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Notes on “Assessment of Themes in Animal Farm” Lecture

1. Read the updated Student-Teacher Contract on Slide 1. Did you note the new
changes? Circle or highlight for yes or no.
o YES / NO
2. What are three themes that you think are present in the book? List them below as
short phrases or statements:
o .
o .
o .
3. The five themes that we are focusing on in this lesson are…
o .
o .
o .
4. A theme is a ___________ __________ or ___________ in a piece of literature.
5. Totalitarianism is a _________of ____________ in which people are under
_________ _________.

6. What are three ways that totalitarian governments control the public?
o .
o .
o .
7. How is “Animal Farm” totalitarian and not authoritarian? Watch the video on the
two governments and record some examples from the book below.

Examples from “Animal Farm proving Examples from “Animal Farm disproving
totalitarianism: totalitarianism:
8. Now You Try #1: Record your quiz answers from slide 6 here.
9. What are some qualities of a fixed vs. growth mindset? Record what you see and
what you ponder.



10. Propaganda can be _______ and ________ that shows one popular viewpoint.
Used to ________ people of one way of thinking without them knowing.

11. Does only one form of government use propaganda? (Circle one) YES / NO
12. Now You Try #2: Record your hypotheses from slide 10.


13. The more education you have, the ______ opportunities seem to open up.
14. Knowledge is _________. Education is _________. Free thinkers become
________. Diversity of thought = _____ _________.

15. Now that you have pondered the question “If knowledge is power, but power
corrupts, does knowledge corrupt?” Jot down your thoughts below.

16. Free speech is defined as the right to express one’s _________ and __________
without __________ or ________.
17. What are the three ways that the animals from the farm lost their rights to free
o .
o .
o .
18. Based on the website about the Freedom of Speech Index by country, why do you
think the graph shows that their freedom is not equal? Jot down your thoughts

19. Now You Try #3: Ranking the 5 themes. Most to least important and why.

20. Bring these notes to next class period. We will be discussing the answers to the
mini quiz and lots more!

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