to two points as a safety measure during testing

In addition to the structural modifications to the testing frame, an LSC was added to

measure the deflection of the W-section column at the back of the horizontal actuator.

This LSC, along with the existing LSC at the West base of the wall were used as

feedback to control the stroke of the horizontal actuator. These two LSCs recorded the

movement of the frame and any sliding of the wall. With the input of these two

parameters, real-time corrections were made in the stroke such that the control step

displacement was the actual displacement applied to the top of the wall as opposed to

being the stroke of the horizontal actuator as in previous tests. This led to more

symmetrical results in the wall specimens, as roughly the same top of wall deflection

occurred in each push and pull cycle.


The final modification to the testing frame was made after testing two walls using the

improved frame. While loading the second wall tested in this test setup (the first being

QS.S.1), QS.B.5, the wall rotated out of plane at a horizontal load of approximately

100 kN in a similar manner to the test specimen QS.B.1. To ensure that this would not

occur again, a second set of braces at the base of the wall was added on the West side, as

shown in Figure 3.19.

Figure 3.19 - Wall Bracing Added to Final Testing Frame

This final quasi-static testing frame was used for the remainder of the tests, QS.B.4,

QS.B.5 and QS.B.6.


Chapter Four: Results, Analysis & Discussion

4.1 Introduction

This chapter focuses on the results and observations that were obtained from the cyclic

tests on the seven wall specimens. The results were analysed, including the comparison

of the performance of bamboo against steel reinforced walls. Several shear models are

also presented, and comparisons of experimental to theoretical wall resistance values are


4.2 Cyclic Testing Results

All seven experimental walls were subjected to cyclic loading using the test setup

described in Chapter Three. The results from the cyclic tests are presented in the same

order in which the walls were tested. In this section, the hysteresis loops, crack pattern

and overall test results are presented for each of the walls. In addition to the results

presented, supplementary photos for each of the walls are provided in Appendix A.

4.2.1 Wall QS.B.1

The first of the walls tested was QS.B.1, a regular strength concrete block wall reinforced

with two vertical bamboo poles. The hysteresis loops, and the cracking pattern are

presented below in Figure 4.1. As can be seen by the crack pattern, the wall failed in a

diagonal tension manner, with most of the diagonal cracking splitting through block, as

opposed to following the mortar joints.


Figure 4.1 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.1

An interesting observation is made from the hysteresis loop for this wall at the ultimate

capacity of the wall. The hysteresis loop reaches its ultimate load, and as the deflection

increases, the load starts to decrease, followed by a sudden increase in load. This

occurred not only in the loops for this wall, but also in walls QS.B.4 and QS.B.6.L.

There are several possible explanations for this behaviour. It was observed that the

pressure of the hand pumped hydraulic jack fluctuated slightly, and oil leaked from it.

This could lead to a slight unloading of the wall if it was unable to maintain constant

resistance to the applied load. Once the wall reached its ultimate capacity, load would

start to transfer more rapidly to the internal reinforcement. There is the possibility that

the bamboo reinforcement could have started to slip, before the mechanical anchorage of

the nodes allowed more load to be developed in the bars. Another possibility is shifting

of the frame. If the frame shifted a small amount suddenly, or “jumped”, it could

decrease the load, and then build up again. This became apparent in wall QS.B.5, and is

discussed in more detail in Section 4.2.5. Finally, this tail of the hysteresis loop could be

due to the crushing of masonry at the toe of the wall. Even a small amount of material

being loosened from the toe would allow the wall to shift slightly, decreasing the load.

It was noted that the loading and deflection curves for the push (positive deflection) and

pull (negative deflection) cycles, were not equal each other. This very large difference

was noticed in both walls QS.B.1 and QS.B.2, which were both tested using the initial

testing frame in which the actuator was programmed solely on stroke control, or actuator

displacement, and not top of wall deflection. This disparity between the push and pull

cycles comes from the fact that the stroke of the actuator was not necessarily the same as

the top of wall deflections, with greater discrepancy on the pull cycle. This discrepancy

came from several possible sources, the first being the movement of the frame itself. On

the pull cycles, there were two things that were different than the push cycles, one being

that the steel rods holding the top of wall bearing plates were in tension and experiencing

small elongation, and the second being that the in-plane wall support was the steel

bracing, as opposed to the hydraulic jack on the other side. When the test setup was

changed to include the 1 MN actuator, an LSC was added to the frame, and this

measurement, along with the measurement of the LSC at the base of the wall on the west

side was fed back to the main computer. These measurements were used to correct the

stroke to more accurately relate the stroke to the top of wall deflection. As can be seen in

the results from later walls tested on the new frame setup, the discrepancy between the

push and pull cycles in significantly less.


4.2.2 Wall QS.B.2

Wall QS.B.2 had four vertical cores reinforced with bamboo poles, and was the last wall

that was tested using the 250 kN horizontal actuator and initial testing frame. A strange

dip in the hysteresis loops shown in Figure 4.2 can be seen, right after the wall achieves

its ultimate load. The horizontal actuator actually reached its maximum capacity, but this

maximum load was continually applied until the target deflection was reached. The test

program was paused at this point. This sustained load eventually caused the failure of the

wall which caused a more sudden decrease in load than occurred for any of the other

specimens. Again, like wall QS.B.1, the hysteresis loops of the push and pull cycles did

not equal each other.

Figure 4.2 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.2

The crack pattern in this wall seems to indicate that the wall failed in diagonal tension,

however, since the loading was not equal for the push and pull cycles, this is most evident

on one side of the wall. This wall also exhibits what appears to be a compression strut in

the crack pattern, which also indicates that this wall may have the influence of a partial

flexural failure. Without a base for the wall to be doweled into, flexural failure can only

occur by crushing of the toe, with a diagonal compression strut, as opposed to yielding of

dowels on the tension side.

It was also discovered that wall QS.B.2, due to mis-calibration of the control system, had

an initial vertical load of 20 kN, as opposed to the 60 kN that was placed on all other

walls. This was not noticed until the results from the data were analysed. It has been

shown (e.g. Kranzler and Graubner 2008) that with lower axial loads, in plane shear

failure tends more towards flexural failure than diagonal tension.

4.2.3 Wall QS.B.3

With the capacity of the horizontal actuator maxed out on wall QS.B.2, the test setup was

modified as described in Chapter Three, to incorporate a 1 MN actuator.

Wall QS.B.3 had all cores fully grouted and reinforced with vertical bamboo poles. It

was noted during the 4 mm cycle of the test that the testing frame had started to shift,

with a creaking noise resonating from the setup. As the horizontal loading reached

approximately 200 kN, the test frame started to slide, or ‘jump’ and the whole frame

would slide millimetres at a time. At this point, the test was stopped, and the bolts

holding the frame to the lab strong floor were re-tightened. The test was then restarted,

and the results and crack pattern of this wall are shown in Figure 4.3.

Figure 4.3 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.3

Figure 4.4 - Toe Crushing of QS.B.3

As can be seen from the crack pattern, the wall did not fail in diagonal tension or sliding,

but by a flexural mode with crushing of the toes of each side of the wall. A photo of the

crushed toe on the west side of the wall is shown above in Figure 4.4. During testing,

uplift of the wall was also noted on the so-called tension side, with the heel lifting

approximately 25 mm above the floor level. As can be seen from the hysteresis loops in

Figure 4.3, the test was stopped after the cycle in which it reached ultimate load. This

was done for safety reasons, as it was feared that the crushing of the toe could lead to

lateral instability. With the extremely high loading placed on the wall, it was feared that

the wall could suddenly slip out-of-plane and cause damage to equipment and personnel.

4.2.4 Wall QS.S.1

Wall QS.S.1 was the control wall out of the seven walls, and the only wall that was

reinforced with steel. As mentioned in Chapter Three, this wall was reinforced in four

vertical cores, and contained 3 reinforced bond beams. The amount of reinforcing in this

wall was such that the minimum Canadian Code requirements for reinforcing in seismic

areas were met. The hysteresis loops and crack patterns found for this wall are shown

below in Figure 4.5. As can be seen, the wall exhibited a diagonal tension shear failure,

with a slight rocking, and compression strut failure at each of the toes. As in other walls,

this compression strut is likely due to an influence of a flexural failure. This wall, while

not developing a full “X” pattern associated with diagonal shear failure, does appear to

exhibit a diagonal shear failure.

Figure 4.5 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.S.1

4.2.5 Wall QS.B.5

Wall QS.B.5 was one of two test walls that included horizontal bamboo reinforced bond

beams. This specimen in particular had horizontal reinforcement in every course, as well

as vertical reinforcement in every core. It was found after curing of the wall specimen,

that cracking had occurred in the wall, attributed to expansion of the bamboo

reinforcement when placed in the wet grout. Figure 4.6 shows the cracking that had

occurred at the top and side of the wall. These cracks were marked with white paint to

distinguish them from other cracks that would develop during testing and are shown as

blue lines in Figure 4.7. The hysteresis loops and crack pattern are also shown in this


Figure 4.6 - Side View of Pre-Cracking on Wall QS.B.5


Figure 4.7 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.5

This wall failed differently than all of the previous walls, possibly due to the cracking

that was already present in the wall. Similarly to wall QS.B.3, lifting, and somewhat of a

rocking behaviour was observed, crushing the toes at each end. It can be seen from the

hysteresis loops in Figure 4.7, that the ultimate loads reached during the push and pull

loading cycles were not equal, due to the damage that was already present in this wall.

This test was stopped as soon as the ultimate load started to decrease, as it was observed

that the wall had become out of plumb from the testing, and an out of plane failure

seemed imminent.

It can also be seen at the apex of the last two hysteresis loops that as the deflection

increases, the load decreases, increases, and decreases again. It was observed during the

testing of this wall that despite the re-tightening of the bolts, the higher loads in this test

caused the testing frame again to “jump”, or shift suddenly to take up the tiny amount of

space available in the bolts where the testing frame was connected to the floor. The

clamping force of the bolts on the concrete lab floor would be enough to resist the

movement of the small gaps, until the lateral force became great enough to overcome this

resistance. At this point, the frame would shift slightly, decreasing the load on the

actuator. With the decreased load, the clamping forces would be too great to resist the

load, and would stop shifting. As soon as the load increased, the process would continue

again, until all the slack in the bolt holes was taken up.

4.2.6 Wall QS.B.4

This wall specimen contained three horizontally bamboo reinforced bond beams and four

cores reinforced with bamboo. This specimen, like QS.B.5, had cracking that had formed

in the wall during the curing of the grout. This cracking was again attributed likely due

to the expansion of the bamboo reinforcement in the wet grout. Figure 4.8 shows the

hysteresis loops from the cyclic testing as well as the cracking pattern occurring in the

wall. The blue lines again indicate cracking that was present in the wall before the cyclic

loading was applied.

Figure 4.8 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.4

Like wall QS.B.5, the cracking pattern found on this wall was not typical of the normal

failure modes, which was attributed to the extensive pre-cracking. As can be seen in

Figure 4.8, the ultimate load only reached just above 120 kN. The damage to the wall

from the expansion of the bamboo resulted in the lowest lateral resistance out of all the

walls tested.

4.2.7 Wall QS.B.6.L

The last wall subjected to cyclic testing was wall QS.B.6.L. The only difference between

this wall and wall QS.B.1 was that instead of regular strength concrete block, low

strength block was used. Shown in Figure 4.9 are the hysteresis loops and crack pattern

resulting from the cyclic testing.

Figure 4.9 - Hysteresis Loops and Crack Pattern for Wall QS.B.6.L

The cracking pattern is somewhat similar to the pattern for wall QS.B.1, but as can be

seen by the hysteresis loops, the loading was more symmetric between the push and pull

loading cycles. This led to more of an “X” pattern suggesting that diagonal tension

heavily influenced the wall failure.

4.3 Cyclic Testing Analysis and Discussion

4.3.1 Fluctuating Vertical Load & Bottom of Wall Displacement

It was observed during testing of all walls, that there was a significant variation in the

vertical load placed on the walls. This was of course the result of the fact that the initial

vertical load was placed on the wall using force control, and then the actuator was locked

in position using displacement control in an effort to prevent uplift of the wall during the

cyclic loading. The tendency for the wall to want to rotate due to the horizontal load

resulted in increased axial force on the wall from the vertical actuator. The stiffer the

wall was, or the more grout that was used, the greater this fluctuation became, as there

was a higher lateral load resistance and therefore a higher rotational moment applied.

The vertical loadings on the three stiffest walls tested are shown below in Figure 4.10.

Plots for the other walls can be found in Appendix B.


Figure 4.10 - Vertical Load Fluctuation for Cyclic Test Walls

As can be seen from Figure 4.10, walls QS.B.3 and QS.B.5 both reach a vertical load of

just under 500 kN, which is the maximum capacity of the vertical actuator. Once its

maximum capacity was reached it would have been unable to hold position, allowing

uplift of the wall.

Figure 4.11 - Additional Wall Deflection Due to Rotation


The deflection reported by the LSCs at the top of wall would therefore be due to the shear

deflection as well as the additional deflection due to the rotation as shown in Figure


The rotation of the wall not only affected the perceived deflections of the wall specimens,

but the increased vertical load would ultimately have had an effect on the wall failure

mode, as well as the failure strength. In testing of URM walls, Kranzler and Graubner

(2008) mention that with an increased normal load on walls, diagonal tension failure of

units becomes more predominant as opposed to gaping, or separation of the units. As

discussed in Chapter Two, an increased axial load is also known to increase the shear

strength of walls (e.g. Voon and Ingham 2006).

4.3.2 Wall Failure Modes

In all the wall specimens, the predominant shear failure modes were diagonal tension

shear and flexural failure characterized by compressive strut toe crushing with slight

rocking. In many cases, a combination of these two modes was somewhat apparent, with

the emergence of diagonal shear failure first. No sliding shear failure occurred. At first

glance, the rocking / compression strut mode found predominantly in QS.B.3 and QS.B.5

gave the highest deformation out of any of the walls. However, as discussed above, the

rotation increased the measured deflection because of the orientation and geometry of the

tilted wall. In addition, the crushing of the toe also served to increase the measured

deflection above the actual deflection. In the case of the two stiffest and fully grouted

walls, QS.B.3 and QS.B.5, there was significant spalling and damage to the corners of the

wall allowing for more rotation, and for the base of the wall to slide. From the hysteresis

loops, it can be seen that there is no significant decrease in load after the ultimate load, as

in all the other tests. While the other walls show large hysteresis loops after ultimate load

capacity, and a significant decrease in load with increased deflection, the fully grouted

walls show a more sudden and brittle failure. While QS.B.4 was fully grouted, it did not

have similar behaviour to walls QS.B.3 and QS.B.5, as the pre-cracking of the wall

significantly changed the ultimate load and ductility.

One of the things observed during the cyclic testing was the tendency for the test walls to

want to twist and kick out of the in-plane testing frame. Bracing was placed at the

bottom of the walls to prevent this out-of-plane movement however this highlights the

importance that boundary conditions can have on the ultimate failure of a test specimen.

While the test programme was set up to test walls in-plane, more research needs to be

done on the out-of-plane properties of bamboo reinforced masonry.

4.3.3 Bamboo Bond, Expansion and Cracking in Wall Specimens

There did not appear to be any pullout or bond failure in any of the tests with the

exception of where there was pre-cracking in the two walls with horizontal bamboo

reinforcement. Figure 4.12 shows the bond between the grout and bamboo in test wall

QS.B.6.L. The bond of the vertical reinforcement appeared to be more than sufficient in

all of the test specimens (save sections of QS.B.4 & QS.B.5 that had pre-cracking)

alleviating fears that poor bond between bamboo and grout could be a problem in

masonry construction under short term conditions. The long-term performance of


bamboo in grout, however, is largely unknown. As discussed in Chapter 2, Ghavami

(2005) showed that the tensile capacity of bamboo encased in concrete for 15 years

showed only a minimal loss of strength. This, as well as other properties of bamboo-

reinforced masonry such as long-term bond strength, sustained loading, creep, flexural

and shear capacities, need to be a focus in future research.

Figure 4.12 - Typical Bamboo Bond in Wall Specimens

As mentioned previously, wall specimens QS.B.4 and QS.B.5, did develop cracking a

few days after they were grouted. These were the only two that contained horizontal

bamboo reinforced bond beams. A total of 80 poles of Tonkin cane were originally

ordered for this research, much more than was needed for the walls constructed. Many of

these poles contained significant horizontal cracking, and were not used for construction.

The vertical bamboo bars were the first to be selected and cut from the material available,

and therefore the highest quality bamboo, which contained the least cracking, was used.

Some of the bamboo culms used as horizontal reinforcement, unfortunately did contain

some small longitudinal cracking between nodes. Despite the varnish waterproofing the

small cracks allowed moisture absorption and expansion of the bamboo causing cracking

in several places along the two walls, as shown in Figures 4.6, 4.7 & 4.8. After testing

the walls, the face shell was removed and they were more closely inspected showing that

along sections of the horizontal bamboo reinforcement, some de-bonding had occurred.

Despite the presence of a longitudinal crack in the grout along much of the length of the

bamboo and a few vertical cracks, most of the surface area of the horizontal

reinforcement still had some bond. The typical de-bonding, as well as cracking in the

grout is shown in Figure 4.13.

Figure 4.13 -Typical Cracking and De-bonding at Horizontal Bamboo


Compared to the other walls, the two with this pre-cracking exhibited significantly lower

load carrying capabilities, and therefore proper treatment of the bamboo to prevent such

cracking is crucial for safe walls. There are three possible solutions for preventing the

moisture from being absorbed by bamboo that contains small cracks. The first is to

simply use bamboo splints instead of culms such that each part of the bamboo could be

properly treated despite the cracking. Unfortunately, this would also increase the labour

needed, as all the bamboo would have to be split, but this may not be an issue in

developing regions. A second possibility to control moisture absorption would be to seal

the cracks after the specimen has been treated. The varnish itself is not a thick enough

substance to fill a crack of more than about a millimetre or two, however, a hard

waterproof substance such as wax, or other similar substance, could span the crack, and

ensure that no moisture makes its way to the inside of the bamboo culm. Finally, the

third way would be to ensure that full culms used have no cracks present, which

unfortunately could lead to a large waste of material. From these options, it is

recommended that in future testing, the bamboo be split. This would eliminate swelling

due to longitudinal cracks in whole culms, and as suggested by Brink and Rush (1966),

could increase the performance of the bamboo compared to using whole culms.

In any case, the treatment and prevention of moisture to the bamboo reinforcement is

extremely important. As shown here, even a few small cracks along the bamboo can be

enough to allow moisture ingress, and induce cracking and loss of strength of a structural


4.3.4 Boundary Conditions

The boundary conditions of experimental arrangements can play a huge part in the results

that the tests produce. In the first two cyclic tests, it was immediately noticed that the

ultimate load on the pull side was much lower than the push side. Possible reasons for

this were assumed to be sliding and bending of the test frame, and/or sliding of the wall

specimen. To combat this, the actuator was programmed to compensate for any

movement at the base of the wall, as well as any frame deflection. This proved to

improve the discrepancies between the push and pull loads, but there still was a slight

difference. The remaining difference could be due to the threaded steel rods used to

connect the bearing plates on the wall to the actuator. Rough calculations showed that

the deflection in the rods due to the loads placed on them during the pull cycle could be

as high as a few millimetres. While this isn’t an extremely large deflection difference, it

could have been enough to give the differences seen in the hysteresis loops. This too is

just a small part of the test setup that had an effect on the outcome of the wall tests.

The fluctuating vertical load discussed above likely also affected the test outcomes. In

force control mode, the actuator would have allowed more vertical movement of the

walls but the vertical load would have remained constant and very different results could

have been obtained. The walls would have likely experienced more rocking, and more of

them would have succumbed to a compression strut failure as was seen in some of the

stiffer walls. If two vertical actuators were used instead of one, the behaviour of the

walls would also be affected since the vertical movement would be better prevented and

the total vertical load on the wall could be kept constant (Fehling and Schermer 2008).

The lack of a concrete base into which the vertical reinforcement could be dowelled

obviously prevented a flexural failure in tension from occurring. The mode of failure

may have turned from a diagonal tension to a flexural tensile failure. Even the toe-

crushing mode of failure may have been different, had a concrete base been used.

However, as explained previously, the lack of a concrete base was intended to best

represent the possible boundary conditions that would be present in a low cost housing

project in a developing region.

In all types of experimental testing, the boundary conditions will affect the results, and

therefore need to be tailored for the type of result that the testing is meant to investigate.

Here, an attempt was made to use the most realistic boundary conditions possible and

investigate specifically the more brittle diagonal tension type shear failure. However, as

a result, other types of failure and properties of bamboo-reinforced masonry could not be

investigated. Further research is required to look at these different failure modes and see

how they are affected by the use of bamboo-reinforcement.

4.3.5 Hysteresis Envelopes

In order to make direct comparisons of the suitability of wall reinforcement

combinations, the envelopes of the cyclic test hysteresis loops were plotted, and placed

on a single graph, shown below in Figure 4.14. The envelopes were taken from the push

side of the hysteresis loops, as they showed the greatest resistance in all wall tests and are

not affected by any elongation in the threaded steel rods.


Figure 4.14 - Hysteresis Envelopes Test Walls

These envelopes for the load and top of wall deflection for each of the walls serve not

only to make a direct comparison of the wall results, but also were used to make further

analytical comparisons.

4.3.6 Bilinear Idealization and Ductility

Section 2.7.2 in Chapter Two described how load-deflection envelopes can be idealized

into a bilinear relationship. This methodology was applied to the envelopes shown in

Figure 4.14. All of the key values that were taken from the envelopes, as well as

calculated values are tabulated in Table 4.1.


Table 4.1 - Calculation Results for Bilinear Idealization and Ductility

Wall Hmax 0.7Hmax Dcr Ke 0.8Hmax De Du Dmax Aenv Hu H u/ Ductility,
(kN) (kN) (mm) (kN/mm) (kN) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kN·mm) (kN) Hmax μu
QS.B.1 187.6 131.3 4.5 29.1 150.1 5.6 10.7 17.7 2251.4 148.6 0.79 1.91
QS.B.2 240.6 168.4 6.7 25.1 192.5 8.3 16.1 21.8 3444.5 191.5 0.80 1.94
QS.B.3 365.4 255.8 10.3 24.8 292.3 13.0 25.1 25.1 6284.5 354.6 0.97 1.93
QS.B.4 124.0 86.8 2.6 33.4 99.2 3.2 15.0 15.0 1599.6 121.3 0.98 4.7
QS.B.5 347.0 242.9 16.0 15.2 277.6 18.0 39.1 40 9346.0 315.5 0.91 2.17
QS.B.6.L 145.5 101.9 3.8 26.8 116.4 5.1 10.4 15.0 1500.1 117.0 0.8 2.04
QS.S.1 262.6 183.8 6.9 26.6 210.1 8.4 16.8 20.0 3658.5 234.7 0.89 2.0

Figure 4.15 - Typical Bilinearization of Experimental Envelope (Wall QS.B.1)

The critical points for each bilinear idealization were also plotted graphically on the

envelopes of each wall, with a typical plot shown above in Figure 4.15. Plots for the

remaining walls can be found in Appendix B. All of the bilinear idealizations are shown

in Figure 4.16.

Figure 4.16 - Idealized Experimental Envelopes

From the experimental envelopes, it was found that it was extremely difficult to

differentiate the change in slope once the wall cracked. Therefore, the initial cracking

deflection, Dcr, was taken at the value of 0.7Hmax, as recommended in literature (Ötes and

Löring 2003). Values of De and Du were both determined at the point at which the load

equalled to 0.8Hmax as shown in Figure 2.21. In the case where the load did not drop

significantly enough after reaching the ultimate load to reach eighty percent, the same

value as Dmax, or the maximum displacement was used for Du. The area under the

envelope, Aenv, was obtained by transforming area under the curve into strips and

approximating the strips as trapezoids. This area was then used in Eq. 2.5 to obtain the

ultimate idealized resistance, Hu.

With the exception of QS.B.4, all of the walls had a calculated value for ductility, μ,

around two (Table 4.1). In the case of QS.B.4, this departure from the relatively close

values for ductility is attributed to the extensive pre-cracking caused by the expansion of

bamboo during the curing period. Although QS.B.5 was also pre-cracked, the damage

was not as significant as in wall QS.B.4. In terms of ductility and the case of diagonal

shear failure mode, the use of bamboo as reinforcement in masonry walls looks

promising. Compared with the steel reinforced wall, all of the walls showed somewhat

equivalent ductility under the given test conditions. However, as discussed previously,

walls QS.B.3 & QS.B.5 had inflated values for their ultimate deflection, and by looking

at their hysteresis loops, it can be seen that their failure mode is more brittle than that of

the other walls.

It has also been noted by Tomazavic (1999) that experimental testing has the potential to

give high values for ductility and that the values would have to be limited in seismic

design to avoid excessive damage to structural walls. It is interesting to note that all the

test results, except QS.B.4, did not reach his suggested limiting value of 4.0 – 5.0 for

reinforced masonry. Three out of the seven walls did not even reach his suggested

limitation for unreinforced masonry, 2.0 – 3.0. The mean ratio of Hu/Hmax = 0.9 from

tests on over sixty walls (Tomazevic 1999) corresponds well with the mean value of 0.87

for the experimental walls tested here. The values coming from wall specimens with

horizontal reinforcement, QS.S.1 and QS.B.5, were particularly close to literature values,

being 0.89 and 0.91 respectively. Other values were in the range of 0.79 -0.98. For the

values calculated for walls QS.B.3 and QS.B.5, if the inflated deflection of the wall did

not occur, the ratios would decrease, as the area under the hysteresis envelope would be

reduced with a decreased deflection.


4.3.7 Hysteresis Dissipation Energy

From the hysteresis loops found for each of the walls tested, the cumulative dissipation

energy was calculated by finding the area of the loops between consecutive displacement

peaks. Since there was a discrepancy between the maximums of the push and pull cycles,

the dissipation was calculated for the positive push cycle only. For each of the walls, a

table was constructed, which shows the displacement for each hysteresis loop calculated,

the maximum deflection of the loop, as well as the cumulative dissipation of energy at

that point of testing. These tables are found in Appendix B. Table 4.2 below shows the

total calculated energies dissipated by each of the test walls.

Table 4.2 - Dissipated Hysteresis Energy for Push Cycles

Wall QS.B.1 QS.B.2 QS.B.3 QS.B.4 QS.B.5 QS.B.6.L QS.S.1
4340 4526 3321 2374 8534 2237 5034

As can be seen, the wall with the most dissipated hysteresis energy is wall QS.B.5, yet as

discussed before, both this wall and QS.B.3 had inflated top of wall deflections, which

would have increased this value substantially. The high value for dissipation of energy

for the steel reinforced wall, QS.S.1 indicates that steel reinforcement still is the premier

material for use in resisting seismic loads. Both walls QS.B.1 and QS.B.2, however, show

a fairly high dissipation which implies that bamboo is a viable reinforcing material for

use in seismic regions.


4.3.8 Stiffness Degradation

As discussed in Chapter Two, previous testing has shown that different types of masonry

walls such as reinforced, unreinforced and confined masonry experience similar stiffness

degradation. As no comparisons have been done for bamboo reinforced walls, an

analysis was completed. The slopes for each of the experimental hysteresis envelopes

were first determined at intervals of 0.5 mm of the actual top of wall deflection, and

divided by the effective stiffness, Ke. The deflection at these intervals was divided by the

top of wall deflection that occurred at the maximum resistance of the wall, dHmax. This

procedure normalizes both the stiffness, as well as the deflection of each of the walls,

making a direct comparison between walls possible. The results were plotted for each of

the seven test walls, and are shown below in Figure 4.17.

Figure 4.17 - Stiffness Degradation of Experimental Walls with Normalized Lateral


Since the slope points were taken at intervals of 0.5 mm, the plots in Figure 4.17

fluctuated quite a bit. To give a more even representation of the slope degradation, trend

lines were fitted to the data points. These curves are shown below in Figure 4.18.

Figure 4.18 - Curves fit to Stiffness Degradation of Experimental Walls with

Normalized Lateral Displacement

As can be seen from the experimental hysteresis loops for each of the walls in

Section 4.2, there are sometimes great increases or decreases in the maximum load from

one cycle to the next. As can be seen in the time displacement plot in Figure 3.16 and the

experimental results, the difference in displacement between cycles is up to 5 mm at the

peak load for most of the walls. There are therefore fewer data points available to

construct the hysteresis envelope in this region. Smaller deflection steps in this region

would have allowed not only a more accurate envelope, but also more accurate points for

the stiffness degradation to be determined.


The stiffness degradation curves in Figure 4.18 do not exhibit the same similarities as

those in Figure 2.23. There is more variation in the values for the ratio of K/Ke compared

to the curves shown in Figure 2.23. It is interesting to note that wall QS.B.4, which had

severe damage from pre-cracking, had one of the smoothest curves, and was most

comparable to curves found in Figure 2.23. This analysis shows that the stiffness of the

walls was not significantly changed by using bamboo as opposed to steel reinforcement,

which is especially noted with the actual normalized points in Figure 4.17. This

conclusion, however, is based mainly upon two modes of failure. With future testing, the

degradation curves could be compared with other boundary conditions to confirm this


4.3.9 Bamboo Reinforced vs Unreinforced Masonry

In the same time frame that the experimental testing for this thesis was being completed,

additional testing was being conducted at the University of Calgary by others to

investigate the use of GFRP and Geogrid bed joint reinforcement to strengthen ungrouted

masonry walls. (Sadek & Lissel 2008) In this experimental program, an ungrouted,

unreinforced control wall was built by the same master mason, using the same

dimensions, and approximately the same specified strength block (f’m = 12.7 MPa) as in

this thesis. The wall was also experimentally tested in the same testing frame and manner

that was described in Chapter 3. From this testing, hysteresis loops were produced, and

the results obtained are shown below in Figure 4.19.


Figure 4.19 - Hysteresis Loops from Experimental Unreinforced Wall (Sadek &
Lissel 2008)

As can be seen from the hysteresis loops, the ultimate shear capacity for this wall was 60

kN, while the corresponding top of wall displacement was only 5 mm. It can be seen that

the unreinforced wall experiences a sudden failure, and the maximum load corresponds to

the maximum deflection. It is apparent that the addition of bamboo reinforcement not

only increases the ductility of unreinforced masonry, but also the ultimate shear capacity.

4.3.10 Regular vs Low Strength Block Comparison

The two walls QS.B.1 and QS.B.6.L were similar in construction, except for the use of

low strength block instead of regular strength in the latter. Compressive testing of both

grouted, and ungrouted prisms, showed mean strengths for the regular strength block

were approximately thirty percent stronger than their lower strength counterparts. It is

therefore interesting that the maximum ultimate load, Hmax obtained for the regular

strength wall, QS.B.1, was also just under thirty percent higher than QS.B.6.L. The

maximum axial load for QS.B.1 was 248.1 kN, while the maximum for QS.B.6.L was

only 198.8 kN. It is possible that the ultimate load capacity could have been slightly

higher for QS.B.6.L had the same higher axial load been reached.

Figure 4.20 - Hysteresis Comparison for Low Strength Block

The similarities between the behaviour of the two walls can be more clearly seen from

Figure 4.20 which shows the two experimental envelopes, along with their bilinear

idealizations. Each has a relatively similar peak, and post ultimate load performance,

however, the initial slope of the low strength specimen is slightly lower, having a Ke

value of 26.8 kN/mm as opposed to 29.1 kN/mm. The ductility was also very similar

between the two, with the low strength wall being slightly more ductile.

With only two specimens to compare, it is difficult to draw any definitive conclusions

about the performance of low strength versus normal strength block though there does

appear to be good potential for the use of low strength block in low cost housing. From

the limited data, however, it appears that the main difference in using a high strength

block is the increase in ultimate load, with a slight decrease in ductility.

4.3.11 Steel vs Bamboo Comparison

Of all the walls that were tested, the bamboo reinforced wall QS.B.2, which had four

vertical cores reinforced, has the most comparable performance to that of the steel

reinforced control wall, QS.S.1. Although they both had the same number of reinforced

cores, the bamboo reinforced wall did not have the two horizontal reinforced bond beams

that were present in QS.S.1 (the third horizontal bond beam was in the top course, where

the load was applied, and therefore was ineffective). For a direct comparison, the

hysteresis envelopes, along with the bilinear idealizations for both walls are plotted in

Figure 4.21.

Figure 4.21 - Wall QS.B.2 and QS.S.1 Comparison

While it may be assumed that the higher ultimate load capacity in the steel reinforced

wall is due to the stronger vertical, and additional horizontal reinforcement, one first has

to also compare the vertical loads that were applied to the two specimens. The vertical

loading for both walls are plotted together in Figure 4.22.

Figure 4.22 - Vertical Load Comparison for QS.B.2 & QS.S.1


As mentioned in Section 4.2.2, wall QS.B.2 was the one wall that experienced only part

of the intended initial vertical load due to calibration errors, as can be seen in Figure 4.22.

In addition to the initial loading, it can be seen that the loads imposed on the steel

reinforced wall were much greater than those imposed on the bamboo reinforced wall.

As noted previously, it is known that, up to a certain limit, an increase in axial load on

shear wall specimens leads to an increase in shear capacity. This begs the question of

what the capacity of the bamboo wall would have been, had the maximum axial load

placed on the wall been the same as QS.S.1. Comparing the points of peak axial load, the

steel reinforced wall has almost three times the axial stress placed on it.

The ductility of both walls was similar as well, with the steel wall being 2.0 and the

bamboo being slightly less ductile at 1.94. This is somewhat apparent in the hysteresis

envelopes, in which the bamboo-reinforced wall has a steeper post-peak slope compared

to the steel reinforced wall. This observation is also reinforced by the values of Hu/Hmax

for each wall, where the steel is the higher of the two at 0.89 compared to 0.8.

It is unfortunate that wall QS.B.4 was damaged from the pre-cracking, as it had the same

reinforcement layout to QS.S.1 and a proper comparison of using horizontal bond beams

with bamboo and steel reinforcement could also have been made. However, even with

the absence of horizontal reinforcement, from the results obtained for QS.B.2 it appears

to have performed almost as well as QS.S.1. While it cannot be said based on one test

that bamboo is a sufficient replacement for steel reinforcement for low cost housing, it

can be said that bamboo holds great potential.

This series of tests only looked at the effectiveness of bamboo as reinforcement, in the

case of a diagonal tension or compression strut failure. The case in which bamboo

performed nearly as well as steel may not be so if a flexural tensile failure mode is

introduced. From the perspective of using bamboo in a shear wall, other boundary

conditions such as axial loads, positioning of the horizontal loads, and the use of footing

and capping beams are all parameters that need to be tested. Other factors such as the

species of bamboo available, type of waterproofing and bond agents, block type and

strength, and geometry of the walls are other factors that should be studied to provide

more insight to the strengths and weaknesses of using bamboo as internal reinforcement

in masonry.

4.4 Shear Equation Analysis

There are numerous shear models available to calculate the shear strength of masonry

walls. Calculations were carried out using three different equations to compare the

various models to the experimental results. Diagonal tension failure as well as flexural

and sliding shear failures were considered for each of the walls. Although none of the

selected equations were intended for use with bamboo as a reinforcing material, the tested

properties of bamboo were substituted in place of steel properties. Since bamboo did not

exhibit a yield plateau, the average failure stress of the strain-gauged specimens was used

as the yield strength in the shear equations. In the following sections, the models used

are described, followed by the results, analysis and discussion.

4.4.1 Diagonal Shear Models CSA S304.1-04 (2004)

The equation for the diagonal shear resistance of a reinforced shear wall is given in

Clause of the Canadian Standards Association’s S304.1-04 Design of Masonry

Structures standard (CSA 2004b):

Vn =  m (v m bw dv + 0.25Pd ) g + (0.60 s Av f y )  0.4 f m bw dv  g (4.1)

In this equation, the factors  m and  s are material resistance factors. The term  g is the

grouting factor for walls. For partially grouted walls  g equals the ratio of the effective

cross-sectional area divided by the gross area, but may be no greater than 0.5. For fully

grouted walls, this factor is equal to 1.0. Equation 4.1 also contains the term vm, which is

the shear strength contributed by the masonry, given by:

v m = 0.16(2  ) f m (4.2)

where (2  ) = a value not less than 0.25, nor greater than 1.0

For a low aspect shear or squat wall, defined as having a height to length ratio (hw/lw) less

than one, the maximum allowable shear is increased by a factor equal to 2 - (hw/lw). This

increased maximum, given in Clause, is:

0.4 f m bw dv  g [2  (hw /lw )] (4.3)

The use of Equation 4.3 only applies if “care [is] taken to ensure that the shear input to

the wall is distributed along the entire length of the wall and will not lead to a failure of a

portion of the wall” (CSA 2004b). National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) (1997)

Research from the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the National Earthquake

Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) produced another model, in hopes of minimizing

earthquake damage (NEHRP 1997). This equation however, does not apply to masonry

shear strength in the plastic hinge regions, which would give an inelastic response instead

of an elastic one. The equation set out by NEHRP is as follows:

Vn = 0.0834.0 1.75 An f m + 0.25 n An + 0.5Ah f yh L /sh (4.4)

where n is the axial stress placed on the wall


This equation, like the Canadian model, has limitations on the maximum shear allowable.

However, in this case, the maximum amount of shear resistance is dependent on the term

M/VL, which takes into account the wall aspect ratio:

0.5A f  for M /VL  0.25 or

Vn(max) =  n m
 0.33An f m for M /VL  1.0

Between the values of 0.25 and 1.0, a straight-line interpolation can be used to find the

maximum allowable shear. Both this equation and that in the Canadian Standard include

a shear friction term, allowing for an increase in shear capacity with axial stress, and a

term for the contribution of horizontal reinforcement to shear resistance. Voon & Ingham (2007)

One of the most recent models proposed for the in-plane diagonal shear capacity of

masonry comes from work done by Voon and Ingham (2007). They proposed for

practical design calculations, that the shear strength of masonry be calculated from the

following equation:

Vn = 0.8k(Ca + Cb )An f m + 0.9N * tan  + Ah f yh  0.33An f m (4.6)

where Ca=0.022vfyv, and Cb=0.083[4-1.75(M/VL)]


In this expression, the value of M/VL is limited to be between 0.25 and 1.0, similar to

S304.1-04 and NEHRP’s equations. The term 0.9N*tan represents the enhancement of

shear strength that comes from the axial compression and resulting diagonal shear strut.

The angle  is the angle between the centres of flexural compression at the top and

bottom of the wall and the axis of the wall. For single bending, this is from the heel of

the wall, to the centre of the top of the wall. Finally, the term Deff = L-2d’ -Ldh, where Ldh

should be taken as 20db for reinforcement with a yield strength of 300 MPa, and 35db for

reinforcement with a yield strength of 500MPa.

In contrast to the first two models presented, this model considers the effect of

longitudinal reinforcement, and ductility of the wall. The additional shear strength

provided by the vertical reinforcement is accounted for by the term Ca, while the term k is

a factor that takes into account the diminishing effects that these bars have in the case of

yielding of the longitudinal reinforcement.

4.4.2 Flexural Shear

None of the above sources provide equations for the determination of the flexural shear

strength of masonry walls. Instead, the convention is to do a flexural analysis, as shown

in Figure 2.15. This approach, conversely, does not work for the experimental walls as

there is no tension reinforcement that is doweled into the foundation. Instead, a diagonal

compression strut forms on the experimental walls, stretching from the application of

force, to the toe of the wall. While the CSA S304.1-04 masonry code does not give

provisions for the calculation of compression struts, the CSA Concrete Design Standard

A23.3-04 (CSA 2004c) does give guidelines to calculate the strength of the compression

strut, in which the maximum value is given by:

Pcs = Acs c f cu (4.7)

The term Acs represents the cross sectional area of the compressive strut. This area can

be calculated as seen below in Figure 4.23, in which a bearing plate and another

compressive strut anchor the strut. In this figure, the term lb is the length of the bearing

plate, and da is the length of the compression strut. The angle  is the angle of the strut,

which is found between the line connecting the toe of the wall to point of application of

the horizontal load and the horizontal axis of the wall.

Figure 4.23 - Compression Strut Anchored By Bearing Plate and Strut (CSA 2004c)

The term fcu in Equation 4.7 is the crushing strength of the concrete, or effective strength,

given by:

f c
f cu =  0.85 f c (4.8)
0.8 + 1701

In this equation, the usable strength of concrete is decreased due to the tensile strain of

the strut, with the term 1. If the tensile strains of the compression strut in the walls are

assumed to be a minimum, fcu can simply be taken as 0.85f`c. If all these terms in

Equations 4.7 and 4.8 are adjusted for masonry, the length of the confining compression

strut is taken as the thickness of the wall, tw, and assuming that half of the axial load, Pd is

transferred into the strut, this gives us a proposed equation for nominal flexural shear

resistance of the experimental test walls:

Vn = (lb sin  + t w cos  )  t w  0.85 f m  (4.9)

In the case of partially grouted walls, a linear interpolation can be used between the

properties of a fully grouted section and an ungrouted section. Note that the material

resistance factor,  c , has also been removed to provide a nominal resistance.

4.4.3 Sliding Shear

For sliding shear that occurs in reinforced masonry, the following equation is provided in

the CSA S304.01-04:


Vr =  m μP2 (4.10)

For this equation, μ is a friction coefficient with a value of 1.0 for masonry to masonry.

P2 is a term that includes the compressive force in the masonry acting normal to the

sliding plane, the dowel action of the vertical reinforcement, as well as the diagonal strut

forces acting on the wall. Note that to calculate nominal resistances, the material

resistance factor,  m was removed, and the full axial and compression strut loads were

used. No further models for sliding were considered as it is not a dominant failure mode

in reinforced masonry.

4.4.4 Comparison of Results to Shear Equations

The nominal resistance using each of the aforementioned equations was calculated for

each of the seven test walls. For the Canadian Standard S304.1-04, previous research by

Miller et al. (2005) described the standard’s provisions to be among the most

conservative of available diagonal tension equations. In their testing, by manipulating the

horizontal shear reinforcement factor in the second part of Equation 4.1 from 0.6 to 1.0,

the theoretical results became less conservative by over 10 percent. In addition to being

conservative on the shear reinforcement, the limiting value of 0.5 placed on the factor  g

for partially grouted walls adds to this conservatism.

Therefore, three separate calculations were performed using the S304.1-04 equation to

compare to experimental data. The first used Equation 4.1 with only the material

resistance factors set to 1.0, as to obtain a nominal resistance. In addition to setting the

material resistance factors to 1.0, the second set (Case 1) removed the conservatism in

partially grouted walls by removing the limit of 0.5 for the factor  g . Finally, the last set

of calculations (Case 2) had the same conditions as Case 1, but also modified the shear

reinforcement factor from 0.6 to 1.0, so the last part of Equation 4.1 was equal to

1.0Av f y . All other equations were used as previously shown. The tabulated

calculated results are shown below in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 - Calculated Nominal Shear Resistances

Wall  QS.B.1 QS.B.2 QS.B.3 QS.B.4 QS.B.5 QS.B.6.L QS.S.1
Experimental & Idealized (kN)
Experimental Ultimate Resistance, 188 241 365 124 347 146 263
Ultimate Idealized Resistance, 149 192 355 212 316 117 235
Diagonal Tension (kN) Vn
S304.1-04 (2004) 111 92 269 146 375 93 210
S304.1-04 (2004) Case 1 122 130 269 184 375 103 260
S304.1-04 (2004) Case 2 122 130 269 219 429 103 315
NEHRP (1997) 174 195 357 251 441 147 324
Voon & Ingham (2007) 199 186 338 249 338 171 249
Flexural (kN) Vn
Compression Strut Model (Eq 4.9) 234 345 252 397 251 176 281
Sliding (kN) Vn
S304.1-04 (2004) 439 398 961 320 949 427 625

The experimental ultimate resistance value, Hmax, as well as the bilinear idealized

resistance, Hu, are also included for comparison. All of the calculations can be found in

Appendix C. For an additional visual reference, all of the calculated nominal resistances

are plotted in comparison to the experimental envelope and bilinear idealization. A


typical plot for wall QS.B.6.L is shown below in Figure 4.24. The graphs for the

remainder of the walls can be found in Appendix B.

Figure 4.24 - Typical Graphical Comparison of Experimental to Theoretical Shear

Values (Wall QS.B.6.L)

To give a better comparison of the different shear resistance equations, the ratio of the

calculated nominal resistance over the experimental resistance, Vn/Hmax, was calculated

for each result. As none of the experimental walls experienced sliding shear failure, the

ratios for this type of failure were not included. The tabulated results are presented below

in Table 4.4.

Table 4.4 - Comparison of Nominal Shear Values to Experimental Results

Wall  QS.B.1 QS.B.2 QS.B.3 QS.B.4 QS.B.5 QS.B.6.L QS.S.1
Diagonal Tension (kN) Vn/Hmax
S304.1-04 (2004) 0.59 0.38 0.73 1.18 1.08 0.64 0.80
S304.1-04 (2004) Case 1 0.65 0.53 0.74 1.48 1.08 0.71 0.99
S304.1-04 (2004) Case 2 0.65 0.54 0.74 1.76 1.24 0.71 1.20
NEHRP (1997) 0.93 0.81 0.98 2.02 1.27 1.01 1.23
Voon & Ingham (2007) 1.06 0.77 0.93 2.00 0.97 1.17 0.95
Flexural (kN) Vn/Hmax
Compression Strut Model (Eq. 4.9) 1.25 1.43 0.68 3.20 0.72 1.21 1.07

As can be seen by Tables 4.3 and 4.4, the theoretical equations provided varying results.

It is clear that due to the extensive pre-cracking, there was a large loss of strength in wall

QS.B.4, since all of the equations predicted a much higher strength than was achieved in

the test. The nominal sliding shear failure values were well above all other values, which

was to be expected, since no sliding shear failure was observed during experimental

testing. The proposed equation for flexural (compression strut) failure, Equation 4.9,

provided mixed results. On the one hand, for walls that had a predominant flexural

failure (QS.B.3 & QS.B.5), values of Vn/Hmax were below 1.0, and were also less than the

ratios for diagonal tension. From a theoretical point of view, this successfully predicts a

flexural failure over a diagonal tension failure. On the other hand, the calculated values

are quite conservative, ranging from 28 – 32 percent of the experimental result for walls

QS.B.3 and QS.B.5.


It can be seen that for wall QS.B.5, all the diagonal shear equations are at least close to

the maximum experimental load, and most exceed the value, indicating a flexural failure.

In the results, the most conservative equation is S304.01-04, when no modifications were

made to the original equations. Even with the modifications to reduce the

conservativeness in Cases 1 & 2 of the same equation, the results varied by quite a bit.

To compare this variation, the results from all of the diagonal tension equations were

taken for only the walls the showed a more dominant diagonal tension failure (QS.B.1,

QS.B.2, QS.B.6.L & QS.S.1), and are presented below in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 - Shear Equation Comparison for Walls with Diagonal Tension Failure
Mean Coefficient of Variation
Equation Standard Deviation
(Vn/Hmax) (%)
S304.1-04 (2004) 0.60 0.17 28.5
S304.1-04 (2004) Case 1 0.72 0.19 26.5
S304.1-04 (2004) Case 2 0.77 0.29 37.7
NEHRP (1997) 1.0 0.18 17.9
Voon & Ingham (2007) 0.99 0.17 17.3

As can be seen, the values calculated from the NEHRP, and Voon and Ingham equations

were closest to experimental results but both equations still had fairly high coefficients of

variation. The COVs were, however, significantly lower than those for the S304.1-04. It

appears the equations from both NEHRP and Voon and Ingham show the greatest

potential for use when designing masonry shear walls reinforced with bamboo.

The comparison of experimental results and design shear models had a few purposes,

with the first being to see how applicable these equations would be if one simply

substituted bamboo material properties in place of steel. Subsequently, future research


could look at modifying the best existing equations to develop one for specific use with

bamboo, perhaps in conjunction with some of the existing equations suggested for

bamboo reinforced concrete, such as those suggested by Brink & Rush (1966). The use

of different equations also illustrated the strengths and weaknesses of the equations, such

as the inability for S304.1-04 to effectively model partially grouted walls. None of these

equations were intended for use with bamboo as reinforcement, yet the equations from

NEHRP and Voon & Ingham were quite accurate in their predictions. In future research,

the results presented should be a valuable basis in formulating design equations for

masonry shear walls reinforced with bamboo.


Chapter Five: Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Conclusions

The performance of bamboo as a replacement for steel reinforcement was studied in

masonry shear walls for cyclic loading conditions. The walls were reinforced with

different amounts and configurations of bamboo reinforcement. From the results

obtained, the most significant findings were:

• The addition of bamboo reinforcement in concrete block shear walls provides

enhanced shear capacity, as well as ductility compared to unreinforced masonry.

Even without horizontal reinforcement, the addition of vertical bamboo

reinforcement provided additional shear capacity, while also giving a relatively

ductile failure compared to unreinforced masonry.

• Test walls that were fully grouted showed much different hysteresis behaviour

than those walls that were not fully grouted. Fully grouted walls failed by

crushing of the toe, as opposed to diagonal shear, and exhibited a much more

abrupt drop off in load after reaching ultimate capacity. With the additional

material, lower ductility, and only marginal increase in shear capacity, the use of

fully grouted walls for low cost housing projects is not recommended.

• In some cases, bamboo reinforced shear walls showed remarkably similar

behaviour to that reinforced with steel. The performance between wall QS.B.2,

which had four vertical cores reinforced with bamboo, and QS.S.1, which had

four vertical cores and three bond beams reinforced with steel were very similar

in terms of both ductility and ultimate resistance. The slightly lower ultimate

resistance of the bamboo-reinforced wall was attributed to a lower axial load

applied to it, along with the lack of bond beams. In addition, given the variability

in the materials the difference in performance for these two walls cannot be

considered significant.

• The use of low strength block compared to regular strength block did not

significantly affect the shear wall behaviour, other than an expected decrease in

ultimate shear resistance. The decrease in shear resistance was approximately

proportional to the decrease in compressive strength of the masonry used in the


This research is one of the first attempts to use bamboo as internal reinforcement in

grouted block masonry, and demonstrates that bamboo shows great promise for use in

future low cost housing applications. The relevant material properties of bamboo as

reinforcement were also considered throughout this research, with varying results. Some

of the other important findings include:


• The tensile strength of bamboo from species to species is variable. For use in any

construction, tensile testing of the specific bamboo species should be undertaken

to get an accurate assessment of strength. It is also recommended that the

bamboo be tested by embedding the ends in grout, concrete, epoxy, or something

similar such that the specimens do not fail by splitting or the ends being crushed.

• The bond strength of bamboo to concrete has been reported in literature to be

variable for different treatments used. The experimental testing carried out here

also showed significant variability for bamboo samples embedded in grout with a

varnish and sand waterproof treatment. It was found, however, that for the

specimens tested with an embedded node, the variability of results was decreased.

As long as no cracking was present in the bamboo poles, the use of spar (marine)

varnish was a simple and effective waterproofing treatment along with a dusting

of sand to increase bond.

• Care needs to be taken to prevent moisture absorption by bamboo in a

cementitious matrix,. Cracking due to swelling of the bamboo reinforcement was

observed in two of the walls constructed. This led to a reduction in the ultimate

strength of both of these walls, and could also lead to further long term

deterioration if the walls were exposed to the environment. Any bamboo

reinforcement that has longitudinal cracking needs to be properly waterproofed,

such that moisture cannot enter through the cracks to cause swelling.

Alternatively, it is recommended that the bamboo be cut into splints, eliminating

the problem of longitudinal cracking in whole culms altogether.

• The boundary conditions of a cyclic testing arrangement significantly affect the

failure of a shear wall. To replicate specific loads in an actual structure, the

boundary conditions should be modelled as closely as possible. It must therefore

be recognised that the experimental testing program described here looked at only

one set of boundary conditions, and as such, the relative performance between

bamboo and steel could be different with alternate boundary conditions.

• The analysis of the results and comparison to various shear failure models showed

that the diagonal shear equations from Voon & Ingham (2007) and NEHRP

(1997) predict the the shear strength of bamboo reinforced walls fairly accurately.

These models therefore have great potential in formulating design equations

specifically for bamboo reinforced shear walls.

5.2 Recommendations for Future Research

Though this research was the first of its kind, it permitted several conclusions regarding

the use of bamboo as internal reinforcement in grouted masonry block to be made as

described above. In addition, many areas that should be investigated in the future were

also revealed. Some of the key areas for future research in bamboo-reinforced masonry


• More experimental testing should be performed with similar conditions to those

presented in this thesis. Since there were a limited number of tests performed,

and the materials themselves are quite variable, there is no statistical reassurance

that the results obtained are correct. There is a need for verification of the results

presented in this thesis, ideally with enough (at least 3) repetitions to produce

statistically significant results. It must also be taken into consideration, however,

that experimental testing is quite costly and therefore there are limitations on the

number of specimens that can reasonably be tested.

• Additional experiments are needed to explore the effects of different boundary

conditions for in-plane shear testing. As discussed, the boundary conditions can

significantly affect the behaviour of the walls.

• If bamboo is to be used as an alternative reinforcing material, there is a need for

further testing not only on in-plane shear, but also on other aspects of building

systems. Failure properties for out-of-plane flexure, as well as research on

connections and their detailing are paramount to determine the behaviour of full

size masonry buildings reinforced with bamboo.

• The long-term properties of bamboo reinforced masonry are unknown. Even in

bamboo reinforced concrete, there are only a few limited studies on long term

performance, so little comparison can be made. Future research should consider


the long term effects on tensile capacity, bond strength and deterioration of the

bamboo due to sustained loading and environmental effects such as a high

humidity. To date, there has been no research carried out on the cyclic or fatigue

resistance of bamboo, or the creep of bamboo in axial loading.

• Spar varnish was used in this testing to waterproof the bamboo reinforcement and

prevent swelling. Previous research has shown that there are many different

waterproofing materials that have proven to meet the requirements to make

bamboo reinforcement impermeable. For developing regions, only the most cost

effective waterproofing treatment would be used, however, for any such

treatment, proper testing needs to be performed to ensure no swelling occurs.

• A full cost analysis of the difference in using indigenous versus traditional

building materials for a respective nation or area would also be useful. This thesis

touched on the high and rising prices of steel and cemenr with the low cost

bamboo in contrast. Such an analysis should, however, take into consideration

that each developing nation will have its own infrastructure, natural resources and

labour pool. The masonry units produced in a developing nation are not likely to

have the same high strength as the concrete block produced in Canada, which was

used in this research. In areas where bamboo is readily available and could

seriously be considered as an alternative reinforcing material, research is needed

on the performance of bamboo reinforced walls constructed with locally produced


• With only a slight difference in performance between walls QS.B.2 and QS.S.1,

the use of extensive bond beams becomes questionable. With the additional

labour and construction difficulties that are presented with the addition of bond

beams, it may be beams only at the top and bottom of the wall are necessary for

structural integrity. Unfortunately, the test specimens that contained bamboo-

reinforced horizontal bond beams were pre-cracked due to bamboo swelling, so

the results obtained are not reliable. In addition, the performance of a wall with

bond beams, but no vertical cores is something that needs to be investigated. This

could lead to sliding shear becoming a dominant failure mode. More research is

needed to evaluate the true effects of bamboo-reinforced bond beams on shear

wall performance.

• As discussed, there are a few shear models that were fairly accurate in predicting

shear strength of bamboo-reinforced walls, and could be used to formulate design

equations. If future experimental testing provides statistical reassurance of test

results, more effort should go into the development of design equations, with the

ultimate goal of producing a construction standard or guideline for bamboo-

reinforced masonry. Such standards or guidelines need not only to provide simple

equations, but to focus on the practical aspects of constructing bamboo reinforced

masonry for developing nations, such that safe housing can be built by anyone.


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Appendix A: Additional Photos

Included in this Appendix are additional reference photos for the testing frame, as well as

testing photos for each wall specimen and their respective failures.

A.1 Initial Testing Frame


A.2 Final Testing Frame


A.3 Wall QS.B.1


A.4 Wall QS.B.2


A.5 Wall QS.B.3


A.6 Wall QS.B.4


A.7 Wall QS.B.5


A.8 Wall QS.B.6.L


A.9 Wall QS.S.1


Appendix B: Additional Graphs

B.1 Additional Vertical Load Graph

For clarity, the vertical load vs time was only shown for walls QS.B.3, QS.B.5 and QS.S1

in Chapter 4, as these were the walls that had the highest fluctuation in vertical load. The

results for the remainder of the walls are shown below.

Figure B.1 - Vertical Load Fluctuation for Walls QS.B.1, QS.B.2, QS.B.4 &

B.2 Hysteresis Envelope Graphs

In Chapter 4, tabular results for values calculated for the cyclic testing hysteresis

envelopes were shown in Table 4.1. The results were also plotted, with a typical graph

(Wall QS.B.1) shown in Figure 4.15. The graphs for the remaining walls are shown


Figure B.2 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.2


Figure B.3 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.3

Figure B.4 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.4


Figure B.5 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.5

Figure B.6 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.B.6.L


Figure B.7 - Bilinearization of Wall QS.S.1


B.3 Hysteresis Energy Dissipation Tables

The calculated values of the hysteresis energy dissipation for the push cycles of each of

the test walls are shown in the tables below.

Table B.1 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.1

Hysteresis Loop Cycle Dissipated Cumulative Dissipated
Peak Deflection (mm) Energy (kN·mm) Energy (kN·mm)
0.05 0.0 0.0
0.09 -0.1 -0.1
0.09 -0.7 -0.8
0.53 16.2 15.4
0.54 14.0 29.4
0.81 24.0 53.4
0.83 21.9 75.2
1.31 32.5 107.7
1.32 27.7 135.4
2.94 94.1 229.5
3.01 71.9 301.4
4.74 161.3 462.8
4.76 117.4 580.2
6.51 234.0 814.2
6.62 210.1 1024.3
9.53 727.6 1751.9
11.09 678.0 2429.9
16.5 1229.0 3658.9
17.74 681.1 4340.0

Table B.2 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.2

Hysteresis Loop Cycle Dissipated Cumulative Dissipated
Peak Deflection (mm) Energy (kN·mm) Energy (kN·mm)
0.14 3.0 3.0
0.17 1.8 4.8
1.95 51.6 56.4
2.05 38.7 95.1
4.05 143.9 239.1
4.08 78.6 317.6
5.78 198.7 516.3
6.06 143.7 660.0
8.12 306.2 966.2
8.48 226.2 1192.4
10.57 405.4 1597.8
10.68 268.3 1866.1
12.33 422.7 2288.8
18.0 1510.8 3799.6
21.84 727.4 4529.0

Table B.3 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.3

Hysteresis Loop Cycle Dissipated Cumulative Dissipated
Peak Deflection (mm) Energy (kN·mm) Energy (kN·mm)
0.19 -0.7 -0.7
0.19 0.3 -0.5
0.39 -2.6 -3.1
0.39 -5.7 -8.8
0.79 -4.7 -13.5
0.81 -8.6 -22.2
1.2 -3.7 -25.8
1.2 -0.6 -26.4
1.61 2.9 -23.5
1.61 -7.3 -30.8
2.01 -4.4 -35.2
2.01 -6.0 -41.2
3.0 -2.7 -43.9
3.0 -0.7 -44.5
4.01 6.8 -37.8
4.02 2.5 -35.3
5.03 2.0 -33.3
5.03 -11.6 -44.9
10.04 329.7 284.7
10.06 99.9 384.6
15.06 861.9 1246.6
15.07 327.6 1574.2
20.07 253.5 1827.7
20.1 434.4 2262.1
25.08 1058.6 3320.7

Table B.4 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.4

Hysteresis Loop Cycle Dissipated Cumulative Dissipated
Peak Deflection (mm) Energy (kN·mm) Energy (kN·mm)
0.19 -2.6 -2.6
0.19 -0.1 -2.7
0.39 0.1 -2.6
0.39 5.5 2.9
0.81 14.6 17.5
0.79 11.3 28.9
1.2 3.6 32.5
1.2 -15.1 17.3
1.61 0.7 18.0
1.61 1.3 19.3
2.01 -5.1 14.3
2.01 -16.9 -2.6
3.0 16.9 14.3
3.0 4.9 19.2
4.01 18.7 37.9
4.01 11.1 49.0
5.03 35.6 84.5
5.03 43.4 127.9
10.03 633.9 761.9
10.03 308.5 1070.4
15.02 653.4 1723.7
15.04 650.2 2373.9

Table B.5 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.5

Hysteresis Loop Cycle Dissipated Cumulative Dissipated
Peak Deflection (mm) Energy (kN·mm) Energy (kN·mm)
0.19 -0.2 -0.2
0.19 -0.4 -0.6
0.39 1.3 0.8
0.39 1.9 2.6
0.79 -6.9 -4.3
0.79 -0.3 -4.5
1.2 2.9 -1.6
7.33 0.9 -0.7
1.59 4.4 3.8
1.59 -1.0 2.8
2.0 8.1 10.9
2.01 4.0 14.9
3.0 23.3 38.2
3.0 16.1 54.2
4.01 36.0 90.2
4.01 33.1 123.3
5.01 55.4 178.8
5.01 51.5 230.2
10.03 240.8 471.0
10.04 185.2 656.2
15.06 453.6 1109.8
15.04 356.3 1466.1
20.05 1128.0 2594.1
20.15 658.4 3252.5
25.07 1330.9 4583.4
25.1 771.4 5354.8
30.08 1865.6 7220.5
20.19 1045.7 8266.1
40.07 267.9 8534.1

Table B.6 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.B.6.L

Hysteresis Loop Cycle Dissipated Cumulative Dissipated
Peak Deflection (mm) Energy (kN·mm) Energy (kN·mm)
0.19 0.0 0.0
0.19 -0.1 -1.0
0.39 -5.1 -6.1
0.39 -1.9 -8.0
0.79 -12.9 -20.9
0.79 -14.6 -35.5
1.2 13.6 -21.9
1.2 -3.7 -25.5
1.61 12.7 -12.8
1.61 -9.4 -22.2
2.01 -4.2 -26.4
2.01 3.2 -23.2
3.0 20.7 -2.5
3.0 16.2 13.7
4.02 32.8 46.4
4.01 14.0 60.5
5.03 53.6 114.1
5.03 29.4 143.5
10.03 591.4 734.9
10.03 399.3 1134.2
15.02 816.6 1950.8
15.02 386.2 2337.0

Table B.7 – Hysteresis Dissipation Energy for Wall QS.S.1

Hysteresis Loop Cycle Dissipated Cumulative Dissipated
Peak Deflection (mm) Energy (kN·mm) Energy (kN·mm)
0.19 0.3 0.3
0.19 1.1 1.4
0.39 -1.2 0.2
0.39 -7.9 -7.7
0.79 9.0 1.2
0.79 -1.0 0.2
1.2 -12.9 -12.7
1.2 2.6 -10.0
1.61 -16.2 -26.2
1.61 2.5 -23.7
2.01 10.9 -12.8
2.01 -18.1 -30.9
3.02 2.2 -28.7
3.01 1.5 -27.2
4.01 25.2 -2.0
4.01 11.3 9.3
5.03 38.8 48.0
5.01 24.3 72.4
10.04 409.4 481.7
10.04 145.2 626.9
15.06 1206.8 1833.7
15.06 623.9 2457.6
20.05 1713.9 4171.6
20.04 861.8 5033.4

B.4 Shear Equation Comparison Graphs

The tabular results for shear resistances based on the shear equations were presented in

Chapter 4 in Error! Reference source not found.. The results were also plotted, with a

typical graph (Wall QS.B.6.L) shown in Figure 4.23. The graphs for the remaining walls

are shown below.

Figure B.8 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.1


Figure B.9 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.2

Figure B.10 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.3


Figure B.11 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.4

Figure B.12 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.B.5


Figure B.13 - Comparison of Shear Equations for Wall QS.S.1


Appendix C: Shear Resistance Calculations

Included in this Appendix are the calculations done to find the shear resistances given in

Table 4.2.

General Wall Properties

lw := 1590mm h e := 1100mm
Note - effective height of wall is taken at bottom of
he plates tranfering lateral load to specimen
aspectratio := aspectratio = 0.692

5 2 2
b w := 190mm A g := lw b w A g = 3.021  10 mm A bamboo := 226mm d bam := 25.4mm

For all walls, the shear and moment shall be taken as the ultimate load that the wall reached
during cyclic testing. Note that all material factors have been removed, providing a nominal shear
resistance. The area of bamboo in wall specimens is an approximate value, and its yield strength
is taken as the ultimate failure load found in tensile testing.

Wall QS.B.1

A e := 166440mm V := 187.6kN M := V h e M = 206.36 kN m

2 6
f'm :=  11.5MPa +  13.7MPa f'm = 13.15 MPa
8 8

Diagonal Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause &

3 (2.03 kN is the weight of the
d v := 0.8 lw d v = 1.272  10 mm Pd := ( 248.6 + 2.03)kN load spreading beam)

Ratio := if  < 0.25 , 0.25 , if  > 1, 1,  Ratio = 0.865
V d v V d v V d v

v m := 0.16( 2  Ratio)   MPa v m = 0.659 MPa

 g := min 0.5 ,
 g = 0.5

If the wall is calculated as a squat wall

 f'm h e 

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4

( )  MPa b w d v   g   2  
 Vr = 111 kN
 MPa lw 

If the factor for partially grouting is not limited:

 g :=  g = 0.551

 f'm h e 

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4

( )  MPa b w d v   g   2  


Vr = 122 kN

Diagonal Shear - NEHRP

2 M
A n := A e A n = 166440 mm Ratio2 := Ratio2 = 0.692
V lw
n := n = 0.83 MPa
b w lw
Vnmaxi := 0.273 + 0.227Ratio2  A n 
 MPa Vnmaxi = 259.557 kN

f'm f'm 
Vnmax := if  Ratio2  0.25 , 0.5A n   MPa , if  Ratio2  1.0 , 0.33 A n   MPa , Vnmaxi  
MPa MPa 

Vnmaxi = 259.557 kN

Vn := 0.083 4.0  1.75 Ratio2  A n 
 MPa + 0.25n  A n

Vn := min Vn , Vnmaxi ) Vn = 174 kN

Diagonal Shear - Voon and Ingham (2007)

A v := 2 A bamboo  v :=  v = 0.003 fyv := 123.7MPa

lw 0.5
N' := Pd N' = 250.63 kN tan := tan = 0.723

for a ductility of approx 2: k := 0.75

0.022 v  fyv
Ca :=
Ca = 0.007 (
Cb := 0.083 4  1.75 Ratio2) Cb = 0.232

Vmax := 0.33 A n   MPa Vmax = 199.175 kN

( )
Vn := 0.8 k Ca + Cb  A n 
 MPa + 0.9 N' tan Vn = 249.539 kN

Vn := min Vmax , Vn ) Vn = 199 kN

Flexural Failure - Compression Strut

 := atan
 = 34.676 deg lb := 190mm d a := 190mm
f'grouted := 11.5MPa f'ungrouted := 13.7MPa

Number of cores grouted: Nc := 2

b strut := lb  sin( ) + d a cos( ) b strut = 264.351 mm

A strut := b strut b w A strut = 50226.628 mm

Now if the limiting compressive stress is placed at 0.85 and the ungrouted is taken as 54% solid

Nc 8  Nc
Pstrut :=  A strut 0.85 f'grouted +  0.54 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted Pstrut = 359.621 kN
8 8

Vflex := Pstrut  Vflex = 234 kN

Sliding Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause


taking the compression strut angle at 45 degrees

P2 := Pd + A v  fyv + cos( 45deg)  V μ := 1 (masonry to masonry)

Vsld := μ  P2 Vsld = 439 kN

Wall QS.B.2

A e := 212240mm V := 240.6kN M := V h e M = 264.66 kN m

4 4
f'm :=  11.5MPa +  13.7MPa f'm = 12.6 MPa
8 8

CSA S304.1-04 - Clause &

(2.03 kN is the weight of the
d v := 0.8 lw d v = 1272 mm Pd := ( 114.4 + 2.03)kN load spreading beam)

Ratio := if  < 0.25 , 0.25 , if  > 1, 1,

Ratio = 0.865
V d v 

V d v V d v
v m := 0.16( 2  Ratio)   MPa v m = 0.645 MPa


 g := min 0.5 ,   g = 0.5


If the wall is calculated as a squat wall

 f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4
( )  MPa b w d v   g  2  
 Vr = 92 kN
MPa lw 
If the factor for partially grouting is not limited:
 g :=  g = 0.703

 f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4
( )  MPa b w d v   g  2  


Vr = 130 kN

A n := A e A n = 212240 mm
Ratio2 := Ratio2 = 0.692
Pd V lw
n := n = 0.385 MPa
b w lw
Vnmaxi := 0.273 + 0.227Ratio2  A n  )
 MPa Vnmaxi = 323.985 kN

 f'm  f'm

Vnmax := if Ratio2  0.25 , 0.5A n   MPa , if Ratio2  1.0 , 0.33 A n   MPa , Vnmaxi

Vnmaxi = 323.985 kN

( )
Vn := 0.083 4.0  1.75 Ratio2  A n 
 MPa + 0.25n  A n

Vn := min Vn , Vnmaxi ) Vn = 195 kN

Voon and Ingham (2007)

A v := 4 A bamboo  v :=  v = 0.004 fyv := 123.7MPa

lw 0.5
N' := Pd N' = 116.43 kN tan := tan = 0.723

for a ductility of approx 2: k := 0.75

0.022 v  fyv
Ca :=
Ca = 0.01 (
Cb := 0.083 4  1.75 Ratio2) Cb = 0.232

Vmax := 0.33 A n   MPa Vmax = 248.614 kN

( )
Vn := 0.8 k Ca + Cb  A n 
 MPa + 0.9 N' tan Vn = 185.622 kN

Vn := min Vmax , Vn ) Vn = 186 kN

Flexural Failure - Compression Strut

 := atan  = 34.676 deg lb := 190mm d a := 190mm
f'grouted := 11.5MPa f'ungrouted := 13.7MPa

Number of cores grouted: Nc := 4

b strut := lb  sin( ) + d a cos( ) b strut = 264.351 mm

A strut := b strut b w A strut = 50226.628 mm

Now if the limiting compressive stress is placed at 0.85 and the ungrouted is taken as 54% solid

Nc 8  Nc
Pstrut :=  A strut 0.85 f'grouted +  0.54 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted Pstrut = 403.403 kN
8 8

Vflex := Pstrut  Vflex = 345 kN

Sliding Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause

taking the compression strut angle at 45 degrees

P2 := Pd + A v  fyv + cos( 45deg)  V μ := 1 (masonry to masonry)

Vsld := μ  P2 Vsld = 398 kN

Wall QS.B.3

A e := 302100mm V := 365.4kN M := V h e M = 401.94 kN m

8 0
f'm :=  11.5MPa +  13.7MPa f'm = 11.5 MPa
8 8

CSA S304.1-04 - Clause &

(2.03 kN is the weight of the
d v := 0.8 lw d v = 1272 mm Pd := ( 476.8 + 2.03)kN load spreading beam)

Ratio := if  < 0.25 , 0.25 , if  > 1, 1, Ratio = 0.865
V d v V d v V d v  

v m := 0.16( 2  Ratio)   MPa v m = 0.616 MPa  g := 1

If the wall is calculated as a squat wall

 f'm h e
Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4
( )  MPa b w d v   g   2  
 Vr = 269 kN
 MPa lw 

If the factor for partially grouting is not limited:

 g := g = 1

 f'm h e
Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4
( )  MPa b w d v   g   2  

 MPa lw 

Vr = 269 kN


A n := A e A n = 302100 mm
Ratio2 := Ratio2 = 0.692
V lw

n := n = 1.585 MPa
b w lw
Vnmaxi := 0.273 + 0.227Ratio2  A n 
 MPa ) Vnmaxi = 440.568 kN

f'm f'm
Vnmax := if  Ratio2  0.25 , 0.5A n   MPa , if  Ratio2  1.0 , 0.33 A n   MPa , Vnmaxi  
MPa MPa 
Vnmaxi = 440.568 kN

Vn := 0.083 4.0  1.75 Ratio2  A n 
 MPa + 0.25n  A n

Vn := min Vn , Vnmaxi ) Vn = 357 kN

Voon and Ingham (2007)

A v := 8 A bamboo  v :=  v = 0.006 fyv := 123.7MPa

lw 0.5
N' := Pd N' = 478.83 kN tan := tan = 0.723

for a ductility of approx 2: k := 0.75

0.022 v  fyv
Ca :=
Ca = 0.016 ( )
Cb := 0.083 4  1.75 Ratio2 Cb = 0.232

Vmax := 0.33 A n   MPa Vmax = 338.075 kN

( )
Vn := 0.8 k Ca + Cb  A n 
 MPa + 0.9 N' tan Vn = 463.775 kN

Vn := min Vmax , Vn ) Vn = 338 kN

Flexural Failure - Compression Strut

 := atan
 = 34.676 deg lb := 190mm d a := 190mm
f'grouted := 11.5MPa f'ungrouted := 13.7MPa

Number of cores grouted: Nc := 8

b strut := lb  sin( ) + d a cos( ) b strut = 264.351 mm

A strut := b strut b w A strut = 50226.628 mm

Now if the limiting compressive stress is placed at 0.85 and the ungrouted is taken as 54% solid

Nc 8  Nc
Pstrut :=  A strut 0.85 f'grouted +  0.54 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted Pstrut = 490.965 kN
8 8

Vflex := Pstrut  Vflex = 252 kN

Sliding Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause

taking the compression strut angle at 45 degrees

P2 := Pd + A v  fyv + cos( 45deg)  V μ := 1 (masonry to masonry)

Vsld := μ  P2 Vsld = 961 kN

Wall QS.B.4

A e := 212240mm V := 124.6kN M := V h e M = 137.06 kN m

4 4
f'm :=  11.5MPa +  13.7MPa f'm = 12.6 MPa
8 8

CSA S304.1-04 - Clause &

(2.03 kN is the weight of the
d v := 0.8 lw d v = 1272 mm Pd := ( 117.6 + 2.03)kN load spreading beam)

Ratio := if  < 0.25 , 0.25 , if  > 1, 1,

Ratio = 0.865
V d v V d v V d v  

v m := 0.16( 2  Ratio)   MPa v m = 0.645 MPa

 g := min 0.5 ,   g = 0.5 A v := A bamboo A v = 226 mm fy := 123.7MPa

s := 400mm

If the wall is calculated as a squat wall

 dv f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 0.60 A v  fy 
( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g  2  

s MPa lw 
Vr = 146 kN

If the factor for partially grouting is not limited:

 g :=  g = 0.703

dv f'm h e 
Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 0.60 A v  fy 
( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g   2  

 s MPa lw 

Vr = 184 kN
If the horizontal reinforcement factor is changed from 0.6 to 1

dv f'm h e 
Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 1.0 A v  fy 
( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g   2  

 s MPa lw 

Vr = 219 kN

A n := A e A n = 212240 mm
Ratio2 := Ratio2 = 0.692
V lw

Pd 2
n := n = 0.396 MPa A h := A v A h = 226 mm
b w lw
Vnmaxi := 0.273 + 0.227Ratio2  A n 
 MPa Vnmaxi = 323.985 kN

f'm f'm 
Vnmax := if  Ratio2  0.25 , 0.5A n   MPa , if  Ratio2  1.0 , 0.33 A n   MPa , Vnmaxi  
 MPa  MPa 

Vnmaxi = 323.985 kN fy = 123.7 MPa s = 400 mm

f'm lw
Vn := 0.083 4.0  1.75 Ratio2  A n  )
 MPa + 0.25n  A n + 0.5 A h  fy 

Vn := min Vn , Vnmaxi ) Vn = 251 kN

Voon and Ingham (2007)

A v := 4 A bamboo  v :=  v = 0.004 fyv := 123.7MPa

lw 0.5
N' := Pd N' = 119.63 kN tan := tan = 0.723

for a ductility of approx 2 (this wall had a ductilty of over four, but the mean ductility for all walls
was taken:
k := 0.75

0.022 v  fyv
Ca :=
Ca = 0.012 (
Cb := 0.083 4  1.75 Ratio2) Cb = 0.232

d' := 95mm Deff := lw  2 d'  20 d bam Deff = 892 mm

Vmax := 0.33 A n   MPa Vmax = 248.614 kN s h := s s h = 400 mm

f'm Deff
( )
Vn := 0.8 k Ca + Cb  A n 
 MPa + 0.9 N' tan + A h  fy 
Vn = 250.046 kN

Vn := min Vmax , Vn ) Vn = 249 kN

Flexural Failure - Compression Strut

 := atan
 = 34.676 deg lb := 190mm d a := 190mm
f'grouted := 11.5MPa f'ungrouted := 13.7MPa

Number of cores grouted: Nc := 4

b strut := lb  sin( ) + d a cos( ) b strut = 264.351 mm

A strut := b strut b w A strut = 50226.628 mm

Now if the limiting compressive stress is placed at 0.85 and the ungrouted is taken as 54% solid + 2
out of the 5 courses have bond beams

Nc  8  Nc  2
Pstrut :=  A strut 0.85 f'grouted +
 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted  ...
8  8 5
 8  Nc  3
 0.54 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted 
 8 5 Pstrut = 457.212 kN

Vflex := Pstrut  Vflex = 397 kN

Sliding Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause

taking the compression strut angle at 45 degrees

P2 := Pd + A v  fyv + cos( 45deg)  V μ := 1 (masonry to masonry)

Vsld := μ  P2 Vsld = 320 kN

Wall QS.B.5

A e := 302100mm V := 347.0kN M := V h e M = 381.7 kN m

8 0
f'm :=  11.5MPa +  13.7MPa f'm = 11.5 MPa
8 8

CSA S304.1-04 - Clause &

(2.03 kN is the weight of the
d v := 0.8 lw d v = 1272 mm Pd := ( 477.5 + 2.03)kN load spreading beam)

Ratio := if  < 0.25 , 0.25 , if  > 1, 1,

Ratio = 0.865
V d v  
V d v V d v
v m := 0.16( 2  Ratio)   MPa v m = 0.616 MPa

 g := 1 A v := A bamboo A v = 226 mm fy := 123.7MPa

s := 200mm

If the wall is calculated as a squat wall

 dv f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 0.60 A v  fy 
( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g  2  

s MPa lw 
Vr = 375 kN

If the factor for partially grouting is not limited:

 g := g = 1

 dv f'm h e 

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 0.60 A v  fy 

( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g   2  

 s MPa

Vr = 375 kN

If the horizontal reinforcement factor is changed from 0.6 to 1

 dv f'm h e 

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 1.0 A v  fy 

( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g   2  

 s MPa lw 

Vr = 429 kN

A n := A e A n = 302100 mm
Ratio2 := Ratio2 = 0.692
V lw

Pd 2
n := n = 1.587 MPa A h := A v A h = 226 mm
b w lw
Vnmaxi := 0.273 + 0.227Ratio2  A n 
 MPa Vnmaxi = 440.568 kN

f'm f'm 
Vnmax := if  Ratio2  0.25 , 0.5A n   MPa , if  Ratio2  1.0 , 0.33 A n   MPa , Vnmaxi  
MPa MPa 

Vnmaxi = 440.568 kN fy = 123.7 MPa s = 200 mm

f'm lw
Vn := 0.083 4.0  1.75 Ratio2  A n  )
 MPa + 0.25n  A n + 0.5 A h  fy 

Vn := min Vn , Vnmaxi ) Vn = 441 kN

Voon and Ingham (2007)

A v := 8 A bamboo  v :=  v = 0.006 fyv := 123.7MPa

lw 0.5
N' := Pd N' = 479.53 kN tan := tan = 0.723

for a ductility of approx 2 k := 0.75

0.022 v  fyv
Ca :=
Ca = 0.016 (
Cb := 0.083 4  1.75 Ratio2) Cb = 0.232

d' := 95mm Deff := lw  2 d'  20 d bam Deff = 892 mm

Vmax := 0.33 A n   MPa Vmax = 338.075 kN s h := s s h = 200 mm

f'm Deff
( )
Vn := 0.8 k Ca + Cb  A n 
 MPa + 0.9 N' tan + A h  fy 
Vn = 588.915 kN

Vn := min Vmax , Vn ) Vn = 338 kN

Flexural Failure - Compression Strut

 := atan
 = 34.676 deg lb := 190mm d a := 190mm
f'grouted := 11.5MPa f'ungrouted := 13.7MPa

Number of cores grouted: Nc := 8

b strut := lb  sin( ) + d a cos( ) b strut = 264.351 mm

A strut := b strut b w A strut = 50226.628 mm

Now if the limiting compressive stress is placed at 0.85 and the ungrouted is taken as 54% solid

Nc 8  Nc
Pstrut :=  A strut 0.85 f'grouted +  0.54 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted Pstrut = 490.965 kN
8 8
Vflex := Pstrut  Vflex = 251 kN

Sliding Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause

taking the compression strut angle at 45 degrees

P2 := Pd + A v  fyv + cos( 45deg)  V μ := 1 (masonry to masonry)

Vsld := μ  P2 Vsld = 949 kN

Wall QS.B.6.L

A e := 166440mm V := 240.6kN M := V h e M = 264.66 kN m

4 4
f'm :=  8.6MPa +  10.7MPa f'm = 9.65 MPa
8 8

CSA S304.1-04 - Clause &

(2.03 kN is the weight of the
d v := 0.8 lw d v = 1272 mm Pd := ( 198.9 + 2.03)kN load spreading beam)

Ratio := if  < 0.25 , 0.25 , if  > 1, 1,

Ratio = 0.865
V d v V d v V d v  

v m := 0.16( 2  Ratio)   MPa v m = 0.564 MPa


 g := min 0.5 ,   g = 0.5


If the wall is calculated as a squat wall

 f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4
( )  MPa b w d v   g  2  

MPa lw 
Vr = 93 kN

If the factor for partially grouting is not limited:

 g :=  g = 0.551

f'm h e 
Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g , 0.4
( )  MPa b w d v   g   2  

 MPa lw  Vr = 103 kN



A n := A e A n = 166440 mm
Ratio2 := Ratio2 = 0.692
Pd V lw
n := n = 0.665 MPa
b w lw
Vnmaxi := ( 0.273 + 0.227Ratio)  A n   MPa Vnmaxi = 242.648 kN

f'm f'm 
Vnmax := if  Ratio2  0.25 , 0.5A n   MPa , if  Ratio2  1.0 , 0.33 A n   MPa , Vnmaxi  
 MPa  MPa 

Vnmaxi = 242.648 kN

( )
Vn := 0.083 4.0  1.75 Ratio2  A n 
 MPa + 0.25n  A n

Vn := min Vn , Vnmaxi ) Vn = 147 kN

Voon and Ingham (2007)

A v := 2 A bamboo  v :=  v = 0.003 fyv := 123.7MPa

lw 0.5
N' := Pd N' = 200.93 kN tan := tan = 0.723

for a ductility of approx 2: k := 0.75

0.022 v  fyv
Ca :=
Ca = 0.007 (
Cb := 0.083 4  1.75 Ratio2)

Vmax := 0.33 A n   MPa Vmax = 170.622 kN

( )
Vn := 0.8 k Ca + Cb  A n 
 MPa + 0.9 N' tan Vn = 204.809 kN

Vn := min Vmax , Vn ) Vn = 171 kN

Flexural Failure - Compression Strut

 := atan
 = 34.676 deg lb := 190mm d a := 190mm
f'grouted := 8.6MPa f'ungrouted := 10.7MPa

Number of cores grouted: Nc := 2

b strut := lb  sin( ) + d a cos( ) b strut = 264.351 mm

A strut := b strut b w A strut = 50226.628 mm

Now if the limiting compressive stress is placed at 0.85 and the ungrouted is taken as 54% solid

Nc 8  Nc
Pstrut :=  A strut 0.85 f'grouted +  0.54 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted Pstrut = 276.798 kN
8 8

Vflex := Pstrut  Vflex = 176 kN

Sliding Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause

taking the compression strut angle at 45 degrees

P2 := Pd + A v  fyv + cos( 45deg)  V μ := 1 (masonry to masonry)

Vsld := μ  P2 Vsld = 427 kN

Wall QS.S.1

A e := 212240mm V := 124.6kN M := V h e M = 137.06 kN m

4 4 2
f'm :=  11.5MPa +  13.7MPa f'm = 12.6 MPa A v := 100mm fy := 462.3MPa
8 8

CSA S304.1-04 - Clause &

(2.03 kN is the weight of the

d v := 0.8 lw d v = 1272 mm Pd := ( 350.4 + 2.03)kN load spreading beam)

Ratio := if  < 0.25 , 0.25 , if  > 1, 1,

Ratio = 0.865
V d v  
V d v V d v
v m := 0.16( 2  Ratio)   MPa v m = 0.645 MPa


 g := min 0.5 ,   g = 0.5


s := 400mm

If the wall is calculated as a squat wall

 dv f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 0.60 A v  fy 
( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g  2  

s MPa lw 

Vr = 210 kN

If the factor for partially grouting is not limited:

 g :=  g = 0.703

 dv f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 0.60 A v  fy 
( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g  2  

 s MPa

Vr = 260 kN

If the horizontal reinforcement factor is changed from 0.6 to 1

 dv f'm  h e

Vr := min v m b w d v + 0.25 Pd   g + 1.0 A v  fy 
( ) , 0.4  MPa b w d v   g  2  

 s MPa

Vr = 315 kN


2 M
A n := A e A n = 212240 mm Ratio2 := Ratio2 = 0.692
V lw
Pd 2
n := n = 1.167 MPa A h := A v A h = 100 mm
b w lw
Vnmaxi := 0.273 + 0.227Ratio2  A n )MPa
 MPa Vnmaxi = 323.985 kN

 f'm  f'm

Vnmax := if Ratio2  0.25 , 0.5A n   MPa , if Ratio2  1.0 , 0.33 A n   MPa , Vnmaxi

Vnmaxi = 323.985 kN fy = 462.3 MPa s = 400 mm

f'm lw
( )
Vn := 0.083 4.0  1.75 Ratio2  A n 
 MPa + 0.25n  A n + 0.5 A h  fy 

Vn := min Vn , Vnmaxi ) Vn = 324 kN

Voon and Ingham (2007)

2 Av
A h := A v A h = 100 mm A v := 4 A v  v :=  v = 0.002
fyv := fy fy = 462.3 MPa

lw 0.5
N' := Pd N' = 352.43 kN tan := tan = 0.723

for a ductility of approx 2 (this wall had a ductilty of over four, but the mean ductility for all walls
was taken:
k := 0.75

0.022 v  fyv
Ca :=
Ca = 0.019 (
Cb := 0.083 4  1.75 Ratio2) Cb = 0.232

d' := 95mm Deff := lw  2 d'  35 d bam Deff = 511 mm

Vmax := 0.33 A n   MPa Vmax = 248.614 kN s h := s s h = 400 mm

f'm Deff
( )
Vn := 0.8 k Ca + Cb  A n 
 MPa + 0.9 N' tan + A h  fy 
Vn = 401.613 kN

Vn := min Vmax , Vn ) Vn = 249 kN

Flexural Failure - Compression Strut

 := atan
 = 34.676 deg lb := 190mm d a := 190mm
f'grouted := 11.5MPa f'ungrouted := 13.7MPa

Number of cores grouted: Nc := 4

b strut := lb  sin( ) + d a cos( ) b strut = 264.351 mm

A strut := b strut b w A strut = 50226.628 mm

Now if the limiting compressive stress is placed at 0.85 and the ungrouted is taken as 54% solid + 2
out of the 5 courses have bond beams

Nc  8  Nc  2
Pstrut :=  A strut 0.85 f'grouted +  A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted
8  8  5
 8  Nc  3
+  0.54 A strut 0.85 f'ungrouted

 8  5 Pstrut = 457.212 kN

Vflex := Pstrut  Vflex = 281 kN

Sliding Shear - CSA S304.1-04 - Clause

taking the compression strut angle at 45 degrees

P2 := Pd + A v  fyv + cos( 45deg)  V μ := 1 (masonry to masonry)

Vsld := μ  P2 Vsld = 625 kN

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