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Cyrill G.

Negros College Inc.

Teaching Multigrade Classes

1st Insight
My insight about the report entitled Partnership and
cooperation in education is that it is very important because it
helps the school to have good quality students because they have
partnership and cooperation. It also helps to make improvements
with the help of other stakeholders and involvement in the
community. Without participation and cooperation, the school will
have a difficult time in improving and also to produce good quality
students because they cannot get the help that they needed in
order to achieve what they desire.

2nd Insight
My insight about the report entitled Concerns of Teachers,
Peer Collaboration and Organizing Peer Collaboration are in
Multi-grade teaching, it is difficult for a teacher to handle different
students with different ages and attitudes. That’s why support is
needed in this kind of situation and also they need to collaborate
with their peers because they can understand more with their
peers because they have the same age and attitude and the
students will become confident if they work with other students.
With these, it helps the student to develop their confidence and
also their skills and interaction with others.

3rd Insight
My insights about Educational Environment and School
Surrounding is that it plays an important role in the learning of the
students because it learning environment affects the students
learning outcomes. If the learning environment is open space,
there are many distractions that can affect the students learning
like noise, he crowd, the sunlight and even the surroundings
around you. That is why we need to have a proper classroom for
the students to learn well and to have a positive learning
environment that they can be motivated and they can focus on
their class.
4th Insight
My insight about the the line “Students learn in a
childfriendly, gender-sensitive, safe and motivating environment”
in the Deped mission is that as a future educator, I must have a
positive learning environment for the learners to be confident and
to be able to adapt with other people in its place so that the
learners will be motivated and be satisfied. We also must
recognize the gender of each learner. We must treat them equally
and give them also attention to be able to learn more. We also
need to have a safe environment for the learners to be able to
have a healthy and safety environment for them to learn very well
and to be able to become more knowledgeable and more aware
of its surrounds.
As a future educator, also I must help other in need if they
have difficulty in learning. To be a good model in our community,
we must show good respect and discipline not only to others but
also to ourselves to be able to encourage more learners to go to
school were it is more childfriendly, gender-sensitive, safe and
motivating environment. To help the learners experience the
quality and the best education that they could possibly have to
help our community to become more prosperous and also to
make our learners successful.

5th Insight
My insight about the topic “Gender and other differences” is that
men and women are different in terms of their skills, intellect,
personality and behavior. Sometimes men can do things that
women cannot do but also sometimes women can do things that
a men cannot do. Men and women should treat each other
equally and must have respect with one another.
1st Insight

My insights about the topic “Teacher-Centered Approach vs.

Learner-Centered Approach” is that this two approach is very
important in the learning of the students as well as in the teaching
of the teachers because it benefits both the teacher and the
students and also develops the skills of the students and the
teacher and this two approaches are related to each other
because without the other one, this approach will not work if the
other one is missing and they are they are both ways in teaching.

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