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“water vapor”
Moisture Relationships
• Atmospheric Moisture is necessary for Precipitation.
That moisture is moved to the atmosphere by
Evaporation and Transpiration
Siklus Hidrologi
Atmospheric Water
▪ Atmospheric water exists
▪ Mostly as gas or water vapor

▪ Liquid in rainfall and water droplets in clouds

▪ Solid in snowfall and in hail storms

▪ Accounts for less than 1/100,000 part of total water,

but plays a major role in the hydrologic cycle
Avogadro’s law
Equal volumes of gases at the same temperature and
pressure contain the same number of molecules regardless
of their chemical nature and physical properties. This number
(Avogadro's number) is 6.022 X 1023 . These occupy 22.41 L for all
gases at temperature of 273.15 K (0 °C, 32 °F) and an absolute
pressure of 100 kPa.
Dry air Moist air

Dry air (21%

O2, 78% N2,
1% other )
Md ~ 0.21*32+0.78*28
~ 28.9

Water vapor
Mv = 2*1 + 16 = 18

Moist air is lighter than dry air because number of

molecules is the same for equal volumes, and water is
lighter than O2 or N2
Mixing Ratio, w
• Air pressure, P, is the total
pressure that air makes on a
• Ideal gas law relates pressure
to density and absolute
temperature T. P = rR T
• Vapor pressure, e, is the
pressure that water vapor
exerts on a surface. Rv is the
gas constant for water vapor e = r v RvT
• Mixing Ratio w is the ratio of
vapor mass to dry air mass w
= rv/rdry
• 0.622 is ratio of mol. wt. of
water vapor to avg mol. wt. of
dry air (=18/28.9) =

Notice this mixing ratio doesn’t depend on volume (the v’s in density
cancel) , and so will stay constant as a parcel ascends
Realtive humidity, 𝑅ℎ

Rh = e Relative humidity measures the percent

es of the saturation water content of the air
that it currently holds (0 – 100%)
Saturated Air Properties
e sat
• Evaporasi = proses pertukaran molekul air di
permukaan menjadi molekul uap air di atmosfer
melalui kekuatan panas
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi:
- faktor-faktor meteorologis
- jenis permukaan tanah
Puclaro Dam, Elqui River Chile, South
Waduk Tilong, Nusa Tenggara Timur
Factors Impacting Evaporation
• Water density, ρw
• Latent Heat of Vaporization, Iv, the heat required to change one mole of
liquid at its boiling point under standard atmospheric pressure
– Temperature
• Net Radiation Flux
- Radiation absorbed Ri (1-α)
- Ri – incident radiation
- α – Fraction of radiation reflected (Albedo)
- Radiation emitted (Ri)
- Emissivity of surface, e
- Absolute temperature of surface, T
- Realtive humidity
- Wind Velocity
• Bentuk penguapan air dari permukaan air, tanah dan
bentuk permukaan vegetasi lainnya oleh proses fisika
• Dua unsur utama :
– Energi (radiasi matahari) → sebagian gelombang dirubah
menjadi panas→menghangatkan udara sekitar→tenaga
mekanik→perputaran udara dan uap air
– Ketersediaan air→tidak hanya air yang ada akan tetapi
persediaan air yang siap untuk evaporasi
Factors Impacting Evaporation
• Water density, ρw
• Latent Heat of Vaporization, Iv, the heat required to change one mole of
liquid at its boiling point under standard atmospheric pressure
– Temperature
• Net Radiation Flux
- Radiation absorbed Ri (1-α)
- Ri – incident radiation
- α – Fraction of radiation reflected (Albedo)
- Radiation emitted (Ri)
- Emissivity of surface, e
- Absolute temperature of surface, T
- Realtive humidity
- Wind Velocity
Net Radiation Flux
Methods of Estimating Evaporation
• Energy Method
• Aerodynamic method
• Combined method
Tp = temperature in kelvin = T + 273
e = emissivity of surface
σ = 5.67 x 10-8 W/(m2K4) = Stefan-Boltzman Constant
Combined Method
• When energy supply is not limiting, use the
aerodynamic method
• When vapor transpot is not limiting, use the
energy balance method
• Both are typically not limiting, so use
combined method

• Use Combo Method to find Evaporation

– Elev = 2 m,
– Press = 101.3 kPa, lv = 2.501x106 − 2370T
– Wind speed = 3 m/s,
– Net Radiation = 200 W/m2, = 2441 kJ/kg
– Air Temp = 25 degC,
– Rel. Humidity = 40%, Rn 200
– eas when T = 25C = 3167 Pa Er = = = 7.10 mm/day
lv r w 3
2441x10 * 997
Example (Cont.)
• Use Combo Method to find Evaporation
– Elev = 2 m,
– Press = 101.3 kPa,
– Wind speed = 3 m/s,
– Net Radiation = 200 W/m2,
– Air Temp = 25 degC,
– Rel. Humidity = 40%, eas = 3167 Pa
– eas when T = 25C = 3167 Pa
– Using k = 0,4
– Roughness height Zo = 0.03 cm ea = Rh * eas = 0.4 * 3167 = 1267 Pa

0.622k 2 r a u 2 0.622 * 0.4 2 *1.19 * 3 −11

B= = = m/Pa  s
( )
4.54 x10
Pr w ln(Z 2 Z o )2
101.3 * 997 ln 2 3x10 −4

Ea = 4.54 x10 −11 (3167 − 1267) * (1000 mm / 1 m) * (86400 s / 1day)

= 7.45 mm/day
Example (Cont.)

• Use Combo Method to find Evaporation

– Elev = 2 m,
– Press = 101.3 kPa,  = 66.8 Pa/degC
– Wind speed = 3 m/s,
4098 * 3167
– Net Radiation = 200 W/m2, = = 188.7 Pa/degC
– Air Temp = 25 degC, (237.3 + 25) 2

– Rel. Humidity = 40%,

 
= 0.738 = 0.262
 +  +

 
E= Er + Ea = 0.738 * 7.10 + 0.262 * 7.45 = 7.2 mm/day
 +  +
• Peristiwa masuknya air ke dalam tanah terjadi
karena adanya perbedaan potensial air tanah. Air
bergerak dari potensial tinggi ke potensial yang
lebih rendah. Dalam Soeperdi (1979), potensial
air tanah didefinisikan sebagai ” jumlah kerja
yang harus dilakukan tiap satuan jumlah air murni
agar dapat dipindahkan secara berlawanan dan
secara isotermal sejumlah air tak terbatas dari
suatu gudang (pool) air murni dari ketinggian
tertentu bertekanan atmosferik ke air tanah”
Lapisan Tanah
Lapisan Tanah
Tipr (karakteristik) tanah
Kadar Air Tanah Awal (Antecedent Soil Moisture)
Infiltration Equations
from conceptualization:
F = L( −  i ) = L

 h0 − (− − L)   + L 
Darcy’s Law: f = K   K
 L   L 

 + F 
combining: f = K 
 F
Infiltration Equations
since f = dF/dt

 F (t ) 
F (t ) −  ln 1 +  = Kt
  
Infiltration Equations
Green-Ampt parameters, after Chow et al., 1988
Analisis Debit Banjir
Tata guna lahan DTA

Dapat dilihat bahwa wilayah DTA sebagian besar terdiri dari sawah
(area warna hijau) dan pemukiman (area warna putih)
Koefisien limpasan DTA

Jenis lahan % C CDTA
pemukiman 5.517 14.72 0.5 7.36
industri 1.15 3.07 0.5 1.53
tambang 3.95 10.54 0.5 5.27
sawah 15.47 41.29 0.7 28.90
ladang 11.383 30.38 0.6 18.23
Total 37.47 100 0.61

Debit banjir
Rincian Tahapan Debit Banjir

Metode Rasional

Hujan rancangan distribusi EJ Gumbel

Kala Ulang KTR Xtr

2 -0.137543 103.7194
5 1.0338363 140.4604
10 1.8093916 164.7862
15 2.2469534 178.5106
25 2.7893078 195.5218
50 3.5162657 218.3233
100 4.2378558 240.9564
Hidrograf adalah kurva yang memberi hubungan antara
debit dan waktu. Hidrograf mempunyai tiga komponen
pembentuk, yaitu aliran permukaan, aliran antara, dan
aliran air tanah
Bagian-bagian hirograf
• Waktu nol (zero time), menunjukkan awal hidrograf.
• Puncak hidrograf adalah bagian dari hidrograf yang menggambarkan debit
• Waktu capai puncak (time to peak) adalah waktu yang diukur dari nol
sampai waktu terjadinya debit puncak.
• Sisi naik (rising limb) adalah bagian dari hidrograf antara waktu nol dan
waktu capai puncak.
• Sisi turun (recession limb) adalah bagian dari hidrograf yang menurun
antara waktu capai puncak dan waktu dasar.
• Waktu dasar (time base) adalah waktu yang diukur dari waktu nol sampai
waktu dimana sisi turun berakhir.
Volume hidrograf diperoleh dengan mengintegralkan
debit aliran dari waktu nol sampai waktu dasar.
Hidrograf satuan
Hitungan Hidrograf Satuan
Hitungan Hidrograf Satuan (lanjutan)

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